Sunday, April 24, 2011

You May Not Know This

Or you may. But, I didn’t.

Sam: Mom, want to know why I’m the best son in the world?

Me: Because I gave birth to you?

Sam: No, because I found your name on the Boston poster!

Me: WTH? What do you mean? There aren’t any names on the Boston poster.

Sam: I’ll show you.

Me: You liar.

Damn if he wasn’t right.

See, many people had told me to pick up a poster from the Adidas booth at the Boston Marathon expo. I took five because they were free and I’m greedy. There is one hanging in my office and Sam has one in his room. I’ll put one the bathroom for good measure.

But, little known secret – the background of the poster has every runner’s name listed, so small that seriously only someone less than 15 years old could read the names. They are in alphabetical order. All 27,000. Sam found mine:

Poster Beth Risdon

How did I not know this? Did you all know this and I did not know this? Why didn’t you tell me? What else are you keeping from me?

If you need Sam to find your name, you have one of two options. Send him a round trip ticket to your town and he will come there with a Sharpie. Or, simply send your poster in the mail to:

7th grader with good eyes
P.O. Box  20/20

Feeling famous,



  1. Ha ha..that is hilarious! Nice job Sam! I had no idea all the runner's names were on the poster either..that's so cool!

  2. Wow that's pretty awesome!

  3. Darn! I didn't pick up a poster!
    It would be a great challenge to try to find the names. Plus, if I was able to see my name, I'd brag about it!
    I'm doing everything possible to avoid the need for reading glasses.

  4. Go Sam!! What a stud!

    I'm so happy that you could live out your Boston dreams--the mental toughness and determination to get you ready are so freaking admirable!! I know this won't be the only Boston you have in you!!

  5. Your legend grows each and every day (or in this case, shrinks).

  6. LOL…that is pretty dang cool :)

    I must admit that when I first saw the pic of the poster, I thought you meant that the silver-blanketed hat-wearer was YOU…lol… and that you had written you name on the foil blankie in big black letters!

    Then I noticed the arrow and finished reading the post :P

  7. Go Sam! More evidence of why I truly love working with 7th graders, they all pick up on this kind of stuff!

  8. Awww, that is so awesome of him! I didn't know all the names were listed on there either.

  9. Didn't I tell you that? Sorry if not...

  10. I put mine up in my classroom and had my students find my name. I'm right by yours (Ried) and super stoked it is by the guy's shoe so it is easy to find!

  11. They did it with the 2009 poster, so when I grabbed a poster this year, I figured it would be the same, which it was. I haven't gotten out the magnifying glass to search for my name yet...

  12. Or, you can send it to me. Last year I succumbed to those old man magnifying reading glasses. It made me feel great to know that I would have to use them to read for the rest of my life.

  13. hahaha! thats awesome! way to go Sam!

  14. That is so funny that Sam found your name! Very cool!!! :)

  15. Too cute. That's exciting, way to go!!

  16. He IS the best son in the world.

  17. I found that out last year. Pretty cool!

    Everything about the Boton Marathon is cool.

  18. That is so cool! What a neat idea. I wonder how many other people know about it!

  19. You are are awesome like that, aren't they? Their brains haven't been cluttered by dumb grown-up stuff, so they can pay attention to all the fun details of life. I just love that. (They also have an uncanny memory, which is hilarious when they can recite entire commercials in unison with each other, but not so hilarious when they remember a dirty joke they heard me tell or that I promised them I would pay them each 50 bucks if they all got honor roll.)

  20. There should be awards for the first overall finder of specific names on the poster. And a Masters category too cuz SEEING sure doesn't get easier after 40!

  21. Awesome! I bet he can hear that mosquito ring-tone too!

  22. and it begins. Your kids are now smarter than you. Have you found yourself a nursing home yet? Enjoy the down hill ride ;) haha.

    I did not know that though, too cool :)

  23. I didn't grab a poster :(. So sad.
