Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Review: Ryders Sunglasses

Running tip: Buy running clothes you like. This may sound obvious, but you're probably more likely to be motivated to run if you have something to put on that you feel good in. If this is a sparkly bright red thong, so be it. Your neighbors will love you for it.

A few weeks ago, this seemingly cute and very smart guy, Devon, contacted me from Outside PR wanting to know if I could review a couple of running products. I know he is smart because he used big words I didn't understand in the email. I know he is cute because he was witty and works for a cool company. Those people are always cute.

I hate getting stuff for free, especially running goods, but I said “yes” anyway. Outside PR is an agency that represents such favorite products as Road I.D., Sugoi, GU, Go-lite and Ryder’s Eyewear.

By the way, I’m kidding. Like any breathing human, I love free stuff. I will review a business card, a Frisbee or a plastic cup with your university logo on it if you send it to me. You can only imagine the goody bag I bring home from a marathon expo.

Last week I got these Ryder’s sunglasses* in the mail:

Yes, that's a cut on my finger. Wanna see it up close? Wanna see what a sucky camera I have? That could just be a smile I made with a red Sharpie, but it really is a wound from a knife. Cutting apples can be very dangerous.

Fortunately, because I am in the last two months of marathon training and I am running so much I almost despise it (oh, stop your gasping, you feel that way sometimes too), I had ample opportunity this week to give these shades a whirl. Also, fortunately, the sun had finally returned from its long hiatus to Tahiti or Hawaii or wherever the sun hangs out when it’s not around here (okay, calm down, I know the sun is just behind clouds or going down on Elton John – “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down On Me…” which could very easily be “Don’t Let Your Son Go Down on Me”, but that’s another post).

Previously, I was sporting the Wal-Mart special aerodynamic glasses (I think Kara Goucher wears these too), and it was tough to think of parting with them, especially since they cost $4.99. Devon gave me some options to pick from on the Ryder website from the Adrenaline collection. It is not an easy thing to pick sunglasses without trying them on. That means you can’t look at yourself in the mirror and make faces and pull your hair back and in front of your face and pretend you are running by jogging in place. Or maybe I just do that.

In any case, I chose the Sprint model in black with a grey lens. I chose them because they will make me look hardcore and will make me a better runner. In reality, I thought they were a good looking pair of glasses, with that athletic vibe. I also liked the option for the grey lens as that’s my color of choice in sunglass lenses. I prefer to see the world in hues of grey because it is uplifting. Here’s the actual description on these glasses:

PRICE: $39.99

The lenses are shatterproof, scratch resistant and provide 100% UV protection. All glasses have anti slip and adjustable nose pads. The temple tips are also anti slip.

After a couple of runs in these glasses, I found I really liked them (and not just because they were free). I liked them because I did not notice them. To me, not noticing things on my body while running is a good thing. I hate having to mess with anything during my runs, especially if it’s because it’s uncomfortable, annoying, or not performing its function properly.

Essentially, the glasses did their job: stayed in place, provided protection from the bright Colorado sun, and were lightweight enough that I didn’t feel them on my face. They reduced the glare, but were not so dark that they distorted colors or kept me from knowing when the light was green at the crosswalk (this is important if you want to live during your run). The price isn't bad either ($39.99 or free if you're me).

Next up in a future post will be my review on the Race + Recovery Compression Tights from Sugoi. To wet your pallet, expect to see me in the tightest tights you’ve ever seen. As in, I could put on high heels, get a perm and be slutty Sandy at the end at the end of the movie, Grease (if only I could sing, was gorgeous, smoked and came from down unda').

Drinking: H20

*Outside PR sent me the product for free to review on my blog (courtesy of Ryders Eyewear). I did not pay for the item or exchange any favors for it.


  1. Well, now I just have to buy new running clothes and new glasses, just because you said so! Woo Hoo!
    I once lost a new pair of $89 Oakleys one week after I bought them. I was soooo mad! I have never again bought (non-prescription) glasses that cost more than $12.99. However, there's no rule that says that my hubby can't buy these for me. I do have a BDay coming up!
    Thanks for the review.

  2. How do you manage to put a funny spin on everything? :) Great review... that's some good-looking eyewear. Staying put and not being noticeable is a huge plus for me!

  3. Thanks for the great review! I have a pair of Smith glasses that I've had for over 5 years that I love, but I think it's about time to retire them for a new pair. I may have to look into the ones you got.

  4. I like the look of Ryder glasses and have been thinking of getting a pair. I was at one shop and tried a few pairs on - but they just weren't right. The styles that I've seen on the web are much better looking. Looking cool with something that works is always a good thing.

  5. Thanks for reviewing these sunglasses. I was looking for a sporty pair but I don't want to shell out 3-figures for a pair of Oakleys or something like that (that's the only sporty brand I know of).

    I have "Don't let the sun go down on me" stuck in my head now. Thanks!

  6. Agree with Marlene, your posts are always hilarious!! Great review on the glasses, they look great on you too!

  7. Very very cool! I have been looking at some running sun glasses but i havent decided on where/what i want! :)

  8. LOL! I love your blog. :) How do you get these companies to send youu stuff to review? I wanna review stuff too!

  9. Cutting apples ARE dangerous! I made a nice dent in the joint capsule of my left index finger a couple years ago and ended up in the ED with six stitches! Just call me "Grace" :)

  10. $40 bucks for a cool pair of shades is pretty dang sweet!

  11. Nice review and post! I love getting things for free, especially running things.

  12. Thanks for the review! I've been looking for a less expensive pair of shades b/c I refuse to spend $100 on Oakleys that I may lose or crush.

    And, yes, lately I have been not so happy with my running gig, so thanks for letting me know that I am not the only one!

  13. Sounds like a great pair of glasses. I'm cursed with terrible vision, and sometimes when I can't be bothered to put in my lenses, I run with my glasses. And they keep slipping down! So you are so right: the best glasses are those you don't feel.

  14. glasses seem good to me..thanks for the review..i cant find any that will stay on when i run.. so I wind up buying cheap walgreens glasses every race to avoid a glasses catastrophe.

  15. Sounds like a great pair of glasses! I look forward to your next product review!

  16. aaaaahhahahaha...yeah, whatever...sunglasses. I'm just still laughing my ass off about the Elton John comment. Although the song title probably needs to be changed to Don't STOP your son from going down on me.

  17. Nice shades. But I'm way too cheap to shell out that much for sunglasses. I'll just keep readjusting my $5 Target pair when they slide down my nose every ten minutes. I consider it cross training.

  18. love that scene from grease!!

    i just got a pair to review and need to try them out. i've never worn sunglasses to run before!

  19. I have some of the $9.99 variety but they seem to do the trick ;-)

  20. Sunglasses are something I'm not sure I could run in. I've tried just walking but when I look down and look back up again, the difference in perception sort of makes my head wonky.

    Loved the review! And congrats for scoring a new pair of shades. Wooo!

  21. Great reveiw - I love the built in anti-slide stuff. Unfortunately, I am a four-eyed runner and must run with Rx sunglasses. To make myself even dorky-er, I have the granny loop that tightens them to my face so they don't slip down and can hang around my neck :(
    BTW, what is up with you and Jamoosh putting pics of your war wounds up? His chopped up foot and your bloddy finger are making me nearly pass out at my compter! LOL!
    Hope the finger feels better :)

  22. $40 seems like a really good deal for running sunglasses - thanks for the review!

  23. I can confirm that Devon is, in fact, cute. I hate to break it to you, though, she's a girl.

  24. Yeah, anonymous, I just learned that. Good thing I like a cute girl as well.

  25. Hahhaha - I thought anonymous was my coworker when I first read this.

    Great post! HILARIOUS :)


  26. Thanks for the review.
    And, um, laughing that Devon is a girl!!!

  27. Lucky gal you are:) Love the glasses, but I can't run with sunglasses. Maybe I have not tried the right glasses, who knows

  28. I need a pair of glasses like that! I wear my normal glasses on my run and feel like a dork.

    Your camera doesn't have an "up-close" (making that up) setting? I didn't find that setting on ours for a few years ;)

  29. Those look like great glasses. But I can't stand running in glasses. I much prefer a visor. But I'd def. use those for driving.

    Question for you: When you got your stress fracture, was there any sign that it was coming on? As you said on RR, you were training and felt strong but I'm wondering if you ignored any signs of the fracture's imminence. Reason for the question is I'm increasing my miles and would like to go for a few halfs and at least one marathon and I feel good. But what signs should I watch for?

  30. Those glasses are HOT and they look great on you. Win!

  31. i love my ryder sunglasses LOVE THEM

  32. Ok, call me a smarty-pants Antipodean but one of the things I love about your posts is that you are such a cunning-linguist (try to say that five times fast!)

    So what a giggle you have given me when you say something to "wet your pallet." ROTFL :-) Maybe you think we are all truckers and have piles of these things (pallets) lying around??

    Methinks your fingers meant to type "palate!" Blame it on the finger with the cut who was probably just trying to get you back for attempting to chop her off!

    Smiles, Paul :-)

  33. Thanks for the handy review. I have been thinking of getting a "real" pair of running sunglasses. It is a pain to find a good pair since I want them to be prescription glasses. :(

  34. Dang...I thought this was a giveaway, I got all excited!

    I've been looking for a good pair of sunglasses, I have been stealing my husbands and then he gets them back with GU and sweat all over them. So he has gently encouraged me to find a pair. These sound good and fairly cheap. I'll have to give them a go!

  35. I did not ... exchange any favors for it

    No fun.


    I don't HAVE to wear sunglasses while running, but would probably be a good idea when biking, so I'll check these out. Thanks!


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