Friday, May 9, 2014

PRO Compression Sock Review and Giveaway

Just when you thought the days of knee high tubes socks were over…

Compression socks enter the scene! All the cool athletes are wearing them! You may ask yourself – do they really do anything, or is this just a placebo? I may ask you, does it really matter if you feel better when you wear them?

I happen to love compression socks. They serve a dual purpose for me. First, they keep my legs warm on those iffy days when I think it might be too warm for tights, but not quite warm enough for shorts. Secondly, I swear they keep my legs in tact (as opposed to disintegrating) when I run and I recover better. But, don’t listen to me. Here are some other perceived benefits from those who wear compression and some other miscellaneous reasons to own a pair:
  • Decrease in muscle soreness and fatigue
  • Increase in blood flow
  • Faster recovery
  • Reduction in swelling (good idea to wear them for your 12 hours shifts at Wal-mart)
  • Meb wore them when he won Boston this year
  • On trails, dirt gets on your socks, not your legs
  • When you have to pee/poop and go in the bushes, you get fewer scratches (and maybe less poison ivy)
  • Bright colors scare off mountain lions – very important on trail runs like the one I took today that had this encouraging sign:

I actually think that cool cat (pussy?) above looks very friendly and not at all ready to eat a runner.

Anyway, PRO Compression sent me some socks to try out (I already have a pair of theirs and love them, but I thought the blue ones might feel different).



I wore them out on my 10 mile run today in anticipation of a LONG training weekend coming up.


With all of the Ironman training volume I am experiencing right now, I will take all the help I can get with performance and recovery. So, I wear these babies while training (even on my long bike rides sometimes), then I keep them on most of the day after a long workout. I hate ice baths, so this is like my ice bath substitute, which is probably erroneous thinking, but so what?

Want a pair? There are three ways to enter below. The winner will get a code to pick a pair of socks or sleeves from PRO Compression. Giveaway ends on May 14th. US addresses only please.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don’t want to wait to win the giveaway? Go buy your socks NOW here because when you enter the “SHUT” promo code at checkout, you will get 40% off and free shipping.  A seriously good deal if you ask me.

Have a swell weekend!


PS: PRO Compression sent me these socks free of charge and provided the giveaway item. As always, all opinions are my own.


  1. oh my goodness, I love procompression socks and have been eyeing a few of their socks so free ones would make my day (week, month)!

  2. I have worn them as recovery, but not during an actual run! Maybe I should try it.

  3. I'm running my first half this fall, so I would love a pair!

  4. LOVE compression socks!! I agree...hate ice baths and I too wear them during and after. I do feel a difference!!

  5. I wear them for recovery, but not while running.

  6. Don't think I run enough to warrant these but I like the blue!

  7. I love pro compression socks! It's like constant foam rolling without any of the work (i.e. I can wear them while I drink wine, eat popcorn and watch The Good Wife)

  8. I swear by compression socks for making my legs recover faster!

  9. I wear compression socks ALL THE TIME! Love them and totally agree that they help with recovery and keep my legs from falling apart while I run.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yes I do and pro compression are my favorites. They help with recovery. My legs never feel sore.

  12. I don't usually enter very many giveaways, but THIS one I would love to win! As an ICU nurse (read: I don't ever sit down) and a runner, compression gear pretty much runs my life. I'd love the chance to score a free pair! Also, the comment about not getting scratched up when you go to poop in the woods during a run is SO SPOT ON. Love your blog.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I've only worn the sleeves and usually for recovery but I've started to wear them more during my runs and I like it so far!

  15. I have never tried compression socks but now that I am training for my first half-marathon I would love to try a pair!

  16. Sooooo I wore compression socks for the first time a my second marathon last week. Yeah yeah I know don't do anything new on race day blah blah blah ANYWAY! Lucky for me they worked out great and I LOVE them!!!!

    1. I know the "Never try anything new on race day," advice, but compression socks and sleeves are the exception to the rule. Even Jeff Galloway agrees.

  17. yes, i love compression calf sleeves but have never worn full socks! want some! : )

  18. I love Pro Compression socks. I wear them on EVERY long run. Could really use a new pair of calf sleeves. Pink would be perfect!

  19. Never tried them, but now I want to.

  20. I wore them for recovery at Ragnar and loved them! Will try them out while marathon training this summer!

  21. I certainly think they help me recover more quickly. I wear them after my long runs and also love that the one and only pair I have are hot pink. Stylish and helpful? DOUBLE WIN!

  22. I have one pair of compression sleeves and love them, but would love a second pair so I don't have do laundry as much!

  23. I have never worn them, but I'll take socks over ice baths any day...!

  24. I used to, but I lost one of those socks. I guess I should wear that one and alternate legs? Ha.

  25. I've been meaning to try out compression socks for a long time but have been too busy to buy a pair!

  26. Love compression socks and definitely wear them - great for circulation - makes my legs feel strong during a run!!

  27. I've worn compressions sleeves but not socks. I need to try them!

  28. I wear compression socks because they seem to help with recovery.

  29. I love wearing compression socks!!

  30. I wear compression socks all the time. They're addictive

  31. I wear mine for recovery only, I get too hot with them while running. I still love them the same though.

  32. I've never tried compression socks, but I would love to see if they work!

  33. I use them for my medium long - long runs. I do notice a difference in my speed when I'm wearing them vs when I'm not.

  34. I love wearing compression socks and sleeves. I really think they help with my recovery!

  35. I would love some fun compression socks!

  36. I don't have any compression socks but I'd love to try them in any color or style!

  37. I've never tried it, but I'd like to!

  38. I have never tried before and I think they might help... worth a shot to not get another injury!

  39. I don't wear compression socks, only because I don't have any.

  40. I would like to try them out!

  41. I like wearing them after long runs :-)

  42. I've never worn them but have wondered about them!

  43. i wear them on long runs and post hard runs for recovery.

  44. I'm not sure why you're talking about socks when, instead, you could be telling me about your shoes. They look awesome and I'm pretty sure I may need some. Sure I already have three pairs of running shoes but there is always room for more. Just don't tell my husband....he thinks I have problem.

  45. Weird...I just returned a pair of ill-fitting shorts in exchange for some lesser compression socks TODAY and here you are writing about it. Coincidence? I don't think so.

  46. I just started wearing PRO Compression socks (hot pink!) after my long runs, and I love them! I would love another pair for when I run Ragnar this summer!

  47. I don't wear them...yet. Dying to try some!

  48. I have been thinking about buying a pair, to many brands to choose from.

  49. I've never tried compression socks. Would love to!

  50. I haven't used compression socks yet but have been thinking about trying them lately.

  51. I typically only wear them for races, and for recovery after a long run.

  52. Love the idea of these! The faster recovery part sounds amazing as I sit here trying to recover from my 20 miler today!

  53. LOVE my Pro Compression socks!! Can always use a green or blue pair! ;)

  54. I think they're super cute in addition to being functional. Wear them all the time. :)

  55. Haven't tried compression socks yet, but would love to for free!

  56. I currently do not wear them, but since my mileage is starting to escalate I think it's time I give them a try! Please pick me!!! ;-)

  57. I have only worn them after running, not during running, I'm afraid of wearing them while running, but I have no good reason for that. Perhaps it's a fear of having even weirder tan lines than I already do. I do feel better after wearing them on long run days.

  58. I have a couple pair of their socks and LOVE them! I want to try the sleeves next. The socks are great after long runs and on flights too :)

  59. I've been DYING to get a pair! I have calf ache problems all the time and I'm hoping that maybe compression socks will finally help since ice and heat just aren't cutting it.

  60. I wear compression socks on my long runs and afterwards for recovery. I also wore them for marathons and I think they do help

  61. I wear compression socks for recovery only, but i do think they help. Thanks for the giveaway!

  62. I have a few pairs of pro compression socks and I love them

  63. I wear mine socks for recovery....makes me feel like I have superpowers under my work clothes

  64. I wear them after longer runs or races. I definitely feel they help me with recovery.

  65. I have a pair of compression socks that I wear for recovery. I will try to wear them during runs more. I hope they make me a little faster.

  66. This would be my first pair. I'm sure they will help for my first half.

  67. I wear them during long runs and for recovery.

  68. I had a pair of compression socks that I really liked but I have no idea where they are at-I think the washer ate them.

  69. I'm in love with the blue!

  70. Wearing my first pair tomorrow! They could use a friend!

  71. I wear them during long runs and also to work (I am a nurse). They help out when I am on my feet all day!

  72. I've been wanting to try compression socks. Thanks!

  73. I wear compression sleeves, does that count? My calves are wimpy and skinny - if they make them look a little bigger, I'll wear them every damn day!

  74. I've been wanting to try these!

  75. I'd live to try compression socks. I'm part of an exercise group and we just did the Color Run and are signed up for a 4-mile race.

  76. I dont but want to!!! Venturing out on my fist long run tomorrow- 8 miles (long for me!). Wish I had a pair of them babies!

  77. I wear Zensa and CEP compression sleeves during and after hard workouts or races. Love them both for different reasons. I like socks for recovery only - I like to wear whatever socks I want to wear on any given day.

  78. I just bought my first pair and LOVE LOVE them. I was having some terrible cramps at night and started wearing them cramps be gone. I'm gonna show my age a little but I can SO remember wearing those long colored tube socks back in the day. haha I was just wishing I had a pair.

  79. I have two pairs of marathon socks from Procompression. I also have that "I think they're working" opinion. They seem to make my legs feel better and help me recover faster. Hopefully they're actually doing something and not just a placebo...but either way, I like them. I've been eyeing those blue ones for awhile now...

  80. I haven't tried them yet, seem expensive, but just what triathletes like!

  81. I borrowed a pair to wear during the final weeks of my marathon training. I hurt my Achilles 3 weeks before my first marathon and whether the socks helped for real or just in my head - they helped me finish the marathon! I have been too cheap to purchase my own pair but did receive a pair for my birthday!

  82. Just bought a pair of at the Pittsburgh marathon last weekend. Haven't tried them out yet.

  83. Have wanted to try them for a bit but a little pricey for me

  84. I've never tried them, but I hear amazing things about them!!! On my running gear wish list!

  85. Holy crap, running trails that have mountain lion warnings?! I guess it's no different than when I run by lakes and quite possibly have alligators.

  86. I wear the compression sleeves from another company. What's a sleeve to sock comparison?

  87. I wear them about once a week after my long runs or whenever I feel like I need them. I kind of wish someone would make compression thigh highs. I swear I would wear them all the time.

  88. I haven't tried compression socks yet but I'm thinking about buying a pair.

  89. I love pro compression and wear them after long runs but most importantly I wear them on long flights to avoid leg swelling. Would love a pair of sleeves so I could wear them with my ballet flats and jeans.

  90. I have some compression sleeves and I do think they've helped in the recovery process after a long run. I'd love to try some socks.

  91. I've never tried compression socks, but after all this time I've spent in physical therapy, I'd love anything that could help with recovery time!

  92. I have a black pair of PRO Compression socks. I've worn them just a couple of times, but your post is a reminder to put them on again! I love how they look and all the fun colors/designs.


  93. I have compression socks and love to wear them on my long runs and calf sleeves after my long runs.

  94. I rock my black and white Chevron Pro Compression socks all the time even though I feel I look like Charlie Brown...

  95. I wear compression socks to work, to bed the night before a long run and for recovery. I just can't wear them running. I get the crawlies!

  96. I've never worn compression socks before, but always been intrigued and wanted to buy a pair, but hesitant since they tend to be so expensive!

  97. I wear compression shorts, but I haven't tried the socks yet. I would love to try the socks, but they're so expensive.

  98. I really like them for recovery after long races, my legs don't seem to ache as much. You're comments on mountain lions was quite fitting today as well...I found a claw from one today on my trail run (in Montana). I'm more afraid of coming across one of those critters than a bear!

  99. Wear them for really long runs and races...I really think they help with soreness and they are quite trendy ;)

  100. I would love to try a pair of compression socks. I'm training for several upcoming races and the NYC Marathon in Nov, so these would be perfect!

  101. Oh yes, I wear compression socks on almost EVER SINGLE run!

  102. Never tried them, but think it would be a good fit for me. Thanks.

  103. Can't do the tweet/twitter options, bummer!! :(

  104. I don't wear them but I've always wanted to try!

  105. Would love to give them a try! I think they will help my poor pregnant legs during my (very slow) runs.

  106. I have one pair, and they're great for after a race or - um - for work! I actually wear compression or plain old old people circulation socks at work. I stand all day and they're great.

  107. Love my pro compression socks! Except that sometimes getting them on and off counts as a workout itself.

  108. I own a pair but haven't experimented with them enough to know if they help or not but looking for a pair to give it a go with.

  109. I love mine. Wear them for all my long runs.

  110. I'd love to win a pair of these for the hubby.

  111. I rely on compression garments for recovery, especially socks--would LOVE a pair of these!

  112. I have a cheap-o pair of calf sleeves I bought at a sporting goods store. They don't seem tight enough throughout the entire sleeve, only at each end. I think it's time to get some quality compression socks instead!

  113. I don't wear them yet because I haven't gone out to buy any yet.

  114. I hate even the thought of ice baths, too. Maybe I should get some socks! :)

  115. I'm obsessssssssed with their socks. They are miracle workers :). Wish they had a compression body suit.

  116. I love compression socks! I mostly wear them for recovery, but sometimes I wear them while running.

  117. Would love to try a pair and see if they help! Thanks for the chance!

  118. I don't wear compression socks, but I'm curious about them.

  119. I wear them after loooong runs and when I know I am going to be walking or standing on my feet all day.

  120. I have a pair of compression sleeves that I LOVE, but I would like to try the socks out!!!

  121. I just started trying compression sleeves, but am thinking that the socks would be better

  122. I love compression calf sleeves for recovery. I won them at a race once so it is what I have always used. But never have I tried the socks or wearing them during a run.

  123. Yes! I love wearing them after my long runs!!

  124. I wear them for work since I am on my feet for 12+ hours as a nurse. But never had a pair for running, and would love to try some!

  125. I have not tried yet, but am signed up for a fall marathon and would like to see if they help with recovery as I increase my mileage.

  126. I wear calf sleeves for recovery, rarely wear them running.

  127. I do wear compression socks/sleeves and they have helped a lot with shin splints and overall fatigue.

  128. I wear them after running for help with recovery.

  129. Sad to say, I was into compression socks even before I started running-- I never outgrew the "growing pains" I had as a kid, and wearing tall socks seemed to help. Now that I'm running, I've got even more reasons to wear compression gear, and wearing real compression socks works much better than whatever argyle knee socks I can find at Target.

  130. I do wear compression socks. I think they help.

  131. I wear compression socks and calf sleeves (not at the same time) and love them!

  132. I would love to try compression socks. I've read both pros and cons so at this point, it would be worth while judging for myself.

  133. i always wear them for recovery and sometimes on long runs...... seems to help :)

  134. I love wearing compression socks. I wear them after long runs to recover.

  135. Love using comprehension socks! Would love the sleeves since I am moving from cool Colorado to hot Panama in 2 months! Maybe they will be a bit cooler...?

  136. i tend to wear compression socks for longer races (e.g. half and full marathons) - and then for recovery runs after those races.

  137. I love my compression sleeves, but I have no socks! I want them!

  138. I have a pair of CEP compression socks that I bought to get me through a strained peroneal muscle (outside of left leg). I've also slept in them. Once I got over the flashbacks to the late 70s/early 80s, I was hooked!

  139. I always wear compression sleeves! Not sure if it's just a placebo effect or not, but I swear it helps with recovery! Would love to win a pair! :D

  140. I love my PRO Compression socks and sleeves (I like the socks better though). I literally wore the first pair out and recently replaced them, would love to add to my collection. I mainly wear them for recovery, though occasionally I run in them, as well (they're a good way to keep your legs warm during those cold winter runs).

  141. Thanks for all of your entertaining posts! They've been especially welcome after I strained my calf 3 days from my first half marathon. Had to postpone, so I've been exercising vicariously through your training (read: sitting on the couch & reading your blog). As I recover from this injury, I can't help but wonder if compression socks might be a help. Any thoughts?

  142. I could really use a red pair!

  143. I have one pair of compression socks that I have worn off and on. What are the benefits of socks vs sleeves? I like the feel of the compression on my feet, but I don't think that I like the material as something to wear while running. Might just be the type of socks I have?

  144. I love them, but they make me hot while running - well, hotter. Just thinking about running makes me hot. I wear them to bed at night, I wear them running when it's cool enough.

  145. I wear them after long runs, never during :)

  146. I never have but i really want to try them!!!

  147. I have one pair of Pro Compression and a few other random ones but Pro Com. is my fave!

  148. Definitely-ProCompression brand hot pink socks. I tried another brand once and they just weren't the same. I do not wear them during long runs themselves (I just don't find they are as comfortable as my standby Balegas), but instead, I wear them pretty much immediately following the run and for the most of the day thereafter. I credit them with better/quicker/more thorough recovery.

  149. Yep! Always for long runs! I have another brand but would love to try ProCompression ones!

  150. I haven't experimented with compression gear yet, but as I get into longer distances it's worth a try, and everyone here seems to love them! I'll also be moving to a cooler climate soon, so the extra coverage would be nice.

  151. I don't wear compression socks but I have runner friends who do and they are faster than me. Plus I'm running a 50k in a few weeks and the thought of using nature's bathroom and having less potential for scratches and poison ivy is a bonus.

  152. I love compression socks after a tough run. It's like hugs for your calves!

  153. Compression socks are the bomb. I do wish they made somewhat shorter ones for petite runners, though, since mine can be a tad long.

  154. I am a big compression sock fan, and Pro Compression makes great ones!

  155. I wear compression sleeves and they seem to be helping with my shin soreness during long runs. If I'm extra sore, I will sometimes sleep in them. I always wear them when I fly. I would love to try some compression socks.

  156. Compressing socks are not just for running. I wear compression stockings when I fly because I had a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) after Achilles rupture surgery in 2007. DVTs can kill you. An undiagnosed blood clot can lead to a fatal pulmonary embolism. DVTs result in more than 300,000 deaths a year in the United States!

  157. I wear them after I run, not during. I am TOO HOT to wear them during. I melt as it is. But they're great for after a long run.

  158. I love wearing my compression socks, but especially when it's a little cooler outside. We are already experiencing several days in a row where the temps are in the 90's, so I guess I'll have to wear them after running - it's too darn hot to wear them during!

  159. I use them for my runs and recovery . I love them !

  160. I use them for my runs and recovery . I love them !

  161. I was doubtful of the benefits of compression socks but I will try anything once....definity a plus for long runs and the aforementioned calf protection is also nice

  162. I have always wanted to try these!

  163. I don't like the pair I have and I would really like a new pair. :)

  164. I wear compression socks on all my longer runs as well as on cooler days. Love my PRO compression socks, but I can always use more!

  165. I decided to try compression socks to see if they would give me an "edge" and I love them. I don't run without them now so I need more pairs! I wear the sleeves, but would like to try the socks. Thanks!

  166. I'm a huge believer of compression socks! Have a few pair but never have just the right color. PRO compression is my choice brand.

  167. I have a few pairs of socks that I wear for recovery, and a pair of sleeves that I run in.

  168. I have never tried them, but I have heard good things about them. I would love to win a pair.

  169. These are by far my favorite compression sock! I have big feet but skinny legs & these legs accommodate both! I wear them for both recovery & performance.

  170. I'm obsessed with compression sleeves!

  171. I am currently wearing a pair of Pro Compression socks right now. I wear them on every run, you should see my awesome ran line.

  172. I would love to win a pair of these!

  173. I'm wearing some right now! I did a hard interval workout the other day and have been having some major shin splints since then so Ice compression and a foam roller have been my bff's!

  174. I wear them all the time! They are so good at preventing my calves from getting sore and from getting shin splints!

  175. I don't wear them religiously but I do have a pair handy for when I'm traveling to races. They are life savers if you have to get on a plane right away (like I did when I ran Chicago 2012 - on the plane within 3 hours) and sleeping in them when you have an ache or pain seems to make it easier to lace up in the am. I'm all for giving them a try!

  176. I love compression socks for recovery! I wear them at work under my trouser pants and on plane flights.

  177. I wear my compression socks for recovery only. I've tried running in them, but they just seemed to make my legs throb, and it was really unpleasant.

  178. I wear pro compression socks for my long runs...they really help my legs feel fresh longer!

  179. I like the compression socks, but I only have one pair. So, unless a laundry genie helps me get them together, I rarely get to wear them ;)

  180. I wear them--they make a bug difference in recovery!

  181. I wear them--they make a bug difference in recovery!

  182. I've worn them for over a year for every run. Have marathon socks and sleeves! Also have worn other brands and always come back to these!

  183. I've been debating about trying compression sleeves for a while now, but if they're guaranteed to ward off potential mountain lion attacks, who am I to argue!

  184. I wear them to keep my legs warm.

  185. Haven't tried them but would like to!

  186. I have never worn them bet would love to try them. Thank you for the giveaway.

  187. I've been wanting to try these!

  188. I've worn them after a run but not really during a run. I would try them!

  189. Love pro compression! Great brand and quality

  190. I wear compression sleeves. They are the best, and useful after vacations with a lot of walking.
