Tuesday, July 15, 2014

2014 Boulder Peak Triathlon Race Report

Sorry for the delayed race report. I am positive you were paralyzed just wondering when the heck it would be posted.

I have been a bit busy. Today Sam had four wisdom teeth pulled. Here he is still waking up, but awake enough to send peace out into the world:


Is it pathetic that I love feeding him yogurt and wiping off his face just like in the good old days? I draw the line at breast suckling and diaper changing, though.


Then I had to spend some time reading this about a dog’s last day (so reminded me of Lucky’s last day) and watching this about the newest in running hydration devices for men (or could be for a woman if you enjoy strap-ons).

So…the RACE.


It was an Olympic distance (1.5 K swim, 27 mile bike, 10K). Our coaches gave us options regarding whether we wanted to go all out or not. They said if we were feeling fatigued or injured to use it as a training day or a day to work on one or two disciplines. I was feeling up to racing, so that’s what I did!

My approach to the swim was to chill the hell out, since my last 2 mile open water swim sucked. I warmed up before hand. I also got a sleeveless wetsuit used for $40 and I swear this helped so much with mobility. I stayed very relaxed during the swim with thoughts of cranking it out on the bike and run. The last 100 yards I swam through a mess of thick and gross algae. I am still picking it out of my teeth.


Swim – 1.5K (1,640 yards) – 29 minutes

What I realized when I got on the bike was that I had a bit of catching up to do. Our swim wave was all of the 40-49 year old women –and this age group is ridiculous. So speedy and fit. I think most of them were already ahead of me.


Actually, all of Boulder is speedy and fit. I need to start racing in Mississippi.  Not to say Mississippians are not fit or anything.

I passed a fair number of women in my AG – and only got passed by 1. I knew I was making up some time. The entire ride I pushed myself and I wondered if I would have anything left for the run. I downed 2 GU Roctanes and that gave me kind of a boost. I love caffeine. And electrolytes.

Bike – 27 miles – 1:18 – 19.9 mph average

I set out on the run just hoping to get in under an hour. I was not wearing a Garmin, so I had no clue about pace and just went based on feel. It was getting hot and one of my coaches yelled at me to cool off with water before I got over heated. I dumped a bunch of water on my head and shoved ice in my non-existent cleavage. In the last half mile some guy came up beside me in a golf cart to tell me a woman was 30 seconds behind trying to catch me. Thanks dude. That was the motivation I needed to spice it up to the finish.

Run – 6.2 miles – 50 minutes – 8 min/mile average

Final Results: 2:43 minutes. 13/70 in age group

I am very happy that in my finishing picture I am doing exactly what you are not supposed to do and looking at my watch. I also am interested in how my foot can actually bend in that direction.


I was happy with that. Obviously I have not been training for shorter races, so I was glad to have the tiniest bit of speed still left in me.  This is my last race before Ironman Boulder, which is in 19 days. Did you hear that?? 19 DAYS.


I just ordered our shirts:










Yes, I do make my family and friends wear these because HOT DAMN I have been training for this race for months and I want/need support on race day!!! And lime green is very easy to spot when you are delirious and dehydrated. Plus it will remind me of margaritas (with salt).

Post-race on Sunday my mom had us over for dinner. Yes, this happened (and there might have been wine involved):


Home made spinach pie, lamb shish-kabobs, pork souvlaki, fresh fruit, roasted potatoes, rice/edamame salad, Greek salad, and Heinz ketchup. I think my mom deserves a lime green shirt!


Best dish your mom makes or made when you were young? Chicken and dumplings. She also makes a killer chocolate cake (Wacky Cake!).

Do you still have your wisdom teeth? Nope. I got them out when I was 17. I thought it was pretty painless, but my mom told me this weekend that I was a wreck. Must have blocked it out.



  1. Favorite dish my mom makes - taco hotdish - weird, yes, Minnesota, yes. Or her chocolate chip cookies - they are better than mine. I only ever got 1 wisdom tooth and the roots were so short my dentist pulled I during a cleaning appointment. I didn't expect to have this done and went back to work and drooled all over everything.

  2. I always loved it when my mom made tuna fish casserole. You know, the kind with Campbell's cream soup (sodium bombs - only good when training for IMs! not for every day, lol) and crushed potato chips on top. OMG I think I need to have that RIGHT NOW.

    Great race!!

  3. Do you watch what you eat when you are training or do you just wing it? Do you avoid any certain foods? Alcohol? You seem pretty normal when it comes to eating, so I'm curious. I don't believe in extremes with my diet when I'm training but so many people do.

  4. I had 5 wisdom teeth!

  5. My mother, love her dearly, is a horrible cook. So, she took me to Wendy's a lot. Which is why I find it so comforting. And,that is bad for adult me. I'd like to say that I have become more aware of my eating habits and learned to cook kale with more kale but instead, I find that Wendy's with more Wendy's is lovely. Kale belongs in my shake, where I can hide it.

  6. My mom makes the best chocolate icing. Ever. All 4 of my wisdom teeth came out right after HS graduation. I hope your son recovers quickly! Great job at the Peak this weekend! You blew past me! I must have missed the green goobers in the water; my swim was pretty clean. Please let me know where you ordered your shirts. My friend & I want to order some for our support crew for IM Choo. Thanks & congrats on your race!

  7. I still have all of my wisdom teeth and I'm afraid everytime I go to the dentist that they're going to want to yank them out! My mom is best at desserts....prob her homemade fudge is my favorite.

  8. I had my wisdom teeth cut out on my lunch break, with no anesthetic (he rubbed my gums with anbesol, though) and went back to work right after. This should have been my first clue that my pain tolerance is a tad abnormal.

  9. Nice job on the race!

    I have three wisdom teeth that came in in my early 20s. I still have them because they came in straight and I had enough room that they didn't crowd my other teeth. And I have to be honest, I'm deathly afraid of having teeth pulled. Eeeek!

  10. I was never "blessed" with wisdom teeth...not sure what that means. My mom's apple pie is, hands down, the best!

  11. Love that pic of your son. My now-husband took hilarious pics of me coming out of anesthesia when I got my wisdom teeth out. I was mad for about five seconds but they were seriously so funny I couldn't stay mad.

    My mom isn't much of a cook -- we ate a LOT of boxed and prepackaged meals growing up -- but she does make a mean coc au vin. And my dad's special dish is cheesy potatoes. Yum!

  12. Awesome job (IMO) with the tri! It's inspiring to hear the number of women in my age group who are fit and loving it!

    I had my wisdom teeth out at 19; all four at once. I was a lil loopy to say the least.

    and I have two fave meals my mom used to make for us: Idiode (spag w/olive oil garlic dressing) and pot roast....

  13. Makes me miss my mom. She passed when I was 15,(I'm married with kids now) and I loved her spaghetti sauce.
    I hate the dentist. I would rather have a Pap smear than go to the dentist.
    You are an inspiration. Love your blog.

  14. I had my wisdom teeth (all 5 of them - I had a bonus) pulled in college. I don't remember it being a big deal either. I do remember eating a lot of jello.

  15. As far as best dish my mom made, it's a tie between biscuits and gravy and chicken and dumplings. I've never been able to get it quite right, even though I watched her make both many times. I've only had one wisdom tooth pulled to date, the others aren't causing any problems so they're staying put as long as possible. Hate going to the dentist!

  16. I'm pretty sure that would be the best post-race dinner ever. With the wine, obviously. Congrats on a race well done.

  17. Congrats on the tri - excellent effort! My mom used to make a similar cake - she called it a no no cake (no eggs, no milk, no butter). The recipe called for mayo instead. It was so moist! She also made something called meatza - it had pizza toppings, but the "crust" was ground beef - almost like meatloaf.

  18. Can I be snarky and pretend to be offended as a Mississippian? Just kidding... we aren't exactly known for overall fitness, or anything else positive ;)

    1. Haha!!!!!!! Yes you can be snarky - I thought someone might be :) Kind of a snarky comment on my part.

  19. So I have never done a tri - so I have a question - how do you get all that sand off of your feet before you put on your shoes for the bike? Do you have an extra water bottle in transition for that?
    No wisdom teeth here - either I am unwise or evolved - still to be determined! :)
    My mom didn't cook much when I was growing up - except seafood because we are from the coast of NC. So her flounder stuffed with crab meat and crab au gratin was DA BOMB.

    1. They usually have a little kiddie pool full of water that you can run through after you exit the beach. Then you can just wipe your feet on your towel. At the Ironman they actually have little sprinklers you can run through.

    2. Nice! I knew there was some sort of plan for that. I never thought about it until I saw your picture coming out of the swim.

  20. I have never heard of wacky cake before, but it looks easy enough to make... I'll have to try that sometime!

  21. Love reading your blog. It always brightens p my day and makes me laugh. Got my wisdom teeth out when was 17. The doctor was so old I don't think he could see anymore. At least not well enough to read my chart. He gave me penicillin and codeine both of which I'm allergic to. Had to be put on steroids to get rid of swelling and difficulty breathing. Bad experience!

  22. Great job on the race! I think you might be spot on about Mississippi.

    No wisdom teeth here. Got them out the day before I went off to college. Nothing like looking like a chipmunk when you meet people for the first time.

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