I'm sitting here debating whether to cook chicken for dinner that is one day past the due date. On one hand, I hate to waste the $ I spent on the chicken. On the other hand, salmonella is not my favorite weight loss technique. WWYD?
Ulyana tagged me. You know, that bucket list tag that is going around. Three things you must do before you die. I have given this a lot of thought. To the point of putting myself on my death bed and asking myself as I lay dying, "What regrets do I have? What have I not done that I wish I had?" Sure there are a bazillion places I'd like to go (Morocco, Thailand, Zimbabwe to name a few) and many goals I'd like to achieve (Boston), but what would make me feel truly incomplete if I didn't get to do it?
Am I taking this too seriously? Here's my best shot at what I must do before I bite the big one:
1. Meet my grandchildren. No, silly, I do not have existing grandchildren I haven't met because their parents do not feel I am a good influence. I am talking about my future grandchildren who have not yet been conceived. Or at least they better not have been conceived last Saturday night in the backseat of a Prius. But likely it would not be a Prius because those gas pedals stick and my kids would not be stupid enough to get into such a car. Anyway, I am already excited to be at my kids' weddings and to be a huge part of my grand babies' lives. I just hope I live long enough to meet those ShutupandRun offspring once removed.
2. Take my children to Greece and show them where I used to live. This was such an amazing time in my life. It is a dream of mine to show the kids what I experienced. I'd like them to feel what I felt, but that is just the control freak in me talking. Of course the bigger dream is to expose them to life beyond America. To let them know how big the world is and how small our little corner of it is.
Ulyana tagged me. You know, that bucket list tag that is going around. Three things you must do before you die. I have given this a lot of thought. To the point of putting myself on my death bed and asking myself as I lay dying, "What regrets do I have? What have I not done that I wish I had?" Sure there are a bazillion places I'd like to go (Morocco, Thailand, Zimbabwe to name a few) and many goals I'd like to achieve (Boston), but what would make me feel truly incomplete if I didn't get to do it?
Am I taking this too seriously? Here's my best shot at what I must do before I bite the big one:
1. Meet my grandchildren. No, silly, I do not have existing grandchildren I haven't met because their parents do not feel I am a good influence. I am talking about my future grandchildren who have not yet been conceived. Or at least they better not have been conceived last Saturday night in the backseat of a Prius. But likely it would not be a Prius because those gas pedals stick and my kids would not be stupid enough to get into such a car. Anyway, I am already excited to be at my kids' weddings and to be a huge part of my grand babies' lives. I just hope I live long enough to meet those ShutupandRun offspring once removed.
2. Take my children to Greece and show them where I used to live. This was such an amazing time in my life. It is a dream of mine to show the kids what I experienced. I'd like them to feel what I felt, but that is just the control freak in me talking. Of course the bigger dream is to expose them to life beyond America. To let them know how big the world is and how small our little corner of it is.

Why Greece? Well, I think that is fairly obvious. Besides the fact that I have a personal connection, it is the original marathon and commemorates the run of the soldier Pheidippides from a battlefield at the site of the town of Marathon, Greece, to Athens in 490 B.C. As a runner, you finish at the original Olympic stadium. The course is actually 27.06 miles (WTF??) and 12 miles of it are quite hilly. I hope I'm a stud by then.

Why China? I'm just drawn to the history of the Great Wall. Much of the marathon is actually comprised of steps (hello knee replacement). Plus, my brother is moving (back) to Beijing in 2011, so I will have free lodging and a ride. If you have any doubt how cool this marathon is, check out this video and you too will be sold.
There you have it and I hope it was vastly fascinating.
Here are my taggees. If you've already done it or hate it, disregard.
Mother Runner
Drinking: Oregon Chai Tea
I didn't know you lived in Greece! When was that?
ReplyDeleteI would HIGHLY recommend the Prague International Marathon. I am of course incredibly biased...
My brother-in-law ran the Athens marathon in 2009 as his first marathon. He said the hills were killer but he really enjoyed the marathon!!
ReplyDeleteI would love to run both of those marathons, too. How cool would that be!! My momm died before my kiddos were born so she never knew them and I always think that would just have to suck!! I hope and pray I know my grandchildren...but I also hope and pray they don't give me some any time soon ;).
ReplyDeleteI like your list...how cool that you lived in Greece :)
ReplyDeleteI think it's amazing that you want to run the Great Wall marathon. I hiked 10k of it a couple years ago and it was HARD. I'm not sure what part of the wall the marathon is on, but the park I hiked was definitely not one of the touristy areas and was very broken, rugged, and painstakingly steep. It would make for a wonderful marathon for sure! Plus you can't go wrong with free lodging!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great list!
ReplyDeleteI think the chicken expiration is a "cover your ass" number made up by the company selling the chicken. If its been refrigerated or frozen properly its probably fine but if you get sick don't blame me. I however would just cook the shit out of the chicken and assume its fine!
oh lordy mercy girl.
ReplyDeletethis could get deep.
Why waste an expensive chicken? These are tough times. BTW, being a grandma, I can relate with your wish to meet your grandchildren! It is the best thing is the WORLD to see your kids as parents(well, not when THEY are kids, of course)but it is definitely something you don't want to miss in your lifetime! Plus, you can feel them loads of sugar, buy them stupid toys and then send them home--no guilt!
ReplyDeleteGreat list:) I really hope that you will be able to run in Athens! I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!
ReplyDeleteWhen in doubt, throw it out.
ReplyDeleteYou lived in Greece? Thats amazing!!!!
ReplyDeleteYour list would be amazing. I hope you get each and every one of them!
ReplyDeleteHow cool that you lived in Greece. My world is so small I know that I should broaden it. I am working on the courage for that.
Tabasco. Tabasco kicks the shit out of salmonella.
ReplyDeleteGreat list!
ReplyDeleteNo advice on the chicken - I usually make Dad Wonder sniff it and decide. I abhor uncooked chicken.
I'm not sure i could come up with a list for myself...i'm going to think about this over the wknd, never really put much thought into it before. Going to Greece would be amazing!
ReplyDeleteWow! I watched that video and I agree, that looks super cool. Can't say I'd actually want to do all those stairs, but the scenery looks amazing.
ReplyDeleteI'd totally eat the chicken...as long as it looks fine and doesn't smell, I consider it good to go.
ReplyDeleteGreat list! We're seeing a glimpse of your sentimental side here. ;)
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to run greece AND the GWM.
I love that list! I met someone at the Bermuda Marathon that had run Great Wall. She said it was an awesome experience and absolutely brutal! Personally, I think you should run both!
ReplyDeleteI was just talking with my hubby last night about how cool it would be to run the Athens Marathon, maybe someday I will get to do a cool race like that.
ReplyDeleteThe beijing marathon looks BOMB. I bet I wouldn't set any PRs on it, though. I hope you get to meet your granchildren and learn their bowel movements.
ReplyDeleteOh, man, I got tagged! Will it wash off?
ReplyDeleteThree things I must do; that's a toughie. I mean, I got asked what I'd do if I won the lottery and said, "For $100000000, I bet I could get a really good sandwich."
Greece marathon would be amazing!
ReplyDeleteWe want to get to Greece so bad. You've made me even more determined.
ReplyDeleteI think you created a pretty good bucket list.
This is a great list, so much more inspiring then my bucket list.
ReplyDeleteI would have made the chicken. I wouldn't have eaten it anyway so I could have driven everyone to the hospital.
How's your training going? We need to plan a run together soon (with Jill). What's your schedule like?
It is so amazing you lived in Greece! Maybe you can run there, with your children! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat list. It is my dream to someday run the Great Wall marathon - I studied in China for a semester and would love to go back, take my daughter there, and run that race.
ReplyDeleteSo you will have to tell us about your days in Greece. It sounds so exotic. I picture you running around the hilly regions - over looking the sea - playing pranks on your brother . . . or vis-a-versa ;-)
ReplyDeleteHoly shit, how did I miss this post! Where did you live in Greece? My dad is from Euboea. I've visited many times over the years. And I too am considering the Athens marathon. One day when I'm not so slow. :)