Tuesday, August 7, 2012

10 Pet Peeves of the Week

I’m not saying I’m going to make this a regular post, because I really do try to not whine, bitch and complain my way through life. But, sometimes a girl’s got to vent.

I hate it when:

  1. The person ahead of me at Starbucks not only orders a complicated drink with nine million components, but she also has to have it a certain TEMPERATURE. “I’ll take a Venti, no- whip double two pump hazelnut latte with one raw sugar and one Splenda and a splash of urine. Oh, and it needs to be 140 degrees.” (I’m not kidding. Well, maybe about the urine).
  2. I have been up since 5:00 a.m. working, training, driving little people places, cleaning, and sweating. I ask a child of mine to do ONE thing like clean out the dishwasher and you would think I asked them to take a machete and cut down the jungle from here to the South Pole. {There is a great article about this very issue HERE – read it and tell me what you think}.
  3. I order some new Saucony shoes online. I always wear a size 9 running shoe (size 8 regular shoe). The shoes are small. Way too small. Now I have to pay to ship them back.
  4. The vet leaves a VOICE MAIL telling me my dog is in kidney failure. I’m surprised she didn’t text.
  5. No amount of deodorant keeps me from smelling in the 100 degree heat.P1120852
  6. CNN or some other news source splashes Olympic results everywhere and no matter how hard I try not to see them until I actually watch the event tonight, it always gets spoiled.
  7. I am making my way into the grocery line with my cart. Someone else approaches at the exact same time. They cut in front of me, making no eye contact. Happened twice this week. What do I do? In a very mature voice I tell no one in particular, “Oh, yeah, THAT’S FINE. Just get in front of me and don’t even bother to look at me or say thank you.”
  8. I take a bike ride early this morning with my group. I return to my car and get in forgetting my helmet is on. I crack my head on the side of the car as I get in. Good thing I was wearing a helmet.
  9. I wake up with a zit on my nose the size of Peru. How old am I? Didn’t I earn the right to be beyond this stage?
  10. People say or text or email “totes” for “totally.”

Yes, I’m sweating the small stuff for a moment. Don’t tell me I should be grateful I even have a nose for a zit to explode on, or kids to yell at, or an armpit to smell, or the money to shop at a grocery store or to buy Starbucks. The moral of the story is that I am perfect and everyone else is flawed. Or, perhaps it is the other way around. Yeah, it’s the other way around.

Do you still get zits? Do you find shoe sizes vary per brand? What deodorant do you wear?  Do your kids give you flack?  TOTES!

What’s your pet peeve this week?



  1. Pet peeves? Pretty much everything you just said. Add in the guy who casually cut in front of my gals and I at the Krispy Kreme this morning. "Why, no sir, the sweaty girls who actually just ran 5 miles and earned these doughnuts would just LOVE to stand here for a few more minutes while you add to your waistline. Thanks."

  2. A voicemail from your vet? Not cool. I work for a vet. Not cool.

    1. Thank you. I thought it was pretty messed up too. Time for a new vet!

    2. I hope your pup is going to be ok. Or at least be comfortable. Best wishes.

  3. You nailed it with the kid thing. Ungrateful little sh!ts. I've spent a fortune on back to school crap and all they can say is "Mom can I?"

  4. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one having one of "those" days! Ummm....I've tried every deodorant known to man. I live in AZ. If I'm lucky, certain dri coupled with some heavy duty men's deodorant or the Secret ultimate (uber expensive) stuff works. Oh and I have a recurring zit on my chin - wth?! I'm 38 - thought I left puberty behind! And being cut off at the check out line sucks....even more so when it is a rude girl blabbering on the cell phone about how unfair life is as. Yeah.

  5. Totes -- makes my blood boil. Same with "adorbs". I had to ask, yeah, that's adorable. Pfft.

    And I understand the helmet thing, not in the physical pain way but in the humiliation way. I live in Manitoba, Canada. Fricking cold here in the winter. Got ready for the gym, put my cap on, then realized it was -1000 out so I pulled my toque on over my cap. Get to the gym, put on my running shoes, hit the treadmill. Do that for 30 minutes, go down to the empty exercise studio, do a a few planks, killing time till my friend gets there. She walks in, looks at me and says "nice wooly hat". That was the moment I realized that so many people were looking at me because I STILL had my fricking toque on!!! I would totes tell someone, hehe sorry, had to slip that in.

  6. My pet peeve has always been people who say or write "anyway" as "anyways" aaaaaarrrrrgggg. Also the deodorant thing. Luckily my shoes size of wearing a 7 has been rather universal, I'd be really upset otherwise because I normally wait until the last minute to order shoes and then I need them for an event like the next morning so returning isn't an option

  7. I hate it when the big, beefy guys at the gym call me 'honey' or 'sweetheart'. I realized I'm in the south, but I am neither their honey, nor their sweetheart.
    I wear Degree, but still smell like a guy.

  8. I sincerely love your blog! You (and margaritas) have brought a smile to my face today!

    It has been 105-110 these past few weeks in Kansas and there is not any deodorant for that! I just figure everyone else stinks as well.

    I LOVE the Olympics and have tried so hard to NOT find out any results, but SPOILERS are everywhere! I have voiced my displeasure to many about this!

    Here's to hoping the rest of your week is better!

  9. My pet peeve is drawers and cupboards being left WIDE open, well after they are no longer in use. Though, it hasn't been a problem in the kitchen lately... Oh wait, that's because the cupboards were removed TWO MONTHS AGO to be refinished. How many are done? 2.

    And the kid thing. Always the kid thing.

    Thanks for the invite to vent a mo! ;-D

  10. Sorry, I don't even know what else you said after the pic of your armpit b/c that under part thingy of your arm (tricep maybe?) is fricking AMAZING. Seriously. Just sayin'.

    1. Why thank you! You just don't want to smell it.

  11. My pet peeve of the moment: Men (it's always the men) who won't wipe down the weight machine benches after using them. Gross.

  12. I had to go into the bank this morning, and as I was walking *from my parking space* another lady pulled up to the curb, parked, hopped out, and when we got to the awkward "who goes first" point, she just waltzed right on in ahead of me. Hey, lady, I did it THE RIGHT WAY AND PARKED IN A SPACE.

    Thanks - I feel better!

  13. I love this post. Exactly my mood today...being annoyed by other's flaws.

  14. I love this post. Exactly my mood today...being annoyed by other's flaws.

  15. I love this post. Exactly my mood today...being annoyed by other's flaws.

  16. Gross, 140 degrees?! what is wrong with that person?

  17. The vet leaving a voice message really bothers me. I have a beagle that has been in renal failure since the spring. Fortunately, I have an awesome vet & they spent lots of time with me discussing how to proceed. Karma has responded really well to the treatments. Get a new vet!

    Here are a couple of posts I wrote about the diagnosis.



    1. Thank you, I'll check them out. Not only did she leave that VM, but when I did talk to her, she was totally rude and dismissive. The whole thing was awful and I chewed her a new one then left the practice altogether.

  18. it's always the dishwasher. why is it always the dishwasher? it takes 4 minutes. maybe i'll forget to pay their cell phone bill :)

  19. damn vet. order from Zappo's next time...quick, cheap, no shipping fees

  20. People honking at me to go through the light when the pedestrians have the right away. I didn't haul ass the moment the light turned green because I had to wait for my left turn to let people cross.

    People need to chill the hell out.

    1. I'm glad you let the pedestrians cross! That scenario is how I was hit by a Suburban. She turned left into me. She was stopped when I started walking. I thought she was waiting for me...apparently not.

  21. I stopped wearing deodorant because I heard the aluminum gives you cancer. Now people are keeping so far away from me no-one dares cut in front at the grocery store or order anything complicated at Starbucks. When my kids refuse to do stuff I just follow them around and they do as asked to get away from the smell. Of course I am getting a lot more texts now that friends don't want to come near me, but that's fine. And I got a lane all to myself in the pool. ;)

    1. Try Tom's of Maine if they sell it where you live. No aluminum, all natural. For me, the aluminum turned my armpits rust colored on all my light colored clothing. Not so pretty. I have been using it for years and I am also a sweaty, stinky woman and it combats the BO quite well...

  22. loved the article you linked to!

  23. I still get zits, more than I did as a teen! I am 46 with grey hair to cover and some new botox on my forehead "11" wrinkles for F&*^ sakes! I am having a problem this week with my husband's horrible cough. I am the worst wife EVER, but it's loud and persistent and pissing me off. It doesn't help that he got me sick and I have a half in beaver Creek on saturday. Whew, I feel better already from all of this bitching! thank you for this post Beth!

  24. new zits and new wrinkles in the same day have been one of the banes of my 40s. That and dealing with stupi..um, challenging people one the daily basis. Sadly the aren't always total strangers, often they are people who share my name. Sigh....

  25. I have a zit in heiddke of m forehead. It's like I'm wearing a red head lamp. Yeah , that sucks. I also have a knee issue that may mean dropping out of a race I've been looking forward to for a year. That sucks too. Sad face.

    1. That should say middle of my forehead. Phones suck too.

  26. I can TOTE relate to way too many of those. (dislike made-up abbreviations, btw)
    The dishwasher incident? Exact. same. chore and meltdown, here.
    I use Mitchum (I'm pretty sure it's not even the Ladies' variety). It works fairly well, but nothing really beats the Summer Stinkfest.
    Have you tried www.runningwarehouse.com? Free shipping AND returns...
    Hope tomorrow (and your dog) are much better. :)

  27. My pet peeve is my stupid sliding glass door. Every fricken time I open it it falls off the hinges. :K

    The vet leaving you a voice mail is beyond tacky. I don't use tacky much but Emily post would roll in her grave.

  28. Don't even get me started on the shoes thing! I wear a wide width - which NO store stocks. So I have to order my shoes online. Thank God for Zappos and Amazon who actually carry the wide widths... in the few shoes/companies that actually offer them. It is kind of sad reading about the cool new shoes (i.e. Brooks Flow) that everyone is in love with and realize I'll never have the privilege of trying them. Thank goodness for New Balance, Saucony and even Skechers (Go Run!)

    1. Runningwarehouse.com often has wide, if the manufacturer makes it. I've found they have tricky sizes. I'm lucky enough to be a tricky size.

  29. My pits stink too at the end of the day and if I had extra money and my husband wasn't a toxicologist...I'd get Botox under my pits to prevent me from sweating and therefore ruining a lot of my shirts, lol. Its ok to complain like this now and then...good to vent...we r human and it's liberating to get things off our chest..too bad I barely have a chest lol

  30. Ever since I turned 40 (I'm about to turn 42) my complexion throws up on itself every month before, well, you know. You can set your watch to it. Besides being gross, it hurts. And I didn't have acne as a teen, so I'm 'totes' WTF?
    And I use the uber-expensive Secret. Holds up most of the time....

  31. I feel bad now for asking for urine in my coffee. Guilt!

  32. Don't worry about zits - I still break out like I'm 15 :p At least I still listen to the same music as I did back then, so it all fits. My kid is definitely getting a job the second she turns 16, so that she can appreciate the same time management skills I had to learn. And she will owe me a dollar of the money she earns every time I hear/read her use "totes" "whatev" or any other unnecessary abbreviation.

  33. Fascinating! I Love that article - I'm 30, 12 years older than my youngest sister, and as such, have found myself being asked for "hindsight advice" from my mom as my sister goes through her rough teen years. I've essentially been trying to tell my mom exactly what this article says, especially this part:

    "... she argues that we do too much for our kids because we overestimate our influence. “Never before have parents been so (mistakenly) convinced that their every move has a ripple effect into their child’s future success ... by working so hard to help our kids we end up holding them back."

    I started (but never finished) NurtureShock, an interesting book that goes a bit deeper into the hows and whys of the hyper-parenting argument.

    Anyway! My major pet peeve is when I get to hot yoga class early enough to stake out the best spot, and then so many people show up my spot ends up sucking because I have to move my mat so many times. Also, when I end up next to the person who doesn't wear deodorant to class... ahem. Man, I am the bitchiest yogini ever.

  34. Since I am lounging on the beach this week, am I really allowed to bitch?

    But when in Rome, right? Is it a pet peeve or an amusement when people think they can still fit into swimwear they must have worn 6 sizes ago.

  35. I have gotten zits alot this summer, but I blame it on my sunscreen and the fact that I sweat ALL THE TIME. It is 105 today - ugh. Mitchum deodorant for me. No one in my household is saying Totes yet, but the BF picked up from his 15YO daughter "whatevs" Ugh. a 40-something year old man going "Whatevs" gets on my nerves. lol

  36. I'm reading this as my husband is wrangling our 6 year old and arguing with her why she needs to go to bed right now (it is 9PM child!). The irony was not lost on me ;-)

  37. At least your stinky pits look awesomely clean-shaven :)

  38. I'm so sorry your vet left you a voicemail to convey that message--that's awful! I hope your pup gets better.

    I, too, find that my anti-perspirant isn't doing much for me anymore. An hour after I shower and I have sweat rolling off of me. So ready for the fall.

  39. YES I still get zits. I thought I'd be over this by now but apparently that's just the way it goes for my skin. I'm trying to just accept it and focus now on preventing wrinkles.

  40. I work at at a Starbucks and I swear sometimes it makes me hate people. I mean come on people. The drive-thru is supposed to be an "express" lane. Drives me crazy when we get the "Ummm yeah, I need 3 venti Carmel frappes (WTF is a Frappe anyway) with extra caramel drizzle inside and out. One of them is for my 4 year old though so can you make it light? I also have to have three sausage sandwiches one with out egg, the other no sausage and cut in half and put in separate bags. Can you cook one of them extra long so the cheese is really gooey and runny? And btw, I'm late for my yoga class so can you hurry up?". The temperature requests kill me up too. "Can I have an extra hot Americano?" No you can't because it's all ready 200 degrees and I can't make the water any hotter. We've had people call us from the drive-thru line (after they've ordered) to make sure that we heard them say that they wanted ice in their drink to cool it down. Last rant for the day, separate transaction at the drive-thru to get your golden stars? Please people, it would do you good to get out of your car and walk your fat ass inside to get your white mocha cinnamon dolce latte with 8 Splendas stirred in and a cheese danish, with separate transactions.

    1. I transferred from a Starbucks on the west coast, Canada to Chesapeake Virginia. What a Starbucks culture shock. On the west coast, the most common drink was "Can I get a skinny, suger free, non-fat, half-sweet vanilla latte? ...that's SKINNY, right?"
      Come to Virginia and they are EXACTLY like you described above. We had one customer daily send her husband for a "Two 10 scoop venti vanilla bean frappe", since she was too big to drive. She then had the audacity to call me and complain that there wasn't enough whip cream on her drink, wanting a free drink coupon. Hah.

  41. you are so totes my new favorite blogger. Now I don't feel so bad for having Mt. Vesuvius ready to burst on my chin (at age 43) OR for getting my undies in a bundle over the complete lack of customer service I've encountered over the last few days. Economy must be looking up, seemed businesses tried harder when they're grasping.

    I've given up on my stinky armpits. Smelling them makes me feel like I'm working really hard. Relish the pit.

  42. This was awesome! Thanks for the laugh! The helmet one really had me rolling!

  43. If your zit is the size of Peru, Indiana, then it's pretty small. This town is tiny. Now, if you mean the country, well, sorry, hope you have a mask.
    Lately, there's only one thing driving me crazy: another fitness instructor at the gym. He's one of those people who says what he thinks you want to hear (Like, hey, I live next to a bar, it's awesome) followed by complete backtracking (Me: I'm not a big drinker. Him: "Oh, I don't drink, either, i just go for the atmosphere. You should swing by"). Um, I'm married, jerkoff. He also has no sense of personal space- he's a complete space invader! I get so irritated I just start thinking about the old Space Invaders game and imagine I'm shooting his alien butt out of my way.
    I sweat like a CHAMP. In case there's ever an Olympic medal for sweating, they might as well mail me the first gold. My salt crust after every workout, combined with the funk, puts grown men to shame. I see their sweat-jealousy when I pass (or maybe it's disgust that they can hear my running skirt smack the back of my legs because it's that soaked with my own brine).
    I hope your pup is ok. Dogs are family. They deserve more consideration than a friggin' voicemail!

  44. It must be this week or the time of year, but I have been pissed this week too! Everything is SO irritating.
    Hopefully next week is better.

  45. UGH!!! Totes bugs me too, Beth. Totes.

  46. Well, here's a good one - how about a vet who accepts FOUR cell phone calls in the middle of euthanizing my dog and then wants to be paid right then and there?? Yowsa!!! Tacky, insensitive, crass - way to make a hard thing even harder dude!! Will never set foot inside that office again!

    1. Wow, that has got to be one of the worst, most insenstive things I've heard.

    2. Wow that is horrible. I do not understand in what instant the vet thinks it's acceptable to answer the phone even once while euthanizing someone's beloved pet. That is so rude. Sorry you had to go through that.

  47. My pet peeve this week is people that have no concept of a line at the bus stop. What happened to common courtesy?!

  48. Secret Clinical Strength. It keeps me going from coaching cross country to crossfit and I don't smell one bit! I'm pretty sure I'm going to get armpit cancer, but I will be BO-free! Also, the scent is "Marathon Fresh" which I snicker at because, as we know, there is NOTHING fresh about running a marathon!

  49. ARGH TOTES!!! It makes me want to punch people!!!!!

    I'm in a very bad mood this week too. Obviously there is something going on...

  50. Ungrateful kids. I have spent the last 4 or 5 days threatening to change the wifi password because my kids can't seem to do what they are told immediately and without attitude. Though, oddly, my son (the youngest) has actually been doing better the last couple of days and has even stepped up to take care of the dog we are sitting (that I didn't agree to) without having to be told.

    Yeah, I popped up a nose zit last week. What the heck? Why do I get more zits now in my 40's than I did as a teen?!?! :-/

  51. i think by not having kids I actually gave the world a big fu, at least if you ask my in-laws.

    deodorant no issues there
    urine in my coffee would be tolerable since I don't drink coffee I could just give it to the next person who peeved me by not sharing the sidewalk

  52. I didn't get acne UNTIL I was in my 20's. What a letdown.

    And yeah, what's up with kids? They don't do anything for themselves and are growing up helpless and uninformed (think about how many people actually know how to cook these days. Not a lot. Same for car care, house care, financial savvy, etc.).

  53. I feel like no matter what line I am standing in, the people in front of me are always complicated and take forever, and my transaction takes about 30 seconds.

    I only use TOTES ironically. It's such a stupid word to cut down to one syllable.

    I have gotten into the car with a helmet on too. I am convinced that some day soon I am going to leave for work and not have pants on. One day, I left home and only had my undertank on and hadn't put on my sweater or jacket or whatever went on top. Thank god I stopped at my neighborhood gas station so I would realize it before I got to work!

  54. I am so with you on people not cleaning up after themselves or when you ask them to do one thing and they don't do it. My roommate has yet to take out the trash ... we've lived together for more than a year.

  55. Zappos is amazing for shoes/shipping. I once ordered shoes at 7pm at night and they were at my door by 5:30pm the NEXT DAY-- at no extra shipping cost-- since shipping is FREE both ways. They are amazing! -- sorry about your doggie. :(

  56. What about people who wait in line at Starbuck's or Subway and when they finally get to the front, ponder what they are going to order for more than 2 seconds? Who goes to Starbuck's or Subway and doens't know what they want by the time it's his/her turn to order? Also, if there is a line at the gas station, it is completely inappropriate to buy lottery tickets if it involves you choising numbers or scratching off while we all wait for you to lose or win a buck. That is all.

  57. The Olympics results are really making me annoyed and well, pissed. Sorry, but it is. I mean...for real MSN. You are an AMERICAN online/tv news report. You KNOW we are most likely watching this at home in the evening when it plays for the AMERICANS. So, why are you announcing in big red blinking boxes forcing my eye to go straight to that part of the page to announce that Gabby Douglas just got Gold in All Around. Then, I get in the car and the Houston radio says, "And Michael Phelps just broke the record of most medal wins." WTH?! Grrr...okay, rant done.

    And #8 cracked me up. Sorry, but it did.

    have a good day.

  58. I still get zits. I just had one on my lip and it looked like a cold sore (which I don't get) ewwww! I also smell really bad during the summer and have to take a million showers with 10 layers of deodorant on.

  59. Vent on! I love when others have the same complaints I do, especially on the "totes" and overly complicated coffee orders.

    Oh, and I use the Secret Clinical Strength Waterproof deodorant. It's worth the $7.49 to smell semi-fresh after a race or a day at the lake.

    1. YES!! I actually just got a three pack from Costco, since it's a bit pricey. Anxious to try it and to stop smelling.

  60. My pet peeve is that my 7 year old, who shall remain nameless, and I have been leaving for either school or camp at 7:10 every morning for his entire life, and I still have to tell him it's time to get ready. WE DO THE SAME THING MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, CAN YOU NOT SEE THE PATTERN EMERGING?

    1. I have SO had that conversation! Every single day, "what's for dinner?" Most days...chicken. (hey, it's good for you) "WHAT???? CHICKEN?????" imagine THE GREAT MELTDOWN. Dude. You've been eating boneless skinless chicken for your whole freaking 15 years of life. Why is this a surprise. Spoiler alert. Tomorrow. We're having chicken.

  61. I have never seen "totes" for totally, but I'm pretty sure I would slap someone for that.

  62. I received a voicemail from a vet informing my dog had died. Not very professional!!

    1. WHATTTT??????? You have got to be kidding me. So sorry. Who does that?

  63. Kids wouldn't be kids if they didn't give their parents flack. That's why I drink, I mean, run! I'm sorry about your dog!

  64. Thank you. I see Totes all the time and never knew what the hell it was short for. I got the meaning but I guess college didn't work. What a stupid word.

  65. Oh God, my poor face. It looks awful. So much acne.

    My pet peeve - PEOPLE WHO TALK LIKE THIS ON THE TRAIN. Especially at 730 am. No, I don't need to hear about how you were so qualified for the job but didn't get it because you are a felon. Please use your inside voice or I am pushing you out of the train while we are doing 80 through the tunnel.

  66. I don't think I would ever go back to the that Vet if they left a voicemail like that.

    I totes feel you on the Olympic Coverage as well. I have actually been avoiding the media so I don't know anymore.

    Pet peeve right now? When I am at the track and my lane has been open for a half hour - then someone decides to walk the track, in my lane, when all the other ones are open, so I now have to dodge them. Be considerate and analyze the track like me to pick one that is open if at all possible :)

  67. Looks like everyone needed a vent. It was "back to school" tax-free weekend here in Virginia and I had to buy a bridal shower gift. Lines were crazy and bratty kids were everywhere (glad my kids are/were never brats LOL). Lots of stuff got on my nerves but the topper was this lady in line in front of me is taking forever putting her items on the counter, asked for a discount on shoes which had to involve calling the manager but got 20% off so good for her! And the rest of her extended family kept showing up and putting more items on the counter. She was totally stalling and looking around waiting for them. Meanwhile the rest of us poor saps were standing there waiting and my daughter was pointing out how all the other lines are moving faster. Slow lady finally paid her bill when her mother walks over with some earrings. I was all set to blow a gasket but the originally waved her off.

    I posted a pic of Gabby Douglas with her gold on my fb page and my neice made a comment about me spoiling it. If she really doesn't want to know why is she on fb?? It pissed me off. She can unfriend me if she likes.

    My last gripe is about people at work who just want to pass the buck. Everybody's afraid of doing more work then the next guy. UGH!

    Sorry your dog is sick. That vet sucks!

  68. LOL- #1 made me spit my coffee and all over the computer! Hahahaha!

    My super duper pet peeve lately has been that my hubby, when washing the dishes, will ALWAYS leave two or three things behind. (I've lived with him for over 20 years so, yes, this is an official and real complaint.) I say, "Why can't you just wash EVERYTHING you weirdo? Just finish the job!" No amount of nagging seems to help though. Argh.

    And re: the zits, I am convinced it's dairy and all the hormones therein. When I go dairy-free, my skin clears right up but one cup of yogurt and BOOM- right back to puberty!

  69. No words for your vet or how your feeling :( what a nightmare, even if you knew it was coming or not. That sucks. I love when Jess starts reading the results to me and I have to scream "what the hell are you doing you idiot?!" and people from miles around stop what they are doing to watch the drama in my kitchen unfold. Seriously, shut your mouth.

    My current pet peeve are rude people in general and people who you always thought were your friends who turn out to just be assholes. And rant over. Yes we all have very white middle class problems, but you know what, we are allowed to have them. You go girl!

  70. I hear ya! My neighbor at work set reminders on her phone at 11, 1 & 3 EVERY DAY! It will go off for 15 minutes if she's not at her desk. It's loud and annoying. I asked her about 2 months ago to turn it to vibrate or silent and she just ignored the request. I'm 33 and I had two zits this week. One right in the middle above my lip and then one south of it on my chin. I agree, at a certain age you should get a pass on those stupid things.

  71. You crack me up! I completely tell people off when they cut in line or are rude to me, but I usually at least have kids with me so I'm not really talking to myself. Plus, I think it's important for them to see me stand up for myself against big jerks or ignorant morons. Which brings me to that article...

    I think that rich kids from L.A. are hardly a fair representation of American kids. Although I also think American kids are pampered. But. Kids living in a tribe in the Amazon jungle are just...different. They have to learn what they learn to survive. They don't have to spend any time on formal education (which takes up 9+ hours a day during the school year, including homework but NOT including extracurricular activities). There's NO WAY I would untie and then retie my kids shoes just because he asked (this doesn't count when the kid is 3. They're a species all to themselves). Or get silverware for him/her. My kids all have chores that they are expected to do and I don't "ask" them to do them. There are spoiled kids in America. They just don't live at my house (for the most part).

  72. I have a zit today and a nervous habit of touching it. I'm pretty popular at work because of it. When I don't have a zit to touch, I touch someone else's zit

  73. Pet peeves? I have too many to get into.... Love your comment on Starbucks, though. Of course, I find it grating that I have to say venti, grande, and tall.....I mean, why can't it just be big, medium, and small? I used to always make a point of saying medium, but then I would always be corrected to grande. I've gotten tired of being chastised and the point doesn't matter that much to me anyway. Can I have a grande soy latte please? Any temp will do....

  74. Flippin' hilarious! From the Starbucks to the zit to the hitting the head, er, helmet on the car. I'll just leave quietly with my Decaf Non Fat Carmel Machiatto, add Cinn Dulce - no, syrup, not sprinkles - yes, I want the Vanilla, if I didn't, I'd say "minus the Vanilla"......sleeved and straw please. ;)

  75. Sorry to hear about your dog :(

  76. Oh I have been moaning about every little narky thing that has been annoying me all day! Perfect post!!!!!!

  77. MSN.com has RUINED nearly every result for me.

  78. Sometimes ya just gotta vent!!

    I hear you on the Olympics spoilers. It's impossible!

  79. Gahhh..."totes" I haven't heard that one but there are some people I'd like to high five in the face for their use of "adorbs" instead of "adorable". "omg, you are SO adorbs!"


  80. I have had zit issues lately also... ick! Also, I was grocery shopping the other day, waiting forever in a line that must have been 50 feet long. Saw a shorter line, decided to transfer and was met by another (unpleasant) shopper. She looked at me like, "If you dare step in front of me I will disconnect your internet and kill your cat" so I let her go and returned to my previous line. And what do ya know, a cashier openned up a new lane and checked me out immediately :) I finished before the unpleasant lady and told her, "BEAT YA!" on my way out. Sweet revenge!

  81. In response to #1 - check this out. An entire post on Starbucks Pet peeves!!

  82. Oh god, I can certainly relate to a few of these! 'Hey, your dog has kidney failure, LOL'
