Friday, March 26, 2010

Mexico Prep

Running tip: Protect your toes by using Body Glide or Vaseline. Those nubs do need some love and attention, especially on long runs.

Today I went to get a pedicure, since Mexico is right around the corner (2 days). Don’t hate. My feet have pretty much not seen the light of day since September. They are gnarly. Huge blister atop a huge bunion. Missing big toenail on my right foot. The toenail actually fell off a couple weeks ago and now there is just this pool of blood remaining under a new nail is trying to grow in. Hell, I am paying just as much as the next guy for a pedicure and I’m not going to be ashamed of how gross my feet are. In fact, I work hard to get these feet looking this bad.

So, I'm at the nail salon, in the throne chair, soaking my feet and reading Glamour. This sweet Asian woman was working on my feet. She didn’t speak much English. She took my right foot out of the sudsy tub to remove my nail polish. Only I didn’t have on any nail polish. She was scrubbing and scrubbing the place on my big toe where the blood is stuck under the nail. Apparently she thought it was purple nail polish (probably OPI’s Purple with a Purpose). I kept trying to tell her that it was a bruise and not to worry about it. But, being the hard worker she was, she kept on with the cotton ball and the nail polish remover. She was working that thing. Finally, she looked up at me and said, “This no paint?” I said, “No, it’s not going to come off.” She gave it one last try, as if it was her personal mission to remove this stubborn purple polish. I bet if she had surgical equipment she would have found a way to remove the old blood. Eventually, she gave up. I give her credit. I could tell giving up was not easy. But she did it.

Today I put in 15 miles (9:20 avg). That means I have run 45 miles in the past six days. I know some of you animals run 90+ miles a week, but I don’t. In fact this might be a PR for me. I knew I had to get in my long run today since come Sunday I will be lazing my ass under a palapa, passed out, with a tequila spiked umbrella drink glued to my hand and a smile on my face. For effect, this is the exact beach and palapa where I can be found. Don't hate again.

Being only 7 weeks out from the marathon, I can’t totally slack on this vacation, however. What sucks is I will have to run in this fitness room with this view. Yes that is the Caribbean right there:

Here's outside view of la gym. (Or should I say El gym. I was a French major not Spanish):

Running on a treadmill will be much safer for me than being outside. I plan on ingesting loads of beans, cheese and alcohol, so the inevitable Shut Up and Run poop will surely poke its ugly head out at some point during the run. Much easier to pause the treadmill and mosey on over to the toilet than to find a prickly pear cactus to hide my white ass behind.

What you got on tap for Spring break?

Drinking: Grande mild Starbucks coffee with extra cream


  1. wohoo for a great view! yes treadmill will be safer!

  2. It's "el gymo" - one puts an o on every word and it's official Spanish!

    You to Mexico, Tara to Hawaii and Jilly left to run 22 miserable miles in the snow and wind in Denver. Is something wrong with this picture??!!??

    Have a great trip, girl! Maybe I can tack onto part of a run with you when you return before I head out to Beantown.

  3. i just got back from spring break and sadly did nothing very exciting. have a fantastic trip! i'm muy celosa (very jealous :) )

  4. A pedicure! Oh how I could use one. These feet need a good scrub down.

    Have a great trip!!!!

  5. I'm so jealous!! I'm going to Hawaii in May though:)

  6. This post made me cry...from laughing so hard. I was picturing the throne chair and the woman working hard to get that darn non existent polish off. Your descriptions set the scene perfectly! Thanks for sharing!
    No Spring break here, maybe next year. Have a great time in Mexico!

  7. i need a spring break!!! looks amazing :) have a GREAT time and good luck with the TM runs ;)

  8. we went to Kansas for spring break! Mexico looks so much better! Have a wonderful time!

  9. Not a SPRING break, but I'm less than two months out from a week in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, and I CAN'T EFFIN' WAIT!!!!

    Jill, you and I must have taken Spanish lessons from the same person! I speako the same versiono of Spanisho as you!

    Beth, I am THOROUGHLY impressed by 45 miles in less than a week! You rock!

  10. I finally managed to cut my long toenails, which is a start. They will probably ban me from the beaches next week. Hell, my bunion will probably take up half the island anyway.

    Have fun. Don't crap all over the place.

  11. Happy to hear that you pampered yourself. Enjoy your vacation in Mexico!

  12. So did it hurt when she was trying to get rid of that pseudo-polish? Have a great holiday!

  13. Have a wonderful time. I love Mexico. I don't hate you - but I am certainly jealous.

    Enjoy the food, relaxation, tequila, sun, sand and water. Basically ENJOY everything.

    Have a great vacation.

  14. Have a wonderful time!

    45 miles in 6 days is amazing! I doubt my mileage will ever get that high!

  15. I think it is awesome that you have Patrick's Running Blog in your blogroll!!! BTW-45 miles in 6 days is sick!

  16. No appologies, just make sure you have fun!

  17. Ha ha..the pedicure story is hilarious! I'm so jealous you're going to Mexico! I hope you have an awesome time!

  18. My feet are pretty bad...but yours sound way worse. There must be a relationship between weekly miles and nastiness of feet. :)

    Hope you have a great vacation...I am way jealous! Besides a quick trip to NYC, our break will be spent right here at home.

  19. Have a great spring break! I'm just going to relax at home, and maybe go to the beach with my family.

    I don't put in that much mileage but I do a lot of cross training and lifting.

  20. Spring Break? Sleeping in, gardening, eating, napping, running, training. Repeat.
    Yours sounds MUCH more entertaining but I'm actually going to enjoy resting up and playing with Sparkle Pants, my daughter and friends.
    By the way, I love your marathon eating plan; beans, cheese and alcohol. The meal of champions.
    Have a great vacay!

  21. Beans, cheese and alcohol? The treadmill indoors sounds safe (close to potties) and stinky! Have fun.

  22. Rock it Mexico, Beth! Smuggle some warm weather back for us. I hear they don't randomly search travelers for sunshine, warm temperatures, and pleasent dispositions. PS: Have at least two drinks for me!

  23. Have a great trip and I think 75 miles is awesome, I will never run that much in a week.

    I'm getting back to get a pedicure next Tuesday. I didn't go for over a year but I notice my feet really need it with all this running. So it's a treat to myself.

  24. Yeah, I'm jealous. Still three weeks of tax time left, Boston is probably going to be cold, and I have no tropical vacation planned until November! Ugh! Funny, I was just saying to my hubbs that they should have the Boston marathon somewhere tropical like Hawaii - that wouldn't ruin it, would it?
    Have a blast!

  25. I do hate you for going somewhere warm and tropical! ; ) But I guess running on the treadmill is your penance.

    Enjoy it, have some good food and drinks for me!

  26. Yeah, because our Mexican Brothers and Sisters care more about your toes than your money!

    Tenga un excelente viaje!

  27. Wild Bill often teases me about the state of my feet, but I tell him if wants a chick with nice feet he can go find one..probably on her couch

  28. Aw sweet little Asian girl. She tried so hard.

    Alright, so take pictures (as if you weren't going to ...)

    Poop freely and have a great trip!

  29. Spring break in Mexico!! Yes, I am jealous:) I want to go somewhere warm with a beach!! Have a great time!

  30. I hope you guys have a great vacation. I love that you all travel as much as you do! Keep up your training but be flexible like a Japanese ham sandwich and from the side, look like a box and do toe stand naked. Ouch! Looking forward to hearing about it.

  31. My spring break is almost over. Did absolutely nothing other than running, eating and reading blogs. Enjoy your vacation!

    P.S., I am painting my toenails in a dark merlotish color to hide the black toenail I have now.

  32. jealous of your trip! have a blast! too funny about the pedicure lol!

  33. Wonderful vacation plans - I don't hate, but I am envious.
    My plans are 1. A 10K race Sat. 2. My very FIRST half marathon -The Skunk Cabbage Half (seeing as I have the ability to attract skunk, this race seemed inevitable) and 3. right from the race, into the car for a 12 hour drive to South Carolina. Yay! - not as great as Mexico but it's a get away.

  34. man it really sucks to be you. running in a gym like that and then having to drink margaritas all day on the beach?! yeah, definitely wouldn't want to be you.

  35. Sooo funny! Have a great trip...I'm heading to Mexico in less than a month...can't wait!

  36. Running during vacation is fun! It makes me not feel guily about all of those glorious beer/wine/tequila cals that i am drinking.

    Oyy, the reason I am 100+ blogs behind is because of spring break! :)

  37. Next time you should include before and after pedi pics =)

    Have an amazing time in Mexico!! Enjoy your beans and booze!

  38. Thinking of you as I start my work week. Hope you are enjoying Mexico. ENJOY the sun, sand, tequila, fresh air, warmth and family time.

    In honor of you I made a batch of Margarita's yesterday. Hey - if I can't be in Mexico with you - at least I can drink like I am. ;-)

  39. I just found the subject for your next post! It's called vajazzle. As far as I can tell, it's Betty sequins and glitter.

  40. Oh, and the most recent bad feet photo I've seen:

  41. we go to jamaica in a week and i'm not even bothering w/ a pedicure. even nail polish couldn't fix these puppies.

    the place we're staying has an open air gym. i'm actually looking forward to working out on vacation!
