Monday, April 25, 2011

Peeing Technique

I took my first post-marathon run today for 5.5 miles. I wore my battery operated glowing shirt.


My legs felt great, but because I have a cold I had snot coming out of every orifice. I gagged on my own phlegm, which was pleasant.

My friend, Dana, who has been running for 40 years (including completing the Leadville 100 seven years in a row), had some sound  advice this week that I think we can all learn from:

Enjoy the buzz for the next few weeks and go back to your training gradually.  You have put an enormous amount of stress and pressure on yourself over the past 18 months, yes including the 6 months leading up to the 2010 Colorado Marathon. You qualified for Boston, ran with DK, completed your training for Denver and then spent 6 months trying to get in good enough shape while injured to survive Boston. Forget about the physical aspects, you have been emotionally at your redline for a LONG time. You need to give your mind, heart and soul a little rest.

Do whatever makes you happy but if running for the next 40 years is in the plans, think about spending the next month or two simply running for the JOY of running without the pressure of what's next.

Think of it in terms of quality vs. quantity. Typically, newer people to the sport start with quantity and evolve to quality. The reason is they can't get enough at first but soon realize too much can be a big detraction from the whole picture. Everyone needs to find what works for them, I'm just trying to point out that there is a balance between every day running and how many events you enter.

After a few weeks when the Boston high starts to fade, look forward to just going out for a run with no pressure to perform and with the sole purpose of running for your spirit. There is so much joy in being able to run whatever distance and speed makes you feel the happiest.

I love what he says about quality vs. quantity. If this injury has taught me one thing it’s that less really can be more. That and that everyone needs their own personal pussy posse.

And, now for some stolen Boston photos:

This first photo was taken around mile ten, I think. After that I ripped my name off my shirt. I am weird, but for some reason it annoyed me to have people screaming my name constantly.


Here is where I have an extra flap of skin above my knee:


I was trying to be cool with my fingers here:


Finish line:


One thing I did not share about Boston, but that has very much been on my mind, is girls peeing. I’m a girl and I pee outside so I know about the squatting thing. What was new for me was watching girls do the straddle thing in the woods. These brave souls would jump off the course and into the woods, straddle their legs, pull their shorts aside and let the pee stream fly. This was the stance. Just pretend I have shorts on and am pulling them aside:


This is a wonderful technique and one I will be using from here on out. I may even start using it in my yard and forego the toilet completely. I don’t think I will try it for #2, however.

Happy Monday,


PS: Don’t forget my Sporty Girl Jewelry giveaway, ends tomorrow


  1. you'll end up with dead spots in the grass
    just sayin

  2. Nice point of view with running: quality should always be first.

    Congrats again.

  3. love the advice! "running for the joy of it"

  4. haha. you KNOW you'll try that #2. you will.

  5. I am really impressed that you did 5.5 today! Glad the legs felt good; sorry about the streaming snot and hope that ends soon.

    Dana's words are so full of wisdom and the power of experience. So much to learn from them. I think I will be bookmarking this post so that I can read them again and again.

    That pic of you at Mile 10... you look SO happy :) "I'm HERE!" it screams! LOVE IT :)

    The straddle thing only works well if you can straddle that far... otherwise it's just more pee down your leg and into your shoes. I have my own weird, twisted take on peeing during a marathon. I try not to... trying to save all possible hydration... that's what I try to tell myself anyway :P

  6. I impulsively signed up for a half marathon last night and it is all your fault. I have not run since a knee injury in 2008 and I miss it and miss the feeling of working toward and achieving something. I have no idea if my knee will cooperate, so the worst case is I will be walking the half marathon...but I am going to try and run it. Damn you and your motivating ways...

  7. Wow, it's nice to see that, even for someone with so little body fat, skin just does weird things when running! I just got my first 1/2 marathon photos back, and my legs look there is a whole ocean of waves going through them!
    On a different note, love the pee stance, but where do you stand on snot rockets? Have you mastered this? Because I cannot seem to get that right, so I always end up carrying tissue with me! :-(
    Love your blog, you are so motivating!

  8. That stance is still dangerous though! You could end up with pee on your leg or shorts.

  9. Love the advice!!!! And I hate the straddle, I always pee on myself!

  10. I taught my children to pee like that. It worked well for the first few years. Well, up until they turned 12, and then the neighbors began to complain.

  11. I learned to straddle pee when I started trail running, but still prefer to just drop 'em.

  12. i do this all the time, even did it in a race at the cooper river bridge run....except i dont take such a wide stance, i have pretty good aim with my urethra apparently

  13. I need to try this straddle pee, I'm tired of getting mosquito bites on my bum when I drop 'em. (I live in FL, mosquito capital of the world).

  14. i love that advice! wise woman! Enjoy your gradual ease into training beth.

  15. I think I might pass on the straddling thing, but more power to you!!!

    Congratulations... Again! Can't say it enough. Good job! Wow! Love the pix.

  16. In all seriousness--my college roommate made a contest out of seeing how many times she could urinate outdoors in broad daylight on campus. Not sure what the final number was. I just love her, for her spirit and her boldness. And for reminding me to go live every now and then. :)

  17. That Dana is seriously smart. It's so hard for new runners on a high to get that. Well not just new runners. I have some runner friends who are constantly injured and in rehab because they never stop training and run just for the joy of it.

  18. I'm making a mental note of that straddle thing! When I squat I always end up with some running down my leg...

  19. What great words of wisdom!

    Love your photos! (at least you only have extra skin above our knee, my extra skin is covering some fat too!)

    At least that posture would keep your shoes dry. ;-)

  20. Love the peeing thing and love those Pearl Izumi Floats!

  21. I have seen this peeing technique the starting line. As a guy, I can say, it was very educational.

  22. I've been using the stradle and pull over method for years. Less wear and tear on the quads. You can actually tilt your pelvic backward the the stream goes straight down without showing your pussy posse to anyone. Glad you've discovered it. Pee on.

  23. My running partner uses that straddle and she is fast. Not me I have to drop my pants. Congrats on Boston. What great advice from your friend, so true. Quantity vs Quality

  24. I think that's one of the finer things I've learned about running from your blog!

  25. Awesome pics!! You look HAPPY!

    Hmmm... interesting pee stance. I might have to try that one too.

  26. I use this peeing technique when I go to the public potty at the pool...saves time when you have lil ones in there with you...and you are wet already anyways! :-P

  27. Wonderful words of Wisdom!

    Gonna have to try the pee stance!!!

  28. That's not just well-defined leg muscle?

  29. Hi! You are a rockstar! I blogged about you. Check it out: Thanks for making me laugh and keeping me inspired.

  30. Love the peeing technique!
    Your friend is a wise one..great words of advice.

  31. Serious for a second here: That was sound advice from your friend.

    Not serious anymore. I taught my dog how to properly mark trees over the weekend, my wife was even impressed just how many trees I could mark within 1 pee stream. Straddling to pee? Sounds like some kinky sexual fantasy that they were acting out at the race LOL!

  32. I am totally going to remember that peeing stance.

    Love the photos. Interesting about people calling out your name. I hadn't thought about it before, but I think it would distract me.

  33. Very snazzy attire. Enjoy your post race runs!

  34. Welcome back to running!! Love the advice, we always tell those in track that after the season is over: slowly build the miles, quantity is more important right now than quality and slower than molasses pace. There's a time for quanlity but it's not after a marathon!

    I think you're needing knee surgery for that skin flap! :)

    Great pics, Beth!

  35. You are always looking so stylin in your running gear! Even in a squat position! And, so fit! You remained so cut throughout your injury where many would gain weight. Amazing.

    Your friend had some really sound advice--I'm a noob to racing/training and can see it's addiction--I will certainly take time to digest these words.

  36. i do that stance when in a swim suit, never thought about doing it when in running shorts!!! such a good idea!

  37. I love that you ripped your name off your shirt! That would've irritated me too!!

  38. Some races put your name on your race number, the Denver Marathon did that a few years ago. I also found it annoying as well when people called my name out. When I ran Boston in 1983, I got freaked out by people calling out my name along the course. I didn't have my name anywhere but I grew up in the area and moved after graduating High school in 1975. What freaked me out was how many people where at the race and knew who I was even though it is a big place and I hadn't lived in the area for years. Some incredible fans in Boston.

    In spite of me running for 40 years, well 39 but whose counting? I'm really not that old or wise! I just started running early in high school when I was 14 and never stopped. Meanwhile, I've had plenty of time to learn about running from my own trial and error.


  39. First of all - great advice.

    Now about the peeing - I am so afraid of publice bodily functions that I may consider wearing a poise pad when I do my marathon in June. I just can't wrap my brain around peeing on the side of the road!

  40. OH! I rock that stance all the time! Well, when it's damned warm enough to wear shorts anyway.

  41. Yes I have witnessed MANY trail running women do this and it has amazed me ever since. I'd love to try it but fear that first mishap. :)

    Your friends advice is probably the best advice I've ever read.

  42. Ha! Thanks for the peeing technique!

    I am surprised you didn't like people yelling your name.

    And isn't it hard to be a runner without looking at "what's next"? I think we all need to, from time to time, though.

  43. I want to go run outside right NOW and try that. That is freaking awesome. No more mooning the people around you : )

  44. That is how a lot of swimmers will go to the bathroom. It kinda creeps me out but I guess it works.

    Great advice from your friend though!

  45. I never congratulated you on your Boston Marathon... I guess I really am 2Slow4Boston.


    That's a great memory of the 115th running, you learned how to pee better.

  46. I'm a terrible squatter, so I might have to try this method.

  47. Dana's advice is excellent...thanks for sharing.

    I have a feeling I can't stretch my legs out wide enough to avoid peeing all over myself :)

  48. Omigoodness, i so hafta pee after reading this (and everyone's straddle pee comments!)

  49. You are too funny. Love your blog, hope you'll check out my new running blog, I could use some readers. :)

    Btw, what a sweet and wise friend you have to give you such great advice!!

  50. That stance looks to be quite effective...although practice may be required! Heck, it is probably the most "discrete" way a chick can pee in public! No bare ass for the random stranger wandering around behind you!

  51. Those are stolen photos? I thought they were just PROOF that you actually ran the Boston Marathon.

    BTW - how cool must it feel to go to the Boston Marathon picture site to find your pics? I mean really? Indulge me and rub it in that it is the best thing you have ever done.

    Why not learn to pee while running? This way you don't lose any time and you won't run the risk of peeing on your hand that is pulling your shorts to the side.

  52. All that talk of peeing. Now I have to pee.

    (love the stolen pics! you look so happy!)

  53. Love the advice. The advice from your friend, that is. But I will keep the peeing advice in mind too should I ever need it.

  54. totally trying that!! Look at your calf muscles though in the pic...swweeeeeet!!
    great pics SUAR :D

  55. Such good advice from Dana. Thanks for sharing.

    As for that peeing method, how many gals are that talented? If I tried to straddle w/ shorts pulled to one side, I'd smell like a urinal for the rest of the run. Nasty! I'll stick to messing up my time and using porta-potties.

  56. That's totally how I pee in the woods. But I get annoyed at myself when I'm wearing form fitting, you can't do it that way! ARGh!:)

  57. this technique is especially helpful on bike rides when you use bibs.

  58. Just looked at your number and realized I was in the same wave at the start! That was a second Boston for me and although I had just an OK race this year, for me, it was all about surviving the winter in the Northeast, enjoy the training and the racing. Much like your friends advice, I chased the dream of getting there and never took a mental rest. I am taking one now and reverting back to some short distance triathlon to fully enjoy what I'm doing instead of worrying about grinding out endless miles Let the fun begin!

  59. I LOVE your marathon outfit! You look so cute!

  60. Why didn't I think of that straddle technique before?? It's awesome!

  61. Running for joy of it. I dreamed I could run effortlessly. If any dream could come true this is the one I want.

    The straddle technique seems like it would prevent pee splash to the shoes.
