Did I tell you I was doing the 200-mile Wild West Relay this weekend? We leave tomorrow. Being a Wild West theme, I am either dressing up as Jesse James (I love Sandra Bullock’s ex) or Mae West for the entire 30 or so hours.
I totally have the cleavage to pull off this outfit.
I figure all of that heavy clothing will give me even worse B.O. than I normally have. My whole goal is to annoy the hell out of my team mates. Yes, I am that person. Our team name is, “Here Kitty, Kitty.” We are so unafraid of mountain lions we actually taunt them around here.
This is only my second relay. My first was Hood to Coast in August 2009. In July 2009, I had no clue what a running relay was. I entered a won a contest (I wrote a cute poem and I’m not kidding), and got put on a super incredible speedy Puma-sponsored team where I completely and totally did not belong. I pride myself on the fact that I slowed the average pace of our team by at least 3 minutes per mile.
No matter what you say, I did not steal this picture.
I did not know one person on that team, except Ken who they agreed to take at the last minute because we needed more people. It was a great experience, but Ken and I kept saying how much more fun it would be to be on a team with people you knew and you could fart in front of. And also people who were more at your level of running – i.e, not training for the Olympic Trails or busting out 5 minute miles all the time. BORING!
The real reason I’m doing this relay is that their slogan is Wild West Relay: Get Your Ass Over the Pass. Anything with the word “Ass” in it is instantly appealing to me for some reason.
So, there are 12 of us – all friends. It’s a coed team. I love that we are all forty-something parents who like to run and drink beer (not always at the same time, but sometimes). I also love that we are all at the stage of life where losing one night’s sleep makes you so delirious, cranky and annoying that you can make fun of each other a lot. And, have so many good stories to tell. I’ve packed my bag with lots of Ben Gay, ibuprofen and Butt Shield. Also, a black Sharpie for marking up people’s faces while they sleep.
My legs aren’t too bad. I am runner #5 out of 12. That means tomorrow’s run will be very hot because I will start at about noon and it will be well into the 90s. My total mileage for the three legs is 18.7 miles with a total elevation gain of 1,499 feet.
The 200 mile race begins in Fort Collins, and finishes in Steamboat Springs. Apparently, we go through many national forests, small towns and ranching communities, and run in and out of Wyoming. I’m sure the scenery will be ugly. Like this picture take from last year’s race:
I thought about doing the whole relay by myself, but wouldn’t find someone to be my driver. I could SO knock out 200 miles in 24 hours if I really wanted to. Actually, there is a guy running solo this year and it’s not my friend, Dean.
Leg 1: 7.4 miles. I’ll be running on mostly dirt county roads. Looks like a slow, mellow climb. At this point I will love life and relays and my friends.
Leg 2: 7.2 miles. I’ll run this in the middle of the night. It is at 8,000 feet and I will be very cold and nipply. I will be freaked out by every rustle in the trees. I will not say, “Here Kitty, Kitty.” I’ll be on dirt roads that take me across the state line into Wyoming. Must bring passport. I will be tired and irritable and annoyed with people. I will have pet many peeves.
Leg 3: 4.2 miles. I should be smelling very ripe by this time. My stomach should also be roiling from too many Twizzlers. I anticipate stomach cramping, passing of air and the possible need to blow up a porta potty. This run is through ranching country. Watch out cows- you think your cow pies are big?
Saturday night we’re staying in Steamboat Springs. We already have a reservation for 7pm for margaritas at the Rio Grande. Let’s hope we are actually done running by then.
Hopefully lots of pictures and stories to share on Monday!
Have you ever done a relay? Which one?
What’s your favorite and least favorite parts of a relay race? I love the camaraderie of the people and the adventure aspect. I do not like lack of sleep and how annoyed my body gets with being cramped in a car for 30 hours. I also don’t like the smell of other people’s BO and farts, but mine smell okay. I also love that you never know what you’re going to see:
This is at H2K in 2009. My friend Lisa with Kilt Man.
If you haven’t done a relay, would you consider it?
This sounds like so much fun! I really need more of my friends to start running so I can get them to do stuff like this. #myfriendsjustliketowatch ha ha Excited to read your race reports on this one!
ReplyDeleteSo excited to read this post. I am running my first relay next month. Ragnar DC and have a group of friends to run with. We need a few more runners but hope to have that group finalized soon. Love your blog!
ReplyDeleteLove your sense of humor and can't wait to read about this experience!!!
ReplyDeleteLove your post! The race sounds awesome, and I am sure the scenery will be terribly boring. Can't wait to hear about it.
ReplyDeleteI've done a number of shorter relays, the Fall 50 and Run Away to the Bay here in Wisconsin - 50 and 55 milers, respectively. I like those because the teams are smaller and you are only stuck in the car for eight hours, as opposed to 24.
Have fun!
YAY! I did the WWR in 2010... on a sprained ankle, because I am just that badass. I still managed under 12 minute miles when I couldn't run through the excruciating pain... but another person didn't show up at all on our team, so no one was mad about my super uber slow pace.
ReplyDeleteI got to run in to the halfway point in WY, and let me tell you, those dark roads were amazing. I turned my headlamp backwards so I could just run by starlight... it was that empty and that dark. And yes, mountain lions, aliens, serial killers... these things all crossed my mind, but I figured they would go after the faster people... my cats like to chase things that run from them...
I am so excited for you to go! I need to do that race again.
Hey my team is doing WWR this weekend also. We are Masters team It's Only A Flesh Wound. I'll look for you. We start at 5:40am. I'm running the 7.2 leg also.. Maybe we can run it together.. although I think I will would be your Roadkill!! Have a great race!
ReplyDeleteKathy Hull
Yay!! I will look for you too. We start much later - at 8:30am I think. Good luck!!
DeleteThat sounds like so much fun. I love kilt guy. And Mae West.
ReplyDeleteLOLOL I love your team name. I almost spit out my water reading it. I did one relay...in 2011 back in NY. It was the Seneca7 and it was the first year they had it. 7 people, 77.7 miles around Seneca Lake, 7am start time, 7pm celebrations. My 3 legs had a total mileage of about 15. It was the most perfect experience. Great teammates (I knew a couple, didn't know a couple...but become friends)...perfect weather, it was fun, no pressure...I had a blast. Unfortunately, I couldn't do it this year as I was already paid and signed up for the PA Tough Mudder but I hope to do it again next year. I want to do the Ragnar Relay...the ultra one...with just 6 people instead of 12 but I don't know anyone where I live now that runs distances like that and my friends back in NY cringe at anything more than 13.1, lol. I hope you have a blast...I am sure you will...being with all your friends, beer, farts, laughs...sounds like an awesome time to me! :)
ReplyDeleteI would SO love to do a relay! I'm in Iowa and I don't think we have anything like this here.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm becoming a fangirl, and I'm sorry. But all your posts make me laugh out loud — not only because I can relate (MY farts smell pretty awesome too), but because I love your writing style.
Side note, I know you were kidding about "stealing" that photo, but you're actually covered on that one because their copyright info is on it (I'm an intellectual property nerd and designer).
Speaking of which, after reading your post yesterday, I was thinking of making your tips for running safety into a graphic and e-mailing it to you to post (or not post). I was going to put it on MY blog, but I didn't want to take credit for your list. The thinking behind a graphic is so people can pin it, share it on Facebook and twitter, or print it out and put it somewhere. The more people you can reach the safer everybody will hopefully be.
Final thing: The BF was worried about me when I didn't get home right away after an appointment last night because I told him about your cousin. I think he's probably getting me one of the RoadID GPS things ...
I'll shut up now.
Good to know about the copyright on the picture!!
DeleteI would LOVE it if you could put those tips into a graphic that could be posted on Pinterest. Just email to me if you end up doing it!!
And thanks for reading.
Sounds good! I will shoot you an e-mail if I get to it this weekend. Running safety is a big issue (as you know), so I'd love to help spread thew word.
DeleteThat sounds like so much fun! Can't wait to see pictures....good luck!
ReplyDeleteI've never done a relay before, but have always wanted to.
ReplyDeleteOh man that sounds like so much fun. I would LOVE to do a relay. I'd actually like to do one of the Ragnar races. There aren't any in Canada so that would mean a road trip which would just add to the fun!
ReplyDeleteHave a great time this weekend. Can't wait to see your pics!
Relays rock! I run on a team call Girls Heart Rockets (http://girlsheartrockets.com) and we did the WWR in 2009. I was runner #7, which was awesome, though running up Rabbit Ears pass in the heat was quite the challenge.
ReplyDeleteOnce you've done a relay you feel like you're a member of a secret society because it's a unique experience. 24 hours in a van with runners, no matter what level of runner, is a one-of-a-kind bonding experience, for sure!
Girls Heart Rockets - I think there was a team of you at the Bourbon Chase when I ran in 2010. Were you there?
DeleteI'd love to do Ragnar with my running buddies, but I'm not sure I can convince them it would be awesome.
ReplyDeleteDid a sixty hour 337 mile relay in June....worlds longest!!!! Best expierence of my life. They r my new running addiction.
ReplyDeleteReading this post right now, I'm so bummed because I was supposed to be doing this relay! Things didn't work out with the team so hopefully next year! Anyway...Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI am running with an 'ultra' team of 5 members this weekend for the Cascade Lakes Relay!!! :) It is in Oregon, from Diamond Lake to Bend (216 miles). I ran H2C once and then ran CLR 2 years ago. It is much smaller (only 250 teams) and very rural (thru the Cascade mountains). Hope you have a wonderful time! I am very seriously undertrained due to some issues this spring, so I hope my teammates are drinking enough beer to not notice my pace. Team name: We've got the FUNK!
ReplyDeleteYou (and Ken) are totally welcome to fly out to join out team next year. We're thinking we will try to do another ultra if we don't all die this year, but we'd love to have a full team! Plenty of farting, an absurd amount of poop talk, and sleep deprivation that eliminates any memories of life prior to entering the van... :) If you're interested, PLEASE let me know. I've been following this blog for over a year - I think you'd get along with this group of delinquents just fine!
Have a GREAT time with your relay! Looking forward to hearing about it!
Sounds like a blast...I'd love to do an "ultra" relay sometime!! I'll keep it in mind.
DeleteLove love love the theme and relays! I just did my first relay a couple of weeks ago (Ragnar Northwest Passage) as We Run These Towns (also a wild West theme). The only person on the team that I knew was my husband, but we're all friends now in spite of half our van being young enough to be our kids. We're planning to do another (Ragnar Las Vegas) with at least some from this team. Currently we're registered as an ultra but we're looking for more runners to change that (hint hint--maybe you and Ken could join us!). Have a great time--looking forward to your post about it!
ReplyDeleteI did Wild West Relay last year - you are going to have an absolute blast! Ryan is running it as part of the cross country team....I don't think they start until 10:30. I think they are the Smoky Buffaloes something or another....look for them :).
ReplyDeleteSuper jealous you're doing this...let's do one together next year!! :)
I will look for those stinky buffaloes. Yes, it would be a blast to do one with you!!
DeleteI think my BFF of 30 years is doing this same race. I told her about your blog- so she will look for you and sniff for you (farts). :)
ReplyDeletehave fun....I read somewhere that farting a lot while running in the mountains keeps lions away. For real.;)
Kelly in Michigan
"Sniff for me" dying laughing. Thanks for the lion tip. I never thought farting might save my life.
DeleteWow! This sounds like an amazing relay! I've driven from Fort Collins to Steamboat. It really is beautiful. I'm curious how you're getting in to Steamboat. Please tell me from the north via Wyoming and not over Rabbit Ears pass!!! Have so so much fun!
ReplyDeleteYES, Rabbit Ears pass!
DeleteCan't wait to hear your review of the race. Sounds like so much fun. Yes, I would consider doing a relay race:)
ReplyDeleteSounds like a blast! I wish there were cool relays around here.... I mean, come on, surely someone would show up for a relay through Amish country, cornfields, soy bean fields, and such... or maybe not. I can dream. If anyone starts a sweet relay in Indiana, I will be eternally grateful (and the first to sign up).
ReplyDeleteHave fun! Love the team name, too.
Sounds like a great relay! I've done a few of the Ragnar relays, but I'd like to try Hood to Coast, or the Redrock.
ReplyDeleteHave fun and be safe.
This looks like a fabulous and fun race, and I can't wait to read your report. Running in scenery like that sure helps!
ReplyDeleteHave a great time and wave to my uncle in Cody when you pass into Wyoming! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm gearing up for my 2nd Hana Relay in September - 56 miles along the scenic Hana Highway on Maui. I broke my foot in this race two years ago (yet finished!) - won't be doing that this year. I'm on a great team of masters women.
I did Wasatch Back (Ragnar Relay) 3 years... I totally agree with you on why I like relays. We always have a blast. The last 2 years have been all girls... we were the "Ragamuffins"... we had fun with that one. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm doing the WWR this weekend too! It'll be my 5th relay (H2C 2005, Bourbon Chase 2008, Epic Rocky Mountain 2011 and 2012), but the first where I'm running with people I don't really know.. we'll see how that goes.
ReplyDeleteI'm runner 10, so if our paths cross at the finish, I'll be the one limping from the 1,829ft of elevation loss over 5 miles I have at the end....
I've never done a relay, but since I can't seem to put together anything resembling a long run, I'd sure consider it! What I'm wondering, a la Jesse James, is do you have any tattoos?
ReplyDeleteNo, not yet, Been thinking of getting one for years. You?
DeleteCome to Nova Scotia and run the Cape Breton Relay with my team, the Smokey Mountain Daredevils. They are SO MUCH fun and you can definitely fart with them.
ReplyDeleteSounds like lots of fun! I'm doing the Sawtooth Relay next June with a group of friends. I'm hoping to do a Ragnar sometime too. Good luck on your relay and I'm looking forward to the recap!
ReplyDeleteOh man! I really want to do that relay. We just camped at Steamboat lake last weekend and there is great scenery between FoCo and there!
ReplyDeleteI have done HTC and Ragnar SoCal. Each race was very different. It honestly wasn't as stinky as I thought it would be. In Ragnar we had some Febreeze and Summer's Eve (a team of all women).
The good news is that it is supposed to cool down a bit this weekend. Have fun!
Love overnight relays! I have run the Run to the Sun relay twice. It started at Enchanted Rock and went to Austin this year it was reverse. It benefits Beyond Battens which is helping to eradicate battens disease, a horrible disease that takes your vision and then eventually your life. A student of mine has it so we run in her honor. Last year we had two groups of friends and co workers running. I love the camaraderie and the punchiness that comes late into the night. I love hearing the night noises on country roads. I love mooning my friend to motivate her to keep running. It really is a bonding experience. If you get a chance google Run To the Sun, Casis Young Guns and check out the video. Good luck this weekend and have fun!
ReplyDeleteHave a great time, sounds like fun. I have never done a relay but would like to do one (even a triathlon relay where I'd run). We have a trail race up here called "The Fat Ass Trail Run". Where their moto is "Is your Ass Fat Enough?"
ReplyDeleteIf there is swearing in the title of the race - swearing is accepted during the race - particularly leg 2.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I am comfortable with my running to be part of a relay where people rely on me! I think that would stress me more than the actual race.
Good luck, have fun, and enjoy the fart contests!
I really want to do the Wild West Relay one of these days. I think the hardest part for me will be recruiting enough of my friends to run it with me. They think I'm insane already. Good luck and have fun!
ReplyDeleteFUN! Make sure and wash your hands after you pet the peeves. Ew.
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to do a relay!! I've had my eye on the Grand Teton Relay for a few years (http://www.grandtetonrelay.com/). Definitely hope to do it someday - it ends up in Teton Village Wyoming, 10 miles from where I grew up!
GOOD LUCK and have fun! You're right--this race is right up your alley...or ass?? Can't wait to read your thoughts!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to hear all about it! I think I might attempt a relay someday. I got asked to fill in on a Ragnar a couple weeks ago but I had to work and haven't run much in the last month. So. Maybe someday. I do have some crazy runner friends that might do it with me someday.
ReplyDeleteI'm late to the party, but I hope you had fun. I've done the Colorado Relay twice and loved it (would love to do Get Your Ass etc.), but my teams both times rented condos in Vail so we got to sleep in beds (briefly) and shower between the 2nd and 3rd legs. Is that cheating?! I will consider doing one of these again when my kids are old enough to allow me the recovery sleep I need (all day and night afterwards).
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of which, go get some sleep! :^)
Can't wait to hear how it goes!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck and welcome back to da boat. Good thing you guys are running today, because we were a smoke filled mess last night. Marla
ReplyDeleteI was there!!! I was a last minute substitute!!! I had never done anything like it before. We came in second in the open division (our team name was "#1 Stunners"). Wish I would have know you were there, I would have said hi. Always fun to meet the people whose blogs you read in person.
ReplyDeleteI love relays! I've done 3 Ragnars and I'm the captain of the NAPA ragnar in September. I'm also running Las Vegas and next January I'm running the Florida Keys one. After that, I don't know. I've been the captain of 2 of them and they are so stressful. EVERYONE wants to run one until it's time to ante up and train. I still have 2 spots left on my NAPA Ragnar with a little over a month to go. The experience is so much fun though. I never laugh so hard as when it's the middle of the night and something happens that is not really funny, but it totally is at that time. Like being drunk without the hangover!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck1
I have a friend that is training for the Ragnar in Breckenridge and Vail. My hubby (a non runner) said it intrigues him. So, I promised him that if he starts running, I would consider doing on of these relays with him. I would be terrified of running at night but I do already see wildlife on my morning runs here...coyotes, fox, snakes, deer, etc....but the thought of bear and mountain lions...well, that is a whole different level of wildlife! :)
ReplyDeleteI just did the Cascade Lakes Relay this past weekend too! This was my first relay and I had an amazing time. Only 3 people on the team knew one another and those people were all in Van #1 (I was in van #2). By the end though our conversation lacked any restraint and I ended up with a few good friends who hopefully I'll see again. I think a pretty good sense of humor is needed for a relay and while it's nice to be fast, I was one of the slower ones and it didn't matter. Our team had some super fast people since we placed 22/120! Wahoo! I can feel like a winner since it was a combined effort ;) Anyway, it was nice and fitting to come back to check up on your blog and see these posts! My main setback was I packed too much random carbalicious food that no one seemed to want (me neither) that I'm stuck eating for the next week.
ReplyDeletePlaying online games can be a very fun activity and it is an activity that people from all around the world enjoy. The information in this article will help you navigate the world of video games without buying a poor game, or one that isn't age-appropriate.
ReplyDeleteSave your game in multiple slots. Every now and then, save it in another one. There may be a time when you wish to return to the game and do something new. If you just keep saving as you go along, you won't have that option.
Are your kids' games age appropriate? This means you're going to need to look at the warnings on the backs of the games to figure out if they're a good fit for your kids. There are many games that actually promote violence; these you may need to steer clear of.
Play in single player mode first. If you are not doing well by yourself, you will get demolished when playing with other people. If you find the game too challenging, make a trade for something you like more. Avoid wasting your time when it comes to video games.
Game store employees are a great resource when it comes to learning about new games. A lot of people like different kinds of computer games, you should look to branch out. The employee should be able to give you a few ideas of what games to buy.
Always use a high grade video connector when setting up your video game system. These cables allow you to connect to your television with different picture qualities. You should use the best ones for computer games. If you can, use DVI or HDMI in order to obtain the best possible signal and picture. If your television does not offer this type of connection, there are several options available including S-Video, Composite and RCA connections. Coax connections are common, but they offer lower quality. Only use these cables if they're the only ones available.
Today, there are a lot of online games where you may be asked to purchase something with real life currency if you want to get more out of it. Make sure to evaluate these purchases quite carefully. They may not do much to improve your game-playing experience on one hand. While that is true, they may save some time.
If buying a game for a kid, make sure you solicit multiple opinions. There are many things that determine what is age appropriate. You should only buy the game after doing your research.
Chat functions ought to be disabled entirely when young kids are involved. No younger child should have this type of communication. If you're not able to disable chat features on a game, don't purchase that game at all. Speak with someone familiar with the game before making a purchase.
Try playing video games as a way to bond with your children. Gaming together is a fun and inexpensive way to get in some family time. It can also allow you to ensure that your kids aren't playing inappropriate games.
Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.
With the right tips and tricks at your fingertips, you never have to feel like a video games novice again. Keep this piece close so that you can easily navigate the gaming world. Even if you are an experienced gamer, you can use recommendations from the above article to enhance your gaming experience.
Gaming has truly become a hobby for anyone with interests that run the full gamut. Online gaming are a great way to just have some fun and relax once in awhile. The following paragraphs have some really good ideas regarding online gaming, so pay attention!
ReplyDeleteLearn the Metacritic score of any video game you're thinking about buying prior to purchasing it. Some games are not fun at all, therefore they are cheap. This means you've wasted your money in such a purchase. The game's score will help you make the right choice.
Think about what age your kids have to be before they can play games rated M, or mature. Generally, you can set up your ps3 so that kids can't play games that are too mature, although computers are a little harder to work with. It is important to understand how to protect your children.
If you're looking for online games that are on sale, look at their Metacritic score prior to buying one. Many discounted games are cheap because they are not any fun to play. So, if you buy an unplayable game, you won't save money. Reviewing the scores, especially from a review aggregator like Metacritic, can save you from wasting your cash.
It is important to take breaks and avoid excessive video game playing. It's fairly easy to get addicted to a particular game, and this isn't healthy so you must get away from it every once in a while. Gaming is meant to be an enjoyable experience. Should you feel that addiction is an issue, speak to a medical professional about help.
Always use a high grade video connector when setting up your video game system. These cables allow you to connect to your television with different picture qualities. You should use the best ones for video games. If you can, use DVI or HDMI in order to obtain the best possible signal and picture. If your television does not offer this type of connection, there are several options available including S-Video, Composite and RCA connections. Coax connections are common, but they offer lower quality. Only use these cables if they're the only ones available.
Today, there are a lot of online games where you may be asked to purchase something with real life currency if you want to get more out of it. Make sure to evaluate these purchases quite carefully. They may not do much to improve your game-playing experience on one hand. While that is true, they may save some time.
Check out your system after you bring it home to ensure all the parts work correctly. Even if you're not going to use every accessory for it, check the various ports to see if they're in working condition. You don't want to discover that something doesn't work some time from now and be unable to return it to the store.
Play online as much as possible. Pitting yourself against the skills of other online players can improve your gaming skills and strategies. You might want to try Role Playing Games or RPGs as a way to branch out from common xbox gaming. If you can master playing online, you can master any game you try.
Reserve games that are high in demand to ensure that you will get a copy. You may get special bonuses when ordering early. The bonuses could be some special features, outfits, or anything that could help you when it comes to playing. The only way you can get them is by ordering early.
Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.
Online Games were there in the past, they're here in the present, and they will be there in the future. It is unbelievable to see their evolution. It is astounding to think of what the future may hold. So much fun to thing about it and imagine all the possibilities of future games.
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