Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fart in Yoga

A friend emailed me to say, “If you Google ‘fart in yoga’” look what comes up!

Yes, me. This was a post I did about someone ELSE who farted in yoga. Not me. But I am laughing my ass off that my picture comes up under that Google image search. What a legacy I have! I am also laughing my ass off that my friend was Googling “fart in yoga.” I have the BEST, most like minded and mature friends in entire universe. That is all I can say.



  1. hhahah that is great!

  2. Wonderful!! But maybe you are the FART in yoga Beth. Fart as in "That Beth...she's a good ol' fart". Well, I guess that would work better as "...she's a good ol' sport" but hey, way to own this google image.

  3. HAHA! I show up on page 1 of image search in "running pit stain" so...not much better there. LOL!

  4. Haha! That is pretty impressive! Not just anybody can claim that!

  5. I love it that your friend googled "fart in yoga." And I love that the search came up with YOU. That IS the best kind of friend EVER!

  6. I SBD'd in yoga class once but fortunately it was a small group and I'm pretty sure it stayed in the back corner with me. That's what I told myself, anyway.

  7. ha ha ha!!! I've farted in yoga but I like it that your pic comes up in google for it and not mine!

  8. Thanks for the awesome laugh before I head out on an early morning jaunt. You are HILARIOUS! Fart in yoga.... heh heh heh

  9. You know you've made it when...

  10. I think yours in the perfect image for a fart in yoga search. I would like to hear more about what prompted someone to search it ...

  11. Sure, your 'friend' Googled it.................... HA

  12. i was thinking of you on monday - my TRX class wasnt until 630pm so i had some time to kill, so i took the pilates class which is mostly older folks. an older woman in silk pjs and pantyhose let one RIP!

    1. Love this today! Needed a laugh. You have to check out what happened today. http://carpcorner.blogspot.com/2012/03/play-by-play.html

  13. Ah needed such a good laugh!! I say on average at least one fart comes out per yoga class (I haven't personally... yet). Sometimes it is very hard to not laugh about it! Congrats on the google image!

  14. That's hysterical! I let one in PT the other day. First visit. That's charming.

  15. Really funny! Tomorrow I register for Pikes Peak and that means I will travel across the ocean in August to run in Colorado. I can't wait!

  16. Put it on the calendar. Today is the day you KNOW YOU'VE MADE IT!

  17. after reading this, I had to look it up myself... you were on there 3 times...

  18. It's so funny and a little (or a lot) disturbing that when I have that completely fulfilling pre run poop or am really gassy I think of you. Too bad we weren't hanging out because you'd understand....

  19. Great video! I know the part that will rivet the 8th graders.

    1. Hahhahah!! How did you find my video? I'm presenting to the 8th graders tomorrow.

  20. can't keep reading......laughing too hard.........unable to stop farting.......

    BTW, Keith, as an 8th grade teacher, I know all too well how fascinated they are with farts....

  21. Out of curiosity I searched Bing images for "fart in yoga class" and I didn't see you, proving once and for all that Google's search algorithm > Bing's search algorithm.

  22. I know I'm off subject here BUT I love your strong arms!!! I'm working hard to get me some! Hey, you need to post that video! Please share with your friends! ;)

    1. 235 push ups in boot camp today!!

      yes, I will share the video. I present tomorrow, so want to save it until after that.

  23. Whenever anyone mentions a google image search, I have to do one of my own...

    FYI, your family's picture on holiday shows up on the first page when you google "farting runner". The same page has a picture of Sarah Palin with her face in clown makeup.....

    1. Whaaattt??? Yeah, me and Sarah both fart when we run and sometimes I wear clown make up to scare my children.

  24. I love that yoga top! So cute!!

  25. Queef Latifah....did you google that?

    1. Haha!! No image, but it's a term on urban dictionary. And here I thought we made it up.


  26. haha that triangle pose is a tricky one! I have a similar post on my page like that talking about yoga called only in yoga! You would prob laugh reading it!

  27. I have to admit...after reading this I felt COMPELLED to go and try it...not farting in Yoga...googling it and yes it worked! You picture did in fact come in the results...I am laughing my ass right now. This is a trult epic achievement and you should be proud..I would be :)

  28. You must feel so proud. You're infamous.

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