So…the product review I am bringing you today definitely falls into the category of things I might not have normally purchased, but ended up loving and now would purchase.
Enter silver sparkly running shoes:
These shoes (HKNB 1600s – MSRP $99.00) are part of the Heidi Klum for New Balance line of workout gear. The theme for this line is to combine high quality with fashion. The above shoe is a perfect example of this. Although the style is feminine and attractive, this is a competitive running shoe, weighing in at less than 5 ounces. The 1600 model is known for providing enough protection for longer runs, but is also ideal for speed work given its smooth ride, lightness, and general comfort. So, you get a respected and high quality shoe with a bit of flirty style. Win-win.
I feel like Cinderella. Only I don’t think she can do this with her feet. Can you?
I’m not going to lie. I was a bit skeptical when I put these on. They are so light (and have minimal cushioning), I wondered if they would be enough “shoe” for me.
When I first started running in them, there was an adjustment. These only have an 8mm heel to toe drop, and I noticed that immediately. As I progressed into my run, however, I appreciated how easily these shoes made it for me to run on my mid foot (something I have been doing to prevent injury since drinking the Chi Running Kool-Aid over a year ago).
I loved how I could almost grab the ground with my foot since there is not a lot of build up in the sole. Best of all, these babies are so light. The typical shoes I wear weigh in at over 8 ounces, so these sparkly shoes are about 4 ounces lighter. You wouldn’t think that would make a huge difference but for someone who runs a lot, I could definitely tell.
So, let me ask you this. How important is the “look” of your running gear to you? Are you someone who likes to stay fit while looking good? Truth be told, I am not super caught up in how I look when I run (except for wanting my form to be decent), but I am the first person to appreciate a cute running skirt or fresh pair of fun, yet functional running shoes. These days, and with the lines like HKNB, it’s easy to intersect style with practicality and quality and to make every side your good side!
Do you care how you look when you run? Not especially.
What’s your favorite piece of fashionable running gear? I still love this cute cheetah running skirt I have. And I do love my new sparkly shoes. They just might look good together!
Do you ever buy special outfits for races? I have been known to do this. I like something fun to wear on race day.
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Heidi Klum for New Balance through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Heidi Klum for New Balance, all opinions are my own.
I do enjoy finding running shoes that "look" nice but at the end of the if a shoe is comfortable and makes me run (fast is a PLUS too) then I am all for it!
ReplyDeleteWhat pretty shoes! Great review.
ReplyDeleteDo I care how I look when I run? Yes and no. I don't care how cute my outfit is, don't care for flashy colors or designs. And I absolutely don't care what my shoes look like, as long as they feel right. But....... I will admit to being very self-conscious about my body when I am running. I have a bit of a tummy (leftover from having 10 pound babies, and it won't go away no matter what I do!) and also have bigger boobs-- not a great combo for a runner. So, I look for running clothes that hold everything in tight and hopefully conceal most of my imperfections. When I find that perfect pair of running tights that have a steel tummy panel, or that perfect bra that holds the girls in place, or that tank that is comfy and doesn't show a ton of cleavage-- that's my go-to running gear until I wear it out!
ReplyDeleteI'm lucky if I match when I run or bike! Do I care, sometimes but mostly not. Race day that's different. I do like to match and will sometimes buy new attire. I do want to get a flashy pair of running capris.
ReplyDeleteI care that the shoe companies have now started making all women's shoes pink, princessy and cute. YUUUUUUUUUCK. Why can they make shoes normal colors again?
ReplyDeleteTrue...there are the princess-y options, but seems you can still get the basic colors too. Nice to have choices.
DeleteHow do these compare to the pink Mizunos?
ReplyDeleteTotally different shoe in terms of weight and heel drop. However, they fit similarly with regards to being a narrower shoe with a slimmer toe box.
DeleteYou don't know how hilarious this wife not only buys outfits for "aesthetics" first, function second...she purchased her road bike because it matched her cycling shoes. Granted, she still ended up with a nice bike, but the original draw to it was the color. Classic.
ReplyDelete1) No; I was still running in 90s hand-me-down wind pants until my folks and in-laws got me some updated running garb this past Christmas.
ReplyDelete2) My new Under Armour Cold Gear running tights. Basic black.
3) Not yet...but that could change this year, now that I have a taste of the good stuff.
Nice shoe review. Don't know that I'd wear them, tho...I'd be a little worried about the minimal drop. When I got my orthotics, it took me a good 6-8 weeks to adjust. Guess my body likes what it knows.
ReplyDeleteI was shocked to see how few pins you have!
Yes, I don't really "do" Pinterest much. This was my first time creating a board.
DeleteI like anything with a little sparkle!
I used to always buy a special outfit for my races, then I started doing a lot more races, and that was the end of that! :) I definitely don't buy shoes and apparel based on how they look, it's all about function for me, but it's a huge plus when I like the colors!
ReplyDeleteDo you care how you look when you run? I'm starting to really give it more thought. I've been heavy my entire life and now that I've lost quite a bit of weight, I'm putting myself more "out there" with what I wear.
ReplyDeleteWhat’s your favorite piece of fashionable running gear? I don't have one yet but I'm thinking of getting a cool skirt soon.
Do you ever buy special outfits for races? Not yet but it's on my to-do list!
Looks are secondary to comfort and function, but if I have the option of wearing things that at least somewhat match, I'll do that--though for some races I do go all out to try and look reasonably good. My husband, however, tends to buy shoes based on looks first. Go figure. Favorite running gear? Probably my running skirts, I do love those. Not really running gear, but I'm also fond of my light-up tutu worn for my night leg of Ragnar last year, that was awesome. Special outfits for races? Depends on the race--yes for Ragnar and Tinkerbell HM (tutu and wings for the latter), no for most others unless it's a truly 'themed' race.
ReplyDeleteHa! I rarely care what I look like even when I'm NOT running! My biggest concern regarding looks and running is to not look a fool and fall flat on my face, especially on the local university's campus, where I occasionally get a cat-call from fraternity boys (I'm old enough to be their mom! Go me!).
ReplyDeleteI don't care what a shoe looks like and I've become pretty loyal to the Nike brand (I don't know if that's cool or not - again, don't care). It's all about how it feels and I don't like a lot of shoe (I used to have horrible varicose veins and that has conditioned me to always try to find the lightest shoe with enough support). Having said that, these shoes might fit my typical profile. Hmmmm. Now if they only gave me Heidi Klum-like boobs, I'd buy them by the case!
I do buy something special for race day, although I've learned (the hard way) to run a comparable distance in it before the race.
Cool looking shoes. I try to cull my running wardrobe when pieces get too worn or dingy, otherwise, I just try not to clash.
ReplyDeleteI feel like no matter how cute I try to look, my race photos tell the real story! :-) But when buying gear, I go more function and cost over style.
ReplyDeleteA few years ago, driving on a typical Michigan winter morning (grey skies, grey roads, grey snow) I came t-h-i-s close to hitting a runner who popped out of a side street totally camouflaged in grey sweatpants and a grey hoodie. He flipped me off (ok, I get it) but seriously, he blended in so well with the surroundings that was almost invisible! Gave me nightmares. Since then my biggest concern with running clothes isn't fashion but visibility. I choose reds and yellows and fluorescent oranges, accessorized with flashing lights and reflectors in the early morning. On the other hand, my non-running wardrobe is mostly black, grey, and navy - go figure!
ReplyDeleteI prefer to think that I look amazing when I'm running; it really helps me get from A to B. In reality, I'm pretty sure I look like a wreck waiting to happen. So I guess I don't really care. I like my clothes to at least coordinate, if the pants have any color in them. Other than that, whatever is comfortable. I think my favorite article of running gear are probably my Lulu capri pants. They are purple and I ran my first half marathon in them. Surely they have some magic in them based on those two facts alone.
ReplyDeleteOkay, love the look of the shoe, and I love their RevLite cushioning, but I think I need a bit more shoe. Price is usually a good indicator of cushioning, and me, with my former broken leg needs a little more over here though. If I could stick that color on a little more cushioning, like on the NB Fresh Foam 980, I totally would!
ReplyDeleteI don't care too much about my running outfit, but I like to wear colorful pieces. It helps me stay safe if I'm bright neon!
ReplyDeleteCute clothes help get me out the door, because I'm more likely to want to want to put them on in the first place! That said, I like an outfit that looks serious because I'm not a good enough runner to wear a "don't take me seriously...but then I'll smoke you!" outfit.
ReplyDeleteApparently I'm in the minority but I do care what I look like when I run (most of the time). Honestly, buying cute/cool/pretty new running clothes is 50% of why I like to run. My current favorite is a gorgeous Lululemon Full Tilt Long Sleeve that is cream with gray stripes and lace detailing. I adore it and wear it for running and for daily life. And yes, I plan every race outfit down to the shoe laces.
ReplyDeleteObviously I'm crazy.
So now, question about these shoes. I'm intrigued, as I am in the middle of trying to find a new shoe. I used to run in Brooks Pure Cadence (first gen) but hated the changes they made with the second gen. I know that you used to wear them - do you find that these New Balance are comparable? I tried out Saucony Kinvaras this past week but they are going back. I had high hopes because they reminded me of the original Pure Cadence but turns out they don't have enough support or cushion for me... they made my feet ache.
Ok, and I admit that I like the fact that these New Balances are sparkly.
When I first starting reading the post I though I was on the wrong site with your first position ballet pose and those sparkly shoes....I don't think I could do sparkly, shoes, skirts, none of it. Not for me. It would just be sparkly sweat after I finished with it and I cant even imagine how hard it would be to wash.
ReplyDeletePlus, sparkle = glitter, and I haven't touched glitter since the Nuns took away my glitter pen after I spiffed up the hymnals. Not gonna happen.
I don't care what I look like when I run, which is good since I buy everything on clearance! You don't exactly get to pick what you want that way. But I would appreciate some plain old normal colors sometimes. I'm a little tired of neon everything.
ReplyDeleteI have 2 pairs of Prana Mojo shorts does that count as Fashionable? ?? I care more about whether I'm warm (or cool) than what I look like. I wear a lot of orange because I run it the woods. Chi running and low drop shoes changed my life....I haven't rolled my ankle once since July (8 rolls in the previous 6 months) I am more of a buy it if I need it kind of guy....
ReplyDeleteI go for "need" over style... but end up basing my final decision on the look of the shoe.
ReplyDeleteI got a pair of HKNB capris in December that are so fly. I like running outfits that are matchy matchy, but if its cold fashion becomes an afterthought. I dont have light shoes but will consider them since they would probably motivate me to do speedwork.
ReplyDeleteI love to look good when I run. But my clothes are funtional. Hate for shorts to ride up and all of that. I do match but the shoes dont have to match. My shoes have to work. I use the running shoes.. BTW.. Your legs look awesome.. How do I get a pair of those..
ReplyDeleteI don't really care how I look when I run and I've never purchased an outfit for a race unless I needed some particular piece of clothing for the weather! I do LOVE my NB racing flats. I'm a Brooks girl for trainers but I love the lightness of the NB shoes!! Mine don't have glitter though :-(
ReplyDeleteI do care, somewhat, what I look like when I run. It's not that I dress up or have a matching outfit or anything, it's more that when I wear my nicer items, I feel better, and that gives me more energy and motivation. I have a pair of dark gray and black leopard print tights from Athleta. I look forward to putting them on and running in them - they make me want to get up and get out the door! As far as shoes go, I don't care too much what they look like, to a point - but I HATE a white shoe. I bought a pair of Saucony's at a running shoe store last year - I told the guy what I needed, and he put me in those - but they were white, pale gray, and pink. I hated them. I felt like they looked like old lady comfort shoes. I stuck it out for about four months, then broke down and bought a pair of hot pink Pure Flows, which is what I had been wearing prior to the Saucony's. If I feel good wearing it, it translates to how good I feel when I'm running.
ReplyDeleteI'm also finding that my higher quality, more expensive items are the ones I wear most often. I love me some Target, but I'm buying less workout stuff from there because it just doesn't seem to hold up as well or feel as good on as something from Athleta.
The look of the running shoe is not important to me at all, but I always pray the shoes I need to wear are not some weird and funky colour or just really ugly. I'm afraid to try new shoes, big time. I recently tried looking for another brand to start switching in with what I'm wearing in case of model change etc. Didn't do it though. Tried on a few and then decided against it. I'm a wimp. As for fashion I often buy a new top for a marathon but that's about it (and haven't done that the last couple of times either).
ReplyDeleteI'm so demanding that I want style and function in my running stuff, and I DO buy new outfits for a race. My regular wardrobe suffers by comparison.
ReplyDeleteFor Kathryn, above, who mentioned the original Pure Cadence shoe, I feel your pain! I wish I had bought 10 pairs when they were available. I just bought some New Balance 870s yesterday that felt similar on my feet. Taking them out for a spin today. I had never considered New Balance before I read this post, so thank you, SUAR!
I love pretty running clothes - bright colors, cool prints, lots of purple! But my shoes are usually more utilitarian. My new favorite piece is a pair of GapFit running shorts in a tropical print - perfect for Florida! And I always buy something new for a race, but I break it in first.
ReplyDeleteI don't care if it makes me sound shallow, I care a lot about how my running gear looks. Also, my taste in running clothes is the exact opposite of my non-running wardrobe. I go for bright ass pink and neon blue for running. Anything loud. But my normal clothes are mostly dark colors, and I hate pink.
ReplyDeleteHow do they compare to the NB WR1400?
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