Wednesday, April 1, 2009

what routine

so here's what happens to me when i'm on vacation. i start out doing pretty well / eating well, exercising, etc. by day two, i am sliding a bit and have cut out the exercise and started eating and drinking more. by day three, today, i have had three vodka drinks by noon, a cheeseburger loaded with guac for lunch and am sunburnt despite my best efforts to get a deep tan. Also, i haven't touched my running shoes since that first day overlooking the carribean. but i am happy. running can resume after i return to CO and have a day to recuperate. c'est la vie. i remind myself this is what vacations are all about / excess, lack of routine, overdoing it, eating until you feel gross. is it just me, or do we all do this on vacation...i still can't figure out this spanish keyboard. not only can i not find the question mark or caps, but there are crazy symbols i am not used to. plus the spell check thinks all my words are spelled wrong b/c they are in english and not spanish. i'm sure the several vodka drinks don't help me to maneuver. well tomorrow we leave, so back to snowy co and the running routine.


  1. You can run when you get home. Enjoy the vacay!

  2. HAHAHA, three vodka drinks before noon!!! I am the same way when it's vacation time!

  3. Enjoy the rest of your vacation...have fun!

  4. Live it up, thats what vacations are for!!

  5. I want vodka before noon too! And a cheeseburger with guac. You need the fuel, my friend. Have fun and make memories. Can't wait to hear more.

  6. I did the same thing on vacation last year... I exercised on day one and that was it :) running will be there when you get back. have a GREAT rest of vacation!!!!

  7. You can run and eat good any day . . . but it's not often that you get to drink before noon! Enjoy it while it lasts.

  8. Every time I go on vacation, (or even on a business trip for that matter) I always pack my running shoes and work out clothes and never use them. You did better than me, at least you got out there and did something for a few days.

    You would think that I would just stop packing them (running shoes take up a lot of room in the suitcase), but I am hanging onto the hope that one day I will put them to use.
