Friday, August 30, 2013

12 Things That Made This Week Different

This has been an exciting week – lots of “firsts.” Let me share with you:

1. I learned that women have innies and outies and I’m not talking navels.

2. I ordered and wore my first Dolphin Uglies bathing suit (apparently Heidi likes this obnoxious floral pattern):


3. I realized that everyone on the roads, in the schools, at the pool, etc. is in a better mood because it is Friday.

4. I learned that picking up one month’s worth of dog poop in the backyard is a very effective consequence for a 12 year old

5. I received my gear from X2 Performance. Go team Florida! I cannot believe IMFL is only about 2 months away and I’m so excited to be part of this team. (I’ve also got a tri tank for actual race day):


6. I tried a race helmet that Sharpie loaned me – I think I’ll go trick or treating now:


7. I ran in the deep end of the pool because my hamstring hurt and I remembered why I hate running in the pool (I do miss my Pussy Posse friends).

8. I had a cold sore the size of Montana invade my lip (it is now healing):


9. I made a small purchase (the green seat is a Cobb tester to see if I and my tender parts like it):


10. I finished the first season of Orange Is The New Black and I do not think I can possibly wait until the next season comes out.  Season #2 is currently filming, so not sure when it will be out. I think all of the characters are so well developed, I can’t decide who my favorite is (probably Doggett, the Bible spewing insane girl.  I also like Crazy Eyes and that pervert Mendez).

11. I realized that you can’t please everyone, so you just have to make  sure you are true to yourself and to those closest to you (no this is not the first time I leaned this, but it became clear again this week).

12. I learned that I had pictures from our summer trip to San Francisco on my camera that I forgot about:


This was when our cable car broke down:


I’m looking forward to a long bike ride tomorrow (70 miles or so) followed by a 4,000 yard swim (my longest to date!!). I am going to ride the Harvest Moon 70.3 course (plus some) since I have that race next week. You can still sign up, but it’s 95% full, so hurry.

4:27 p.m. Too early for a Friday cocktail? I think not.

Tell me one thing – just ONE stinking thing – about your week that stood out. I’m waiting.



  1. This week I signed up for an LSAT prep class. Not looking forward to studying or taking the test, or the stress of law school in general, but I'm glad I finally figured out what to do with my life and my liberal arts degree :)

  2. I joined my Team in Training teammates for my first workout with them (it's only been about 2 months since they started). And I found having a coach yelling things at me while doing 800 repeats kind of appealing. I'm demented that way I guess.

  3. Finally got to run intervals again after having a calf injury that stopped me running cold. Yay for torture again! :) Good luck at IMFL!

  4. I learned that running around a lake at dusk on a sweaty, 85 degree evening turns a person into a living gnat magnet. My family was sufficiently horrified when I returned home from my run...There must have been at least 20 gnats adhered to face, neck and chest. So grateful I decided not to run into the grocery store on the way home from that run!

  5. I learned that I hate running in the summer. Oh wait, I already knew that. I need Fall, stat.

  6. I learned that there are some illnesses you can't run through (I couldn't make it from the couch to the kitchen counter without needing a rest). Got a horrible sinus infection and haven't been able to run since Tuesday. Wondering how this set back will affect my first half marathon in 3 weeks.

    1. Ugh those are the worst. You will regain energy quickly. Hang in there.

  7. Replies
    1. OK yes, I happen to LOVE yoga Jones and her high voice.

  8. Not sure if it is a good or a bad thing, but it sure stood 16 year old son got his drivers license on Monday. I was actually nervous while he was out with the tester! Parenting is not for the weak, that is for sure!

    1. OMG we need to talk. My son will get his license in about 2 months and I am very freaked out. How is he doing?

    2. Tonight he wanted to drive to the HS football my Jeep. Need I add it is storming? Oh and I need to get up at 430 and run 12 miles before work? I told him he had to drive his younger brother. To which he said no! Guess who is sitting home tonight?

      He's actually pretty good, but I think he needs more practice. I let him drive home from Green Bay Wisconsin (about a 3 hour drive) a few weeks ago. That included Milwaukee and tons of road construction. I don't think I have the words to describe the feeling I had, sitting in the passenger seat, while my 15 year old was driving 70 mph. All I can say is, he did better than me...

    3. Mmm. Mine gets his in November. We made him wait an extra six months...then HE voluntarily waited and now he'll be almost 17 so I guess I'm lucky. But he is my third so the stress...and there IS stress... is already there. He drives a LOT. Every time the car is in motion and he is in it...he's driving. It can be irritating but at least he's getting the practice. And we got him on the Denver interstates the second we could.

      Also...Masterdrive is worth every penny. We put the first two through it and it's awesome. We are totally going to sign him up for it.

  9. I learned that if you run in the dark you might get disoriented and almost fall down a hill.

  10. I ran a 100 mile relay with 4 runners instead of the max 6 runners, then one of them injured themselves. It was so hard but now days later I absolutely love the experience!

  11. wow!!!! around 8 weeks left! you look so "professional" in your new tri gear!!!!!!!
    I have enjoyed following you along so far,and have come to love your humor within your posts!!!
    im so excited for you and your big day!!!!

    one thing this week that stood out to me:
    being a mom of 4 is never going to be easy-making decisions for your child you know they will benefit from while they cant see the bigger picture is hard...and then in mid lecture to the oldest about said benefit,the youngest who just learned to walk,locks himself in the bathroom and somehow manages to throw his sippie cup and everything else he can reach into the toilet....
    good times I tell ya!
    the stuff memories are made from!

  12. Our family has had a fantastic week at a cabin in Northern Michigan. We mountain bIkef 40 miles and I seriously became in awe of you for planning to bike 120!!!!!!!! I love your blog and your positive outlook!

  13. On Monday, I had Spanish hot chocolate (in Australia, no less). Like "so thick you almost had to chew it" hot chocolate. That was on - yes - MONDAY, and it's still occupying my thoughts. SO GOOD.

  14. I learned that waking up at 4am to meet friends at 5am for a run (in beautiful San Diego no less) isn't as bad as I imagined!

    BTW, I grew up in NorCal and every time I'm there visiting friends/family I still do all the touristy things you & your family did on your vacay. Cable car, Alcatraz, Golden Gate, etc., etc. Love it all!

  15. I ran my first sub 1:50 half marathon in two years!!! Going for sub 1:48 in two weeks. Sunday was a dress rehearsal for my half in two weeks. The course was very hilly and I wanted to push without over doing it. Fingers crossed!

  16. Hmm...running-wise, I managed a 7:30 mile on Thursday after months of slogging, slow, injured crap runs.

    Life-wise, I LOVE my new job as dean of students at my school, even if there are some kids who make me wonder what the HELL is happening to the world.

  17. I started Law School! Eeeek! I'm really glad I have running to keep me sane through this very tough year to come.

  18. Got sick with the flu on wednesday, kept my first meal down this afternoon and now can't do a duathlon tomorrow because I don't think I'd finish and don't think it would be smart to even try. Not a happy camper.

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  21. I survived the first week of the semester. The second day of classes is always the best, since that's when my students find out that "friendly and chatty" does not also mean "pushover." I'm a hardass about the syllabus, yo.

    I am also ready to be done with this year's monsoon. It's my first summer of running, and when it's 87° and 70% humidity at 6:30 am, running is just no fun at all.

  22. You are awesome!! Just reading about your rides and swims (not to mention all the runs) - is beyond anything I can imagine doing!

    And, 4:27 on a Friday is past time for a cocktail!!!! Hope you had one and relaxed for awhile!

  23. Learned that while running the 6 day Trans Rockies Run that I am a one day event kinda girl not a 6 Day event girl. I also decided IRONMAN was "CAKE" compared to TRR!!!!

  24. Wow. IMFL is really coming fast!

  25. I was a matron of honor last night at a friend's wedding. All the bridesmaids were teenagers except me- the matron.... Two great friend who I introduced to each other last year tied the knot last night. They are like the Brady bunch now with 6 teenagers between them.

  26. This week I did a speed work clinic with a different group of people. The group I usually do it with are very fast. I usually finish last on every interval. Although, the runners in group are all very positive and encouraging, it was fun to finish in the middle of the pack for a change.

  27. I started my Registered Dietitian Internship this week - so, I'm the oldest in class - it feels good when 20 year olds ask me about working out & running! Good luck in with your training!

  28. The following stood out for me: it is awful to run 13.1 miles on the treadmill followed by running at cross country practice with my kids in the extreme heat (mid 90s and sunny) to come home to a broken AC. It is impossible to cool down. Then, I had to spend my entire 2014 race budget plus some on a new AC unit. However, I did manage to save half a bike's worth of money by calling around ALL DAY! Thankfully, we have AC, but no money to sign up for Boston, which was the announcement that WAS the highlight of my week until the AC business.

  29. I write a post about what stood out just for today:

    It was a good day.

  30. Classes started, new job, got the green light to start running again (stress fracture healed!), and exercise ball ruptured.

    I'm really bummed about the last one. Mixed bag overall :-)

  31. My new dog that we rescued bit my two year old and then bit my four year old. It was harder than childbirth giving him back.

  32. Highlight of my week...husband home! He's been traveling:-). I'd love to learn more about pool running too....thanks.

  33. I am a fish but long swims are mind numbing, more than once I have fallen asleep swimming, yes I kept swimming but I slowed down a bunch and swam longer than I intended. The lifeguard woke me when he got a call from my chief wondering where I was. That was when I learned to write letters while swimming. A friend in the SEAL Teams told me it was the only way he could stay awake (and not get lost) swimming around San Clemente island during training. I didn't end up applying for BUDS (I got married instead) but I still like to swim miles in the ocean after a halfmile or so it helps keep my mind engaged.

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  34. I'm on our annual family reunion trip to Hell's Canyon and ran 15 miles along the Grande Ronde River today. Just typing that gave me goose bumps. Love Love Love the gorgeous scenery & isolation. My running buddies are the best, but it's good to get away and be by yourself every once in a while.

  35. I learned that you can't be too hard on yourself if your runs don't go as planned. Life happens and you just need to try to learn from it. Plus, I had some M&M's today so it wasn't a bad day. :)

  36. I qualified for Boston. Have done it many times before, but decided two years ago to actually go. Then injuries stepped in and made it harder. Now it's a wait and see game to see if I actually get in.

  37. I found your blog on Zite. Great stuff.

  38. I had my fastest 5 mile time Thursday after cycling on back-to-back days for the first time. I hit 80 miles run for the month, and will hit 200 miles cycled for the month (the bad rain in Savannah has cancelled many of my group rides, so 100 miles will be from this week after today's 30 miler). It's been a great training week. I will start next week with my longest ride, 70 miles, and end it with my longest run, 15 miles. Next week will either be awesome or miserable, lol. Wish me luck!

  39. I got a last-minute invitation to speak at a round-table on HIV care in Mississippi. I was reluctant to truck 5 hours both ways to the meeting, but I went, and I was so glad I did! I learned that in rural Mississippi, no one is fighting over healthcare dollars, grants, contracts, etc - the community is grateful for any help you can offer. We are going to be able to make a huge difference there!

  40. ran my first "long run" after coming back from my darn stress fracture... 6 miles...woot!woot! and felt so awesome!

  41. I learned that my hips, which up till now have not suffered any repercussions from running, are kinda pissed at me now.The cause: A very "hilly" 6.2 miles! I did a practice run for a race called Cow Harbor (Sept. 21, Northport NY) Having only started running about a year ago, this will be my longest race! But it's a big deal for runners who like yourself, are more hard-core than me. I wish you lived closer Beth, I think you would enjoy this one.

    Fridays definitely have a remarkable effect on people. I especially notice this in folks who are typically crankier than most, during the work-week. It's a nice change :)

  42. I also have a cold sore the size of MT, and i live in awful. My five year old lost his tooth last night, but swallowed it while eating almonds.

  43. I learned that anyone who attempts the Nolan's 14 (14 "14ers" in 100 miles & under 60 hours) is insane and totally badass. I paced a guy doing it this weekend and the route up Princeton used for this particular endeavor is harder than anything I've ever done in my life! 5k ascent in 3.5 miles, Class 3 technical scrambling and my stems are now mush. All hail Julian Smith, a certified stud! In contrast, I am a wuss.

  44. I joined you in pool running because of an injury. Yesterday was first time, learned today that time can fly if you have someone to talk to! And that I can shop for pool running like I do for running - yikes - waiting for my wproof ipod case & own float belt, looking at 2nd suit. What do you think of Dolphin Uglies? I just saw them on a web site, never heard of them befoer. Post a review!

    But what I really learned is that the running community online is a great support and full of kind, generous people - I've gotten tweets & advice from folks, talked to the only certified water running coach in the US, after I reached out to her via email (big shout out to Jennifer @FluidRunning !!) and spent time with a local runner/pool runner/blogger this am. Thanks to all for helping me go through this experience!

  45. I learned, again, that I have horrible balance. Since purchasing new bike pedals and shoes (one Tuesday), I've fallen three times; the opposite way from the shoe that's uncliped.


  46. How have you liked x2 performance? Have you been using it regularly. Also, I bought the canonndale slice last fall & LOVE it. I too got a new saddle- specialized brand for about $100- it's worked out great. However, in full disclosure, I have not yet logged more than a 3 hour ride:). Ironman is, though, on my list in the next 2 years!

  47. I met my work study high school student who I'm going to "supervise". I don't remember being that assertive/confident as a sophomore to find myself working at a large company. Very cool!

  48. How have you liked x2 performance? Have you been using it regularly. Also, I bought the canonndale slice last fall & LOVE it. I too got a new saddle- specialized brand for about $100- it's worked out great. However, in full disclosure, I have not yet logged more than a 3 hour ride:). Ironman is, though, on my list in the next 2 years!

    1. I do like the x2. Since I've never done this volume of training before, it is hard for me to know how different I feel with it vs. without. But, I will say my energy is incredible given the hours and rigor of the training. I also seem to be recovering well. I don't think the x2 hurts and I do think it might be helping me.

  49. I discovered stairs near my office, and started doing stair repeats every other hour. This will make me a better person, I'm certain of it. PS: i'm addicted to OITNB too. At the end of the cliffhanger I was all, "GAAAHHHH! 2014?????"

  50. This week I learned that riding 80km/hr (about 50 mi/hr) on my motorbike actually feels easier than riding 65km/hr. Can't explain why. Maybe because it means I'm essentially flying?? (BTW, not sure if I'm an innie or an outie and Husband isn't offering an opinion. Apparently, he has no recollections regarding to his first two wives. LOL!)

  51. I learned that running a Trail Race at Night is not a good idea .

  52. After 2 years of being deployed, I got to watch my now-home hubby umpire football! He loves it and couldn't wait to get back on the field! :)

  53. I ran a 10K. First ever. 1:36 minutes. I was elated. Then I saw the winner finished in 36 minutes.

  54. I can't wait to hear what you think of your saddle! I am having issues with mine :(

    I learned that I need to go slow to go faster (with swimming). Also relearned that
    attitude IS everything. I don't hate swimming anymore and kinda look forward to
    getting to do it.

  55. I was planning on getting myself a new fancy GPS watch so when I run.. I actually know how far and how long it took. Its my birthday weekend after all and I really want it!

    I've been biking 11 to 15 miles every morning and that takes me 40 minutes to an hour.. I can't imagine biking 120 miles.. like your going to do then run a marathon and swim what 2 miles!! I'm impressed!!! I want to do at least one of those things all at once.. but doubt I'd last doing all 3... I'll be routing for you!!!

  56. I learned there are some very bizarre runners in this world. Google "malicious fecal distribution". Bizarre.

    1. YES! I know that story and no, it was not me who did the MFD.

  57. Last week I went running in the dessert and it was freakin awesome! The views were amazing and the non-exisistant humidity actually made the temperature feel pretty good!
