Monday, February 4, 2013

The Best Deal Ever and Mantras

The best deal in Colorado running history is happening today only – and I just signed up. You can run the Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon (August 10, 2013) for only $15 instead of $50 (sign up HERE). I’ve done this race twice (both my fastest halfs). Amazing scenery, overall elevation loss – big time.


2010 at the start


2011 at the finish

This was the race in 2011 where I had my worst (and only chafing experience). I had to remove my running skirt and use my race shirt as shorts. Very awkward. The crowd at Starbucks stared and whispered like ruthless and rude middle schoolers. Good thing I didn’t care (I just came home and wrote in my journal and cried and ate donuts). I promise this will not happen to you at this race.


Anyway, go sign up. I just did. There are not even any processing fees. $15 flat. For that price you can afford to fly out here and die from the altitude. I was not asked to promote the race, I just think it’s a great deal.

Most of the time when I am running (usually when hills and/or speed and/or racing are involved) and I have to do all kinds of internal self talk just to keep going. The conversations in my head are astounding about why I should not quit, how I am not going to quit, why I am strong, why I can do this, how much I need a bathroom, etc. You know what I mean. The one mantra I have used since I first started racing is “Pain is temporary, quitting is forever.” It just speaks to me.

As I get ready to start marathon training, I’ve been thinking a lot about the mental aspect of running and how to become mentally stronger.  Simple, easy to remember running mantras are an excellent tool to have in your back pocket (or running shorts) for the tough moments. I try to remember that the body gives out long before the mind.  Keep your mind in the game and your chance for success is huge. Here are some popular mantras runners use:

  • I can do this
  • Screw it, run through it
  • I love every terrible moment of this
  • You’re stronger than you think you are
  • Embrace the suck
  • I am a runner
  • Can’t stop, won’t stop
  • There are ________ (donuts, beers, waffles) at the end
  • I am strong
  • Strong. Energy. Relaxed
  • Race my pace
  • I run my own race
  • I will survive
  • Don’t stop
  • I am. I can. I will

Do you have a mantra? SHARE.



  1. Replies
    1. Keep trying, I think it's jammed up right now.

    2. "If everything's under control, you're just not going fast enough". - Mario Andretti

      This one gets me through the bitter end of a race!

  2. My mantra for ultras: "run tall, walk tall". I also find myself saying "keep it going" a lot when I run.

  3. For my first half, my sister and I would chant "Feel the burn, embrace the burn, LOVE the burn" especially on hills... I hated it so much, but it worked :)

  4. I was originally supposed to get married on August 10, but now that we've moved the wedding, I know that day is wide open. Guess I'm running my first half that day!

  5. I'm reading "You are an Ironman" and gotta say love the "left, right, repeat" mantra. Prior to that my go to quote was "if you can dream it you can do it" and mantra "feel it, fight it, finish it"

  6. If I fly in l will just plan to crash out your house. Sound like a plan? Lol. Just kidding. ;)

  7. My mantra is just one word: "Believe" I called upon it many times in my most recent marathon and even said it aloud a few times.

  8. Mine from this past Saturday: "You have a freakin' 13.1 sticker on the back of your car. You can run a freakin' 10k!"

  9. I have the mantra "Suck it up!" on my Road ID. I used to say "Embrace the Suck" a lot. Several of these are good though. Might have to put some of these literally in my back pocket for my first century on June 1.

  10. "Easy, light, smooth, fast." (Thx Caballo Blanco!!)

    1. This is my mantra, too! Best. Advice. Ever.

  11. It is usually something along the lines of "keep moving, there is nothing wrong with you."

    The Kidless Kronicles

  12. My best mantra is very simple, "Foot forward"

  13. "Suck it up Buttercup" and "Left, right, left, right.....".

  14. I say "Suck it up" a LOT!!!
    I also say "You got this"
    The sad part is this usually is spoken out loud not just in my head - no big deal when I'm home on my treadmill but sometime awkward when I'm running outside!

    1. From one Kim to another, I say "c'mon you've got this. Let's go!!" out loud a lot. It definitely works! - Kim

  15. I end up telling my self to "C'mon, push!" an awful lot while running, for a guy not trying to poop or deliver a baby.

  16. Dang! Great deal! Elevation loss? Um, heck yes! I am thinking of buying a plane ticket just to run this race!

  17. Make it count! AND: Suck it up buttercup!

  18. My mantras: you do not suck! This is not the hardest thing you've ever done. And my last 1/2: F$&@k injuries, f$&k bronchitis, you're gonna make it.

  19. Thanks for sharing the great deal. And these mantras are awesome, I'm going to print them out so I can try them all!

  20. I just read one in this month's runner's world magazine. FIDO Fuck it, drive on. I kinda liked it.

  21. My running mantra: "Don't think. Just go."

  22. My road ID says "How bad do you want it?" and "Run like Karno!"

  23. My mantra is (uphill) Please God oh please God. Then downhil while sobbing, oh thank you, thank you, thank you. I may have done the work but God is my inspiration and my coach!

  24. I know I stole this one, but it works for me... "Dig DEEP!" And you know that poem about footprints in the sand, where Jesus was carrying the author through the tough times? Sometimes I picture Him running along next to me. Might sound strange, but I get strength from it.

    Beth, a question for you since you brought up chafing. I was thinking about getting a pair of compression shorts, to help protect an almost completely healed high hamstring injury. I'm worried about chafing, though....I usually run in loose fitting shorts. Any particular kind you (or your readers) have found that works well and doesn't chafe? Thanks!

    1. Hmmm...I have to admit I only have cmopression tights (Sugoi) and socks. I don't have shorts. So I'd love to learn about good brands as well.

    2. Compression will PREVENT chafing. That's why bicycle shorts are designed that way. Everything is tight, so you don't get the rubbing that causes the problem.

    3. Agreed I have a pair of 2xu that I love and skins that I like okay

    4. oh Runner Girl, I do that too! Imagine Jesus is running with me. Makes it almost impossible to say, "I can't"! And I will not run over 5 miles without my CW-X compression bottoms. No chafing ever!

    5. Hey, I never run without wearing compression shorts - every run for the past 5 years, and have never chafed. They prevent chafing and as a plus, keep everything else from jiggling. I wear them under my running skirts. I have a wide variety but my favorite are actually a pair of mens from Under Armour. I also oddly enough love my pair from JCP's active wear line. Sugoi makes some good ones. A key thing to focus on is length. 6 inches is perfect for me (5'9), long enough to prevent chaffing,even if they slide up a bit, but short enough to stay hidden under my skirt.

    6. I'm also a compression lover, and I *do* think it helps prevent most chafing. I'm a CWX fan myself, but as long as the shorts fit and have the proper level of compression, I actually find the underwear choice is more important for preventing chafing (if you choose to wear them with compression shorts). The wrong undies + compression = bad chafing along the elastic line in the groin area.

    7. Thanks, everyone! I'm going to see if I can find a pair I like!

  25. My favorite mantra is "There will come a day when I can no longer do this, today is not that day."

    1. I love this one and I'll definitely be using it during my run this afternoon!

  26. I am just now starting to get into longer runs in my very first training schedule, and I’ve been lucky in that I haven’t had to face any real “wall” moments yet. But I’ve noticed that I’ve jotted the phrase “I. Can. Do. Anything” in my run journal, blog, and/or fb statuses after new milestones have been accomplished for the first time or older accomplishments became more comfortably routine. I think that feeling will very likely push that phrase into the mantra category should I find myself having to truly “battle” through my first half marathon next month. If running has taught me anything, it’s that I can do anything. And it feels awesome.

  27. Yesterday's mantra was Cadswalleder. Don't ask me why. I've been asking myself for 24 hours and I've got nothing.

  28. I just signed up this morning, too. So I guess I'll be racing you come August :) I think we're about the same speed, too, so I likely will see you out there unless one of us does really awesome or really crappy on the training in the meantime. For that price, I signed up my wife and 3 of my kids, too, who have never done a race before in their lives. It will give us something to do together the next few months :) See you there!

    1. Yes, should be a lot of fun. I might beat you by 2 secs.

  29. My mantra: relentless forward motion.

    Helped me tremendously through the pain of IMAZ after the bike wreck.

  30. My mantra is "Nothing to it but to do it".

    I am fairly certain I would die if I tried to run that half. I have lived at an elevation of 200 ft for my entire life and I was ready to keel over 2 minutes into my run in Denver last year. Some of my friends live in Golden and I'm trying to get them to sign up!! I'll come cheer for you if they decide to run it!

  31. Best.Race.Ever.
    Already registered - site is crazy slow but it's working.
    My running mantra? "You did this to yourself."

  32. "I kicked my ass in training so I could kick this race's ass NOW."

    Sounds like a great race – wish I lived closer.

  33. My Mantra is:
    "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

  34. I have an unofficial mantra that seems to float through my head quite often: "you'll hate yourself later if you quit now". It's kind of depressing and not very creative, but it forces me to keep running.
    Something slightly more positive that always keeps me going that isn't a mantra: picturing myself crossing the finish line of my first ever marathon. I know I can only make it there if I keep putting one foot in front of the other.

  35. Mine is simple: Fight

  36. My go to mantra is "Smooth, steady, strong"

  37. Just signed up!!! Thanks for the link! Georgetown to Idaho Springs has been on my list of races to run for quite some time!!!

  38. Si se puede. Means yes you can, in espanol. I think it sounds so much better in Spanish.

  39. This is NOT as hard as getting your PhD.

    And it will be over much quicker.

    [Inelegant, but effective (for me).]

  40. Taken from somewhere...pain is temporary but internet results are forever....:) You bet my @ss that I will get it in gear when my brain is telling me to stop lol!

  41. check us out! thanks for a great help us all run safely...and honor Sherrry! ♥

  42. I have a few that play on repeat as I run:

    Move legs!
    Just keep moving.
    Lets go, you've got this.
    Seriously?! Yes, seriously. :) (I ask and answer myself)

    But, the one that plays the most is 'stronger, fitter (insert pause in thought) faster' as I visualize where I came from (the couch of inactivity just over a year ago) and where I'm going (right now, training for a half).

  43. I used to use the phrase, "No Pain, "No Pain". Two words, one for each foot striking the ground. Short, sweet, and worked for me.

    But lately, I've been using - believe it or not - "Just Shut Up and Run!". Doesn't allow for excuses and works for me.

  44. The sooner I finish, the sooner I can eat.
    In (insert any time frame) an hour / two hours / tomorrow it'll already be done.

    This is a great thread, thanks!

    1. That's mine too: The faster I run the faster I'm done

  45. An old standby from way back when "Be all that you can be" and newer one is "What's Stopping You?!"

  46. I deal with my three main 'voices' in my head on runs:
    Miss Rational - "It's simple, either you do it or you don't"
    Angry Trainer (also known as Jillian) - "Don't you dare quit, don't you F***ING dare!"
    Coach Optimism - "You GET to do this." Coach Optimism usually makes an appearance during the sunrise and when Coldplay's Paradise is blaring in the headphones. :)

  47. I was interested in this race years I forked over $15 and a ton of air miles and I'm running it for my birthday (give or take a few days).

  48. Love the mantras! I often have the Jillian-esque trainer in my head screaming at me. (My trainer in Hawaii says a variety of things like Jillian, and I always hear her in my head!) Usually its something like, "Why would you quit at the end!? Quit quitting on yourself!", or "How do you get better at running? You RUN!" or "Pain is just weakness leaving the body!"

  49. Beth, thanks for the heads up. I got in last night and we are signed up! See you there, at the start and/or finish anyway. Thanks!

  50. My best mantra (spoken in my grandfather's voice) - Go Big or STAY HOME! He used to say this while playing cards. A lot. He's not exactly the picture of health (I think he still smokes more than a pack a day and he's never purposely exercised), but he can be intimidating when he wants to be. He's going to get me through my first 13.1 in May - he just doesn't know it.

  51. I like to say "I got this" to myself when I think I can't go on. I use it often while biking, or doing hills either on foot on on the bike. I feel like a little tiny gansta badass (I'm a white girl from MT, so this is chuckle-worthy, really) and I keep going!

  52. I basically just stole yours. I tell myself to "Shut Up + Run."

  53. I am registered....only took me 3 hours to get through!!
    I think I've run this race 11 times now. I think I deserve a medal or award for that alone! One year I got 4th place and vowed the next year I'd get one of those damn award pans. Then I got injured and never ran it that fast again. (sigh).

    I always have to tell myself when it hurts like hell: This is only a small moment in your life to hurt for such a huge reward after

  54. Anything I say to myself in a hard race isn't appraopriate for the public to hear! I am all over this race this year! It was my first half in 1999, and I haven't done it since. I am looking forward to seeing every runner I know there!

  55. My mantra when the going gets tough is Strong Legs, Strong Mind, Strong Heart. Works every time!

  56. In Dory's (from Finding Nemo) sing songy voice, "Keep ruuuuunning, just keep ruuuuunning."

  57. My mantra: strong, smooth, easy. I also perpetually make bargains with myself (five more minutes, four more minutes, etc., then start over). Sometimes it's the only way I can keep myself moving forward!

  58. I really want to do that race! I thought about doing it this year, but surprise, I'm due with #2 on the 19th. Probably not a good idea to plan a race on the 10th. haha. have fun! What a great deal!

  59. My coach says "Light, fast, feet."

    Me? "Don't die."

  60. My mantra - I'm a Spartan, I've got this.

  61. I like to sing the Willy Wonka song:

    "Cuz I've got a golden ticket!"

    and by that, I mean I sing it out loud. Just those words, over and over again. The people next to me are so lucky. My voice is a combination of angels and Beyonce.

  62. Too bad, the event is already closed "due to overwhelming response"...i.e. due to overwhelming traffic directed to the site from SUAR :)

  63. The best pace is a suicide pace. Today is a good day to die
