Saturday, September 7, 2013

Why I’m Lucky and Getting Ready for Tomorrow

I got the sweetest email from my mom today regarding tomorrow’s 70.3 race (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run):

“Good luck tomorrow and take care of yourself.  I know you are prepared and in wonderful shape but I still worry about you.  See you around 5.  Will make a country rib dinner.”


I think I already look older than my own mother. She’s a beaut. 

This email made me think - 

In all that we do with our training and races, we have to remember that the people who care about us worry about us. They worry we will exhaust ourselves, make ourselves sick, get dehydrated, get heat stroke. They worry we might fall off our bikes, drown in a lake, get lost on a run.  They worry that we will be disappointed in our performance and be hard on ourselves. They worry that we will go on a training ride/run and not come home.  But, mostly they worry we will ruin our knees.

They would never say “Don’t do it,” but they worry. (Well, they might say don’t do it, but then we might punch them).

This is no different than how I worry every time my kids are out of my sight. Every time I hear a siren and don’t have everyone I love beside me.  Every time my phone rings at an odd hour.

The worry is always there, but we are living to do what makes us feel most alive, and sometimes that involves risk. Hell, just being alive and moving through your day involves risk. I can be unscathed on a 90 mile bike ride, but then come home and fall down the stairs. But, maybe that’s just me.

Bottom line: I am blessed to have people who love me enough to worry about me. And, I am blessed to have so many people I love enough to worry about.  And, lastly I am blessed that tomorrow I get a country rib dinner. Have I told you what a good cook my mom is?

That said, how am I feeling about tomorrow’s race? Undecided. Is it normal to feel -

  • Terrified/Anticipatory/Nervous – Will I hyperventilate in the water like I did at my last race? It’s going to be 95 degrees. Bitch! Will the heat, hills and wind get the best of me? How will my ham-ass (hamstring + ass pain I’ve been having the past couple of weeks) hold up on the run? And, as always, will I crap my pants or puke? I wish the swim was last to wash nasty things away.
  • Excited – I’m prepared. I’ve been putting in lots of training hours. I especially want to see what I can do on my new bike. My biggest saga today is where to put my tire tube and CO2 since they won’t fit in my jersey. I don’t want to be stuck out there without one. Sharpie said just to duct tape to my bike and look ghetto. Okay, then. Like this? Classy.


Well, it’s 6:00 p.m. and I have yet to sit down all day. Rode my bike, sold merchandise at a high school football game, took the kids to the mall…now, time to get freaking organized. 4:30 a.m. wake up call.


As you can tell I’ve done nothing yet.


Whoever decided it was a good idea to do three sports at once must have been a gear whore.


Heidi thinks this is all a joke. Look at her laughing at me. See if she gets any belly rubs tonight.

What’s the favorite meal your mom cooks for you or cooked for you in the past? Mine has always been chicken and dumplings.

Does your family think you are crazy/worry about you with your training? Not a lot, or at least they don’t let on too much. My friend Erika gets a bit freaky about my IM training. I think she thinks I am going to train myself in the ground and not be her friend anymore.

Tell me something to calm my nerves.



  1. Anything my mom cooks is devine. She has started eating clean like me so now it is even more amazing! But I only get to see her once a year if that. :( My family isn't the most supportive, but when I place in my age group, they sure do brag. I guess that should be good enough. I don't think they worry, unless of course I won't be home in time to make dinner. ;)

    You will ROCK IT tomorrow. Take your time in that heat, though. No setting course records. Just get 'er done! Love your blog!

    Go get 'em!

  2. My family isn't weirded out (at least immediate family) but my PT is surprised that I started running when no one else does in my family.

  3. My Dad tells me don't do it. It's kinda depressing so be thankful your Mom doesn't say that!

  4. My Mum worries but she's proud of me. And she's an amazing cook/baker.

  5. Good luck tomorrow! I didn't realize I loved my Mom's spaghetti until I moved out and I one day randomly stopped by during the weekend and that was for dinner. I don't eat spaghetti now. I don't think anything can replace it.

  6. Good Luck and have fun!!!!! I make sure that I tell my husband when I go on a run, where and what time to expect me back. I always have a cell phone and when I get to my destination, I always call him.

    My mom was a better cook than I am but, then again, everything had a stick of butter in it (and some cigarette ash that was always in her hand).

  7. Your dog IS laughing at you -- too funny!

  8. Good luck! It will be awesome. My family does worry about me. My mom was super stressed that I wouldn't be able to walk upright after swimming for some long (because I am dang slow) when I did a race last year. I told her that I had already swam further than that earlier in the year and was fine, and she was amazed.
    I am jealous of you. I did a sprint tri today and everything was on fire for just under an hour because I was going so hard. When you do a half, you should feel ok for a bigger percentage of the race instead of like you are dying for the whole thing.

    1. YES! Sprints are so hard b/c you are killing yourself the entire time. Great job!!

  9. Aww this post brought tears to my eyes as my Mom always worried about me during my marathons. She always said kickass but be careful its a long way. She was my #1 sportsfan and #1 worrier. She always made me garlic bread and chocolate pudding cake after events. Miss that lady! Good luck you will kick ass!

  10. Aww that is sweet - I love that she told you what she will make you all for dinner :) I think a lot of people duct tape their tubes to the bike (or electrical tape). My bike is a weird frame size and I can't get much to fit on it. I have tried shoving the tube and CO2 in a water bottle which works but takes up a water bottle spot but may end up going with the ghetto tape look too. You will not be alone! Have a great race!

  11. Good luck tomorrow, with all your training you are definitely ready!

    Nobody really says anything to me about my races....just asking when my next one is.

    Heidi is so cute and definitely laughing at you!

  12. You are going to rock this race tomorrow!!! All of your training will get you through it!
    And - remember - at the end you will have your Mom's tasty food and hopefully WINE, plenty of wine!!!
    Good luck!!!

  13. To calm your nerves. I've had my bike up over 90 Kph (57 mph) several times, and my only crashes I've been doing about 5 Kph. Though that still did a number on my teeth. I think you were reading my blog then and might remember those photos. Doesn't that make you feel better?

    Your mom looks awesome! If I knew where she lived I'd be showing up at 5 for country ribs too. I think my wife likes it when I train a lot. From her perspective, I'm out of the house, and when I'm back I'm either in the shower, scarfing food, or in bed. At work some of the time too, I guess. That adds up to peace and quiet for her. She figures I'm a grown person and can cope with whatever comes along out there, though she did have to rescue me once. Good thing she hadn't turned off her phone.

    Have a great race tomorrow!

  14. Good luck and have FUN! Love your dog and aren't moms the best?!

  15. You will be fabulous tomorrow! Can't wait to read all about it.

  16. My mom NEVER fails to say "be careful!" every single time I mention running or racing--but she also tells all her friends about my half marathons, so that tells me something.

    I have had ham ass pain for months. Perhaps it's some sort of of post-FNSF thing?

  17. You probably won't have time to read this before your race since you still have so much to do, but take 10 slow breaths in and out, very slowly. Very relaxing.

    1. I've found this to be a very useful practice in so many situations. It's really amazing what taking a quick and mindful pause for ourselves can do.

  18. My favorite thing my mom makes is her thrown together chicken noodle soup, which I have inherited and don't follow a recipe -- I just make what feels right at the moment.

    Yes, my parents worry -- more than my husband probably. But he's a medic and is ex-Army/current firefighter, so he knows a thing or two about being stupid. Or, uhm, extreme things.


  19. My family has always seemed more uncomfortable with my weight loss from training. Not because it has been excessive, but because I was (and most of them are) overweight, and the perception of "normal" has been skewed. I'm not sure they even care about my running at all. They just think I'm too skinny. haha.

  20. Nothing wrong with a little duct tape for the spare, a sweet bike is still a sweet bike!

  21. Have fun on your race day!

  22. good luck tomorrow! And...does a little bike bag fit under your seat? They are great to stuff tubes, cartridges and tools in.

  23. I am glad to hear I am not the only one!? Can I tell you? I have been training for my first 13.1 for almost 20 weeks. I am going to run it next week. And I have told everyone...except my mother. Because she will probably yell at me and worry that I will die of a heart attack and leave my 3 little girls without a mom. I have been a runner (albeit short distances) for many many years. This is the first time I am attempting a longer race.

    And, at 46 years old....I am still afraid of my mother. I am actually not sure I will tell her AFTER I run it....and believe it or not, I talk to my mom daily and see her about once a week!

  24. What a beautiful photograph of your mother!

    Ham-ass pain? Good luck and have fun tomorrow, but no one should ever train or race through pain. Been there. Done that. Have always regretted it in the long run (pardon the pun). Be careful.

  25. You're probably not going to be able to read this before your race - leave the end of the duct tape turned over on itself so you are able grab it to unwrap it. The heat makes duct tape very adhesive.

    Also, a shot of WD-40 will remove any adhesive residue - but won't harm paint.

    Best of luck for your race!!!!

    1. Great advice. I think it might be too late, but when I get to the race I'll see if I can adjust it to turn over the tape. Thanks!

  26. Love your saddle! You'll do great! Moms do worry about everything... I still go check if my kids (10, 8, 4) are breathing at night, eek! No support here for me, the kids do but they can't drive themselves to races... Anything mom cooks is good :D
    Enjoy and have fun! You'll rock it!

  27. Your mom is adorable.

    You're gonna rock that 70.3!! Have fun!!

  28. My family has always been very apprehensive about my running (mostly marathon training), can't really blame them though since I broke my foot twice last year.....I've gotten smarter though. Taking a running break and focusing on my muscle imbalances, stability, balance, coordination....doing it right. haha.

  29. Good luck Beth! No matter the weather you are going to kick ass at this race with all the training you've been doing. Go get it girl!

  30. First GOOD LUCK! Second they make small Velcro bags that go under you seat. I have one and it works GREAT! Third, GOOD LUCK!

  31. Good luck! Can't wait to hear about it! And yes, I totally relate to your family worrying about you!

  32. What about using a small bungee cord instead of duct tape? I can imagine if you really need the items duct taped to your bike what a bitch it would be to actually get off, especially if it is hot out. Just a thought. Good luck today. Your mom is beautiful. I love how she told you what was going to be for dinner and that she makes you dinner. Heidi looks so much like my Tucker. You should train her to do therapy work, you know, in you spare time. :o)

  33. My family worried I was losing too much weight and working out too much and the addiction to the gym was unhealthy,mostly because they avoid the gym and physical activity. Now that I do short races, don't think they worry, except for the Warrior Dash....just because it sounded scary.

    Favorite meal my mom cooks, Pot roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots. It's the best. I should learn how to make it. I also like get chili better than any other.

  34. Have an AWESOME race! My mom passed before I started getting really athletic, but I bet she would have loved it. Both my sisters are really supporting though. I don't think they worry, they just celebrate with me. My mom used to make a killer fried rice that I make myself now, but of course I use brown rice, no meat and ghee instead of butter. But still, it makes me think of her!

  35. Your mom is beautiful. (And so are you!) Breathe... you've got this!

  36. My mom makes these amazing tostadas. She slow cooks the refried beans for hours, fries the tortillas, everything. She made them for me yesterday after a 12 mi training run. Moms rock.
    I hope today was amazing!!

  37. My mom is a runner too, so she is generally more excited than worried. My dad, on the other hand, thinks we are both crazy!

  38. Crepes.. was my favorite.

    It's nice to have people in your life worry about you.. Super sweet!
    I'm sure you did great! Can't wait to hear all about your race..

  39. You mom is so pretty, look at that gorgeous skin! It's so sweet she worries about you and is already prepared with a meal plan too! I come from the same food=love mentality, so I get it.

    Good luck!

  40. It's so great that you have a mom who not only worries about you but is a great cook!! I would be looking forward to that meal throughout that last half-marathon of the race!! Good luck. I'm sure you'll kill it!

  41. OMG - to have the support of your mom is awesome. My mom doesn't get running or cycling or sports - most likely because I'm a girl so it's been super hard. And thanks for inspiring me, I desperately want to do a half ironman. If only it didn't have to be an open water swim. A pool would work much better for me.

  42. Thanks for this post! I tend to roll my eyes at my husband/parents when they get worried...and I know that's mean of me, because it's just that they care. Thanks for the reminder, and I hope your race went well!

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  44. My mom always tells me to "be careful" before every "marathon." I've never done a marathon in my life, but my mom thinks that every race I do - even if it's a tri - is a marathon. I think it's cute.

  45. Aww, that's really sweet. My wife worries about me out by myself on my runs so I use the Road ID free app and it shows her my location the whole time I'm out running. That is, when it decides to properly work and gets a GPS signal. Then it's just an epic fail.

  46. I'm very late commenting on this but I have to comment because I feel the same way. I have a heart condition and I run a decent amount and run half-marathons. Before every race, my Mum basically says the same thing. I have a son myself and I understand now that I will never stop worrying about him. I am so grateful that my Mum worries for me - how lucky we both are to have such amazing mums!!
