Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sometimes I’m Flying

This is kind of a random post, but when it is –14 outside, sometimes you just have to go random.

Occasionally I will have wild and crazy dreams after I eat a lot of Dots or Hot Tamales in bed late at night. But, that is different from the RC (Recurring Dream).

See, I have this RC.  I wonder what it means. In the dream I am flying (like a bird, not in an airplane). Sometimes I am trying to get away from something or someone (not specified). Sometimes I am just trying to keep myself in the air. In the dream I know I can fly, but I also know it takes effort. (In reality I am probably just trying to finally PR in my marathon).

I’m a believer that when dreams recur it is usually because we are trying to work something out in our heads/emotions.

I looked up what this “flying” dream means. A flying dream where you are soaring without a care in the world has quite a different meaning than one in which you are struggling or afraid {source}:

Trouble Flying:

  • Having a tough time flying in your dreams suggest that someone or something is stopping you from moving to the next step in life.
  • Try and think what was stopping you from taking off in your dream whether it was a you, a friend or a building that was in  your way.  These objects or “dream symbols”  help us determine what is stopping us from moving up in the world.

In reality I can’t fly, except for this one time a couple of years ago:


I am not sure how much I buy into dream interpretation, but it does give me something to think about. Is someone or something holding me back? My guess is that it is myself. That alone is an epiphany.

I was curious what some other recurring dreams are. TGFG (Thank God for Google).

The 5 most common recurring dreams (from HERE):

1. Teeth falling out: means you need to be careful of what comes out of your mouth, i.e., improve communication skills

2. Being chased: means you should stop avoiding things

3. Keep Finding filthy, clogged toilets: means you read this blog too much. No really, it means you have trouble expressing to others (“relieving to others”) what is bothering you. Your emotional plumbing (shit) is backed way up.

4. Being back in school: means you are feeling unprepared or uncertain about something like a job, a race, a relationship, etc.

5. Being cheated on: means you aren’t getting the attention you need in your relationship

Look at that, I just solved your problems.

Do you have a recurring dream? What do you think it means? I have the flying one, of course. Before races I always have the one where you show up late (and sometimes naked) and the race has already started. I also have dreams about people I used to be close to and have lost touch with. I think it is my mind’s way of trying to get closure.



  1. I have to ask about the eating-candy-in-bed thing: Do you get back up and brush your teeth? (My mind is completely boggled by the idea of eating candy in bed, but I'm not into candy even while out of bed so that doesn't mean much; but the idea of sleeping with all that sugar in my mouth.....)

    1. Hahah! The weird thing is I ONLY eat candy in bed. Never any other time. And yes I get up and brush my teeth before going to sleep. Could not sleep with that stuff on my teeth.

    2. I am impressed that you get back up and brush your teeth! I drink wine in bed personally... but I do not get up to brush my teeth again. Maybe I should!

    3. I just have a thing about peeing and teeth brushing being the very last thing I do before I go to sleep.

    4. Now, the drinking wine in bed thing is something I can get behind. Now I know my weekend plans!! :)

  2. Can't believe you posted this today - just last night I had the cleaning the toilets recurring dream. These two mystery bathrooms appear in my house and require cleaning. I always wake up just before dipping the brush.

  3. I always have the race-nightmare in the days before a race. I am either late for or miss the race, forgot something crucial (headphones or running shoes!), or my classic: I am the last one, the course is poorly marked, and I get lost and can't find my way back to the course. Glad to know I am not the only one to have these pre-race dreams!

  4. When I was younger I always had the same type of dream where I was sitting in a car (usually in the back seat) and the car would start moving without a driver. It would always pick up speed right before a bridge and we would drive right off. I never hit what was below the bridge, but always went airborne. Of course, my stomach would flip and wake me up.

    I had this dream a lot until high school maybe?

  5. I rarely remember my dreams at all. When I do they are usually so odd that I'm glad they're not recurring.

  6. I dream constantly that I am back in college and I am going to the last class of the semester for one of my courses and I haven't been there once. so I know NOTHING!
    I also dream that I am living with my parents again.
    Both classic anxiety dreams. ugh!

    1. I have that college dream, or a very similar version, ALL the time. I hate it. But I'm glad I'm not the only one...

    2. I have had that college dream many, many times. But not for a long time now! Must mean that I am so old that even my subconscious knows that being in school is unrealistic for me....

  7. I have very vivid dreams that I remember quite well. One that happens often is that I'm on an airplane trying to take off and the plane can't get airborne. It runs out of runway and then just continues onto an Interstate at the same speed with all the cars underneath of the plane. We don't hit any cars but just can't take off. So strange.
    Another one that I have REALLY often is that I'm back in high school I never can find the classroom of my calculus class. My teacher was the toughest meanest teacher ever!! When I do finally find it, it's always test day and I've never completed an assignment and I'm completely clueless.
    Phew......I'm stressed just typing about these babies.

  8. I have the recurring dirty potty dream all the time. I think it's because my body needs to pee but I'm asleep and finding all the disgusting bathrooms means I can't actually pee. Meaning WAKE UP and go to the bathroom! I've had the flying dreams, the college dreams as well as race dreams. They are all a hoot and it is always a relief to wake up and realize school is long behind me and my IM is yet to come... Dreams are awesome. :-)

  9. I have a recurring dream where I am driving on a road at surface level of a giant body of water, with water on both sides. I'm always anxious in this dream. I get a little freaked out driving over bridges, especially if they are low.

  10. My recurring dream is of grizzly bears stalking me. This dream went away when I lived in Alaska and was surrounded by bears, but since I've moved back it has come back.

  11. My recurring dream is that I'm moving back into the dorm at college. I always assumed it was just a happy time in my life. No?

  12. I have a recurring dream about having to use a toilet that doesn't have walls around it - e.g., it's a public restaurant in some public space, and the floor layout is normal, like there's a bathroom to the side of the rest of the space, but the toilet doesn't have a stall around it, and the bathroom doesn't have walls separating it from the rest of the space.

    So... I guess that means I fear expressing myself to others in public?

  13. I used to have the reoccurring dream of flight, and similar to you, it was all about my effort. But the weird part was, every time I had this realization "wow, flying isn't that hard, you CAN do it, all you have to do is tons of jumping jacks really, really fast". And then, I'd be flying around the backyard (as long as I kept making the jumping jack motion). No joke.

    I also used to have the naked at school dreams, or the missed my final exam dreams, and sometimes I still have the tornado strikes while I'm in the basement dream. But I haven't had my flying dream in ages...

  14. I have a recurring dream that I'm running - actually trying to run - and can't. I can barely even pull myself along on the ground - not cool!!!

  15. I frequently have a dream that I'm going to work naked. So so so disturbing!

    find me at my new blog Taking the Long Way Home

  16. I wear contacts and I have a recurring dream that the contacts get really big overnight and I have to somehow put it in my eye. What is freaky is that my sister has the same recurring dream and we usually have it within days of each other. Weird! I have no idea what it means.

    1. I have the giant contact dream too!

  17. I have a dream where I'm in high school and I can't remember the combination to my locker. It's so frustrating! I usually wake up all sweaty, haha.

  18. I love these dream interpretations - I sometimes have a "falling" sensation right before I fall asleep, but I've never had these dreams before!

  19. I have never in my life dreamed of cleaning or dirty toilets but with my OCD, if I did, I would probably jump out of bed and start cleaning them. I do have the flying dream but in my dream I am flying hard towards something and I always wake up just before I smash into it.

  20. I dream about falling and knocking my teeth out all of the time. I think its just because I am truly afraid of knocking out my teeth.

  21. I rarely remember dreams, so I felt I was reading in vain. Until you mentioned your pre-race dreams. Just as one reader can't get over the fact that you eat candy in bed, I can't help but wonder if you showed up at a race sense clothes, did that improve your time? Just say in'......

  22. I have recurring dreams of flying, losing teeth, forgetting classes at school, dirty toilets, and also of being at a shoe sale with amazing deals but I can only find one shoe the size I need. Evidently I'm an emotional mess.

  23. When I was three I started having a chilling recurring dream. In it, I was princess in a nation beset with famine. I was visiting my subjects, and there were signs of starvation everywhere. At one point I approached a gathering, and someone whispered to me that it was a funeral for someone who starved to death. I walked over to the coffin, and the dead person sat up - but instead of a head they had an old fashioned lantern. And then I'd wake up. I had this same dream every night for over 2 years! And I never figured out what it meant. But I did learn how to wake myself up before I got to the coffin part, since I knew what was coming next.

  24. I used to have the teeth falling out dream all the time!! I heard it meant you were really stressed out about something... which was true during that time of my life!! I have 4 fake teeth so these dreams would really freak me out to the point of waking up crying because the story behind my fake teeth is a nightmare!! Not to mention, one of my fake teeth actually fell off! ugh! HATE that nightmare!!

  25. I have recurring anxiety dreams about racing too, and about people who I don't see anymore. It's kind of odd how your mind tries to work things out for you. I can also relate to being chased and cheated on….hmmmmm….not so sure I want to deal with either of those things.

  26. When I was a kid I used to dream about falling down the cellar steps- scary!! As an adult, I often dream of having to get in my car, look the doors, and drive away before someone "gets" me.

  27. I have a recurring dream about gross, out of order toilets all the time. Not because I'm emotionally backed up, but because my brain is trying to tell me to wake up and go pee! I'm sure if I ever dream about a clean, available toilet, that I just won't bother waking up and I'll use it in my sleep and wet the bed!

  28. you went skydiving!!! awesome! I have a lot of recurring dreams - one that my teeth all melt out of my gums into my hand, one that someone is trying to kidnap my brother and sister and I'm the only one who knows where they are and so I have to hide/save them, one that my that someone is chasing my husband and I, and one that I'm opening a show. One usually becomes recurring for a period and then falls away and another one cycles through. Nice to know a little background!

  29. I have a recurring dream that I am being chased in a labyrinth by a minotaur (sp?).
    I cannot get away from him, and i keep hitting the same walls. Scary stuff. I've been having this dream since I was a small child. I think the mythical creature symbolizes my hangups, not real, but there all the same, and the labyrinth symbolizs the confusion and angst I have when facing adversity or when I feel I am spinning my wheels. It's a very anxious dream.
    Amy P. Philly Runner

  30. So I've never had a toilet dream -- didn't even realize that was on the radar. But the one recurring dream I have (and I try to have it as often as possible) is a running dream. I can run and run and run forever and never get tired or sore. It's wonderful. Very motivating. When I wake up after that one I want to run right away and am sometimes disappointed when my real running doesn't match my dream running.

  31. The one time I dreamt that EVERY SINGLE TOOTH fell out..It freaked me out SO bad. I was told it also meant: being reborn; starting over fresh...which was ideal because I had just FINALLY ENDED a very very bad emotionally abusive relationship just a bit before that. I found it encouraging after I heard that because it was like my mind had accepted it.

  32. When I was young I had a recurring dream that a witch was chasing me. I blame that on being taken to see the Wizard of Oz as a play when I was little. The wicked witch came out into the audience and scared me. That is all I remember from the play and I can't stand the movie to this day.

  33. Getting lost on a trail run. Getting chased by various animals on a trail run. Getting chased by a psychopathic murderer on a trail run. Running in the dark on a trail run....... General theme of trail running anxiety I feel! Have entered my first 100km trail event which will either cure the anxiety or send me completely doolally....

  34. I have recurring dreams about killer whales, meaning, I'm walking along a beach, and there they are, all beached there with their mouths open. And the seals are there trying to get away. It's terrifying and I can't look away. I looked up what it means and basically, the one website that said anything about killer whales said that I need to be more vocal about something that's going on in my life. So, now I'm trying to figure out what that is...

  35. I've had the teeth following out dream. I guess I need to work on my communication. I know this is true!
