Here's the thing. When all the stars are aligned - the weather is a comfy 60 degrees, the sun is shining, your Garmin is fully charged, you have new songs on your iPod, your colon is clear of all poop and you got a good night's sleep, there is nothing on the face of the earth better than a long run. When the stars are all mixed up and jumbled, sometimes running is just not that fun. But, like anything, there are good and bad days. You can't make the bad days a time when you make your decisions about whether you like or dislike something. Basically you have to take an amnesia pill after a bad day so that it doesn't continue to discourage you.
I knew yesterday's run would be a longish run day - 12 miles, said my calendar. Bullshit, said I. I woke up to 20 degree temps and 3" of new snow (upon layers and layers of old snow). Reluctantly, I put on all the gear. I knew it would be a Yaktrax day, so I put on those as well.
Really struggling:
Being the pussy I am, I didn't want to run 12 miles outside. Being the pussy I am, I didn't want to run 12 miles on the treadmill. So, I came up with this genius idea to do a combination of both. Run three miles to the gym, run six on the treadmill at the gym and run three miles home. No matter how you slice it, it is still 12 miles, which pissed me off.
I headed out into the temps that made my eyes water. Immediately my Garmin gave me that "low battery" message. Crap. I put the Garmin back in the house. I don't need no device to tell me my pace anyway.
I ran and I ran and I ran. Making the first tracks of the day in the snow. I ran alongside a busy road and got pummelled and splashed with dirty slush. I was not having fun. I got to the gym and realized I was only 1/4 of the way done with my miles. I stripped off some layers and got on the treadmill. 2 miles in - turd alert. I paused the treadmill to take a dump. Then, back on the treadmill. Another two miles and stomach cramps. Paused the mill yet again for dump #2. One more mile and more cramps, but no way was I stopping. I cannot take three dumps in the span of six miles. Just couldn't do it. If I messed my pants, so be it.
I found myself annoyed by the dude on the bike behind me. He was pedalling as fast as he could with his keys in his pocket. This means that each time his leg came around, those keys would clang clang. He must have been a janitor because there was so much clanging it had to have been a huge set of keys. Dude, that's why we have lockers. Seriously.
Finished the treadmill portion. Put the layers back on over my sweating and gross body. Ate a raspberry cream gel (this was the highlight of the run - that stuff is good).
Headed back out into the cold. Only this time, much of the snow was already melted so I had to pound the bare pavement in my Yaktrax. If you've never done this, I don't recommend it. It kind of feels like nails on a chalkboard or grinding your teeth together. But it was either that or carry the Yaktrax and I didn't want to to that either. More cramping on the way home.
Headed back out into the cold. Only this time, much of the snow was already melted so I had to pound the bare pavement in my Yaktrax. If you've never done this, I don't recommend it. It kind of feels like nails on a chalkboard or grinding your teeth together. But it was either that or carry the Yaktrax and I didn't want to to that either. More cramping on the way home.
Made it home. Decided to just let the yuck feeling go. I know I love running. I know brighter days are ahead. You can't let one off day throw you off. Winter has felt really long this year. But the days are getting longer and the temps are raising slightly. Better days to come. I just know it.
Do you ever have days like this?
Drinking: H2O
Why I oughta... I am going to give you a pass and not tell Running on you - this time.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone has days like that....I know I have. But, like you said, you just have to deal with it and then forget about it because it has the potential to totally mess with your head and keep you from exercising for days!
ReplyDeleteI know it wasn't a great run for you, but instead of nixing the run (like a lot of people would have done) you did it (and mighty creatively I might add)! So, kuddos to you for sticking with it and getting it done! :)
I hate posting right after Jamoosh as I never sound as witty.
ReplyDeleteRunning will forgive your for your craptacular attitude. I should know since I have had to force myself to stop feeling yucky many a time.
Spring is coming and the snow will melt :) I think I might shed a tear or two on the equinox.
Good lord girl. You keep on crapping after every two miles or so and you're going to end up taking like 13 dumps in the marathon. You're going to be carrying a load!
ReplyDeleteSorry your run didn't go so well. It was a shitty weekend for outdoor running.
Everyone has days like that. When it does not fell right I take liberties and change the plan to make it feel better. If i don't have enough gas in the tank for a long run or a tempo - I do an easy run and then make up the difference later.
ReplyDeleteGood news is that you get out and run even when you do not feel like it.
Fellow Longmonter who just found your blog a few days ago (love it!) and is-
ReplyDelete1. A newbie-ish runner(just over a year)
2. Almost in my twilight years(will be 39 in March)
3. Believes in a regimented poop schedule(don't ask me to run unless I have been up and "moving" for 30 minutes)!
4. Training for my first marathon (San Diego June 6th)
5. iPod, iPod, iPod - traditionalists can go to hell.
6. I think I love my Garmin 405 as much as I love my child.
7. Lots more, however.......
yesterday sucked ASS! I have yet to get on the treadmill this year and the only thing good about yesterday was the virgin snow I found on the Greenway between Rd119 and Sandstone ranch. No tracks, just me and the iPod. I am following Higdon's Intermed. II schedule, so I only had 9 to trudge through(my wife had 11 on Intermed. I...hahaha!). Anyway, just wanted you to know a local is with ya! It won't be too many more weeks until we are down to only one layer of clothing!
Ugh! I totally have running days like that. But you know what? At least you were at the gym when you had to poo, right? :)
ReplyDeleteHere's to a better next run! Good for you for struggling through this one!
"If one can stick to the training throughout the many long years, then will power is no longer a problem It's raining? That doesn't matter. I am tired? That's besides the point. It's simply that I just have to."
ReplyDelete- Emil Zatopek
I am sorry but I could not stop laughing. Maybe because I often have runs, even entire days like that.
ReplyDeleteAren't you glad you were inside when nature called?
Now what is really amazing is that you actually ran. And even without a Garmin... :)
Good luck on your future runs. Spring is just around the corner. Actually, it is already here, in CA, but come to think about it in Bay Area we don't really have winter...
omg you are so funny! i totally have days like this. where nothing seems to go right. i'm sure it sucked during but it's always freaking hilarious after the fact. right? :)
ReplyDeleteYes! I think we all do. :( did it! I figure as long as I log my miles I am happy. Usually by the next run I am back to being a happy runner. Sun shining and warm weather helps too!
ReplyDeleteJust last Tuesday, I had a really bad 8 mile run in 21 degree weather at 5:30am. My hands were in incredible pain from the cold. (It did not help that I put them under hot running water when I finally got home. NEVER, NEVER do that!) Then I overheated and my stomach turned on me and I wound up on pot for 20 minutes. So, I understand your sentiments completely. I also know that you'll get back out there, just like I will because, luckily, we forget pain and we know running can be awesome. Now, if I could just get my hands on that damn ground hog or his stupid shadow!
ReplyDeleteYES! I like to train in the winter. Cooler temps = faster times. But we are wimps, idiots, freaks of nature, etc here in the south. If there is a snowball in the county, everything grinds to a halt! I get all cranky and I loose momentum. Glad to know that it is not just me. Feel the love, I am giving you a sweaty runner hug.
ReplyDeleteEVERYONE has runs like that. Way to get it done despite the mood. I couldn't imagine having to put up with all that snow. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah baby, let the vent out and feel better!! Geez, I have runs like that a lot, it seems. Just not into it many days but know I gotta do it, as you do, too! You're totally rocking! Spring can't come soon enough - we need to get rid of thise crappy weather and get some good runs in!
ReplyDeletePretty much my entire last week of running felt like this. I'm taking a few day off so I can return refreshed. And I think everyone goes through this at some point. Totally normal. Hope your next run is way better!
ReplyDeleteOh girl, do I have days like that! You are not the only one!
ReplyDeleteI had a rough day not too long ago. The best part is that when my next good running day rolled around (the next day) it felt better than ever!
ReplyDeleteYour posts are cracking me up! Glad to have come across your blog.
If it was always good then every one would do it right? I guess that is why there are runners and non-runners! I have to say I still cannot classify myself as a runner, I just started running and I and I am trying to force myself to love it! I am getting there but not all days can be good.....your hilarious though so maybe you had a bad day just to lighten the rest of all our moods! Thanks for the laugh!
ReplyDeleteI just stumbled on your blog and I LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteThanks for being human and not a super-runner-heroine. :) I am a new runner and I love reading about fellow runners and their experiences.
Yeah I'm pretty sure we've all had those less than stellar days but they just help you appreciate the better days even more!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the Raspberry Creme Gu's too!!!
Oh ya- I so agree . . . I am sick and tired of running in the cold and snow. (and this from someone who just spent 4 days vacationing in CO skiing) . . . but skiing and running are two different things.
ReplyDeleteHey on a brighter note . . . day light saving starts in one month - 3/14/10. Although mornings will become dark again . . . it should be light (at least here in WI) until 7:00.
You pretty much rock for making those miles your beeyotch.
ReplyDeleteOver here, it's not the snow, it the freaking cold and wind!! ...and spring is still months away...sigh.
ReplyDeleteI guess all that dumping may have been why you were feeling so crappy...sorry bad pun :)
I like to hear that others have this feeling on occasion as well. It HAS been a long winter and I so look forward to lighter layers and a brighter sun. They tend to make lighter feet.
ReplyDeleteThe only other time I intensely disliked running what at the AFC half marathon. It was like a zillion degrees and humid at 6 am. I was never so happy to be done with a race in my life.
ReplyDeleteOh yeaah, totally been there. Right down to the splitting a run between cold, snowy outside and boring treadmill inside.
ReplyDeleteSome day winter will end. At least that's what they tell me...
We've been noticing more and more people having those "bad runs" both terms of the word.
ReplyDeleteIt's the weather, I think. We're all going stir crazy and aching to run outside without getting slushy, without being a freezing popsicle on one end and a hot tamale on the other.
And the multiple dump stops during a run? Yea. Been there, done that. It sucks.
I think having a bad running day every now and then makes the good days that much better. What brand is the rasberry cream gel?
ReplyDeletethose are the coolest shoe/snow things! i have never seen them. yeah i wouldn't have wanted to run 12 outside either..i had to run in Tahoe this last week and running along slushy roads in the snow is no fun! Good job for finishing :)
ReplyDeleteI HATE days like that!
ReplyDeleteyes yes yes!! I have days like that a few times a month. I just hope and pray that they don't come on race day when I actually PAY to run.
ReplyDeleteBTW - no one who needs 'tools' to run outside (yaktrax) is a pussy in my book. Just sayin.
Had em, oh for sure. I had a simply wretched treadmill 5 miles last week that felt more like 25. Burped up the Jimmy John's tuna sandwich I'd had for lunch the whole time, too. Now THAT was pleasant (maybe better than poop, but still not appetizing). And then I had the amazing, fantastic 12.4 miler on Saturday and all was forgiven. Running I still love you!!!
ReplyDelete(And I was just saying yesterday to my hubs that I feel like it has been cold forever, too. Maybe because we got our first snow in Sept. this year? Ah, Colorado...)
I try to take something positive from each bad run. If I can’t find anything, which is most of the time, I tell myself it builds character. I really believe this.
ReplyDeleteI totally have days where I hate running, want nothing to do with it, procrastinate on my runs... then end up having the best run ever, go farther, faster, etc. And then I have days I procrastinate and have total crap runs for good reason, or psyche myself out of them. Fabulous.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, I have days like that. Way to go on finishing though. I would have just stopped!
ReplyDeleteWritten on the blackboard 100 times Bart Simpson style:
ReplyDelete"I will never complain about running in the cold here again."
Melbourne, Australia
- where in the dark depths of winter it gets to, ohh, 40 deg.F. on a bad day.
I sure have had days like those... sucks when they fall on long raun day. Way to push through it, doing whatever you had to do to get it done. Next one will be better.
ReplyDeleteA couple weeks ago I felt like this every time I ran. I was having some serious stumach issues. However, those days are long gone and I am in better spirits. I have had a couple of good runs these last few days. Can't wait for spring to be here.
ReplyDeleteOh, I've had DECADES like that. You muddle through somehow and then one day it all seems right again, except you're now old and fat!
ReplyDeleteHow did I not know about YakTrax? I needed those when I was trying to run on ice a couple of weeks looked like that scene from Bambi. The frozen lake.
ReplyDeleteI have invested in a pair of YakTrax. They will get a lot of use since we get 4 inches of snow per year, usually over the course of 2 weeks in January. Whatever, don't ridicule me.
All the time!!!
ReplyDeleteMy stars don't align as often as I'd like them to!
You're lucky to have been at the gym when you needed it most :)
Here's to better running days!
I swear - there must have been something in the air yesterday or the starts were all pissed off because I had a crappy run, too!
ReplyDeleteI just didn't want to run - my leg were lead and my head was telling me I'm an idiot for even thinking I'm 1/2 good at this sport. I think I actually said outloud to my husband that I should probably find a new sport because I am getting my ass handed to today!
The bright side - at least you were at the gym when you had to poop! I have the same probs as you - sometimes I have weeks with no crapping myself, then all of a sudden it rear's it's ugly head and I am hitting it up every couple of miles too!
Hey - Check my post today for a little Sunshine!
ReplyDeleteOf course I have days like that. Probably at least one run a week... lol!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely have those days but I always feel better if I push through.
ReplyDeleteWow, I cant even imagine running in crampons (or you call them yaktrax??) Insane!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I tagged you in an award. I believe you might have already tagged, but I wanted to send some sunshine your way!! :)
If someone says they never have days like this, they LIE!!! At least you got it done. And you looked good doing it.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, there are THOSE days. YUCK days that make me wonder why the hell I even bother. Ah well.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to try those raspberry gels. I'm in need of new flavors.
We all have those days. I just pray the are few and far between. I remind myself that little is better than nothing and some days I just need to do something else and give myself time to miss running again.
ReplyDeleteGlad you made it through your sucky day.
Soooo happy to hear it isn't just me that has those days! Thanks for sharing. The bike dude would have bugged the daylights out of me too. Way to get it done anyway!
ReplyDelete"Can't lives on Won't Street"--