Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Today I had my hair dyed brown (from my previous very blond). Just so my husband could feel like he was cheating on me without really cheating on me. Not sure why I did it. I thought if I had darker hair I would be a faster runner. Well, not really. It just seemed like the thing to do for a sassy change. However, when I picked up my son today he said I looked like Nicky Sixx from Motley Crue. And that's not a compliment. I rushed home to google-image Mr. Sixx and apparently I look like this:

But this blog is about running and not about my hair or a heavy metal band or my sex life (although you would like to know, wouldn't you?)

Tomorrow is more torture with my special running group. I looked at the workout plan and decided that if there ever was a day I would be puking from running, it is tomorrow:

Track workout:
Warm up 20 minutes/Stretch/4 x 100m strides (bring it on)
9 x 800m with 2 min recovery (holy shit)
Run 1 thru 6 @ 10K effort (mother effer)
Run 7-8 @ 5-7 sec faster (mother f'n effer)
9 will take care of itself (yeah, because 9 will involve running at the pace during which I puke my guts out and get it all over my new brown hair)

So think of me at 11:00 a.m. eastern/10:00 a.m. central/9:00 a.m. mountain/8:00 a.m. Pacific. And some ungodly hour if you live in Beijing.

For my half marathon this weekend I am on the prowl for a running dress. Yes, I said dress. I am not a girly girl, but the thought of running in a dress is strangely appealing. Probably because I like attention. Might even go it without underwear and stand on a large mirror at the end with my brown hair flowing just to give the boys a thrill. As if this 42 year old could thrill any boy. In my dreams I'm a cougar and/or a MILF. Or RILF since I'm a runner.

Told you the brown hair made me sassy. And hey it's my 100th post and if you leave me a comment I will be happy.


  1. 1958 tatoo'd on his fingers? I'm pretty sure that's got to be his 5K PR. You can totally take him. I think that's should be your new goal.

    And Mr. Sixx? PSSSHHH!! You are Ms. TwentySIXXpointTWO inYOfaceNICKY.

    But all jokes aside (all jokes aside?? I never agreed to that!) I think it totally suits you! Definitely find a dress to run - way to truly run like a girl!

  2. Happy 100th post and BTW you're effn hilarious! I like the brown hair and you do NOT look like Mr. Sixx!!!

  3. Happy 100 and here's to 100 more laughs!

    I saw someone wearing a running dress for the first time recently. Actually, it looked pretty cute!

  4. Ok this post made me think of a card on facebook that if we were friends on there I would send you lol. Anyway it's funny you wanna go dark and I wanna go light, let's just swap!

  5. Love the sassy hair lady! You look good with brown hair! ;)

  6. I like the hair. Not creepy at all! Go for the running dress - definitely hot. But please, oh please, wear underwear. Or something. :)

  7. Congrats on 100! I like the dark hair! I went dark in the spring and just went back to blonde a few weeks ago. It was a fun change, but it took almost a month before I stopped doing a double take in the mirror. Tell your hubby to enjoy!

  8. Brunettes totally have more fun. :)

    Check out skirtsports.com - I have one of their running dresses, and LOVE it. It's my favorite thing in the world to run in. And totally attention grabbing.

  9. GET a dress and celebrate your 100th blog! I'm new to yours but you're fun so I'll definitely follow...sassy girl! By the way, kids never like their mom changing her hair color...just don't listen! Rock on!

  10. 18 alone. You are the bomb. Love the hair and the running dress idea. Now I want one too. No underwear? I dare you! Sam rocks in all ways... I love that he knows Motle Crue. Did Ken like the 'strange'? If so, he needs to dye his hair too. Remember the red pubes conversation! Rock on , run on! Getting speedier. 2011 Baby.

  11. Love the hair color!! I'm not a girly-girl either, but I think running in a dress would be fun (and comfortable). LOL about RILF! Happy 100!!

  12. OMG couldn't figure out RILF until I read that last part, haha!

    I can't even imagine that speed workout. I'm going to have to build up from like 1 x 800

  13. nice! you better take a picture of this dress once you buy it! and dont listen to your son- your hair looks cute!!! good color for the fall too

  14. I love the hair! I'm a redhead and have always thought of going brown...hmmm...you might have just given me that extra kick in the arse that I needed...
    And what's with this dress stuff? You mean like what Serena Williams wore at the US Open? Her ass was hanin' way out! Wait, that might be hot on you...we will need pics and awesome race report!

  15. Dresses with no underwear are always the way to go. I like to do it Brittney Style. Cameras please - over here.

    Your hair looks great!! You look nothing like him:)

  16. I like the hair and think you look much better than Mr. Sixx!

  17. You crack me up.
    Happy 100!
    Your hair looks great!!!!

  18. Thanks as always for the giggle ...
    Hope your not bleeding and broken after today's training ... I hear puke makes brunette hair more glossy ... I mean, I'm just sayin (I can't hold my alcohol, nobody likes to hold back my mop for me and oddly I have the shiniest darn mop EVER.)

  19. i like your thinking... the whole cheating without cheating thing. sensitive to your hubby's needs while still being hardcore rock n roll. way to go, sixx!
    congrats on 100 too!

  20. Oh god, that's too funny. Love the color! I hope that workout went ok this morning. Ick.

  21. Nice hair, but blondes are so FUN! Come on!

  22. Happy 100th! My 12 y.o. daughter PR'ed today when she broke 24 at a 5k XC meet. She certainly trains consistently and did all summer despite the oppressive FLorida heat. Running at 4pm after school in 88 degrees with 80% humidity sucks, but if you want it you push through it. She sings in her head and repeats mantras ove and over. Like "I will not die, I will not die."

  23. Well, it doesn't happen often, but I'm speechless....is your Kent interested in a 3some?

  24. RILF! Genius! lol

    Great blog, congrats on the 100th post.
