Friday, August 16, 2013

8 Things You Don’t Know About Running

Yes, it certainly is presumptuous of me to assume these are things you do not know about running (that means I make an ASS out of U and ME). I am sure that being the studly runners you are, most of you know some, if not all, of these crazy facts about our sport.  But, I was ignorant of some of these things. So, here goes:

1. Your foot has 26 bones, 33 joints and 112 ligaments. No wonder it is so freaking hard to run even one mile. All of those damn bone-joint-ligaments have to move as a unit. Kind of blows my mind (I think I have an extra bone given that long second toe).


2. Running with music can boost your performance up to 15%, but only if you are a certain kind of runner. If you are the type who gets pumped from external stimuli, then music will probably benefit you. If you are a more inward, meditative runner, then music might not do as much and maybe even annoy the hell out of you.

3. Your nose runs like a faucet when you run because the increased breathing and air flow makes your nose spastic. 56% of runners reported exercised induced rhinitis (the formal name for snot-flowing-out-of-your-nose) while running outside. You are not alone. Time to perfect your snot rocket technique.

4. The human heart creates enough pressure when you run to squirt blood 30 feet. This might be a nice trick for Halloween.

5. Running always makes you feel like you have to pee because your heart pumps more blood, making your kidneys possibly produce more urine (especially if you drank 95 ounces of coffee before the run). If you have a weak sphincter, you may also leak while running.

6. The oldest person to run a marathon was Fauja Singh of India (more info on this amazing man HERE). He did this in 2011 and was 100 years old at the time. He didn’t start running until he was 89 years old. I am not sure how that happens (like how you get out of your chair at 89 and tell your fellow Bingo players you need to take a run) – but it just goes to show you that it is never too late to start.

7. It takes 200 muscles to take a step when you run. No wonder I am so freaking tired all of the time.

8. You often feel like you have to poop when you run because everything in your stomach gets jostled around. The relentless pounding can make your breakfast move through pretty quickly. Also, the blood that typically goes to your digestive tract can be diverted to other organs when you run, making things a bit dicey. Lastly, if you are running a race, the anxiety about the race itself can bring on that urge to unload. What to do about it? Read my article “How Not to Crap Your Pants on the Run.”

Here I am at my race last weekend. You would not know it by my smile, but my heart is about to squirt blood 30 feet, I am using 200 muscles, I have just peed myself, my nose is running, and I have to poop.  


What can you add to my list? Did you learn anything new?


Sources for this post:
Anytime Health
Fitness Emu
Runner’s World


  1. 200 muscles! Holy cow! It's amazing that I was able to run 9 miles this morning ...

  2. "You would not know it by my smile, but my heart is about to squirt blood 30 feet, I am using 200 muscles, I have just peed myself, my nose is running, and I have to poop. "

    BUT, you have both feet off the ground and that's the most important thing.

  3. I laughed out loud at the part about getting out of your chair and telling your bingo partners you have to run!

  4. Weak sphincters really do complicate things. Great list!

  5. hahaha I'm laughing out loud at the snot rocket thing. I just discovered your blog a couple weeks ago and I'm SO glad I did!

  6. I recently read that every lb. of body weight translates to 4 lbs. of pressure on your frame while running. Not sure how true this is, but it sure makes me think twice before diving into a quart of ice cream after my weekend long run.

    Those nose blowing graphics are amazing.

  7. Wow!! Thts crazy and makes complete sense

  8. I’ve considered myself a meditative runner from my first steps out the door last year, but I’ve only run without music about five times. In fact, I’ve had some kind of music/radio/podcast playing pretty much non-stop for my entire adult life. Three days ago, I turned the radio off. I've been sitting in silence for short periods and just listening to my breath, and my scattered thoughts. And I’m leaning seriously into starting a regular meditative practice. Maybe tomorrow’s 14 miler will be my first shot at it. MAYBE. Thanks for another fun post. I like it.

  9. I'm feeling lame for not shooting blood, snot, poop or pee all over the place when I run. Although I did crap in the woods once halfway through a trail run.

  10. 1) 26/33/112 explains why even with an MRI the doctor can't identify the frigging problem inside my foot. 2) Music soothes the savage beast. If it enhances your performance 15% than you're the type of runner who isn't really a runner yet. 3) Snot rocket is so much less provincial than farmer's blow. I like it. 4) I've seen this demonstrated on Game of Thrones. 5) Being 51 yrs old is very similar. Night time included. #flowmax 6) Well sure, his knees still has cartilage. 7) And there are 2500 steps per mile. Oh don't get me started. The math makes me tired. 8) And people think runners are skinny because running burns calories. 9)

  11. Hey, I like your new purple nail polish!

  12. No music. Don't have to pee. Poop at home before I go. My nose doesn't run.
    What were the other four? I forgot.

  13. OMG! You always make me laugh, and inspire me while I'm laughing!! Can't wait to read your Ironman race report! I know you will rock it!!

  14. Just got back from a rapidly shortened evening run from"gastric distress", glad to see someone else can see the funny side!!!

  15. You crack me up! At a time when I am sidelined AGAIN due to a foot injury, this brought a refreshing laugh.

  16. I learned...That there are an INFINITE number of places on which you can chafe. Each time you remember to Body Glide one, another magically appears on your next run.

  17. I can't believe I didn't know this - and it's true.

  18. Awesome. As. Usual. :-)

  19. Any DOMS you may have had prior to your long run will be amplified X a million by the end of the run if you don't consume double the amount of fluids you thought you needed to drink. If you CAN stave off the soreness, you will most definitely pee yourself.

  20. Looks like you've had a pedicure since your last foot shot.

    1. I've actually convinced my husband that they do special things to my feet at the nail salon, thus keeping me injury free. And so I go for regular pedicures (monthly). It is the least they deserve after all they do for me!!

  21. Your foot is actually comprised of 28 bones. (14 phalanges, 2 sesamoids, 5 metatarsals, 3 cuneiforms, 1 cuboid, 1 navicular, 1 talus, and 1 calcaneus)

    1. I guess Web MD is wrong then.

  22. My nose is constantly running when I workout, it is so annoying. I have yet to master the snot rocket, so thanks for the detailed instructions!

  23. This was a great post....I had no idea about the bones in foot(knew there was a lot) My nose runs constantly, and I love one of the comments from a reader "Being 51 yrs old is very similar. Night time included. #flowmax" I'm not 51 yet but I so know what they talk about.

  24. Interesting thing about running with music is it can also cause you to alter your pace to match the can actually psych your body into running faster than it actually should on a given run and cause an injury.

  25. this post make me LOL, literally :)

  26. Great information. It's amazing how the simplest of movements require the engagement of so many muscles!

  27. I agree, having to pee is the worst! Today at my 10k,I thought I may need to take a pit stop but I didn't. I worked through it. My body was just testing me I am sure. I am so damn tired though after my PR plus using all 200 muscles for 6 plus miles.

  28. Have to chime in on the weak sphincter thing. It was making me super depressed until I read it was common among FEMALE ATHLETES. I feel better now.
