Monday, June 2, 2014

You Know It’s Going to Be a Good Race When…

You know it’s going to be a good race when you are coughing like a four-pack-a-day-smoker (damn cold that will not go away. Colds should be illegal during the summer. But, then I would be in jail) AND it is that time of the month.

Here I am pre-triathlon heading for the bathroom with a special item. Can you find it? I am very sly. And, no, it is not a condom or a cigar.


I have done this Longmont sprint tri for a few years, so I know the course. I was hoping for a PR. My time last year was 1:17. I dissected the numbers and decided I could probably do a 1:15 if I did not cough up a lung or lose my tampon on the course.


I tried something new this year. I put myself in a heat of swimmers I thought were faster than me, thinking it would make me faster. It didn’t really work as my swim was only 15 seconds faster, but hey, it was still faster. From the moment I started swimming I knew I was much more tired than I should have been. I chalked it up to the cold, but I had a feeling the PR might not happen.

At the swim to bike transition I could not get my helmet on, dropped my GU, knitted a sweater and wasted some time. I really pushed on the bike, again sucking freaking air the whole time and spitting. I think my average speed for the 12 miles was 19.5 mph, which is good for me, so I’ll take it.

I did the 5K run in 25 minutes (8 min/mile pace). That’s all I have to say because it was really just a lot of heavy breathing, spitting and wanting to be done.

My final time? 1:14! A three minute PR for me. Good enough for 2nd in 45-49 old lady group and 5th woman overall.


As usual I still got beat by our Mayor who is 62 years old. Dude did 22 mph on the bike average. I want to be like him when I grow up (nice photo bomb, Leigh – grow up).


With my mini-me:


This is what happens when you give your camera to someone to take a picture, but they love themselves more than you (nice tonsils):


Ken had  a strong race too. Those who race together stay married longer. I just made that up but it sounds good. 19 years on June 17 baby!



Then I came home, after eating a huge breakfast burrito, and created a recipe that I am going to pass onto my grandkids:


1/2 cup Cap’n Crunch
1/2 cup Honey Bunches of Oats
1/2 cup Cinnamon Toast Crunch
3/4 cup milk
1 spoon



Tell me about your race this weekend. I just did.

Do you mix cereals or are you a solo cereal kind of person? I prefer a mix.

Do your kids come to your race finishes? No, not usually unless it is a really “important” race I have been training forever for. Yesterday, Sam actually wanted to come (without being asked!) and got up himself and Emma and came to the finish. I thought that was pretty cool.


A special thanks to X2 Performance for helping boost my performance and recovery – the stuff works!


  1. 1. The true old lady category does not include tampons.

    2. Your anniversary is my birthday. I'm well past 19, though.

    3. My kid comes to my important race finishes. He cheers like I'm the winner, even when I'm almost last.

    1. love that #1, means that my 50-54 AG is still not old lady haha! I raced a sprint tri yesterday, had a mental meltdown in the swim so came out DFL in my AG, caught a bunch on the bike, a bunch more on the run but missed podium by 26 sec, ARGH!!! Please remind me of this when it comes time to sign up for masters swim again, sigh....

  2. You know it's going to be a good race when... you preface your run with the question "are there splinters stuck on my butt", and your friend proceeds to pick at your butt. Which was actually just covered in sap (for the most part). Stupid wooden park bench.

    I ran a beer mile this weekend. Just because I wanted to see if I could do it without puking. I made it through.

  3. Congrats on your new PR and 2nd place age group win!!!!!!
    Yes, my kids love to come to my races.. or they did. Not sure about this year as I have yet to do one. I need to get over my water fear to do a tri. Any advice???

  4. Congrats on your PR and age group award!

  5. Awesome job on the PR! I always find I end up getting one when I least expect it. Case in point, this weekend, when my feet hurt and my legs felt really heavy. I ended up PRing my 4 mile time and won my age division at the Run Like a Girl 4 miler... first time I've ever placed in ANYTHING. It was pretty awesome. (I think the fast people aged 30-34 just stayed in bed that morning)

    I am one of those people who can't stand to have foods touch, so mixing cereal is definitely NOT FOR ME.

  6. That is one freaking awesome trophy!!!! Nice work on the P.R! woohoo!

  7. "Time of the month" sucks on race day. Do you have a post with tips on how to handle that? I'd love to hear your take on it! Congrats on the PR, 2nd in AG and a killer trophy!

  8. 1) I ran and PR'd in the Buffalo Gay 5K race that is part of the Pride Festival going on all week.

    2) Solo cereal, pretty much only generic brand Cheerios.

    3) The kid has only come to my one and only (for now) marathon finish. She has a budding interest in running, but she and my wife both dislike crowds and such, meaning I'm typically sans cheering section at races.

  9. Yay for the PR! :D Great job Beth :)

  10. Congratulations on the race!
    Great recipe, thanks for sharing! I do like to mix my cereals, eating just one kind gets boring. I like not going a bite of which I'll be getting, so sometimes I don't look when I eat it.
    I love that photo bomb picture, too funny.

  11. Congrats on your PR! Awesome with the cough and the period especially :) xo

  12. Congratulations!!! I love you race outfit! Stealth looking!

    1. *Your. Funny, since I get on people who text me with bad spelling/grammar!

  13. Woot Woot a 3min faster PR.....amazing!!! Love that you and your Husband do it together! (haha)

  14. Did you know that you may have had a cold because it was that time of the month? The immune system goes down right before day 1 and leaves you vulnerable to colds. You can lessen the impact by taking generous amounts of Vit C (like thru Airborne) starting a week before :)

  15. you never cease to amaze me!! incredible woman!

  16. The husband and I had a half marathon on Saturday. I really wanted to PR but I knew I was probably in trouble when the temperature was 72 at 5am on the way to the bus. The first 7 miles were OK then it was in the toilet. He finished about 30 seconds before me - it was fun! (we will be married 19 years on September 3rd so right behind you).

    My kids don't usually come but my older daughter showed up at my first marathon 2 years ago and they both came to the HIM and liked it. This time my older daughter (17) met us downtown after the half marathon and I ran/walked the 5K with her. It was a good shake out but even more steamy by the time that race started!

  17. Congrats on the PR... Like i posted on FB, I'm sure I saw you on the bike. I was volunteering for the first ever at any event. It was a good experience.. Hope you feel 100% soon..

  18. When I mix carbs and dairy, I always go for a bagel with cream cheese.

  19. Great job! I'm still sidelined with this damn broken foot. No running, but I'm riding. I finally took the plunge and got real cycling shoes and toe clips. I broke the 15mph mark. This on mostly roads and congested suburban bike trails. I need to find some better places to ride. And learn how to swim. Looks like triathlons might be in my future. How do you get over your fear of people swimming over you?

    1. Oh I hope you heal up soon!!

      As for the swimming thing, I've not had anyone actually swim totally over me, but people do push you around and hit you. I try not to think about it too much and just go with it. It's just part of the open water swim. Just tell yourself you can always stop and tread water or ask a kayak person for help if need be. It seems to always work out.

  20. Ran my second half-marathon ever. thrilled to have been able to run and beat my time from my first race. Wasnt' sure i'd be able to run it after a knee injury skiing this winter. Now looking forward to a beautiful fall half.
    Renee W.

  21. My race weekend was sad, sad, sad. This past Sunday was my 32nd bday and all I wanted to do was run a marathon. So, back in January, I started training and found a big city marathon that just happened to be taking place on my bday.. Minneapolis. Flew up there for the weekend and low and behold.. the damn thing was cancelled due to weather. Womp, womp, womp.

  22. Your kids are so cool! And I feel so bad for The Giantess who commented above. That is rough! I hope she does another race in its place!

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