Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Urge to Pee

My mood is much improved today, in large part due to your comments. They made me LOL and I never use that little acronym, but it fits today. Actually, let's go far as to say I LMFAO or LMFAOWROFL. If you can tell me what that stands for I'll give you something. Did I ever tell you that for the longest time I thought LOL meant "lots of love" and I could never figure out why people used it when they did. For example: "My dog is dragging his ass on the carpet" Response: "LOL!" (lots of love?? why would you respond with lots of love?). Then I got a grip and figured it out or one of my kids told me.

This is NOT my dog, but this is the funky butt drag. This looks like it hurts:

One of my favorite comments today regarding embarrassing moments was from Julie:

When I was going to college I worked as a food server. On our menu we had a platter with different appetizers. I was serving a table of six business men. They ordered a few of these platters. I delivered the platters, set them down, and said, "Here you are gentlemen, your appetizer platters. Here are your three sauces...this is ranch, here is the cocktail sauce and this one is cucumber dick! Oh my God, I mean cucumber dip!"

Cucumber DICK! It just doesn't get funnier than that.

Another reason my mood has improved as that Joie and I got in a 7.75 mile run. It was muddy and snow-packed, but good to be outside moving the legs.

And a third reason my mood has improved is that registration for the first ever Denver Rock 'n' Roll Marathon has opened! It is on October 17, 2010. If you are one of the first few hundred to sign up you get major bucks off: just $70 for the full and $50 for the half. Because I cannot turn down a deal, I registered for the full. I think you should too and then we could meet face to face and then we could LOL throughout the whole race and maybe even COP (crap our pants) which is no joke if you run with me.

Here is my current 2010 race rundown:

May 9, 2010: Colorado Marathon
May 31, 2010: Bolder Boulder 10K
June 6, 2010: Longmont Triathlon
August 14, 2010: Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon
October 17, 2010: Rock 'n' Roll Denver Marathon

These are the ones set in stone. I'm sure others will come up. I'd like to have a few 5Ks sprinkled in there along with a couple more halves (halfs?). And of course, if anyone is going to pay my way like last year and invite me on their team: the Hood to Coast Relay in August. Anyone ever done the Wine Country Runs Half in March? This is getting expensive.

Lastly, I leave you with this gem. In a world where we have every convenience at our fingertips, it's a wonder why it took so long for someone to come up with this: Let's say you go to the movies a lot and you have to pee during the movies a lot (or you had Mexican for lunch and pee is the least of your worries). This website is for you! It tells you what the best times are during specific movies to use the facilities. This is genius. Seriously, check it out.

Drinking: Yogi Green Mint Tea.


  1. Laughing my Fing A** off while rolling on the floor laughing. Great run!

  2. What Lauren said...

  3. I'd love to do that Wine Country Half....... I. WOULD. LOVE. IT!

  4. I LOL everytime I read your posts! :)

  5. OMG, I just LOLed so much I gotta pee!

  6. I heard about the pee break movie thing on NPR. I wish I had thought of it!

  7. great job on the run! i'm glad today was better than yesterday! :)

  8. haha at your version of LOL -- too bad more people don't think the same way! Great race list!! Looking forward to seeing how your year goes!

  9. That one thing means laughing my fucking (oh yes, I did just say that) ass off while rolling on the floor.

    I'm so glad that you are signing up for Denver R&R. I am too. Should be a great race!

  10. Of course, we all know that means...laugh my f*#*ing ass off while rolling on the floor! We read your blog we are used to laughing a lot!

    Your racing schedule looks exciting! congrats.

    runpee...too funny!

  11. I gave a shout out about your blog on my blog. Hope that's ok. Maybe I should have asked before I posted? Anyway, you seem like the kind of person that would be ok with it so I did it. LOL!

    If you really do have any opposition to that, please let me know. Thanks!

  12. My cat does this too, no joke. I need to video it sometime. He is on the chunky side and I swear 90% of his weight is in his ass, so it looks quite hysterical.

    Your race schedule looks awesome! I'm running my first half in Feb & am thinking of running a marathon in Oct!

  13. ILOTI - I'm laughing on the inside.

  14. LMFAOWROFL: Laughing My Fat Ass Off While Rolling On the Floor Laughing (not that you have a fat ass by any means you biontic women of steel you!)

  15. My sister in law has this compulsion to use "LOL" at the most inappropriate times. Her Facebook status will say: "Meghan has a headache, lol" - WTF does that mean?!

    Anyway.... congrats on the marathon registration! That is a great deal. Nice looking calendar for '10 so far.

  16. Eh, I have to admit, I just found out recently what LAMFO was, I thought it meant Lamo! LOL!
    I am sooo stealing the video and sending it to my husband, I PMP (peed my pants) while watching that!
    Great race line up!

  17. OOOps, I didn't even get LMFAO off right! HA!

  18. Nice race calendar thus far.
    LOL is the new TGIF.

  19. Oh my God, that video is that super funny! Then I scroll down....Oh my God again, thats my story! Thanks for keeping me entertained:)

  20. Ok, carpet I get. Ocassionally I've been known to rub my foot on the carpet for a little scratch, but asphault? That dog is going to have hamburger for butt-hole.

    (that's one we used in highschool a lot: Laugh My Tata's Off, or whatever T-word you'd like to use for boobs ...)

  21. Oh my . . . I totally thought your blog title was going to be something ENTIRELY different. Actually. I thought you were going to refer to this: Now if that doesn't make you laugh. Pause. And go mmmmmm I don't know what will.
    Glad to hear you're outta your funk.

  22. Glad you're feeling better! That cucumber story is great. Love it!

    Nice race schedule, too. :-)

  23. Great race line up. I'm really hoping to do one marathon this year but when I tried the training 2 yrs. ago, my hammy started getting way too sensitive. So here I go again. But I'll look to this blog for my running motivation. Glad I found you!

  24. I used to think LOL was lots of laughs. Right. So tempted to do the Bolder, Boulder. I used to live there when I was a kid and ran it twice then. What great memories.

    Winks & Smiles,

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