Tuesday, March 20, 2012

“Injury” Should Be a Four Letter Word

Yes it’s true. I’m in a crappy mood because body parts are hurting again. Just when I thought I was out of the woods, the same old pain is back. I am ready to just get my left hamstring and hip removed. Maybe my ass as well. Hamstringectomy, hipectomy and assectomy are the proper medical terms, I believe.

Makes me want to kick someone in the crotch.

It was all going so well. I have been running a steady 20-25 miles per week, mostly on trails, in preparation for the start of marathon training. I have not significantly increased my speed, frequency or duration. I am following the rules. This should not happen.

The pain is mostly in the “thutt” area (crease between the ass and the high hamstring – you could also call it a hamass). The pain radiates along the crease and into the groin area. Yes, I said groin. Please don’t be turned on. GROIN!!


This is me pointing to the pain area, not scratching my butt.

After going to every professional I can think of, I am back to square one. The treatments like ART and dry needling are very effective, but they are band-aids. Answers are what I want, but answers are what I do not have. Is it my biomechanics? How my foot strikes? An imbalance from when I hurt my hip? No one seems to be able to tell me.

Perhaps this is a minor and expected setback. Maybe a few days off with some icing, drinking, knitting, crying and stretching will cure what ails me. Of course with my history, I am super sensitive to injuries that sideline me for weeks and months.  In the back of my head I cannot face that it could be something more serious like yet another stress fracture. NO NO NO.

I am not going there. But, what I will say is that it is absolutely annoying, heartbreaking and mind-numbing when your body is not working with you. By the way, I do know there are starving children in Africa, so you don’t have to remind me of how insignificant my problem really is. 

Somehow I think it is my fault, yet I cannot for the life of me figure out what I’ve done wrong. You name it, I’ve done it:

Cross training
Strength building
Ample sleeping
Well balanced and nutritious eating
Mental strengthening
Gait analysis
Running on soft surfaces
Visits to PT, chiropractor, massage therapist
Time off
Bone Density testing (clear)

Maybe I’m trying too hard. You think? That list is ridiculous. You’d think I was training for the Olympics or something.  But, we all know we want to do what we love to do. I love to run. I love everything about it. It is not all of who I am, but it plays a huge part.

I have an ART session tomorrow with this guy, Miracle Matt. I am going to attempt a mellow trail run on Friday. We leave to go here on Sunday (Playa del Carmen, Mexico):

I will be too busy ingesting margaritas and perfecting my Spanish (más cervezas, por favor) to hurt myself worse.

In the meantime, I am finding things to laugh at like this picture a reader, Claire, sent me. She saw this hanging at shop in Galveston, Texas last week. No clue why she thought of me:


Clearly, them Texans like big panties. I’m sure the future holds even bigger skid marks. If I can’t run anymore I will change this blog to “Shut Up + Fart” or SUAF. I think it has a ring to it.

If you know how to cure me, tell me.

If you have something funny to make me laugh, tell me.

If you want to commiserate (because misery loves, adores, craves company), tell me.

SUAR (some days, SUAF).


  1. I am commiserating with an almost identical butt issue. :( My Sports Medicine MD just told me that she does NOT recommend ART but rather eccentric hamstring exercises. My husband told me that in the meantime I should start quilting again. I kicked him in the nads.

    1. Maybe you can tell me what an eccentric hamstring excerise is (before I kick you in the nads), then come over and we'll do them together. Hope it helps!

    2. Hi Beth-- if you go to youtube and search "Eccentric hamstring exercises" you'll see some... I have an appt with doc/PT on thursday so i'll let you what new exercises I get assigned. Nad kicking is optional. :)

  2. Um. Yeah.
    ((((hugs))))) are all I have to offer tonight :)

  3. SI joint issue? I had similar pains...went to a Chiropractor...he adjusted my hip and seriously pain is almost gone. (I have for almost 35 years (and I'm almost 35 years old) have been skeptical of the whole "adjusting" and "cracking" of this field...but I'm a believer now!!!

  4. I hear ya on not knowing what the eff is going on with your body! My back, SI, butt area hurts. It just hurts... It was a stress fracture last year and now this horrible pain that makes me want to just hobble around with a cane (I'm 25...not 87). I feel your pain both figuratively and literally. I find beer and a heating pad to be the best comfort. And an ASSage if I can find someone willing.

  5. Misery loves company. I just found out I have a stress fracture. No running for 4-6 weeks. Kind of lame but seriously almost cried. All that hard work put into training and now... I have decided I will make the bike my new best friend and I will perfect my red velvet cake recipe and maybe write a couple of letters. My mom says "Time heals all things," well that's great, but how do I speed up time?

  6. ah crap....or like I would really say "Merde"
    I got no miracle cure
    I wish I did.

  7. I'm new to running. I am going to go with, not enough chocolate. I mean, if it doesn't fix the problem...you still had chocolate. :)

  8. Okay your injury sounds way too much like my injury.
    My biomechanic-chiro guy diagnosed me with a "weak amnesiac butt" (glutes that are not strong and have forgotten how to take their share of the load). It is slow going and just today I started to feel that old pain back in my butt and hammy that I had gotten rid of for a few months. Now? today? After I have been laid up with the flu for over a week and haven't even been able to exercise? WTF????
    I feel ya sister.
    I am having a glass of wine for both of us right now!

  9. Hey Beth... I'm sorry to hear you are having thutt probs again!!! since we last emailed about my "butt crease" prob ... I just posted another update. it seems to be either or both ischial tuberosity bursitis or hamstring tendinopathy.


    a dude out in SD sent me this info too:
    "Sounds like a hamstring tendinopathy, where it attaches (a commonly problematic site). These take a while.
    Why? 1) often due to larger problem of asymmetrical posture, and gait. This places a larger demand on one hamstring. If you don't fix the cause you get the same result (or you compensate differently, and it moves to your foot, as plantar fasciitis, for example). 2) It's a thick tendon that you use constantly.
    What to do?
    Eccentric contractions (Pain Free!! not too much weight).
    Acupuncture, if can take upwards of 4-6 treatments for this (sometimes).
    Strong massage.
    Postural corrective exercises!! (Go to the source).

    If it doesn't disappear fast, consider what else might be playing into the slow recovery.

    This is all general info of course, not personal health suggestions."

    just thought I would pass along all the info I've gotten since we emailed on Sunday. This injury seriously blows so enjoy your vaca, 'ritas and maybe a little break from running!!


  10. I feel you on the injury that won't go away and that you've tried everything for. I have a hip/quad injury that no one seems to know what to do with. One doc wants me to have surgery, another wants me to do PT. I fear neither will fix it.

  11. I've got nothing. But I'm stressing out for you and your pain in the ass-string.

    And thank you for those underwear at the end of the post. That's pure comedy on so many levels, I don't know where to start.

    Get better. Feel better.

  12. I'm choosing to be miserable with you! It started with my left arch and on to PT. it jumped to my right arch , my right elbow my right shoulder and now my right knee. I feel like I take a step forward and 10 steps back. I try to remember that my problems are small but some days it overcomes me. I just want to RUN!!!!!!

  13. I have no words of wisdom about your injury, but my boys are having a great time this week talking about farting. Every conversation always turns towards farting. I think if they're like this at 4 and 6, what are they going to be like at 14 and 16? Be well!

  14. I wish I could cure you because I have the same problem and have had it for 18 months. No amount of doctor, chiro or PT visits have helped. I've tried solo stretching, assisted stretching, gait analysis, ultrasound, cold laser, electostim, SI joint adjustment, heat therapy, spinal adjustments. Not a thing helps. Next up...trip to the ortho office that specializes in sports medicine.

    So this is definitely a post to commiserate...I've spent a small fortune on this and here's to hoping for a miracle cure for us both!!

  15. I choose to commiserate. I have the SAME pain in my LEFT ass too!!! But my pain goes the opposite direction. It goes lateral. Out to my hip and down my hamstring. I look forward to ice baths daily and a massage in a week and a half. 22 miles on Thursday might be interesting...

  16. I don't know how to cure you. Not for sure. But I can tell you the proper name for that area. Bammy. Yes, It's true.
    I suggest wine followed by husbandly massage with a happy ending. It might not cure your problem but you'll feel better about it. And everything else.

  17. Replies
    1. Yeah, not so smart when you are injured!

    2. I know...just my attempt at humor...epic fail! I know nothing about what to do because I'm new at this so I'll just say hang in there and we're pulling for you.

    3. Thanks...yeah, I know, we have to keep it light and humorous around here so we don't cry!! Thanks.

  18. Why is it that just when we start getting good at this running thing, bam! Injury. It's so maddening; every run I'm trying to figure out if I'm warming up my Achilles or damaging them. I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, but wondering about acupuncture. I know you did dry needling, but have you ever tried acupuncture?

  19. I have been getting ART, Graston, and AMIT - I should have a better idea if they worked after the bruising and swelling go away :)

  20. I love your made up medical terms. I hope they figure out why your hamass hurts. Totally frustrating to have an injury no one can define or treat. Hang in there!

  21. I had groin pain too and now I'm 2 weeks post op for hip surgery. SUCKS!

  22. I'll take commiserating. I always call it hamstring pain at the attachment point.

    I'll see your list and add you one PRP (platlet rich plasma injection) and a little graston torture on the side. I took last week super easy so I could run a 15K on Sunday and had to DROP OUT (my first time) because my left knee, decided to join the body rebellion and have a brand new pain. I now have to take the week off from running and am sooo frustrated. It's the whole when you can't do something you want to do it even more. Praying that we both get back to running soon!

  23. I don't have a cure for what ails you, but I do have a joke. Your "hipectomy" and "assectomy" comments made me remember it. It looses its impact when you just read it, so say it aloud.

    When the appendix is removed it is called an appendectomy.
    When the gallbladder is removed it is called a cholecystectomy.
    When a female has a sex change surgery it is called addacocktomy.

    No offense meant for those transgender SUAR followers out there!

    Get well!

    1. Hahhaha!! I can only hope I have some transgender followers. Keeps things interesting. Wonder what it would be like to addacock.

  24. dayum, had I known you were coming I'd have baked a cake. :) It looks like you've tried a lot of things, but have you tried the BarryP program? It has saved many an injured runner. If you haven't heard of it, check ST (slowtwich) for BarryP and you'll find his series of articles. In a nutshell, it is run slow, run frequently and keep to a 1:2:3 ratio 6 days a week (so, for example, 30, 60, 30, 60, 30, 90, 0).

  25. I'll commiserate. And come to the realisation that I may never get to do a half-marathon and that I may just have to settle with 5km three times a week. Any more than that and I get butt/hip/plantar faciitis issues. Sigh.

  26. I don't know how to cure you (and I totally feel your pain on the frustrating reoccurring injuries) but maybe I can make you laugh a little. Why does the pool in that picture of Playa del Carmen have two giant toilet seats? Please tell me I'm not the only one who looked at that picture of a beautiful pool and could only see toilet seats, haha :)

    1. Hahahha!! I guess they are trying to enourage people to NOT pee in the pool...toilet seat convenience. Or maybe they just put them there for me, knowing my history.

  27. I prefer "hamass" to "thutt".

    I wish you speedy recovery and prolonged health..injuries are our enemies..cruel jokes by nature but keep at it, you will overcome this.....

  28. Ugh, I feel ya sister. I too have been having left butt probs for about 9 months. SO frustrating. I was told by a PT that I had a leg length discrepancy due to a misalignment of my SI joint. I was also told I had bursitis. Following a cortisone shot and an adjustment to realign my pelvis by my DO, I was given a handful of PT exercises to strengthen that region (lots of clamshell with a theraband type movements). The shot brought great relief after the intial first couple of days. I've also self prescribed a minimal shoe and am starting from scratch at low mileage with these. The shorter, faster stride length and softer landing seem to help. Still want to cut my left butt off when I pick up the pace or go longer distances with my normal trainers. Best wishes and sending healthy butt vibes to Colorado!

  29. Sounds like you are doing a lot to make yourself better. I had quite a bit of joint pain when I started running. The main thing that helped me was an all natural supplement called SierraSil Joint Formula 14. It has really helped reduce with my foot, knee and hip pain. I've also got orthotics today so I'm crossing my fingers that the orthotics start to correct me at the source of being un-aligned (so that I can reduce the supplement I'm taking).

  30. I think the cure is a few days off relaxing in the sun and lots and lots if tequilas Well couldn't hurt at least.

  31. Margaritas will definitely help, at least temporarily. I'm not licensed to give any medical opinions or advice but it does sound like an issue where the muscle inserts into the head of the femur. As with any tendon issue, it can be very slow healing and can psych you out by behaving well for a while. When I suffered hip tendonitis I really had to commit to icing 20min on 20 off ALL day for several days and laying off running. I was running indoor track at the time, which on the tiny circle and hard surface, was murder on my legs. Learning some dynamic movements and stretches really helped and to this day (over 10 years since my glory days of H.S. running) I still have to do dynamic stretches before launching into any intense runs such as speed work or tempo runs.

    Now something funny to make you laugh:
    My 2-yr-old might be the gassiest toddler on the planet. Every time she lets one rip we laugh and say, "Excuse you!" Now, if she hears anyone else pass any gas (either a fart or belch) she does the same. She no longer says "Bless you," if we sneeze, either, just "excuse you!"

  32. I pulled my hamstring about 3 months ago and the pain was also in my "thutt." Like others that have commented, mine was due to my SI joint being tilted. In addition to exercises, my PT also did ASTYM, which breaks up the scar tissue and increases blood flow to the area to speed healing. It worked wonders for me, I was able to keep running throughout treatment.

  33. I'm sorry you're injured. That seriously sucks. If you find something that helps will you let me know because I seem to be developing a similar injury and it's really frustrating. I'm hoping your awesome trip will be just what you need. Have a great time!

  34. I don't know if you've tried this yet but a Myo-Fascial Release Roller helped me with similar butt pain. It is inexpensive DIY in the comfort of your home while you fart and drink your wine. :)

  35. Injuries suck! So sorry you are dealing with it again.
    I had similar pain in the same area before and it really seemed to bug me when I was riding my bike. I know you have been doing some cross training but are you doing it on your bike? If you are it could be that your bike needs to be fitted better for you. I got a professional fitting and after I rested to let the area heal I haven't been bothered since. I don't know if you have been on your bike or not but I thought I would throw it out there, just in case.
    Good luck.

    1. Good point but actually I have not been on my bike at all lately. And I have had it professionally fitted.

  36. Yikes, I SO feel for ya and I'm sorry you are dealing with this injury. I went through a couple of years of trying to figure out what was wrong with me and at one point thought I must be crazy and it was all in my head. I had chronic hamstring, it band, etc. issues and finally groin pain that wouldn't go away. Not saying you have it as I'm not a doctor but I was misdiagnosed over and over. I like you tried EVERYTHING! I was finally correctly diagnosed with FAI or femoral acetabular impingement. It's a newer diagnoses and not a lot of doctors are really familiar with it. Chances are it's not FAI but it's good to know about it just in case.

    I underwent hip surgery but am back to running again pain free finally!

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  37. I can soooooooooos relate.
    I tried airrosti.
    didnt work for me but has helped so so many.


  38. Beth-I am sorry to hear you are in pain. Sadly, it does sound exactly like a pelvic stress fracture-the thutt pain radiating into the groin. Do you have weakness with a single leg stand on the affected side? Or difficulty when trying to pull on pants or shorts while standing? I had a pelvic stress fracture last fall with the symptoms you are describing so I would highly recommend getting an MRI or bone scan. They thought I had an ischial bursitis and I endured the most painful steroid injection on the planet which did no good but I was training for a 1/2 and I elected to try it instead of getting the MRI first. Good Luck to you and enjoy Mexico.

    1. No pain while running (just after) and no pain when putting weight on just that leg.

    2. That is good news so it may not be the worst case stress fracture.

  39. I feel your pain. Has anyone done an MRI? Wonder if you may have slightly avulsed a tendon or torn one which would explain your trouble with healing and reinjury. If so you'd expect a longer healing time which is of course not what you want to hear but would be good info to have. Stretch sister. Rest sister. Trails can help in some areas and hurt in others. Hills get me in the butt especially as I fatigue and I have an old tear in that exact same spot! A Bikram malfunction. It wasn't pretty. Shorten your stride on the inclines, be careful on turns. Taping (anyone out there do Kinesiotaping?) can help but in that spot all you may end up with is a botched Brazilian. BTW--I'm buddies with your Clair in good ol' Virginny. Let us know what happens and good luck.

    1. Yes, I am beginning to think an MRI might be needed to get to the bottom of this (or get to the butt of this)

  40. I wish I had some answers for you, but I'm in the same boat. I had a nasty case of pes anserine tendonitis in 2010, after which time I went through PT, started crossing & strength training, added a lift for a leg length difference, took 2 monts off running and eventually had a cortisone injection. Unfortunately, anytime I get my mileage up over about 15 miles a week, the pain comes creeping back. So far I've kept it at a fairly minor level with lots of icing, stretching and strength training, but I'm starting to believe that I will never run pain free again. I start training for my first marathon soon and have just decided that as long as it doesn't get to an intolerable level, I'm just going to live with it. It stinks, but it's that or not running, and I'm not willing to give up running yet. Sure wish I had discovered my passon for running when I was a bit younger, though!

    Some injury humor: For whatever reason I decided to stalk my ultra-buttoned down, professional PT on Facebook, and to my horror found a picture he had posted of himself in an animal print robe (and I'm assuming nothing else) with the caption "Sex Panther." Gah! I could feel my face turn bright red at the beginning of every session (not to mention during all the manual adjustments he had to do on me) after that.

    1. SEX PANTHER!! OMG that is hilarious. You just never know what people are up to...

  41. I could have written this myself. Same exact pain in same area - done ALL if the same things and going to an ART genius today too. Wishing us both luck- not running SUCKS!


  42. Runnerdude has posted some great hamstring exercises. Hope they help and you heal quickly.

  43. I'm a runner with a high hamstring tendinopathy. It's been going on for almost a year. This is a very difficult injury to get rid of once you have it. I'm not sure if it is exactly the same injury, because I do not have groin pain. I feel the pain in my high hamstring all the time, but it is dull enough that I'm not stopping running due to it. I tried that for a bit, but it didn't help whatsoever. In my case, the injury was caused by trauma - a child ran out onto the track as I was speeding along. I had to stop suddenly and traumatized my right hamstring. However, there is also a small asymmetry in my spine/pelvis (left hip higher than right hip) which can be a risk factor for this sort of injury. Weaker glutes is an additional risk factor. Ultimately, it is a "too much, too soon" injury which could mean focusing on building a better running base through strength training would help. Obviously, I'm not sure of all the details in your case, so not all of these suggestions are likely to apply. Here is a detailed article from a medical journal if you are interested: "High Hamstring Tendinopathy in Runners" http://www.agilept.com/downloads/high-hamstring-tendinopathy-in-runners.pdf. A corticosteroid injection sounds like something to look into. Also, this runner has a similar injury: http://inspirunning.blogspot.com/2012/03/ischial-tuberosity-bursitis-aka-butt.html. Last thing: I am an American currently living in Ethiopia. Yes, there are starving children here, but I still care that my hamstring is in pain all the time. Best of luck to you!

    1. Yes, I've done the cortisone. One doc thought it was HHT, but others have said, "no" that is not the source of the issue. Once again, ten professionals, ten difft opinions. Cortisone did not do much for me, so thinking that was not the issue. Who knows? Thanks for your input!

  44. Have you tried accupuncture? I had a buldging disc in my lower back and it did wonders to help it heal. There is nothing like getting needeled in the ass. Good luck.

  45. I'm a long-time runner and have been suffering with all the same things you have. I've done all the things you did -- including ART. I thought I was losing my mind because the pain seemed to shift -- was it my piriformis, my hip, my hamstring, my back? I was frustrated and like you...just wanted a freaking answer.

    My chiropractor ordered and MRI and I finally got my answer. Herniated disk in the lower back. The recovery has been long and I am still dealing with it. The nature of the injury is such that the pain "travels" because it "refers" to different areas. Right now, my right butt cheek/leg is throbbing.

    But, now it comes & goes. I'll have days when I'm just fine (those are the days the disc receeds) and then, suddenly and dishearteningly, it will return. I was frustrated by it and feeling like I'd never recover, but the dr. says it's a good sign...it means it's healing if it's coming & going.

    So, for what it's worth...have you had a low-back MRI?

    1. Hmmm...interesting, sounds very similar. No, have not had a lower back MRI. Something to think about for sure.

  46. I had/have the same injury (hip/pelvic stress fracture). In fact, when I got injured in April 2011, it's how I found you! I did all the same things - crutches, pool running, cross training (and just time off completely), and then finally easing back into running. I was doing well until late December. I scaled back the running (I was doing about 20 mpw then)in January but really didn't feel better. I decided to stop running January 30, and just a couple of weeks ago decided to ease back into it. I started again from ground zero, and I am now "up" to one mile. Frustrated doesn't cover it. I want to kick someone, too!

    I hope you feel better soon. I certainly do understand!

  47. Misery does love company. I found out yesterday that I have a tibial stress fracture and they are going to do an MRI to confirm. So I now have a nice boot to wear and I get to be cheerleader/photographer for the Rock n Roll half in Dallas on Sunday, that I raised over $1,000 for Susan G. Komen for. And the OKC Memorial Marathon that I have already registered for is not gonna happen.

    I didn't cry at the doctor's office, but I did cry when I got home.

    I hope you find out what's going on and can fix it, injuries suck!

  48. Oh No Beth, I am so sorry, it's so frustrating to have chronic injuries. I hope that your time in Mexico will help you heal and feel better!

  49. "hamass"......too funny! Sorry to hear that you're hurtin', but I'm banged up too, and I'm running Boston in 26 days! Just hang in there, rest a bit, and keep seeking out help. I know some people up above mentioned a chiropractic solution, and I'll vouch for the value in that. I was also skeptical at first, but after my back pain went away, I was convinced. Now, I go in every couple of months for a "tune-up" and I'm good to go. Unfortunately, I don't think he can help me with my right anterior tibial tendonitis......

    Feel better soon....and I'll see you out there on the road!

  50. I have had a similar injury and still do to an extent...comes and goes...I have such awful alignment that any change is shoe ( thanks Asics for always f'ing with the Nimbus ) screws me up and aggravates it all over again. I wonder if the new shoes you tried recently are to blame? I'd put them in the closet and save for looking extra cool while running errands. I also have to stay away from lunges and squats...I'd be hesitant to go to docs and therapists and try some rest ( even tho it's not rest bc it's so stressful!) and ibuprofen. Your vaca is perfect timing to chill! Best of luck girlfriend!!

    1. No, not the shoes. I've had this problem for quite some time (started even before my hip sfx), regardless of which shoe I wear.

  51. I'm right there with you! Mine just started a couple of weeks ago, and I've tried to explain exactly where it hurts to all my running friends (ok, let's admit it, I only have one of those...I'm related to all the others). Now I'm worried it's something more serious than I thought. Great. More stress. I thought running was supposed to reduce that. ;)

  52. CURSES to pain and injury! -- Beth, you really must try Bikram yoga. I am not a "yoga type" and find flow, etc yoga both annoying and boring, but I am HOOKED on the benefits of Bikram yoga.

    It's tough and hot. It's the perfect workout for runners. It's THE ANSWER TO ALL YOUR ISSUES. It's super strengthening and balances out all your weaknesses, which are the root of all our injuries. Please give it a try -- and give it several classes, it takes some time to get used to the heat, figuring out the right way to breathe ... it has saved my bacon.

    Have a great trip and hope you feel better soon!

    1. I already do Bikram!! Been doing it for a couple of years. Love it.

    2. Glad to hear that and sorry it isn't preventing all bad things for you. Good luck with ART and finding the root of this, I know you will be back soon. Fingers crossed!

  53. So sorry! I feel your pain. I hurt my hamstring over a year ago and it still bugs me. Well, really aggravates the shit out of me, to put it more accurately. I'm 45 and it sucks getting older!! Hang in there!!!

  54. Ugh! No!!! Dam it I'm sorry. I have no suggestions. Although I always dream of punching some rude counter person in the face. Just a dream I have.

  55. I'm sorry you're hurting again. That's so frustrating.
    The pain you describe, or rather the location, is what I had about a month ago. I had crossed trained with some hard cycling the weekend before a mid range run. In the middle of my run, I suffered such a pain, I was going to call someone to pick me up. Since I haven't done any tough cycle workouts since, I haven't had the pain.

    The trip to Mexico will do you good. I'm jealous. Enjoy.

  56. I'm sorry! I agree that "injury" should be a 4 letter word. It's so frustrating! Been there. The only thing I can recommend is adding KRILL oil to your supplements if you haven't already. We use the Mega Red brand. One place you can find it...costco. By no means am I saying this is a cure all but my friend and I call it the "miracle pill" cause its done amazing things for us and our pains & recovery time. Just thought I'd throw it out there. And have FUN in Mexico!!!!

  57. While I don't have any advice for you, I can tell you that I really enjoy reading your blog. I look forward to a good laugh each morning when I log on to my computer and read your most recent post. Keep your chin up--you're awesome!

  58. Wow, I cannot believe how many people have this injury! Me too!!!! I have it in exactly the same place on my left leg. Countless visits to Dr, physios etc. One Dr told me it was because my glutes are weak and referred me to a physio who gave me seriously painful deep acupuncture in my quads (?) for weeks until I'd had enough of that!I have decided to live with it as it isn't bad enough to stop me running - it's just most painful when I try and run up a slight hill/slope and when I try and bend. (Although yoga stretching helps in the flexibility, it still hurts) I was interested in what another poster said about getting p. f as I have that too, in my opposite foot!! I've had it for over 9 months and have tried every self help remedy! Even saw one Dr who told me to give up running and do something else.....

  59. Misery joins. It's not an injury, but I finally got my running grove back, and I finally was where I wanted to be running wise, and now, 2 days after the best run I've had in a long time, I'm sick. Really sick. Can't breath. I'm pretty sure that in a week of not running, I'm going to back to square one.

    Why do our bodies hate us?

    PS Have fun in Mexico!

  60. I say during vacation - stay off these legs. Maybe some R&R for the mind and body will help!

  61. I've had this injury before. I stopped all of my strength training (I think I was working the muscle in too many ways so it just gave me the middle finger and started hurting ) and started running in lower heel drop shoes (like you I ran in Adrenalines when I got this). I switched to Saucony Mirage, although there are a lot of other options out there. The shoes forced me to take shorter strides and eventually the pain disappeared.
    Good luck and I hope you feel better soon. Injuries suck.

    1. Great advice. I was thinking the same. I ordered the Pure Cadence, which has only a 4mm drop compared to the Adrenalines which I think are about a 12mm?Going to ease into those and see what happens. Changing my foot strike is about the only thing I have not diligently tried.

  62. Ugh; I so know how you feel. Different injury, same heartache. I've been battling foot injuries for a year and a half. Seen a bunch of doctors, PT, acupuncture, chiro, etc. It's extremely frustrating and, for a control freak like me, very difficult to sit back and be patient. I try to keep the faith that this will someday be in the rear-view mirror and I will be a better/stronger runner because of it. I wish you all the best. Have a great time in Mexico and keep us posted on your progress!

  63. I got nothin'. Please feel better. I hope you get answers and try somehow to enjoy your trip while being in pain. I love to run while on vacation. I would be sad if I couldn't or if my running were somehow impeded by injury. :(

    1. Yes, running in Mexico on the beach was one of the things I was looking forward to the most. If I feel up to it, I might do some very easy/mellow miles.

  64. Get.out.of.my.head. Having been out for two months now, I can't tell you how much this increased my INsanity. You are doing all the right things, whereas I got injured and wasn't cross training at the time. Sucks that you're having another problem just when you were getting back into the swing of things!! Hope it goes away with some wine and 'rita therapy!

  65. You could try an osteopath.

  66. Great picture! Even though you know I do like the stairs.
    I'd suggest laying off the booty camp. Just run, if you must. No furious squatting, lunging or dead lifting. Just run.
    Enjoy Mexico! Relax Relax Relax, swim, drink & be merry. That should make your ass feel better.
    And finally, Really? No disrespect, but Oy with these ailments!? Eccentric exercise? Amnesiac Butt? Tendinopathy? Graston Torture? And I work for a doctor....Wow, I am a complete neophyte or maybe after raising three boys I'm just desensitized to ailments that can't be seen via x-ray, mri, ultrasound or cat scan. Feel better Beth! (maybe that lift is finally getting to you?)

    1. It's not the lift - I've had this pain for some time, way before the damn lift. But, I was hoping the lift was helping and now not sure it is.

  67. I got that same pain at the race on Sunday. Two days off and it is gone.....who the f knows why all this shit happens. I say cut it off and make Lucky feel better about himself that there are other out there like him.

  68. I haven't read all the replies, so maybe this has been suggested-- if so, sorry!! Have you had your hip x-rayed? I had pretty much the same symptoms and tried everything for dang close to a year. By the time I had to pull out of my first full marathon last fall, I was at my wits end. I went back to my orthopedic surgeon and he said I was bone on bone on my left hip-- osteoarthritis, and to take up swimming till I wanted my hip replaced. I swore at him (no lie), and did my research. I had my left hip resurfaced in November and am now running pain-free on my left hip.

  69. I'm in the "misery loves company" camp--currently in PT, not allowed to run etc.

    I choose to blame my children, who made me balloon to the size of an elephant, get cut open so they could be extracted, took turns camping out on my left hip for three years getting heavier and heavier and (in short) left me with abs as stretched out and useless as rubber bands and a back that's pissed off from trying to compensate. Actually, I do love my children--they are much cooler than having a stable pelvis. But it would be nice to have both, right?

    I'm sending you good vibes. I read some of the comments and like the MRI idea, because it really does sound like you've tried everything.

  70. FINGERS CROSSED that this is just a blip... just a reminder to continue playing it safe and listening to your body. The trip comes at the perfect time - try to put it out of your mind and enjoy loads of RnR and margaritas!

  71. After a weekend in Mexico, you will have no problem shutting up and farting!

  72. I'm in the misery loves company camp. I am in the middle of marathon training (May 20th) and have spent the last three weeks with a cold, turned sinus infection, turned bronchitus, turned stomach flu. I've given up- for now. Or at least until I comfortably leave the vicinity of a bathroom.

  73. Ummm...I 'm going to join ya...yep...misery LOVES company so...pretty miserable myself here...7 months post-op, 10 months since running...still no clearance.


  74. Oh sorry!Yes I have similar problems-I had an MRI last year-HHT,and this year SI joint problems.Sometimes I can run,sometimes not.I took up cycling but I think one should be careful with that too-and also-yoga?My PT said don't stretch-it's already stretched(partially torn)!I still do hot yoga sometimes but I'm beginning to think it's not great.I swim like crazy.
    Just wanted to say I feel your pain (literally).I am working on strengthening hips/core too.

    Take care.

  75. First, you know I get it and I am so sorry. Injury is a four-letter word in my book and we shouldn't have to suffer through them. And from what I can see, you haven't done anything wrong but rather have done lots to try to remedy it.

    Second--I'm glad Kristy (Inspired Running) weighed in b/c I think she is dealing with very similar issue. Keep looking for answers--you'll find one eventually.

  76. Love those TX sized undies! Hope you have a wonderful time in Mexico and get some well deserved rest! :)

  77. I have the same exact pain in the butt! I'm going to a non-runner PT (grrrrrr!) and she says it is because my sacrum (SP?) is tilted from having kids. Now my left leg is essentially shorter than my right leg and my muscles in my right leg are moving wrong when I run because the joint is in the wrong position. Got a lift and that seems to be making an amazing difference, but you already have one of those. Does yours hurt when you are walking or standing still? Mine doesn't. I feel it when I am sleeping on the bad side, when I raise my leg to shave, when I get out of the car after driving kids around. I'm considering a chiropractor too...have you done that?

    1. No, mine doesn't hurt when walking or standing still. Sometimes when sitting. I have tried a chiropractor with no relief. I went to ART today and it already feels better. Seems my hamstring needed some big time releasing to relieve pain in the butt crease...we'll see how it feels when I run on Friday. Good luck with your pain in the butt.

  78. Beth, my advice (which you have had a ton) would be to go see an orthopedic that specializes in hips! I had a similar problem to yours and found out that it was an avulsion fracture. They are rare in adults and most common in kids when they have growth spurts. I ultimately had to have an injection... they would only try it once and if it didn't help I was on my own. They used an x-ray machine to know exactly where to inject the site and I had to have a cat scan with dye as well. It was very thorough and although at first it didn't seem to work it took time and combined with yoga I learned that my hips were as tight as snare drums! Nonetheless - it can be re-aggravated but you have to listen to your body and give it rest when needed. I also see a chiropractor every other week and that helps to keep things in alignment. My doctor is in Superior and I am more than happy to give you the name.

    1. PS I sent you an email with my name, etc. :)

  79. I had this exact pain right before a marathon in 2010. I put my faith in the hands of a myofascial release expert and in just 1 visit, he released it and I was able to run my marathon that weekend. It ended up being my piriformis being in a tight knot and although that is not where I felt the pain, loosening the knot relieved it (although it was painful during the massage). GOOD LUCK and speedy recovery!

  80. OH no!! I am sorry that really sucks.

    That shut up and fart thing is hilarious

  81. Sorry about that annoying nasty pain. I have been dealing with a pain in my butt too. Have a fantastic vacation!!!!

  82. Dude. Don't know why I called you dude, trying to be effective and to the point I guess, but anyway. I spent the last 6 months planning and dreaming about my one week vacay to Beaver Creek, on my birthday week, only to crash and burn on the slopes on Monday. We had arrived on Saturday. I only got to ski on Sunday and half day Monday. Needless to say, the most exciting part of my vacay was the toboggan ride down the hill by the ski patrol. As wind and slush whipped across my face in a mixture of embarrassment and tears, we neared the bottom of the hill and the medical clinic that so eloquently handed me dx of a complete ACL tear and Tibial fracture. I am in nursing school. I will not be able to finish my semester due to my injury if I don't shut up and walk. I am putting off surgery and possibly further damage to my knee and meniscus. Deal with the pain in your ass. As a side note, I really am sympathetic to your ass pain. I just needed to vent. Thank you and carry on.

  83. I will say a little prayer for your little ass and hope it feels better after many margaritas! I too have an annoying it band thing. Went to a chiropractor and now I have a very large and very painful bruise from him using a shoehorn looking thing to torture me with. Hurt so bad I had to shuffle along at an extremely slow pace just to get out today. I do love the gigantic Shut Up And Fart underwear! I would have thought of you as well.

  84. I hope you can figure this out! I was shown your blog by I fellow running friend and I freaking LOVE you (is that weird?, well, deal with it... we should be best friends). Anyways, I hate it when my butt/hip hurts and can totally feel your pain. It always flares up at the most inopportune times; when I am actually training FOR something, when I am trying to shave my legs and almost fall over in the shower, when I am out hiking and literally get "stuck" trying to climb over a log... fabulous. I have found that longer, slower runs and lots of foam roller sessions and yoga have really helped, but I am not going to say that I am cured :*( I am looking forward to your Brooks Pure post(s) because I am also a DEVOTED (read: 10+ years) Brooks Adrenaline gal and am a *little* scared of trying a shoe with less stability.

  85. I didn't read the previous bazillioin comments so I'm not sure if someone suggested this to you. Myofascial release. Ive got a dude from the Romanian gymnastic team in Nadias time who works my ass over. Cannot tell you how much it has helped. I had chronic pain and then partially ruptured my hammy right uo there where you're pointing at the insertion point. Ok that sounds bad.

  86. So I experienced a common bizarre injury a few years ago, no explanation. It started right after I signed up for a really tough race. In my butt cheek and top of my hamstring. Then we moved and it got worse. I did everything to heal it. Then I came across this book called "the Divided Mind". It is all about how stress and traumatic circumstances get pushed down and away in our psyche, only to rear their ugly heads later as psychosomatic injuries. I don't know if it works for everyone, but it sure helped me.

  87. Hi! Oh sh*t, I FEEL YOU! I am sorry! I have been dealing with the dreaded plantar fasciitis for the past 4 months and doing everything I've been told. Orthotics, stretching, strengthening, mucho PT, night splint. I've gone to 3 different doctors. And most difficult-- I've been NOT RUNNING and I just got a PRP injection (ouch! I hate needles!) I'm so OVER this not running sh*t!
    So there you go. Commiseration.
    On a lighter note, I loled at the pic of you pointing to your hamass. Hope it starts to feel better soon!

  88. I just wrote a post today that seriously echoes your post! Specifically the "It was all going so well" and I love your "Hamstringectomy, hipectomy and assectomy" concept. Need me one of those...


    What an unfortunate coincidence for both of us...
