This weekend is the 2nd Annual Virtual Run for Sherry (Saturday at 9am MST). Print your bib, put on your shoes and go. If you have a run or race already planned, just add the bib to your plans. Easy. Don’t want to run? So what? Put on the bib and skip, roller blade or do cartwheels.
A year has passed, and while some of the raw emotion around Sherry’s murder has faded, it should not. We should still be outraged that a 43 year old mother of two can not go out for a run one mile from her home and not come home alive. For those of us who knew Sherry (and many, many who did not), we feel her absence, we miss her and we want justice.
We should all think about our own safety and if we are doing all we can do to be secure. It’s our responsibility to ourselves and to those who care about us. For tips on staying safe while running, click HERE.
Jason from Cook Train Eat Race did an interview with me yesterday about the Run For Sherry. I think he did a great job of highlighting the pertinent areas of this story. So, if you have a few minutes and want to know more (or just want to see if my voice sounds like you think it should), grab some candy or wine or coffee or popcorn and settle in:
Details about the Boulder run:
If you are in the Denver/Boulder/Longmont area and are going to run with me on Saturday, we will be meeting at the Eagle Trailhead by the Boulder Reservoir at 9:00 a.m. This is a pretty flat (just a few gentle risers) 3.75 mile trail run. If you want to run further, you can loop it twice, or just head out from the trailhead and go around the Reservoir (this is about 9 miles total). Dogs are allowed. Please come (map can be found HERE).
Here are some pictures from last year’s run. It was snowing and probably 10 degrees, but that kept no one away!
Then the sun came out. Of course it did.
Let’s do it again.
Can you run Saturday (or Sunday)?
What is one way Sherry’s story has affected you or changed your approach to running?
I'm planning to run for Sherry on Sunday!!!!
ReplyDeleteHer story has affected my running greatly. I spread the word to several runner friends and my Mom, and we run outdoors much smarter now. I've never worn a ponytail outdoors now==only a bun, and run w/ my phone and always run where it's more populated. I also tell my hubbs when I plan to be home and only run when he's home and waiting for me.
Thanks for all the heartfelt and difficult posts you've written over the last year regarding her. I think of her often as I'm out there, and choosing not to live in fear. Can't believe a year has passed so quickly already. Hugs to you and your fam!
We are expecting a blizzard, but I will be hopping on my treadmill for Sherry. I can definitely tell you that my running has changed since Sherry. I am more cautious, not so quick to head out early by myself and have grown to enjoy my treadmill when I don't have running buddies.
ReplyDeleteMy wife and I will both be running for Sherry this weekend and have asked our blog readers to do the same. As a husband of a early morning runner, the injustice if what happened to Sherry weighs heavily on me often. Our thoughts are with your family.
ReplyDeleteI am not in CO right now but if I were I would be there :( I love that trail, too. What a good way to keep remembering her. I'll be running in NJ.
ReplyDeleteEverybody who reads and watches the video please be sure to use the hashtag #RunForSherry when you upload pictures to Twitter and Instagram. I will help Beth keep track of everything and allow us to spread the word all over the world so more and more people continue to participate and understand that safety is important.
ReplyDeleteBeth - thank you for the opportunity to talk to you yesterday and get this video done and out to the world.
I'll run or hike or something could I not?
ReplyDeleteI take no run for granted and I am sure to reflect on how precious life is every time I head out.
9 mile run on Saturday with my Sole Sisters. We will be thinking of Sherry when we run.
ReplyDeletewish i could be there! I'll be there in spirit!
ReplyDeleteMy running has changed in that I am not afraid to put my safety first, meaning if I get the tiniest inkling that something might be wrong, I act on it immediately. Now, that doesn't mean I don't wave hello when I see people on a trail. It means that if the hair stands up on the back of my neck, I pull out my cell phone and pretend to talk on it (or make a call for real). I change direction. I stare a stranger in the eye so he knows I've seen him and am not a target.
ReplyDeleteRacing a half-marathon on Saturday and will be wearing Sherry's bib as well as my race bib. I'll get some strength from her when I'm pushing up the hills.
ReplyDeleteSince Sherry's tragic death, I won't run when it is dark outside. This has meant a change in my winter running schedule as I am deep in marathon training and getting outside a little earlier would have been easier on my family. But if I don't feel safe, it just isn't worth it.
I'm already running with a community organization on Saturday, so I'll definitely run for Sherry too. Her story reminds me to be vigilent and not take life and safety for granted.
ReplyDeleteI'm running the Mermaid 5k in Mission Bay/San Diego on Saturday. Ill be wearing Sherry's bib!!! I'm so sorry for what happened to Sherry. Her story keeps me vigilant and I'm always thinking of safety on my runs because of it.
ReplyDeleteI will run long on saturday . If the noreaeasterly Nemo or the coyotes get me I hope i run long with Sherry wherever, whenever.
ReplyDeleteI will be running with Sherry's bib. I do some (probably outrageous to some people) solo adventures. But I do run with safety in mind. In the last 7 years, I had one "weird" person who was out of character for this I changed my routine. Never saw him again. All we can do, is the best for ourselves. Run safely out there.
ReplyDeleteI will be running with Sherry's bib. I do some (probably outrageous to some people) solo adventures. But I do run with safety in mind. In the last 7 years, I had one "weird" person who was out of character for this I changed my routine. Never saw him again. All we can do, is the best for ourselves. Run safely out there.
ReplyDeleteI can be a very hard person sometimes and I look at situations and say to myself, they were looking for it... a white woman alone in a South African Township, looking for it, but Sherry running a mile from home, very sad. Our thoughts are still with you.
ReplyDeleteI will be running 12 miles on Saturday for Sherry!!
ReplyDeleteI'll be running on Saturday here in South Africa. Safety is a big issue over here so I use this as an opportunity to raise awareness among mu club members and friends.
ReplyDeleteI'm in no matter what the weather here in the Northeast!
ReplyDeleteWill be running for Sherry in Ontario Canada for the 2nd time, though she's in my thoughts on all my runs.
ReplyDeleteSadly, we have to work Saturday morning, but will run Eagle Trail on Sunday in honor of Sherry. I think of her often as I run. Think safe everyone.
ReplyDeleteI will be running with a group on Saturday in memory of Sherry! I was not a runner at the time of her murder but I am from a small town in Montana and at the time my husband was working in North Dakota and I was taking the train over there a lot to see him! It was such a tragic,sad,scary thing for all of us even non runners! To think of how fast things can happen I know I was a lot more aware when I was traveling after that and so were a lot of my friends! Since then my husband is home again and I took up running last year and I have made alot changes to how I run since reading your blog and becoming more aware of the story! Thank you for keeping up the awareness I think it will help save lives of future runners especially those who are from "small" Towns and have a security that it won't happen to them! It can happen anywhere anytime!
ReplyDeleteI am running 7 miles for Sherry on Saturday. I run alone, exclusively, so most of the time I'm on the treadmill but Saturday/long runs are through town and around the local college campus. I have always been a cautious person, but I just got hooked up with some additional safety gear (pepper spray, Thanks, Dad!) and I am more apt to stick to the route I tell my husband I'm taking. Thank you for sharing the story.
ReplyDeleteI'll be running for Sherry in Reno! Proud and honored to be a part of this and the loss of Sherry and all women while running is beyond heartbreaking. Thank you for making me aware of her story.
ReplyDeleteI will be running for Sherry this weekend as well. I generally don't run alone (fortunate to have my husband as my running buddy), but those rare occasions that I do, I'm cautious and try to stay very aware of things around me. I'm one of the early backers for Bia and can't wait for that product to hit the market--it won't guarantee anyone's safety, but it most definitely should help!
ReplyDeleteWe'll be skiing for Sherry like we did last year. I can't believe it has been a year. Thinking of Sherry, you, and the rest of your/her family. This is a great remembrance.
ReplyDeleteI'll be thinking of you all as I run Saturday and not taking for granted that I can simply go run. Sherry would have been 44 this year. I won't complain as the lines multiple on my face but I'll remember that some many dear friends don't get those birthdays. This Saturday I'll pray that somehow we can all make a difference.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, in honor of Sherry, I will run again this year!
ReplyDeleteMy fiancee had Sherry as a teacher and I remember doing this "run" last year. Instead of running last year a group of us did a CrossFit Workout in Fargo, ND. If you are familiar to CrossFit you know what a Hero workout is and that they are named after fallen heroes and the reps are based on the day of their death. This year we are going to be doing a Hero workout we are calling "Sherry". The workout will be 7 Rounds of 1 Clean and Jerk (80% of 1 rep max),7 Hand Stand Push-ups, 12 Pull Ups. Let me know if you have any questions or want help scaling this workout to fit you.
ReplyDeleteMy bib is all printed and taped, ready to go!
ReplyDeleteI will be running again for Sherry this weekend and I have shared and asked my blog readers to join us. I was such a new runner this time last year and not a run goes by that I don't think of Sherry and I know she will be in my thoughts for the rest of my days as a runner.
ReplyDeleteWill be running in Singapore again this year.
ReplyDeleteBlog post/open invite are here:
I am running the Ralston Creek 1/2 on Sunday. I will wear the bib and run for Sherry.
ReplyDeleteRunning for Sherry in NC and likely making it a 10K!
ReplyDeleteI'm in NC too! Yay for us!
DeleteYah! I did 5 miles! Let's go NC!
DeleteThe running club I'm part of will be donning the bib and doing a nice 5 miles for Sherry. Will send pictures!
ReplyDeleteI'm a teacher, a mama and my name is Sherri! I hurt so bad for all of you when your family was going through all this. It has changed me by making me bold! Dammit I'm gonna run and no idiot is gonna take that from me! I will proudly wear my SHERRY bib again this year!!!! Count me in to represent NC too!
ReplyDeleteI'll be cross-country skiing for Sherri in MN.
ReplyDeleteA group of us are running the Rock and Roll Half and wearing our Sherry bibs. I have changed my running by bringing mace or small pocket knife, keeping my music on a lower volume, and always looking at my surroundings. I also always tell someone when I'm going running, how far, and my route. It's so hard for me to believe there are people out there with this evil inside them.
ReplyDeleteI'm running for Sherry tomorrow here in southeastern Washington state.
ReplyDeleteI have made several changes directly due to Sherry's story. Previously, since I always ran with my big dog and carried my phone, I felt fairly safe, even though in the winter we're running in the dark whether it's morning or evening. But a lot of the comments on this very blog opened my eyes. And since I'm unmarried and live alone, there's nobody to notice right away if I don't come back. So I've added the following precautions: I call my parents from my land line before I leave and tell them my route and how long I plan to be gone and then I call them again when I get back. I carry pepper spray and a personal alarm and I wear a headlamp and leave the headphones at home. And I'm planning to order one of the new Bia watches with the safety alert feature.
Obviously, nothing is ever a 100% guarantee of safety, but neither is hiding in the closet under a blanket - you could suffocate or the shelf could break and fall on your head.
And I just want to say how much I appreciate how you've shared Sherry's beautiful spirit and made us feel like we knew her, and how you remind people to be cautious but not let fear take over and keep us from living our lives and doing what we love.
I will run this weekend (and I'll hash tag the pics as well) . Thank you for reminding us about being safe. So, so important .
ReplyDeleteI will be either running or spinning on behalf of your beautiful cousin this weekend. My heart breaks for your family. Over the years, my anxiety about running or biking outside has really taken over, for fear of being attacked or struck by a car. However, since turning 41, I have realized that I cannot live my life in fear. I will do my best to honor the life of your cousin everytime I step out my door. Life is too short.
ReplyDeleteWe are walking Saturday morning in Cohagen, Montana for Sherry!! Justice for Sherry...we will never forget!!
ReplyDeleteWe are walking Saturday morning in Cohagen, Montana for Sherry!! Justice for Sherry...we will never forget!!
ReplyDeleteI ran last year, 11 training miles for my first 1/2. It was a distance PR. I'm running Sat. 17 training miles for my first marathon. It will be another distance PR. I stopped running on two shorts trails, alone after Sherry's death. I never, ever run past a parked car without noticing if someone is sitting in it.
ReplyDeleteRan this morning on the treadmill and running trailswith a friend tomorrow, both of us for Sherry! I carry runners mace now - it is strapped into my left hand and only needs point and thumb to spray. Found in sporting good stores...
ReplyDeleteMe and my running partners did our 10 miles for sherry this morning. We run with each other to stay safe.
ReplyDeleteMy girlfriend in California sent me the Run for Sherry info a few days ago. Coincidentally, I had a run planned for a very personal anniversary I would honor today. After 6.5 miles on a cold, sunny morning - I just now realized you were HERE in Boulder Colorado!!!! Will catch you all again next year as this will always be an important time for me and your community!
ReplyDeleteI ran 5 miles this morning in honor of Sherry. I ran last year also. I had my friends who were doing workouts dedicate their workouts to her also. We all need to stand up against violence in our communities.