Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You Don’t Get These Odds In Vegas

Today’s tempo run started at 6:24 a.m. which is about the time I am usually turning over in bed to move out of my own personal pile of drool. I admit it. I am a drooler. As in I leave a perfectly round drool spot at least 3 inches in diameter on the sheet just below my pillow. I like to think it’s a sign of intelligence or at least an indication that I’m a sound sleeper.

I never get up this early, let alone run. Today, however, I have to get my daughter to a camp in Boulder by 9am, so you do what you have to do. Get up and shut up and run.

I was feeling sassy in my new booty shorts and tech shirt from a marathon I have not yet run (Boston). Here I am posing for a JC Penney catalog (no, I did not run in these flip flops – I do, however, have a review coming up about them):


The SUAR schedule called for 1 mile warm up, 4 miles tempo @ 8:04, 1 mile cool down. I can’t stomach much this early, so I did an apple cinnamon Hammer gel about 15 minutes prior with water. I never do gels pre-run, but it’s what sounded good today.


On the way out I was feeling particularly gassy. Good for me I was alone and it was early. I could just let ‘em rip as they came. Smelled like apple cinnamon. I did pass an old guy who gave me a sour look. What? He doesn’t like apple cinnamon?

Here’s how it panned out:

Mile 1: 9:11
Mile 2: 8:11
Mile 3: 7:53
Mile 4: 7:54
Mile 5: 8:07
Mile 6: 9:04

Not too consistent, but I’ll take it. I’m not smart enough to figure out the average of those four miles (Steve Q? Are you there?), but I’m going to guess 8:02. Sound good?

Got speed this week? If so, what are you doing?

Don’t forget my Champion Giveaway. You didn’t hear it here, but if you are a guy you have a 100% chance of winning right now. You don’t get those odds in Vegas you know. Only on this blog.


  1. Um, aside from the apple thing, that is Exactly what I have on schedule for tmrw! 6 mi, 4 @ tempo (~8). Nice early run ;) can't wait for those COOL morning temps....not something we're graced with here in DC!

  2. As you know, I got my dose of Tempo this morning too! I can't eat much either, but also can't stomach a Gu at that hour. I went for an all-fruit bar which sat okay except for that emergency pit stop half way through!

    Awesome job on your early run.

  3. I love this. Apple cinnamon - I bet it smelled JUST like my candle....so what was his freaking problem?!

    Did my yassos today. Yay me! ;)

  4. JCP will be calling you any day now!

    Sweet getting up and running to get it all done. Nice to step out of your routine every once in a while.

  5. Nicely done on your tempo!

    The only thing I'm doing with effort these days is to stay OUT of the refrigerator. Especially today when there's a chocolate cake in there.

  6. Good job on your tempo! I have a tempo run scheduled for Thursday. I'm hoping it goes well too!

  7. oh my. I can totally appreciate the flatulated honesty of those gaseous comments of yours. hahaha!

  8. tempo tomorrow.
    wild berry farts.

  9. tempo thursday for me

    great job getting out early

  10. I ran a quick 2 miles earlier on the treadmill as I suffered through "All My Children."
    I may go back later and attempt 4 miles - 1 warm-up, 2 tempo and 1 cool down. We'll see.
    Love that comment about the old man not liking apple cinnamon. :)

  11. I can't eat in the morning before I run. It drives my husband crazy on race day. I have to fuel up the day before if I know I have an early run planned.
    Good pacing. I sense another BQ coming; too bad you can't share them.

  12. Sweet booty shorts! Your legs look awesome! Good job getting out of bed I can't seem to drag my ass out in time....sighhh

  13. i think jc penny will be calling any day now! great job on the run.

  14. I'm at that point where I am getting jealous of you northern runners and your training. I am still confined to the treadmill until the triple digits break. Apple farts sound awesome though!

  15. Yeah I'm here, but I'm wondering if you want the arithmetical mean, the geometric mean, the median or some other "average." I just say "8, give or take."

    Pic looks like you have the beginning of a hammer toe going on that middle one; if so, flip flops may be a major part of life soon.

  16. Mmmmm, apple cinamon! Haven't seen that one yet! I'll have to look!
    And I love that you're wearing your Boston shirt already - you earned it :)

  17. great job on the workout speedster! your a rockstar!

  18. Hmmmm, I just may have to try that hammer gel. Shit, if it turns my farts apple cinamon, i'll by a whole case!!
