1. When the going gets tough in running, I talk a lot to myself. Out loud. If you were there to listen, you'd hear me say, "Get your shit together" or "C'mon you can do this" or just plain "f&ck!"
2. I have an extreme fear of vomit. This fear has a name: emetophobia. I can't even watch when people throw up in movies. Personally, I never throw up, so my phobia is more about the fear that someone will do it around me. Did you know that there is actually a website that tells you at what point in a movie someone will throw up? Just for people like me. Give me blood, piss, mucous, poop and I'm good. Just no vomit.
3. I used to hate to run. Like, a lot.
4. I've worked pretty much everywhere (well, not on the street corner, but I'm still young). 7-11, Subway, school dining hall, black jack dealer, American Cafe, Chesapeake Bay Seafood House, Brickskeller (if you live near or in DC you know this place), Bonfire Restaurant (Ocean City), as a French interpreter, office manager for an environmental firm, fabric store, Roy Rogers....I know I'm forgetting some.
5.When I was in the seventh grade I was part of a hula club (yeah, like where you learn to hula dance) and I got kicked out for having a dirty mouth (<not so surprising, I guess).
6. My first pet as an adult was a one eyed, three legged Cocker Spaniel named Lucky. He's dead now. You can read about his last day HERE (sniff).
You can's see that he only has three legs here, but trust me. |
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This picture was taken in Greece. I swear. |
9. My great uncle, Deke Slayton, was selected as one of the original NASA Mercury Seven astronauts. He couldn't do the mission because they found he had an irregular heart rhythm. So, basically I'm an astronaut.
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Can't you see the resemblance? |
10. I almost drowned in the Atlantic Ocean when I was 23 years old.
11. In the 8th grade I got so mad at a kid named Jerry that I peed in a cup, hid behind a bush (at school!) and threw the pee on him. You do not want to make me mad. Urine is my weapon.
12. In the second grade I had a club. I would make (well, encouage) my three friends meet under a bridge and do an oath. I'm not sure what the meaning of the club was, but the oath had tons of bad language in it and if I posted it you would be appalled. But, I still know it by heart.
13. My favorite movie is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. My least favorite movie is The Sound of Music.
14. I HATE it when people recite lines from Monty Python movies. "It's just a flesh wound!" SHUT UP.
15. I don't really like fruit. Or ice cream.
16.Every day I ask myself, "What would you do if you could't fail?" and I don't know the answer.
17. I've had two miscarriages.
18. I'm named after Beth from Little Women. Better than Viola from Big Mama.
Tell me one random thing about you. Seriously. Please.
Where did you go to high school?
Ever almost died?
Who were you named after?
Do you have a phobia?
Where did you go to high school?
Ever almost died?
Who were you named after?
Do you have a phobia?
Random thing...I love General Hosiptal and have been watching for 30 some years. Went to Dulaney High School in Baltimore MD. Almost died when my horse reared up and fell on top of me. Named after the story Heidi. I have a phobia of helium balloons. They make me sweat just looking at them. And heights. Hate heights.
ReplyDeleteHello, I am Theresa Williams After being in relationship with Anderson for years, he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to my friend and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4 pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem. email: drogunduspellcaster@gmail.com you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or any other Case.
Delete1) Love Spells
2) Lost Love Spells
3) Divorce Spells
4) Marriage Spells
5) Binding Spell.
6) Breakup Spells
7) Banish a past Lover
8.) You want to be promoted in your office/ Lottery spell
9) want to satisfy your lover
Contact this great man if you are having any problem for a lasting solution
through drogunduspellcaster@gmail.com
Contact: drocusodospellcaster@gmail.com for Urgent lottery winner Fast, VERY POWERFUL:100% GUARANTEED RESULTS I want to use this opportunity to thank Dr.OCUSODO for helping me to win the lottery.I have been playing lottery for the past 8 years now and the only big money I have ever won was 800$ ever since then I have not been able to win again and I was so upset and I need help to win the lottery so I decided to go to a friend of mine call Robert,and he introduce me to Dr. OCUSODO, there I saw so many good talk about this man called Dr. OCUSODO of how he have cast spell for people to win the lottery.I contact him also and I tell him I want to win a lottery, he cast a spell for me which I use and I play and won 80million GBP. I am so grateful to this man just in case you also need him to help you win, you can contact him through his email: drocusodospellcaster@gmail.com is my part of promise I made, that if I win I tell the word how I win my game. drocusodospellcaster@yahoo.com or also call him or what-app +2349067457724.
DeleteI've always suffered from severe seasonal allergies/sinus problems, but back in the day we didn't have great antihistamines (Zyrtec is a lifesaver.) As a kid, in the middle of the neighborhood kid secret kissing contest, I sneezed & snotted all over my kissing partner. Sorry, Stevie G!
ReplyDeleteMY HUSBAND IS BACK AND MY SON IS HEALED oshogumspelltemple@live.com
DeleteAfter 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. I contacted A spell caster called Dr Oshogum I explained all my problem to him . In just 3 days, my husband came back to us and show me and my kids much love and apologize for all the pain he have bring to the family. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before you are the best spell caster Dr Oshogum i really appreciate the love spell you castes for me to get the man back to my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work Thank you once again. you may contact him via ( oshogumspelltemple@live.com ). incase you are in any problem you can contact this man for help he is always there in his temple to help you solve your problem Contact Email is (oshogumspelltemple@live.com)
1) Love Spells
2) Lost Love Spells
3) Divorce Spells
4) Marriage Spells
5) Binding Spell.
6) Breakup Spells
7) Cure hepatitis B and C and all kind of sickness
8.) You want to be promoted in your office/ Lottery spell
9) want to satisfy your lover/ pregnancy solution
If you have any problem in life, simply contact him VIA email: oshogumspelltemple@live.com to get instant solutions to your problem
Number 4...Chesapeake Bay Seafood House where my dad would eat for hours. My brothers and I would get tired and full and go sleep in the car. The Bonfire is still there though I haven't been in years. I was just in OC yesterday!
ReplyDeleteOne random thing...I run every day but haven't run in a race since 2014 and I am okay with that. Races make me loose sleep and poop too much.
Chesapeake Bay...omg what a nightmare of a place to work with that all you can eat thing. People would camp out for hours...like your dad apparently! Yeah races make me poop too much too.
DeleteRandom vomit related thing--a year or so ago, I had a patient vomit in my lap. I was examining his throat (it was a toddler) and he erupted. I felt the warmth soak into my pants. Fortunately, my clinic is connected to the hospital and I got some scrubs. And bleach wipes for my legs.
ReplyDeleteI can't hula, but my sisters and I had a chemistry club. Better living through chemistry, right?
I was named after Gale Gordon from The Lucy Show. I was a taste tester for Nabisco for a couple years and strangely "baby barf" was a common description used by some of the other tasters. Never understood that one.
ReplyDeleteI do not vomit, like, ever. I had the stomach virus in January and I refused to give in. Hurts like hell. Probably because as a kid our mom would forcefully hold our head over the toilet to avoid a massive clean up. Can't say I blame her with 7 kids...
ReplyDeleteIf I see someone throw up I literally have to sit down so I don't pass out. But unlike you I puke pretty easily (like approximately 6 times a day every day for the first three months of pregnancy). I'm SUPER claustrophobic and it gets worse as I get older. I can't even go through the little McDonald's play area things with my child without freaking out. Recently we went to Disneyland and were on the Finding Nemo submarine ride and that was a HUGE mistake! It's like the longest ride at Disneyland I swear. I had to put my head in between my legs and just concentrate on my breathing to make it through (and then I threw up afterwards lol).
ReplyDeleteI almost drowned when I was in Cancun when I was about 10, undertow...luckily my Dad saw me and caught me.
ReplyDeleteI still hate to run, so this year I decided to skim my annual triathlon, but I still love your blog
Instead I'll ask how you feel about Princess Bride quotes.
ReplyDeleteOh all right. I never ever responded to my first name. In a faint hope of trying to get my attention my parents started calling me by my middle name. I hate forms that assume everyone is called by their first name.
Orangeville, not the one in California.
Yes. Several times.
I don't know. There isn't anyone else with either of my name that I know if in my family.
No phobias. My only allergy is to willfully stupid people.
wet bread (well, wet food in general) absolutely makes me die. people used to torment me in high school by pouring their mild over their bread...had to run away from the table!
ReplyDeletebtw, you have a doppelgänger at my gym!
Hello, I am Theresa Williams After being in relationship with Anderson for years, he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to my friend and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4 pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem. email: drogunduspellcaster@gmail.com you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or any other Case.
Delete1) Love Spells
2) Lost Love Spells
3) Divorce Spells
4) Marriage Spells
5) Binding Spell.
6) Breakup Spells
7) Banish a past Lover
8.) You want to be promoted in your office/ Lottery spell
9) want to satisfy your lover
Contact this great man if you are having any problem for a lasting solution
through drogunduspellcaster@gmail.com
I actually thought I died after running Hood to Coast last year from heat exhaustion. I am still of the opinion that I was right on the edge or had just slipped over the edge and died (but then struggled back).
ReplyDeleteAfter that experience nothing can scare me
I was homeschooled until 16, then went to college. I was born dead, so I think that counts for the "almost dying" question. I'm named after no one, which is funny because my kids have family names. My phobia is stinking... I'm terrified of smelling bad. Like, ever. My husband isn't allowed near me post run. I've had one miscarriage and I hate all things Monty python and Princess bride.
ReplyDeleteI'm so left handed I could completely lose my right hand and be fine. Went to high school in Lompoc CA, which no one has ever heard of. I almost died when I was hit by a car at fourteen. It was a pink Kia, so luckily the only real death was my dignity. I was named after Ireland. I hate St Patrick's Day, because there's only so many times you can hear "Erin Go Bra-less!" and laugh hollowly. I hate holes. Like lotus pods will make me throw up. And then you will freak out and it's a giant Wtf spiral.
ReplyDeletePink KIA???????? bahaaa...
DeleteOMG! Athens, Greece??? I live in Athens, Greece and I love this blog!!
ReplyDeleteReally? Where do you live? We lived in Kifissia
DeleteRandom thing: I used to go caving a lot when I was younger (before kids)
ReplyDeleteWent to high school in Western PA
I've never almost died
I got my name because apparently every girl born in 1972 was named Kim
I have the usual fears (spiders, snakes, heights, stupid people) but nothing that's a true phobia.
And oh my word, I read that hula club story and thought, "Oh my gosh, she's Lilo!" Why, yes, I do watch a lot of Disney movies, why do you ask?
Ok here goes. I'm named after Queen Victoria,(first name )and my grandmother(middle name). I almost died of grief after I delivered a stillborn baby at 39 weeks gestation. I have a phobia of driving on bridges over water, especially draw bridges. But I force myself to conquer it if I need to get somewhere. One random thing would be that I hate to be barefoot. I can't stand the sensation of grim and grit on my feet. I went to high school inFlorida. It sucked balls. I moved to Florida in 9th grade so I knew no one and the culture shock was intense. I'm still trying to adjust to Flori-duh after 25 years. Save me please....
ReplyDeleteYou have beautiful name. And I am so sorry about your baby. :(
DeleteRandom thing: I cannot tolerate the sound of socks on carpet. It makes every hair on my body stand on edge. I don't know why. It's not a very loud sound at all. But I can't stand it.
ReplyDeleteI went to high school in Virginia Beach.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI almost died when I was born, does that count? I had a blood clot in my brain (hydrocephalus). I had to have 22 spinal taps done to clear it out. Thankfully I don't remember any of it. ;) I was in the hospital for the first 3 weeks of my life.
ReplyDeleteI HATE spiders. HATE. They actually give me nightmares.
I was named after Erika Kane on All My Children. I was born a month early and my parents still hadn't picked a name, so my mom and aunt started going through soaps until they found a name they liked.
ReplyDelete2: My sister is also an emetophobe so like a good big sister I text her pics of my dogs' barf. haha. We rode the school bus as kids and one time she suddenly comes RUNNING up the aisle, white as a sheet, and I knew someone had barfed in the back. Sure enough, the "eeewwww!"s soon followed.
ReplyDelete8: I ran seven fulls and a half-iron before I finally ran my first open half in October and my second a few weeks ago. Go big or go home.
18: Kristin from Dallas, who shot JR. Yes, I am named after a TV criminal.
I love the random stuff!!! I too have emetaphobia. I love my kids but large groups of children ( playgrounds, indoor play eareas, swimming pools etc) make me a basket case. All I see are germs!! The Ebola outbreak about did me in btw. When I was 8 years old I got caught in a bad undertow while in the ocean. My dad saved my life. I thought I was going to die during my first triathlon swim portion. Like a rookie I started at the front and literally got caught in the frenzy, kicked punched and the most horrifying: trampled on while I was under water. I was on the bottom of the lake (at the start-4ft of water) and was held down by the hoard of swimmers. I was named after the Allman brothers song "sweet melissa". But have always gone by my nickname Noony. My parents STILL won't tell me what that name means or how I got that name. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with a nooner. More than likely I was conceived during a crazy sexcapade and Noony was thier code word for it( shutter as I think about my parents that way). I can workout all day and run a half marathon but walking up stairs makes me feel so out of shape and out of breath!!
ReplyDeleteOh and I HATE unnecessary rolls in action movies. Do you really HAVE to stop running and do a forward roll to hide behind a tree??
Hi Noony, You are so funny. forward rolls! Now that's going to bug me too.
DeleteReally you don't like ice cream? I almost named my child Ben or Jerry because I ate so much when I was pregnant (not really on the the name, but yes on the quantities of ice cream)
ReplyDeleteYes I almost died more than once. I have horrible asthma. The time I remember most is when I was 17 and was at a party with lots of smoke, dogs and ridiculousness. I was having an asthma attack, but too embarrassed to say anything (teenagers can be dumb). My friend took me home and said "you look a little grey" I said "I'm fine, just need to sleep" I collapsed and woke up on a vent. Luckily my 17 year old friend was smart enough to call 911
I went to high school in Fresno, almost as cool as Greece ;)
ReplyDeleteRandom: I have never been hospitalized (other than at birth). My brother was a hemophiliac so I spent a lot of time at hospitals but I've never had to stay. I was in a car accident when I was 14, not wearing a seatbelt and ended up with about 50 stitches in my head. They sent me home because they knew my mom was experienced enough to take care of me.
High school in Washington Missoui. A town so small we had no stop lights, fast food or clothing stores; it made for a sweet childhood. No re almost died; I'm 60 and remain crazy healthy. In the hospital where I was born my parents couldn't decide between Julie or Karen. The nun walked in, said "Julie is a saint name; she's Julie". You never argue with a nun. Phobia ...hmmm. I despise tags in clothing. My neck starts itching just looking at them. I have a seam ripper in my travel bag (I'm in Mexico on an amazing vacation right now), one at my desk at work, one in my bathroom at home. You never know when you might need to remove a tag. :)
DeleteOh man, the Bonfire! I went to OC all the time as a kid and while I have never eaten at the Bonfire, I can immediately visualize its neon light sign in my head.
ReplyDeleteRandom thing about me: The first hard liquor I ever purchased was a bottle of rum for Bonnie Raitt (no lie).
Where did you go to high school? South Hagerstown High School. (The "bad" school in town.) Go Rebs.
Ever almost died? Thankfully no.
Who were you named after? I was supposed to be named Emma Kathryn after two of my great grandmothers, but my dad didn't like the name Emma so my mom named the cat Emma and I got Kathryn Elizabeth. I always like to say that I am named after two queens: Catherine the Great and Elizabeth I.
Do you have a phobia? Death (for obvious reasons) and swinging doors. I am convinced that some day I will be exiting a swinging door and someone will be entering and as I reach out my hand to open/push the door, all my fingers will be broken. It's irrational and weird.
I have a fear of destroyed things and fire. I got nightmares after Webster's house burned on that '80s show with Emmanuel Lewis. I once left my Barbie out in the rain and the dress was all messed up and I couldn't look at it anymore. Happened when I put bleach on jeans without water and it ate holes in them. I couldn't stand to look at them.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Adrienne, and if no one says "Yo, Adrian" to me again, it'll be too soon.
Tell me one random thing about you. I'm a librocubicultarist (say that 3x fast!)
ReplyDeleteWhere did you go to high school? Northeastern High School (Elizabeth City, NC)
Ever almost died? YES!!! I was at home by myself, eating Taco Bell and accidentally inhaled instead of swallowing and started choking. I was trying to throw myself into a chair with no luck...out of panic I called my husband at work, just gasping (I know now I should have dialed 911...but I panicked!) finally throwing myself into the kitchen counter did the trick!
Who were you named after? Ugh...Stacy Hamilton from Fast Times At Ridgemont High!
Do you have a phobia? Yes, I'm terrified of needles and snakes...like is there a word strong than terrified because I'm that!
I have the same vomit phobia. How do you fly on planes without getting stressed? I always worry that the passenger next to me is going to get motion sick... Seriously, I know most people are afraid of something happening with the plane, but I don't worry about that...
ReplyDeleteI also have a phobia of snakes because when I was about 6-7, I skinned my knees, went to run in the house and there was a huge bull snake crawling up the front door! Ever since then, I have been terrified of snakes.
Flying on planes is so stressful for me because of the vomit potential. I think about it a lot because you are so trapped. Once I was on a plane and the woman across the aisle from me started violently puking so much so that the flight attendant had to take my barf bag as back up. There as one empty seat on the plane and I told the flight attendant I had to have it or I was going to die/have a panic attack. I moved and had a large gin and tonic. Fortunately has not happened to me again, but major PTSD
DeleteI had issues with a kid named Jerry in 8th grade too! Except I chased him down and slammed him to the ground - at Vacation Bible School....
ReplyDeleteNever had an issue with him again though....
I loved Cheseapeake Bay when I was growing up in VA. Probably a nightmare as an adult, but a favorite childhood memory!
ReplyDeleteI totally know Deke Slayton's story--my dad was a newspaper reporter and covered the space program. I've read a lot about it over the years--it's fascinating! Glad he finally got into space on the Apollo-Soyuz thing. Did you know him well when you were growing up?
Random fact: both the junior high and the high school I went to (in Austin, TX) no longer exist. Well the buildings are still there but have been renamed. Also the hospital where I was born (in Ohio) is gone. I wonder if I have some kind of negative force field for that kind of thing.
Nope really didn't know him at all, sadly
DeleteWhen I walk or run on sidewalks I go around man holes, grates, anything I could fall through. I'm very annoying to run with in a city. I think Silence of the Lambs is hilarious. I have a third nipple and a Transgender dad. I'm basically Chandler. I watch friends way too much.
ReplyDeleteseriously? I always thought ol' Donald K had royalty genes, and now I find out he was related to you; no wonder! Serious NASA fanboy here. But the sumbitch never did an Ironman, did he? Not with that faulty ticker...love the blog!
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite pieces of randomness is that I used my car (Saturn Ion) to herd cattle off of a road, while I called the police. I didn't want them getting hit, so I just drove close to them at a very low speed; they wandered down into the ditch to get away from my car. Then, I stood on the shoulder shooing them back down until the police got there and took over. I'm still not sure my employer believed me when I told them that was why I was late to work.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was little, I threw up in my mom's lap. When I was a little older, I was sick with the flu and my parents tried to make me feel better by bringing me a tv tray with plain tea and toast. They added a single stem rose in a vase. I puked all over the tray. They brought me another tray with more tea and toast. No rose.
ReplyDeleteSo...if you hide behind a bush and throw your pee on me, I might just puke on you as revenge. Ha ha!
I am obsessed with criminal minds. Love that show!
ReplyDeleteI went to high school in Schuyler county Missouri
I have the horrible middle name June after a great aunt. Seriously awful!
I have almost died when a friend didn't see a semi and almost pulled out run into it. Slammed on her breaks and I'm pretty sure we both crapped our pants! Not really but holy hell it was scary!
I am afraid of balloons! Freaks me out when they pop!! I'm pretty sure my sisters tortured me when I was really young
I have never owned a cell phone, nor has my husband. People think we're peculiar. People are correct.
ReplyDeleteMy mom, both of my sisters, my daughter, and I all have the middle name "Marie". I'm irked my granddaughter didn't get it.
I might have licked a historical monument or two, including but not limited to the Colosseum, Fort Sumter, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Grand Bazaar. (Peculiar, 'member??)
Shut up your great uncle is Deke Slayton! My first teaching job was in Sparta, WI, where they have the Deke Slayton museum! I live 30 miles from there now. So, pretty much I am an astronaut too!!! Deb
ReplyDeleteMy phobia is rats. I have some kind of chemical reaction, I get sweaty and super scared. And I see rats more than anyone I know for some fucked up reason. Maybe to desensitize me?
ReplyDeleteLove how you make your site so fun! Kind of an interesting fact about me....I was named by a nurse. My Mother did not have a girl named picked out so....just plain old Cathy, not Catherine or any other version of Cathy...and today I work as an RN in the NICU!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this valuable information to our vision. You have posted a trust worthy blog keep sharing.
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Ha! I have emetophobia as well! I seriously cannot watch it. Scary part? I'm a NURSE! lol Good thing I work from home as a case manager, so I don't have to see that stuff anymore.
ReplyDeleteI love that you got kicked off the hula club for your bad mouth. :D That makes me giggle.
My interesting fact that always stuns people - I put myself through college on a trombone scholarship. No one would know that looking at 115 lb, 5'4 me....but that was my thing!
Fun post.
Trombone! That is one of the more unique things I've heard. Love it!
DeleteI almost died at the age of 18, when I had a massive hemhorrage about a week after a tonsillectomy. I'll never forget that I was drinking a Wendy's Mr. Frosty when it happened - I've hated anything chocolate malt flavored ever since!
ReplyDeleteAnd I have pretty extreme trypophobia (basically a fear of holes, but Google it and you'll see what I mean). I've been known to break out in hives when I see a fern leaf with spores or a dried lotus flower - ugh!
Oh, and I grew up with a black, one-eyed cocker spaniel, too! He did have all 4 legs but had an unfortunate wart condition. He was slightly revolting at times, in a very loveable way :)
Interesting Beth. I went to HS in Round Rock Texas. No I didn't ride a horse to school. I should have died after being tossed out of a pickup truck at 55 mph. The driver, a good friend, died in my arms. I'm named after my grandfather. No fears.
ReplyDeleteI too, have emetephobia. My biggest fear with it was having children and have them get sick. My fear came true this winter when my 20 month old child at the time threw up all over me. Thank goodness my husband was there to grab her because I literally started hyperventilating and shaking. Now if she is the least bit fussy I'm instantly paranoid that she's going to throw up! And I think about that moment basically every day (it happened in November). Please tell me there is hope with kids that it won't be so bad or keep happening!! Also, I am a pharmacist and it's one of the biggest reasons I went in to that; lesser chance of someone throwing up around me! My husband is also a pharmacist and we work at the same hospital so I've always told him if ever our kids our sick that I will work his shift and he gets to stay home with them. Kind of convenient really. I'm such a good mom, haha.
ReplyDeleteYou and I are so similar. When my kids were younger I lived in fear of them throwing up. Seriously, I thought about it all the time. Now that they are teens, they don't throw up near as much and when they do, the are mostly able to handle it. My husband knows I will handle every single illness, but not this one. He's been good about stepping in although he reminds me that he's grossed out too. But for me it goes way beyond just being grossed out! It does get better, trust me.
DeleteI am convinced that I am named after my mom's high school boyfriend (who is not my dad) since we have the same name, but she swears up and down, still, that it's a "coincidence". It's spelled differently. So clearly not the same at ALL. My daughter, however, is named after Lucy Pevensie from the C.S. Lewis Narnia series. I went to high school in South Kingstown, RI which has the mailing address as Wakefield, RI but is in the village of Peace Dale, RI (something only Rhode Islanders understand. But I swear that is all accurate). Something random about me - I shave my left leg and armpit on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and my right leg and armpit on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Sunday is the day of rest. Because of God. I have been doing this religiously, 52 weeks a year, since I began shaving daily in high school (former competitive swimmer). People say it's odd, but I find it highly organized.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone, My name is Jennifer Woodward, I'm from USA, I and my husband got married for more than 11 years and have gotten two kids. thing were going well with us and we are always happy. until one day my husband started to behave in a way i could not understand, i was very confused by the way he treat me and the kids. later that month he did not come home again and he called me that he want a divorce, i asked him what have i done wrong to deserve this from him, all he was saying is that he want a divorce that he hate me and do not want to see me again in his life, i was mad and also frustrated do not know what to do,i was sick for more than 2 weeks because of the divorce. i love him so much he was my everything to me without him my life is incomplete. i told my sister and she told me to contact a spell caster, i never believe in all this spell casting of a thing. i just want to try if something will come out of it. i contacted Dr Iyaryi for the return of my husband to me, they told me that my husband have been taken by another woman, that she cast a spell on him that is why he hate me and also want us to divorce. then they told me that they have to cast a spell on him that will make him return to me and the kids, He cast the spell and after 1 week my husband called me and he told me that i should forgive him, he started to apologise on phone and said that he still live me that he did not know what happen to him that he left me. it was the spell that he Dr Iyaryi cast on him that make him come back to me today,me and my family are now happy again today. thank you Dr Iyaryi for what you have done for me i would have been nothing today if not for your great spell. i want you my friends who are passing through all this kind of love problem of getting back their husband, wife , or ex boyfriend and girlfriend to contact Dr Iyaryi ,if you need his help you can contact him through his private mail: driayaryi2012@hotmail.com And also Reach him on WhatsApp Number: +2349057915709 Thanks Dr. Iyaryi
ReplyDeleteLottery directed at either lottery game in your area to produce a onetime jackpot win. Gambling Good Odds Selecting Spells, Do you go to the casino's and gamble frequently? This spell will increase the chance of getting Winning odds of your natural win, when you go to gamble you will see larger and get the large amount u ever worn before, more frequent wins. Prosperity Spells ( Are you looking for an increased income? This spell will help you in all aspects of your life financially. Whether it be getting a salary increase, better luck gambling or more business coming your way, this spell will help get it done right the first time. Jackpot Lottery spells, Are you looking to win big Lottery money ? ( Jackpot lottery ) ? This spell locks in a jackpot win and can be directed toward the mega millions lottery game. Good investment for a long term financial solution. Customized Business Spell ( business prosper / success spells ). Are you looking for something specific to happen in your career or business? We will create a spell designed to produce the exact outcome that you seek. Get Hired Spell. Are you unemployed looking for work? This spell will allow you to obtain a job that will offer advancement opportunities: Have u been worked in A company for long period of time but salary still the same yet others are been promoted and getting good salary then u? or u need to be head of a company ? if the question is that, then Your Awaiting Answer Is Prof mama Fahimah Financial Succeed Spells / Money Spells: For More Info Call / Whatsapp +27728585527
ReplyDeleteEmail: info@profmamafahimah.com
Visit: http://www.profmamafahimah.com
Am Professor Mama Fahimah The great female spells caster with 20 years of experience in filed of traditional healing, i have helped more than 1000 clients all over the world and all my rituals are 100% guaranteed results, and i got high 100% success rate of giving my clients results that they need in the period we agreed, so if you have been trying several spells caster with no results yet you have spent a lot of money or not, am the answer that you have been looking for, i have experiences in following, bringing back lost lover, business success spells, winning lottery spells, any lotto, gambling good luck spells, bring back stolen properties, marry me love spells, stop divorce love binding spells,win court cases spells, I have a very powerful divine magic ring with a lot of special powers within it, fertility spells, winning contract / tender spells, job promotion / salary increase ? the answer is me prof mama fahimah, for more info call / whatsapp on +27728585527
ReplyDeleteemail: info@profmamafahimah.com
for more info
visit: http://www.profmamafahimah.com
Thanks for your page! Your share information it helped me alot! I pray for you to be happy and successful in your life.
ReplyDeleteonly have this little chance to tell you people about this powerful spell caster that brought back my lover to me within 3days. His name is dr obasi of the Shrine For Solution.My Husband left home since four months ago without even a call from him.I have cried for help but all that heard my cry kept on collecting my money without doing anything.A friend introduced me to dr obasi because he has helped her own sister in bringing back her lover.I contacted him, i cried so much and he heard my cried and he said he is for real and not like others.I want to confirm to you people that the following morning after he has started the work, my lover emailed me and also sent his friends to beg me not to be angry that should he come home? He is hungry and love to be with me. My lover is back and how do you expect me not to talk about dr obasi ? How on earth do you expect me to forget about him.You can contact him and he will do it for you, i assure you. His email address is obasispelltemple@gmail.com His cell number is +2349065671269.I am 101% sure that he will do it for you too because i know that there are so many people who needs help.We have made love and getting ready for a trip to Dubai. Thank you once again dr obasi, i will forever be greatful to you.and his web site is [obasispelltemple.yolasite.com] I am Stephanie Wilson from UK
Do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster Dr.obasi on his email: obasispelltemple@gmail.com or call +2349065671269 thank you
Hi everyone
ReplyDeleteThis is the most wonderful thing i have ever experience and i need to share this great testimony. About how i get my ex back after a breakup. I never believed it, because i never heard nor learn anything about it before. Hey guys my wife and I have been married for 15 years. For over five years I have been dealing with jealousy issues because of flirting and her having emotional type affairs with other men. I felt like my masculinity was in question and if I said the way she was acting bothered me, it seemed to make matters worse or I was accused of being controling. During this period I did state I wanted a divorce if the behavior was not going to end: texting men a night, leaving for the weekend without letting me know where she was going or not responding to messages. We do have a son and basically it's been him and I for the last year on the weekends. She disconnected completely from being a good wife and mother. In April she said she wanted a separation and I said no we need to get into marriage counseling. We did try that, but she was not very responsive and didn't give any effort. Afterward she was adamant about separation and divorce. I continued to say no and that we needed to save our family. She presented a separation agreement and I had to hire a lawyer. Because of the above behavior my lawyer suggested a private investigator. The investigator discovered my wife was having an affair with a close friend of the family who also is married with children. We know the extended families. I feel like I should tell this man's wife about what happened. This adultery has devastated me emotionally, I feel betrayed and I'm physically drained. I know my wife is passionate in terms of her sexuality, and I can't get the thought of them out of my head. It makes me question my own manhood, and I feel very inferior or that he must be a better lover or what ever. The problem is my wife pursued him. She would go to him and she lured him into this adultery. I felt this was coming for some time and could not stop it. She was not only lying to me but also to our son about what she was doing and where she was going. My family is important, my son loves her and as crazy as it sounds so do I. Can you respond with a course of action on how to proceed? I was still have a very huge place in my heart for her. so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Ahmed can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a spell for me. 28 hours later, my wife came to me and apologize for the wrongs she did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I, my son and my wife are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Ahmed. as it is a place to resolve marriage/relationship issues, do you want to be sure if your spouse is being faithful to you or Do you want your Ex to come back to you Contact.: E-mail: Ahmedutimate@gmail.com or call/Whats-app: +2348160153829 save your crumbling home and change of grades its 100% safe. I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. David L. Ollis, 43yrs, UK
ReplyDeleteMy name is Leann Crane i!!! i am very grateful sharing this great testimonies with you, The best thing that has ever happened in my life is how i win the lottery. I am a woman who believe that one day i will win the lottery.finally my dreams came through when i email Dr OCUSODO. and tell him i need the lottery numbers. i have come a long way spending money on ticket just to make sure i win. But i never know that winning was so easy until the day i meant the spell caster online which so many people has talked about that he is very great in casting lottery spell, so i decide to give it a try.I contacted this man and he did a spell and he gave me the winning lottery numbers. But believe me when the draws were out i was among winners. i won ( FIVE MILLIONS DOLLARS) Dr. OCUSODO i truly you are the best, with these man you can will millions of money through lottery. i am so very happy to meet these man, i will forever be grateful to you. Email him for your own winning lottery numbers (drocusodospellcaster@gmail.com) or (drocusodospellcaster@yahoo.com)
WhatsApp or call him now: +2349067457724
Contact: drocusodospellcaster@gmail.com for Urgent lottery winner Fast, VERY POWERFUL:100% GUARANTEED RESULTS I want to use this opportunity to thank Dr.OCUSODO for helping me to win the lottery.I have been playing lottery for the past 8 years now and the only big money I have ever won was 800$ ever since then I have not been able to win again and I was so upset and I need help to win the lottery so I decided to go to a friend of mine call Robert,and he introduce me to Dr. OCUSODO, there I saw so many good talk about this man called Dr. OCUSODO of how he have cast spell for people to win the lottery.I contact him also and I tell him I want to win a lottery, he cast a spell for me which I use and I play and won 80million GBP. I am so grateful to this man just in case you also need him to help you win, you can contact him through his email: drocusodospellcaster@gmail.com is my part of promise I made, that if I win I tell the word how I win my game. drocusodospellcaster@yahoo.com or also call him or what-app +2349067457724.
ReplyDeleteA testimony on how i won lottery with the help of Dr. OCUSODO
ReplyDeleteGood day everybody, Please i want you all to stop whatever you are doing right now and read this testimony. I am Raymond Ellerbe from United Kingdom...I won Lottery of 120,000 Pounds last week in Nsw 6 pool from 38 lottery play.I was introduced to a spell caster called Dr. OCUSODO his email is (drocusodospellcaster@gmail.com) a month ago by a colleague who he helped with marriage and financial issues.All what he said and what he promised to do really happened.I never believed in magic or spells because i thought they were mostly the same acts or tricksters until i met him,everything changed,it exists but only in the right hands and with it everything is possible.I don't know how to pay him for this but i really hope i can do something important and special for him I bought him a good car but not enough i guess by telling other people how i became rich now, he is good in love spell, get your ex back, HIV spell, Pregnancy Spell And other spell if you are in need of any help contact him here drocusodospellcaster@yahoo.com
Email: drocusodospellcaster@yahoo.com or drocusodospellcaster@gmail.com
WhatsApp or call him now: +2349067457724
ReplyDeleteMy name is Leann Crane i!!! i am very grateful sharing this great testimonies with you, The best thing that has ever happened in my life is how i win the lottery. I am a woman who believe that one day i will win the lottery.finally my dreams came through when i email Dr OCUSODO. and tell him i need the lottery numbers. i have come a long way spending money on ticket just to make sure i win. But i never know that winning was so easy until the day i meant the spell caster online which so many people has talked about that he is very great in casting lottery spell, so i decide to give it a try.I contacted this man and he did a spell and he gave me the winning lottery numbers. But believe me when the draws were out i was among winners. i won ( FIVE MILLIONS DOLLARS) Dr. OCUSODO i truly you are the best, with these man you can will millions of money through lottery. i am so very happy to meet these man, i will forever be grateful to you. Email him for your own winning lottery numbers (drocusodospellcaster@gmail.com) or (drocusodospellcaster@yahoo.com)
WhatsApp or call him now: +2349067457724