Saturday, June 6, 2009

I Never Knew I Was So Lovely

First off a big thanks to Jen from Jen's Runnings and Ramblings and Heather from Trials of Training for giving me the Lovely Blog Award this week. I'm not entirely sure what the award means - I guess that my blog is lovely and smells like roses in a coffee cup? If I didn't know better I'd think this was from my aunt Ethel. I can smell the White Shoulders now.

Seriously, I really do appreciate their kind comments about my blog. Here's what was said about Shut Up and Run:

By Heather: a humorous and adventurous running Mom out in beautiful CO! She’s even got her kids into this habit we love so much, goooood stuff.

By Jen: A new one I just found through a blog of a blog of a blog... and I love her already. She's running the San Antonio R&R this year - my first full last year. I'm so anxious to hear her race report and how she likes the course.

As far as I can tell, there are a couple of "rules" to this award thing.

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link (yay, did that already)

2) Pass the award to other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

So here are a couple of my faves (there are truly too many to mention here - you guys rock):

Own Your Backbone: An insightful, witty blog about running, but also about so much more. Clair goes beyond her workouts and races to places that are deep and inspiring. She does all of this with a bit of her tasteful (most of the time) humor.

Macker's Meanderings: Again, a blog mostly about running (Macker is a professor of sport's physiology and an accomplished runner). Macker weaves into his posts philosophical and hilarious anecdotes about races, running topics and health. Love it!

See Chrisy Run: Chris has been running for many years (starting back in her teens). She is also a mom. She has great insight into running topics, but also into life in general. A really down to earth and grounded gal.


Thanks to Jamoosh, I've finally found a group to run with here in Boulder. A few posts back, I was wallowing in my running loneliness, feeling like a loser. I may still be a loser, but I have signed on with the Boulder Striders, so at least I will look like I have some friends. Training will take me right up to marathon day (11/15/09) and will hopefully help me reach my Boston goal. I am always nervous running with new people. Here's why:

  • Will they be faster than me? (every runner's fear)
  • Will they crack up/run away in disdain if I fart? What about if I mess myself?
  • Will they be pretentious and cooler than I am?
  • Will they have really fancy running outfits that include compression socks, running skirts, and sparkly singlets? (Cause I have NONE of these things...yet).
  • Will they all be 20 years younger than me with really good skin, tight muscles and perky bosoms?
  • Will they talk endlessly on long runs about their great uncle Peter and how he broke his hip one time and how he ate chicken in the hospital and how he had an IV and how he was in a wheelchair and how he has a sleep number bed? Zzzzzzz...
  • Will they, will they, will they???

I don't know. I'll let you know at the end of June when we start training.


  1. I had all these exact same fears when I joined my running group. Thankfully my group is much more casual than yours, but it turns out all my irrational stressing was mostly unfounded. Their pushing has been really good for me, and I hope it is for you too.

  2. YES you are So lovely! and honestly - we all should've redesigned the award or something, right? haha. ehhh oh well.

    thanks for the new blogs to go check out AND Exciting that you found a running group! I just found one too, on Twitter (gah, gotta love that thing). good stuff!

  3. 1. Thank you for the nod on my blog. And for the support, motivation, inspiration, and fun in yours. Love it.

    2. The running group thing. Cracking up, especially about the sleep number bed and the uncle eating chicken. WHO thinks of this? Your cool factor is not an issue. Your farts could be - but remember mine when we bought the Christmas tree? We still hang.

    3. What's wrong with white shoulders? Use sunscreen!

  4. Hey! Thank you! I'm a dork when it comes to awards but I'm sincerely flattered and grateful. Truly.

    Running groups make me feel the same way you do. Isn't it funny?! We're all adults but struggle with the same insecurities that have always been there. I'm happy for you though. You'll love it and make some great new freinds!

    Your blog is wonderful and worthy of the award you received. Congratulations!

  5. Congrats on the well-deserved lovely blog award!

    I think you'll LOVE running with the group. I'm sure everyone will be awesome. Have fun!

  6. Glad you found a running group - I bet it will be a blast, and no one will care if you fart.

  7. Congrats on your "lovelyness". I hope training is going well!

  8. yay for awards :) your blog is lovely! also very awesome you found a running group!
