Why in the hell I selected this route for my 20 miler I’m not sure. Almost 900 feet of elevation gain. As if 20 miles is not enough, I thought I’d throw in a few hills in there as well (12 to be exact). Yeah, yeah might not seem like a lot to some of you hard core Colorado runners, but when you are trying to stick to a certain pace on a long run – it’s not easy.
The good:
- I ran it all
- I did not puke
- I fueled and hydrated well (2 gels – one at 6.5 miles, one at 12 miles. 30 ounces of water. One 11 ounce Premier Protein drink (review/giveaway coming later this week)– 30 grams of protein – waiting for me the minute I finished).
- Joie joined me for the first 12 miles. Research has actually been done about the benefits of having someone work out with you. Apparently, with a buddy, your perception is that you are not working as hard.
- It was a gorgeous day – perfect for running – 45 degrees, a slight breeze.
The bad:
- Stomach issues haunted me for a bit. Good thing I had a buddy to be on the look out when I had to hide in the weeds (x3)
- Hamstring issues. Discomfort from the beginning. I had that moment of wondering if I should bail on the run to avoid getting injured. But, then the pain eased up a bit, so I pressed on. Dumb ass decision? Wise decision? Time will tell. I feel like I am always playing Injury Roulette (definition: when a runner is not sure if what they are feeling is the start of an injury or something less, so they just keep pushing on, taking the gamble that it won’t become worse and they will have to stop training, sit out their race and cry in their beer for months to come).
Pre-run, still feeling sassy
This is the first time in 2 years I have run this far, so I am proud of myself. I will say that by the end of the run, however, I was not sure if I wanted to throw up, pass out, shit myself, or do all three at once. Speaking of “shipping oneself” have you seen this brilliant Kmart commercial? Who knew Kmart had such a sense of humor? Who even knew Kmart even existed anymore? (“I just shipped my pants and it’s very convenient!” Bahahahha!)
This is the thing about running long distances - I think if you are running or racing any distance, the last 25% of it can feel like torture. Run 10 miles? The last 2.5 are tough. Run 20 miles? The last 5 might suck. It just seems to be how this whole thing works mentally.
Does anyone else talk out loud to themselves when it gets really hard? At mile 16, I stopped for a minute and gave myself an out-loud pep talk. It was very boring: “Okay. You’re fine. You can do this. Don’t stop. Yes, stuff hurts, but you will be done soon and can lie down and have wine.” It kind of worked.
Are you injured? What do you wish you would have done differently in hindsight?
Ever talk to yourself while running, or is that just me?
Did you run long this weekend? How far?
THAT COMMERCIAL IS HILARIOUS and so is your blog! Great job on your long run and not shipping your pants. : ) wendie
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, I always talk to myself while running (and other times!) There is one hill in my local park that I totally have to talk myself up every time - and it is usually crowded, so I get some looks - oh well - it gets me up the hill! I only had a 5 miler this morning and just was not feeling it. Tomorrow is my 12 - I think I am prepping more for that one mentally, than I had bothered to do for the measly 5 today. I have my 20 miler in a few weeks! My training schedule has me doing 12 tomorrow, 18 next week, back down to 12, then the 20. I am glad your schedule is ahead of mine - reading these gives me hope that I will get it done! Good job and enjoy that wine!
ReplyDeleteLOVE your blog! SO honest so funny so true!! I talk to myself a lot when I run, even yelling at myself for negative self talk. Yep, I have a SI joint injury, slowly on the mend. I would have taken core strength training and stretching more seriously. My long run isn't really long, 8 or 10 miles on trails (if I get lost it will be 10, if I don't it will be 8)...
ReplyDeleteI can't stop laughing about the commercial. I have a whole new respect for KMart. ;)
ReplyDelete20 miles no be beans.
ReplyDeleteToo funny! Ive never seen that commercial before. Awesome!
Nicely done! I did my only 20 mile run for this training cycle today as well. I yell at myself (in my head) all the time when I'm running. Sorry about your stomach problems but way to stick it out.
ReplyDeleteDo you run with water/a drink, or do you plant it somewhere out on your route? I hate the feeling of liquid sloshing in a bottle that I'm holding while I run, but I know I need to learn to run with hydration.
ReplyDeleteI run with a Nathan fuel belt that has 2-10 oz bottles (just got one on sale from Amazon - only $25). I also get more water somewhere along the way (this time my friend parked at the 12 mile mark) - sometimes I plant it. But on runs longer than 8 miles I usually carry a fuel belt.
DeleteI did 10.75 miles yesterday on the treadmill as we had a snowstorm. On Tuesday I thought of you when the last 2K of my 7K tempo run turned into a sprint to make it home and to the bathroom in time. This had never happened to me before so I thought, finally I am having a SUAR moment, now I am a runner.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your 20 miler!! Isn't it great to hit that distance again?
ReplyDeleteI often talk to myself out loud on harder runs (or the harder portion of runs) - sure to get me looks on a race course.
14 miles today, now tapering for 10 mile race next weekend.
Hi Beth! You are a much more experienced runner than I am, but I wanted to share a tip with you about gels/Gu. Each serving is made for someone who weighs 180 to 200 pounds. Try using half a Gu 4 times rather than the whole thing twice. For me, this solved my stomach upset anytime I run long. Today was 23.16 and went well! (May 5th marathon coming soon!) I ran with sodium/potassium pills today for the first time, have you tried those? Would be interested in your opinion. I'm also looking forward to your Premier review. I currently use Endurox and like it so far. Wishing you continued success with your training!!
ReplyDeleteActually all my stomach issues were before I started taking gels. They don't tend to bug me too much or at least not in the past. I do take endurolyte tabs but only when it's really hot out.
DeleteInjury roulette -- I hear ya! I feel like that a lot.
ReplyDeleteGreat job - I have yet to make a 20 miler so I can't even imagine going that distance, with hills, nonetheless! I am building up for a half marathon and ran 6 miles today...Considering I'm 6 weeks post-op from Morton's neuroma surgery, I'm pretty pleased with my progress. Unfortunately my Brooks Pure Flows, which my IT bands love, are now irritating my hip flexors so I hear you on the injury roulette game. I've missed so many runs due to injury that I think I'm just going to ditch the Pure Flows and keep going for now...unless things get worse. One run at a time, right?!
ReplyDeleteJust coming off injury. I call it cranky legs. Everything all seized up and not moving much. In hindsight I suppose I could have not run barefoot, on a beach, in the warmth and sunshine. As if.
ReplyDeleteI talk to myself all the time. Sometimes out loud. Swimming. Biking. Running. Working. But not doing plank.
Good for you carrying on with the tummy issues. Not sure I would have.
coming off PF from last Sept. Yes I talk to myself for sure, I don't use headphones because I feel claustrophobic not being able to hear around me and I ran 18 today...and me too..have not fun that far since training for my 2011 marathon. Go us!!
ReplyDeleteGreat job Beth! Nicely done! Every time I read your awesomeness, it kicks me in the pants & reminds me to stop whining!
I haven't ran in two days due to crappy weather and I have a half tomorrow. First time I have ever not ran for two days before a race. We shall see.....might be onto something????
ReplyDeleteWay to tough it out...I think. Been there done that. It's so hard to know when to push/ignore and when to stop.
Today was a women's only half marathon to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Title IX. Loved every minute of that aspect, but coulda gone without snow, rain. sleet, hail & wind.It blew. ;-). Love the new Kmart commercials... gladly woulda shipped my pants anywhere warmer today!
ReplyDeleteThat video is so funny whatever company does their advertising is a genius! I peed myself during my half marathon PR first time ever! I won't be shipping those capris!
ReplyDeleteBeth - have you thought about cutting out gluten and dairy to rid yourselves of these constant GI problems? Just a thought...
ReplyDeleteYes...might need to try.
DeleteBut then what would I write about?
DeleteIt sucks at first because the first few days all you want to eat are cookies and pasta.. but then it gets easier. You can do it!!
DeleteI ran 16 this morning. At mile 8 I felt a 'pop' in the arch of my right foot. I almost shipped my pants! ;) It felt weird for a few minutes but I kept running. Of course the whole time I was thinking worst case scenario and debating if I should keep going and risk it. Once it felt normal, I forgot about it. So far so good.
ReplyDeleteI didn't run long but I ran in the pool - lady, I so appreciate all your past posts about the pussy posse now. They were in full-force at the gym pool today,but weren't half as sweet as your group. I was nowhere near them and could not possibly get in their way, but the teacher told me I was a "distraction" and "Either join the class, or sit in the sauna until we're done"! I told her I had water in my ear and couldn't hear her.
ReplyDeleteThere's something magical about 20, isn't there? It sounds sooooooo much farther than 19. Good job toughing it out. Good training for if/when that same ship happens during an event!
ReplyDeleteI think I always play injury roulette. I tore a hamstring in 2 places last year and it still doesn't feel quite right. I take as good care of it as I can and hope for the best. Year before that I had a nagging hip thing. Ad nauseum.
I have missed 2 HM's now due to injury. Been in PT on and off for the last 6 months. Had a 5K today and was given a 7:45 pace limit by my therapist. Ran it at a 7:16 pace...what can I say, I'm not a good patient! There's a HM next weekend that I want to run so bad but can't. Trying to keep my eye on the big picture--Colfax Urban 10 Miler in May. I need a race longer than a 5K right now...my last three have all been 5K's and I love those longer runs. Great job getting through that 20 mile run, today, Beth. You deserve that wine!
ReplyDeleteWay to go on the 20 - you rock!!!
ReplyDeleteI talk to myself a lot when I run - especially near the end. Suck it up is the main theme usually!!
I never dreaded my 20 0r further miles and they sure never hurt. They were challenging but I loved every step.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping your hammie was going to behave today - stupid thing! Hopefully it's all better by tomorrow. 20 is a huge milestone, way to knock that out, Bethie!
ReplyDeleteI was looking at apartments for my friend's daughter who is moving out here in June - in Arvada. Abbey and I were so lost and suddenly, we see this K-Mart - circa 1968 I swear! I told her I didn't even know they existed anymore. Ha. I told my friend's daughter she can NOT live in Arvada!
I was totally dying on the last leg of Mt. Falcon today, I fully get that last few syndrome. It wasn't easy at all!
I haven't had any serious injuries but I had some Achilles tendonitis (self-diagnosed) and a groin pull that put me out of running last summer after a 5K. I think the Achilles situation caused me to overcompensate and pull the muscle (TWSS).
ReplyDeleteI ran 10.18 miles this weekend - my longest outdoor run ever so that felt good. Now my oldest has a serious stomach bug that I am praying to the running Gods that I won't get because it's 3 weeks from today that I'm running my first half. *crosses fingers* *knocks wood* *looks for lucky charm*
I am fascinated by your "last 25%" theory and believe it to be true. While I am only a short-distance runner, I do longer bike rides. It's on the 50 mile rides that I really notice the last 25% being kind of pure hell, but come to think of it I'm generally kind of "over" the ride for the last quarter of MOST of my rides. Interesting psychology.
ReplyDeleteI talk to myself all.the.time. I only occasionally get funny looks :) I've been dealing with an IT band/TFL injury for over a year, so haven't been running. Can't seem to get it rehabbed. In hindsight, I wish I would have ignored my personal trainer's advice to run at a faster pace/harder intensity that I thought I should based on what I've read.
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ReplyDeleteI *am* injured and I'm pissed. I'm wearing my first ever boot right as racing season is opening up!!!! I did something to my foot (I thought it was tendonitis~ doc says it's shin splints) back in FEBRUARY!!! I backed off on miles, added the bike, got new shoes, but it wouldn't go away. Now I'm in a BOOT!!! So mad at myself! And yes, I always talk to myself when I run. the 2.5 mile mark is always a killer for me whether it's a 5k or a half-marathon. My mantra at that point is "You have yet to do at the 2.5 mark so shut up!" So far it's worked :-)
ReplyDeleteYay for your 20 miler! My husband is out for his first ever 22 miler training up for his first full in Fort Collins in May. Hope he fares as well you did!
Hi Beth,
ReplyDeleteif by "stomach issues" you mean diarrhea, maybe you would have less "issues" if you didn't drink coffee before your runs. I know I know, you love your coffee, maybe more than not hating your issues - and you have probably thought of this connection before. Best!
Hmmmm...and how is it you know I drink coffee before I run - or that I did on this run?
DeleteSorry, I did not want to assume anything. I thought that you often mention in your posts that you drink coffe before your morning runs - but maybe I confused you with somebody else - I read many blogs :-) But I am more confident that it is indeed you who keep mentioning "stomach issues", so I though it would be worth reminding you of a "coffee effect" - although most probably you already know about it. I appologize again if my comment is missing the point. Look, I usually run in the afternoon, but when I do in the morning (mainly organized runs, trainings with others, or races), I drink coffe before so that I get to "empty" myself quickly before the run - for me it works very quickly indeed :-) Best!
DeleteNot a big deal at all. And you do have a good memory...I have talked about drinking coffee before runs. Maybe this is the culprit!! But I DO love my coffee. Guess it is a trade off.
DeleteCongrats on the run!
ReplyDeleteMy mom just posted that commercial on Facebook (VERY unlike her) and cracked us all up. Too funny.
Congrats on the 20 miler (with hills!) My long run today was 10m - felt good, gorgeous morning! Now I don't feel guilty lazing around the rest of the day. I love your blog!
ReplyDelete900 feet elevation over 20 miles sounds low for Colorado - c'mon now!
ReplyDeleteHey Anon - did you do a 20 mile run this week? What was your elevation gain? Always happy to hear what others are doing -
DeleteGood job!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back to the long runs.
Haven't been able to 20 miles in over 20 years. Still miss it. Do it and enjoy it until age plays the trump card.
ReplyDeleteInstead of running this weekend, I spent my time helping a friend move furniture and rugs (THINK HEAVY and VERY OLD) around her house to rearrange and get rid of some items that weren't in condition to keep, so I am sore as a m-effer! I wish I had run.
ReplyDeleteI talk to my self every time I run. I tell myself that once I hit an arbitrary point, maybe the next stop sign, mailbox, payphone (do these even exist anymore?) I will take a break. Or, when this song is over, you can walk, when you pass the gas station, you can slow down, whatever the marker is, it subliminally gets me going a little farther, a little faster or helps me to realize I can do something. I too am nursing an injury. Have to get my peroneal tendon surgically fixed, which is a bear of a recovery, so I am taking slower, shorter runs these days, not able to get my May 10 miler in, but I also don't want to go from a small tear to a complete tear, so I will preserve what little ability I have left and keep on going slow and old lady-like.
Hope the hammies feel better!
Amy P. Philly runner.
Oh how I start to hate running when I'm at that point of feeling like I'm just flirting with injury.
ReplyDeleteI am impressed with the hills on that 20 miler. Damn!
I've only talked to myself out loud once during a race- it was my first half marathon, around mile 10.5. I started to walk for no effing reason, and yelled "NO! RUN!" like a crazy person. Or, maybe like a regular person, based on what I'm reading here. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat job getting it done!
whats your training schedule like? I really need just a good basic one that has a 20 miler or 2 in it but just cant find the RIGHT one?
ReplyDeleteBoston was hit. Anyone heard from Kris Lawrence? Great fellow blogger running Boston today...
ReplyDeleteI really thought they were saying shit in that commercial!
ReplyDeleteI've thought I was going to ship my pants twice now. It's NOT a good feeling.
oh and my husband talks to him self (YELLS) and whacks his chest. Looks like a crazy man.
ReplyDeleteHaylee D., www.halhigdon.com
ReplyDeleteHaylee D., www.halhigdon.com