It shouldn't be that hard, but it is. I hate not being able to run the way I want to. This week I have nagging lower back pain. While running initially seems to stretch things out, the pain gets worse a few hours after running. My body tells me, "lay off the running." And I should. High impact stuff won't help the inflammation in my lower back.
Problem is, I don't want to. My gut says, "listen to your body" but my head says, "screw it and do it."
So today I begrudgingly go to the gym to ride the stationary bike. I would rather be out on my road bike, but I am not supposed to lean over. At least on the stationary, I can sit upright. I used to love cycling, did it all the time. It's not that I don't enjoy it, it's just that I now have the running bug and that is what I primarily do and where my goals lie.
As I was pedalling away, getting mundane updates in Better Homes and Gardens about how to arrange my bookshelves so they will look balanced, I am enviously watching some girl get on the treadmill in front of me. I wonder if she will run or walk. Probably walk because it looks like she is wearing yoga pants, and who runs in those? She sets her speed to 6.5 mph, so she is running. I wonder how long she will run, how far she will run, if she will get tired, what she is listening to on her iPod. Granted I was bored on the bike, this attention to detail about someone I don't even know is excessive. I think I was jealous that she was running and I was not. I wanted to have that after-running feeling like you really did something. That sensation of dripping sweat, heart rate racing, legs burning. I get this from running.
The point is: what do you do when injury keeps you from running? What works to keep you sane? Does not being able to run set you back? I'd love to know.
Man, I'm really sorry to hear about this. Hopefully the pain will go away soon and you can get back on the roads.
ReplyDeleteI have been blessed to not have many/any injuries in answer to your question. When I'm not running it's usually by choice so I don't do much of anything. I've not had to face not running when I'm actually wanting to run. I think I'd pout like a 2 year old.
Pouting and eating bad food is pretty much what I'm doing.
ReplyDeleteI turn to swimming because it is a full body workout and I feel so good when I'm done
ReplyDeleteI do get really antsy... I generally try to walk alot if i can do that...if not, yes I'm stretching and ab work and weights and upright biking and anything else I can think of...it makes me insane.
ReplyDeleteI've had problems with my lower back before, too. I think I've finally learned that I can get back to running faster if I really rest instead of do "easy" runs. Yoga sometimes helps, too. Hope things get better soon.
ReplyDeleteI can identify with your Runner Envy. When I can't run I jealously scrutinize everyone I see running. I can't say I have particularly healthy ways to deal with not being able to run-- cross-training really is the best I have, too.
ReplyDeleteOne of my TNT coaches in CA is training for an Ironman. (Slacker, right?) He has an injury that's laid him up for a bit and has been rambling about it in his blog. Thought you might like to check it out -- http://crazy4life-haakon.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteEnjoy, Laura
Had to laugh at this one! I am not quite as serious a runner as you but Ive done a few half marathons and about to do a 15k for my return to regular running after twins....but I am totally that girl running in yoga pants (or even my brothers old football sweats from highschool and we are loooong graduated from HS) I always thought it was crazy that people spent a bunch of money on clothes for exercise but I have recently become more aware of how rediculous I probably look. Last week I was on a 7 mile run when someone asked me if I was running all the way back to the beach....What? Then I realised I was wearing cheasy Myrtle Beach souvenier oversized sweatshirt that I dont even know when or how I got (Im in Ohio) My Christmas list may have to include some decent running gear this year!
ReplyDeleteI turn to swimming because it is a full body workout and I feel so good when I'm done
ReplyDeletePouting and eating bad food is pretty much what I'm doing.