Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Word On The Street

Let me tell you, this injured tailbone (coccyx = cock-six)  thing is the pits (see post HERE). Why?

  • I am not used to having my tailbone hurt all of the time (sitting, laying down, getting in and out of the car). You don’t really understand how often you put pressure on cock-six until you hurt it.
  • Going to the physical therapist and having your upper crack massaged is awkward, even for a forward thinking gal like me. In the words of my PT, “Beth, this is no time to be modest.”
  • I am so stubborn and want to run so badly that I did something I know you all have probably done with your injuries. Yesterday, I actually hobbled into the gym to do speed work (yes speed work) on the treadmill. Denial is a powerful thing. Two steps (yes, steps) into the run I got off and went home. I may be stubborn but I’m not stupid.
  • The word on the street is that I cannot attempt a run until Saturday. I will try to focus on other things I like such as eating cookies, taking pictures of Heidi doing ridiculous things and finding out what character I am most like on Friday Night Lights by taking this quiz (Tammy Taylor, duh! Ken was Riggins, which made me laugh.)


In other exciting news…after all of your amazing feedback on which Ironman I should do – Canada, CdA, Cozumel, Louisville (provided my butt is not broken)…I have chosen…NONE OF THEM.

I got lucky enough to get a spot into the sold out Ironman Boulder.


This is good news for me because I can train on the course and make everyone who has ever met me come to spectate. It’s true, we Iron People like to talk about ourselves and accomplishments quite a bit. I know this from watching this video – so damn hilarious. 

And, in my last bit of news, I don’t think anyone really reads Good Housekeeping magazine (except in the dentist office – which is really funny because my dentist office called today to remind me of an appointment and said, “Nice article!” thereby proving my theory), but there is an article on Ken and me in the March edition about when he was laid off a couple of years ago. We are famous. If you’d like a signed copy, let me know (that was a joke). Btw, I do actually like GH magazine.


That’s all I got. Time to go lay on some more frozen peas. Or, maybe I’ll mix it up with some lima beans because I am crazy that way.


What magazines do you subscribe to? I have cut back – now I only get People, Entertainment Weekly, Self, All Recipes, Runner’s World and The Week (<yes, that’s a cut back)

Have you or your spouse ever been laid off? We have been through two rounds of lay offs. Now things are steady.

Anyone doing IM Boulder?



  1. Michelle in MichiganFebruary 12, 2014 at 2:31 PM

    I was surprised when I turned the page of my Good Housekeeping (yes I read it!!!) and there you were!!

  2. Ouch! That sound painful. Take care of that. OMG, your pup is beautiful! Love when pups do crazy stuff and sit up in "human positions"

    Maria @ The Good Life

  3. I can relate to that article! I lost my job in August and it has been a rough 6 months. We are moving in 3 months so right now I am working 3 part time jobs to get us through until we move for my husband to begin his medical residency. Keeping my fingers crossed I will be able to find a job there before we move!

    I bet Boulder is a BEAUTIFUL area for an ironman!

  4. I bet Boulder will be a fantastic race. I can't wait to see how you rock it.
    Is it cool that I felt like Heidi was mocking your inability to sit with ease right now with that picture?

  5. Wow, that's a whole lot of magazines! I get Runners World and Triathlete Canada. Oh YAY you're doing another IM..can't wait to follow along again! I'm clearly out the SUAR loop these days. I'm blaming training and work. Damn work, always gets in the way.

  6. Thankss for the link to the older post. My husband and I are in month 4 of the same. I count the blessings, especially the extra time he has with me and the kids. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  7. No, never laid off, but grew up with a single mom who was several times. It sucks. So glad things have evened out for you.

    Broke my coccyx and didn't even know it until I finally got it checked and xrayed after months of dull, throbbing pain. It is now at a right angle. Shaped like an L. For "Lori." :-)

    I'm a magazine junkie. Not only do I subscribe to GH (despite the fact that I am anything but a good housekeeper, I also get Family Circle, Real Simple, Runner's World, Bicycling, National Geographic, Discover, Popular Science, Scientific American, and the New Yorker. All print except New Yorker which I renewed digitally. Verdict is still out for me on that format.

    Good luck in Boulder. You're gonna kill it.

    BTW, thanks for the recent advice regarding "short" race reports. I really appreciate the fact that you took the time to respond. :-)

  8. I have that issue of GH but I haven't read all of it yet. I will go home and read your article tonight.

  9. I got laid off right after 911 and my husband two months later. That's when we both started our own business and have been self employed ever since!

    I don't get any magazines. I go to the library and check a ton them out (always a month behind).I can't wait to read your article in GH. How cool!

  10. Congrats on your entry to IM Boulder!! It was meant to happen! I'll come and watch :)

  11. Congrats on the IM entry...that's terrific. Cool about the article as well...

  12. Ok it's just until saturday, which sounds like a long ways away...but is so much better than most injuries which are something like you can't even attempt a run for 5 weeks. Did that help or do you want to punch me??

    I'm glad you are famous now that makes me like you more ;)

  13. Not much you can do for an injured coccyx. After I hurt my coccyx (aka coccydynia), I was unable to run for a week. I could barely walk on the treadmill but that is what I did. Then I started running-on the treadmill. It was a couple of weeks before I could go back on the road. The bike was a much bigger issue--it was hard to sit on the seat. That took a lot longer.

    I feel your pain!

  14. We get Running Times and National Geographic, which I save and use for wrapping paper once I'm done reading it. I should have been Depression era.

  15. Congrats on getting into Boulder. I've only bern suggesting it for 3 months.
    My husband was laid off once. It was not horrible, he saw it coming and got a new job in a month.

  16. Congrats on getting into Boulder. I've only bern suggesting it for 3 months.
    My husband was laid off once. It was not horrible, he saw it coming and got a new job in a month.

  17. I don't subscribe to magazines.

    Been laid off a bunch of times. Mostly not a big deal, but once was for a long time.

    No. But at least one buddy of mine from here will be on the line with you. Congrats for getting into Boulder. That makes life ever so much simpler for you.

  18. Man, I thought I was famous when Fitness Magazine put my tweet in their magazine ;) I'd flip if I had an article!!! HA HA

  19. Oh wow, that is awesome about Boulder!! I am jealous, though....would love to do it one day (too expensive right now). Congrats on the GH gig, that's very impressive!

  20. The New Yorker. I've been reading the print edition for more than 40 years. Their online edition is fabulous, with frequent additions and updates every single day while you're waiting for next week's issue. Arguably the greatest magazine every published.

  21. I only get magazines when I'm in the airport, but I always head straight for Triathlete, Runner's World, and Martha Stewart Living.

    Des the bike course for Ironman Boulder have you doing multiple laps up stagecoach hill? Just ONCE is enough to intimidate the heck out of me.

    1. Nope you don't go up Old Stage at all. Thank God.

  22. (Sorry if this posts twice) My husband is a software engineer and during the tech bubble burst, he worked for more start up companies that closed than I can remember. It was incredibly stressful and depressing.

    But those days are over and he is now within two years of retiring. (I get to work another 8 years or so - I'm younger). During those rough years we really learned what was important and what was really important. But I wouldn't want to do that again!

  23. Not sure if I've commented before but just in case your's is by far my favorite blog....and I read too many. Glad to see your sense of humor is stil intact

  24. I haven't gotten my GH yet...harrumph. I wish those kids would get off my lawn, too.

    YAY for Boulder IM! That's going to be an awesome race!

  25. Runners World, Ensign, and The Friend... Apparently I'm not so fun in the magazine department.

  26. CONGRATS!!!! I can't wait to hear all about your training - again. I ran on the mill yesterday after being sick to my stomach in the morning. The first quarter mile was rough but then it evened out. As for mags, I only read Runner's World these days and then snippets of other articles on-line. I'll have to pick up GH :-)

  27. so sorry about your coccyx - that sounds incredibly painful :( Plus I know how it stinks to be injured and antsy to run or workout!

    I think all my magazine subscriptions have finally expired but I loved Runner's World and More. I think my daughter still gets Seventeen and Teen Vogue so we have those around! I have GOT to pick up Good Housekeeping though because that article will be really good for me to read. My husband has lost his job before. Most recently last summer but started a new one in October. I was working full time but left my job in the beginning of January to start a new one in a new market. It's great because I can work from home, be there for my kids and train for my 70.3. I am a contract recruiter with a flexible schedule which is awesome. Anxiety is that I have always worked 100% commission and am having mini panic attacks about building my network in a new market. It takes awhile! BUT I try to remind myself it's not life or death and I can always find another job. And while it sounds cliche, I remind myself that everyone is healthy and all that other good stuff :)

    Congrats on Boulder! I hope to do a full Ironman in 2015!

  28. I read Good Housekeeping! I used to subscribe but not any more. I am only 31 no kids, just kitties. It doesn't seem like I'm their demo... especially because "housekeeping" isn't something I really do... I mean, our house is usually in order because it's just me and my hubby. But for some reason, I relate to GH waaaaay more than Cosmo, Glamour, etc. Good luck w your "upper butt crack" injury! You are smart to rest it. It sucks. I'm going through the same thing with my knee. But I see the light at the end of the tunnel... Remember, this too shall pass.

  29. I've been laid off twice, the first time for almost a year, the second time was for 4 months. The first time the company was liquidated so everyone was laid off, the second time, the company filed bankruptcy, and I was one of about 130 laid off. Talk about losing your self confidence! Thankfully my husband has never been laid off, he's been with the same company for 30 years and hopefully will retire from there in a few more.
    I actually do read Good Housekeeping but only subscribe to Runner's World.

  30. I feel you injury pain... no pun intended... Just got confirmation yesterday of a stress fracture... three more weeks of no running... I am getting weary of swimming, cycling and elliptical-ing... ready to put my feet on the road! Congrats on Boulder, and good choice!

  31. I've heard coccyx injuries are very painful, so take the time to get it healed.
    I subscribe to Runner's World and Cooking Light. I will buy magazines at the store if I see something that looks interesting on the cover.
    Good choice on doing Boulder. It's so great to have all your family and friends near to cheer you on!

  32. Bruised butts are the worst :/ I hope yours heals fast! (And sorry that sounded so awkward)

  33. Is that a current Good Housekeeping? I think I'm about a month or two behind.

    I read GH, Redbook, Runner's World, Women's Health, Taste of Home, Food Network, Reader's Digest (I'm a sucker for the silly little stories), and US Magazine. I get them all free from my local library through an app called Zinio on my iPad. It's pretty darn awesome! layoffs. My husband is a teacher with tenure...thank goodness!

  34. Just found your blog yesterday -- LOVE.IT.

    OUCH...I bruised my cock-six one time by sliding down an icy mountain on a trashcan lid. I hit a railroad tie. Maybe I should write out that was actually rather spectacular.

    I know what you mean about not being able to stop running. I'm the same. It takes an act of god. But hey, you'll heal fast and then you'll be uber-ready for Boulder. Very exciting! Good luck. Rest up. Eat them cookies.

    *I red Runner's World and Writer's Digest. That's it. No lipstick magazines, no housey stuff. Running and Writing. And I'll pick up Food and Wine if it's laying somewhere.

  35. Can I cast my vote for frozen corn? #hopeyouhealFAST

  36. Kinda random, but if you need a new blog to cheer you up and make you laugh I've got one for you! This lady reminds me so much of you I think you 'll enjoy her blog (on being a mamma):

  37. I think we need to start and official We Love Heidi fan club.
