On January 7, 2012, my cousin Sherry, age 43, left her house in the small town of Sidney, Montana at 6:30 a.m. for an early morning run. She didn’t always run in the morning because as a teacher, it was often difficult to fit in runs before she headed to Sidney High School to teach math. January 7 was a Saturday, however, and Sherry had a bit more time to spare. After her run she planned to meet her sister, Rhonda, and head out to their parent’s ranch a few miles outside of town. Her husband, Gary, had gone for a walk at 5:30 a.m. and when he returned home he could tell that Sherry had already left for her run because of the toothpaste splatters in the sink and a light that was on in the kitchen.
Sherry often ran within the town limits and January 7 was no exception. When Sherry did not come home later that morning, however, her husband began to worry. He called the police and a search ensued. By 3:00 p.m. hundreds of volunteers were searching for Sherry and only one clue had been found, Sherry’s right Brook’s running shoe.
My aunt called to tell me that “something bad had happened in Montana.” As the details unfolded, a weight sat in the pit of my stomach. I hoped for the best, but feared the worst. Please find her. Please bring her home.
For several days there was no sign of Sherry. On the seventh day, a tip was received on the FBI’s tip line that led to the arrest of two men, one in North Dakota and one in South Dakota. One of the men confessed to killing Sherry. She had been abducted at 6:40 a.m., only about a mile from her house.
Sherry’s body has not yet been found.
Sherry’s traumatic and heinous death has shocked, angered and saddened her small community. On a much larger scale, it has also rocked the running world from coast to coast and abroad. How could something so random, violent and senseless happen to someone so giving, someone loved by so many?
We have so many emotions. As mothers, runners, and teachers, we fear it could have been us. Our hearts break for her students, her family, her community. We feel things we don’t know how to express and we cry for someone who we have never met. We hope she did not suffer and we hope that she found peace in her final moments. The human connection often feels deepest during tragedy. These past three weeks this connection has been alive, pulsing and powerful. The goodness has poured out of each and every one of you, demonstrating that good overpowers evil.
Many of you have told me that you have dedicated your runs and races to Sherry. I have talked about wanting to do a planned virtual run in her honor. Her family has given me their blessing and Races 2 Remember has so generously donated their time to creating a running bib for Sherry.
The virtual run will be on Saturday, February 11 at 9 a.m. MST.
- Mark your calendars
- Print out a running bib and pin it to your shirt
- Gather your friends, your running club members, your families
- If it’s wet where you are, “laminate” your bib with postage tape and punch holes in it
- If that time doesn’t work, go when you can
- GO. Run as far and as long as you want. Walk, hike, cycle, rollerblade if you don’t want to or can’t run.
- Please share this on your blogs, Facebooks and Twitters
- Keep it simple. Just run with Sherry on your minds and hearts.
Click HERE to print the bib
If it feels right, please blog about your run and let me know. I’m going to post links to those posts so her family and friends can read them. If you take pictures, send them to be at beth@shutupandrun.net so that I can post them here.
My goal is to get the MOST love, momentum and energy moving in honor of Sherry. This run symbolizes the beginning if healing and honors a woman who was courageous, strong and loved by so many.
For those of us in the Denver/Boulder/Longmont area I will be organizing a group run at the Boulder Reservoir that morning. I hope we can get a huge clan together and make the earth MOVE!! Stay tuned.
You may have noticed a “donate” button on my side bar. If it is within your means, please consider a donation to Sherry’s family. The funds will go to Sherry’s children, Holly and Jason.
A version of this post and information about the virtual run will appear on the Runner’s World Other Voices blog later this week.
A Facebook page has been set up for this event HERE.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring about Sherry and her family and for running in her honor.
I'm in.
ReplyDeleteIn, too. I'll be sharing this on FB and Twitter, etc.
ReplyDeleteI'm in. I'm racing a 5k that day and I'll wear Sherry's bib on the back and my race bib on the front.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome. I will be sharing and running for Sherry! God bless!
ReplyDeleteMyself,my husband,and my four daughters will proudly take part in this virtual run for sherry. Thank you for allowing us to be a small but loving part in this run. Love Nicole and family
ReplyDeleteI'm in.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely in and will be sharing via facebook, the blog, and twitter.
ReplyDeleteI'm in! Sharing this on my FB wall. Run for Sherry!
ReplyDeleteIm going to share on my fb page as well as the running pages, and my blog as well. Ill be running for Sherry on Feb 11!!!
ReplyDeleteI might be walking, but I would be honored to run, walk, or even crawl for Sherry!
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of a runner yet ( I'm currently in 'running school' thru fleet feet)and I will run for Sherry on that day. She, along with family and friends have been in my heart since I heard...
ReplyDelete- Amy Gucci (Facebook)
Sharing and I will be running.
ReplyDeleteI am in and I will share this on my FB and twitter as well. So sorry. xoxo - ss
ReplyDeleteI'm in. I'll be sharing daily on FB/Twitter/blog for sure. Glad the Runner's World thing played out.
ReplyDeleteCount me in for sure!
ReplyDeleteSo. Freaking. In.
ReplyDeleteShe'll get 19 from me. I'll be on my own for this, no one wants to run that far with me here :( It will help me push through.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, I'm in!
ReplyDeletewe are in. We will be in our 5th weekend in a row retreat with approximately 400 youth but we are in. we will be organizing our "camp" runners this week, printing bibs accordingly and will be running. We've shared her stories more times then I can count - with total strangers - we are so in.
ReplyDeleteWe're ON it!
ReplyDeleteWill definitely run and will spread the word to my runner friends who have also been following this tragic event. Thoughts and love...
ReplyDeleteCount me in too.
ReplyDeleteI'm in and will spread the word.
ReplyDeleteI'm in. My long run is 9 miles that day.
ReplyDeleteI'll definitely be running for her!! So tragic... I've been praying for her family and friends!! Count me in!
ReplyDeleteI'm in!
ReplyDeleteMe and my girlfriends (Calli and Lisa) are in. We'll will be running a trio of Hypothermic HalfMaras in Calgary on the 11th, then in Edmonton on the 26th, then in Red Deer on March 4th. We figure Sherry should come with us on all 3 runs.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I are in.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteyou can count me in for sure!!
ReplyDeleteCount me in.
ReplyDeleteCount me in.
ReplyDeleteI'm in. I have a 20 miler planned for that day as my last long run before the Little Rock Marathon.
ReplyDeleteIt will be 3am in Sydney, so I might just run at 6.30am as usual!
ReplyDeleteI'm in and posting it on my "Run a 5k in 2012" facebook group! I might actually have someone running in a race that day!
ReplyDeleteI'm in. Posted to Facebook to see if anyone from Calgary wants to do it with me.
ReplyDeleteI'm in. just wrote it in my calendar, will post on my blog, and other social networks. Shake the earth baby
ReplyDeletePoppy Sports will be running with you.
ReplyDeleteI AM IN and will post this to FB and blog about it and share pics, etc. Thank you for organizing this and letting us pay our respects in this small way.
ReplyDeleteI am in also! Will share on FB too!
ReplyDeleteI'm totally in.
ReplyDeleteThis breaks my heart. I'm so desperately praying for her family and friends. Psalm 34:18
ReplyDeleteYep. I'm in. So amazing what you're organizing and can't wait to see it all come together.
ReplyDeleteI'm printing bibs and recruiting friends for Feb. 11. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteI could never say no to this. I'm in!
ReplyDeleteI'm in...all in!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I and anyone else I can round up will be running for Sherry. I already posted about it on my blog's FB page to help spread the word. You are absolutely correct, this is on a lot of minds. Still praying for you and all of Sherry's family.
ReplyDelete100% for sure Beth I am in. I have been thinking about her on every single runs I did since I found out she was missing. I wish I was closer to where you are, I would have come and run this one with you.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are doing this. I am in and so is my husband who will be running with me.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
cotter's are in! we will support and remember sweet sherry. God bless.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely in...and blogged about this today.
ReplyDeleteI am crying reading this. So well spoken and lovely. I'm sitting in the hospital reading this. I won't be able to do much for awhile, as doc put me on complete rest, but my main goal is to do this for Sherry at my upcoming 5k on March 24th, along with many of my friends and family. That race is especially emotional for me, bc the funds go to colon cancer which a very close family member of mine died of, and I never skip it...even PR'd it 2 yrs ago. I will pass the word, and I'm looking forward to not only dedicating it to my Grandma, but someone so amazing as Sherry as well. What happened to her continues to haunt me, yet has taught me ways to be more cautious out there running bc we never know what a day may hold. Thanks Beth<3
ReplyDeleteIn Oslo, Norway I'll be running.
ReplyDeleteI'll be running too. I'm so sorry for your loss and thank you for honoring your cousin in such a meaningful way.
ReplyDeleteI would be honored to run my 10K Valentimes on Feb. 11th in Sherry's honor. Thank you for giving me that opportunity.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing a 21 mile long run with a group that day and suggested we all wear Sherry's bib. Also posted on my Facebook and a friend who lives in France just shared it on her Facebook.
ReplyDeleteI'm in. I will post to my Facebook, twitter & my blog. Both my running partner follow you so we will run together in memory of sherry!
ReplyDeleteVirginia and Goochland County, running for Sherry. Absolutely adore the bib, this event, the effort and love for about and lifted up for Sherry and her family. Well done, my friend.
ReplyDeleteI'm running the Holiday Lake 50K in Virginia that day. I'll be wearing Sherry's bib and dedicating a day on the trails to her.
ReplyDeleteCount me in! Will share link on FB as well.
ReplyDeleteI will run, maybe on the treadmill if Belgian weather is too bad, but it will be a run for Sherry!
From Williston and proud to run for sherry/family!
ReplyDeleteLisa and I are in. So sorry for your loss. Sherry's story is spreading like wildfire and will hopefully raise awareness for runner's safety.
ReplyDeleteI am in!
ReplyDeleteMy son and I will be running for Sherry!!! You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I have an 8 mile race that day, we are in! All 8 miles will be dedicated to Sherry!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I have an 8 mile race that day, we are in! All 8 miles will be dedicated to Sherry!
ReplyDeleteI will proudly run for Sherry. Will share with our local running clubs.
ReplyDeleteI will be there! I'll share this on my FB Page
ReplyDeleteI will be doing this today since I work weekend days helping new little ones come into the world. Have my bib printed. Have 8 on my calendar today and going to head out soon.
ReplyDeletecount me in beth.
ReplyDeleteI'm in. Will blog about it and post to FB as well.
ReplyDeleteWill do it definitely. Sherry is always on my mind.
ReplyDeleteSo tragic, I shared with my unofficial running team and I am in!
ReplyDeleteReady in NH! Hoping to have a samll group of runners with me and will share on FB.
ReplyDeleteI'm in! Shared your link on FB and have posted a blog entry for it as well.
ReplyDeleteSorry, one more thing, I copied the bib pic and included it in my post. I linked back to this post several times. Hope that's ok. Happy to remove it if you prefer.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing a 5k day that day with my husband, we will be sportiin' two bibs that day!
ReplyDeleteI'll be out there running and thinking of Sherry (and you) every mile.
ReplyDeleteCount me in; I would be honored to run in Sherry's memory.
ReplyDeleteI am in I will be running Colorado Springs Winter Series Race #3 at Batist Road & I25.
I am honored to run for Sherry. I will share this.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you are doing this. Thank you for allowing us to honor Sherry's memory with you. I am in.
ReplyDeleteI have a race that day - I will wear the bib for Sherry on the front and the race bib in the back.
ReplyDeleteReady to roll!
ReplyDeleteWay to bring some light into some very dark days for her family, friends and students. What an honor. What a legacy.
I am honored to run in her memory!
ReplyDeleteI am in, and 90% sure I can make the Denver/Boulder meet up!
ReplyDeleteI'm in. It will be an honor to run for Sherry. I will share this in any way I can.
ReplyDeleteThis is so great Beth :) always such a positive force. I'll for sure do this! going to post it right now!!
ReplyDeleteI would be honored to run for Sherry....praying they find her soon so her family can start the healing process.
ReplyDeletePraying that you are able to bring Sherry home. I will run.
ReplyDeleteI am in. I'm heartbroken, but I'm in.
ReplyDeleteI'll print this bib and run with it on me on Feb 11. I'll be racing a 5K that morning, so all my heart and spirit will be with Sherry and her family.
ReplyDeleteI printed my bib....and I will be ready to go!!!
ReplyDeleteI will run, run, run for Sherry.
ReplyDeleteI'll participating along w/ my running friends as we do our long run that morning. So sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteI am definitely in! Keep us updated on the run at Boulder Rez...I may be able to join you there!
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely in! I will try and coordinate the time i run with your group run..I think it would feel neat to know many of us are on the pavement/trails at the same time, no matter what time zone we are in.
ReplyDeleteRIP Sherry!!!!!
Shared on Facebook and DailyMile. We will run in honor of Sherry.
ReplyDeleteI am humbled to join in alongside your family in this great loss, and proud to run in Sherry's honor here in FL. I'll put the word out on FB. I will be donating a "race fee" on your page, but if anyone who knows about how to do t-shirts puts one together with the profits going to the kids, I'd be glad to buy one of those, too. Blessings on you all.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. Count me in too.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm in and sharing.
ReplyDeleteRunning strong in Chicago for Sherry.
ReplyDeleteI'm in as well--running a 5K that day with my husband. Thanks for allow us to join in honoring her.
ReplyDeleteI will be running for her too. And I'll be sharing it on my FB page.
ReplyDeleteI am so in! And feel good because I am racing this weekend with her in mind too. You know I am going to share the message.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't miss this for anything. I'm in.
ReplyDeleteI will be running for her as well. Great idea..
ReplyDeleteMy sister & I are in... We are running in Whitby, Ontario, Canada in memory of Sherry.
ReplyDeleteI have shared this on FB, Twitter and my bog.
Our thoughts are with you and your family.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIn Williston, North Dakota, participants are invited to begin at Anytime Fitness-Williston at 9 am CST (need not be a member of the gym to participate). Please come!
ReplyDeletei'm in
ReplyDeletei posted on my blog
i have a two hour bike (indoor) and 30 minute run (outdoor)
I have shared this information with my running club here in Tulsa, OK and we are going to Run for Sherry on Feb. 11th. I am so sorry for you loss and hope that thousands of people will be running in Sherry's honor that day. I pray that brings some comfort to her family.
ReplyDeleteI used to live in Williston but my husband and I have sinced moved to Bismarck. Dale and I, and our friends, will be in Deadwood SD but we will be Running/Walking for Sherry while we are there. What a wonderful tribute you have created for Sherry. GODSPEED!
ReplyDeleteLove it. Achilles willing, I am in!
ReplyDeleteNE Montana girls in Portland will be out running in her memory.
ReplyDeleteI will be running in honor of Sherry this Saturday. Peace to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteI'm running in the Mercedes Marathon in B'Ham, AL on Feb 12th, so I'm going to have to run on that date instead of Saturday. Great timing, really!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a special way for her family to be encouraged about the tremendous impact her life and death have had. I'm in, too!
ReplyDeleteYes, yes, yes- thank you for this opportunity. I will be sure to share, share, share this and blog, blog, blog all about it- all for Sherry!
ReplyDeleteFrom Scobey Montana, only 130 miles from Sidney. My running group is going to organize a run for our whole community to run or walk for Sherry!!
ReplyDeleteCount me in! I'll run to celebrate Sherry's life!
ReplyDeleteI'm new to your blog but not new to running. I heard about Sherry through a FB post and have followed her story every since. I, too, belong to that group who was aware that bad things could happen to good people, but not to me. Sherry's story makes me anxious about my runs and has given me a lot to think about how I would react. I love to run, it keeps me sane in and in shape. I love the running community. I love being outdoors. Sherry's memory will live on. I would be honored to participate in the Virtual Run for Sherry.
ReplyDeleteI'm in -- marked it on my calendar.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like every run I do since hearing that she was missing has been "for Sherry." In all my years of running I have never been so profoundly effected by a runner's disappearance. And sadly over the years there have been far too many. This weekend I forced myself outside even though I was in less familar surroundings, armed with a need to not allow fear to keep me from living and a heightened awareness I ran and though of Sherry, her family and you and yours.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad to feel that I may owe my own safety to someone I can never thank. In light of that, Beth I thank you. Thanks for sharing this challenging and personal thing with me with us all.
I will run for Sherry on the 11th and finish the run that Sherry can not.
You can count me in!!
ReplyDeleteHi Beth!
ReplyDeleteI've been following you for awhile now.... sorry about the lack of commenting. I am IN for this run. I would also love to post about this virtual run on my website. My site is about swimming...but running is a great dry-land workout :) Is there any specific way you would want it posted? May I place the bib picture or do you want me to just refer back to your site? (which I will do anyway)
My heart grieves for you and your family. I will share the support/info with as many people as I can.
Hey Meg: absolutely, feel free to use the picture and the link to print out the bib. I really appreciate you spreading the word.
ReplyDeleteI just schedule a post about the run. It will go live Thursday morning.
ReplyDeleteRunning for Sherry and spreading the word on Facebook. Blessings, Debra
ReplyDeleteI'm in! I also shared this on facebook and my blog.
ReplyDeleteI will be running for Sherry on the 11th and turning 43 on the 14th. Many prayers to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI'm running a half marathon on the 12th, so I will not be running on the 11th. That said, I will be pinning this to my back during the half in Sherry's honor to extend the virtual run another day.
ReplyDeleteI'm in. And I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I'm shaking - I first heard about her a day after she disappeared, and then today I read this. So incredibly tragic.
ReplyDeleteI am in and will share. Still praying for you and your fam!
ReplyDeleteThis run is a beautiful tribute. I'll definitely do it and am telling all the runners I know. Peace.
ReplyDeleteIm in and I also shared this on facebook!
ReplyDeleteA running group in Princeton, NJ is in, bibs are printed and we are ready to join you in honoring Sherry's memory!
ReplyDeleteI just happen to be running a marathon that day and know exactly who I will be thinking of when times get tough. I am in!
ReplyDeleteI'm in!
ReplyDeleteRunning Freaks from Helena Montana will be running for her.
ReplyDeleteEvery runner should be running in Sherry's honor and memory! I will be running for her in Chicago!
ReplyDeleteCount me in too. Racing a half marathon on the Saturday morning--will run it for Sherry.
ReplyDeleteDone! And in!
ReplyDeleteRunning in So Cal...in Sherrys memory. Deepest sympathies and Prayers to her and her Family.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely in. Runners around the world will unite to honour and cherish Sherry's memory. If only we could bring her back.
ReplyDeleteYou have been such a great inspiration for me as a new runner and now Sherry's story has touched me so. Just shared it with my 500+ running group here in Ohio. We will be doing our long run on Saturday and thinking of her.
ReplyDeleteI will be running a race that day, but I will print out the bib and run with it too
ReplyDeleteI will be running and sharing for Sherry that day.
ReplyDeleteI'm so in. Sharing and wearing our bibs.
ReplyDeleteI'm in and will make bibs for my entire running group.
ReplyDeleteI will be early, but I will be there. This story breaks my heart....
ReplyDeleteI will be running for Sherry, and sharing.
ReplyDeleteRunning a race that day with two bibs, one to honor Sherry.
ReplyDeleteI am running a half marathon that day and will pin this bib on my back.
ReplyDeleteIt is sadly ironic that the "Finish Chelsea's Run" in San Diego is coming up as well. Chelsea King went out for a run in early 2010 after school and met a terrible end. I hate these reminders of how careful we need to be.
I will share Sherry's run....
Were in ... also posted to our Governor's cup page .. going to run the 5K route with anyone that wants to join in Helena. One of my Running Freak Friends great ideas! We will be there ... we will be there.
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of a runner but I'll do it anyways. Blessings to her family.
ReplyDeleteKim in Indiana
I was lucky enough to learn from Sherry. Now I'm honored to do this for her and with her... Let's run!
ReplyDeleteShared the virtual run on my blog and will be running that day in her honor. Continued prayers to you and her family during this terrible time. Thinking of you all!
ReplyDeleteWe're on it! The Fab 4 Bass Ass teachers will be running 18 on that morning in honor of Shelly..
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for your loss, Beth. Love that we can all honor her memory in this way. ::hugs::
ReplyDeleteMy running group is in! Praying for healing for the family. I might hold on to the bib and take it to a couple of races, as well.
ReplyDeleteWe live on the truck route where Sherry was last seen. We will definitely be walking in her honor. Such a tragic tragedy in our small knit community. May Sherry RIP. May justice be served. May we make the earth pound with each and every step we take! ~~ The Loup and Huse families.
ReplyDeleteCount me in! Sending you and your family some major ((HUGS))
ReplyDeleteWe live on the truck route where Sherry was last known to be. This is such a tragedy for all who knew her a.d didn't know her. We will definitely be put there walking in Sherry's honor. May she rest in peace and justice be found! May we all feel the tremors of the Earth as we walk/run in Sherry's honor!
ReplyDeleteI shared the link with our local Park and Rec. District and it just so happens that they are having their Annual Sweetheart Race that day and have printed out a ton of the bibs and even included Running for Sherry on the sleeve of the shirts!!! I will try to get some pictures of the participants of our race. You all are in our thoughts and prayers in Colstrip MT!
ReplyDeleteI am not a runner, but I will definately be out there walking and honoring Sherry and her family.
ReplyDeleteI'm in.
ReplyDeleteI'm in!
ReplyDeleteI will run holding Sherry and her family in my heart and pledge to spread the news of the Feb. 11th Virtual Run in her memory. I write Go Running Mom, a blog dedicated to inspiring healthy living for moms and I live in Parker, CO - so will rally the South Denver Suburbs in support!
ReplyDeleteHi SUAR,
ReplyDeleteSince I am 7 hours ahead of you here and currently battling an injury I shall be swimming in honour of Sherry at Feb 11th 4pm my time (9am yours).
I'll be thinking of her and of you :)
ReplyDeleteWe are in aurora but we are from wolf point mt. We are down because our son is getting chemo and radiation. If he is feeling up to it we would like to meet up with you guys to run for sherry. If not i work out at 24 hr fitness and i will run for her. If maybe you can send the info to meet up to me at babybutterflies1976@hotmail.com
Our thoughts and prayers to you, family, friends, and students
Reanna Lambert
Sherry's got 8 miles from me on the 11th! And I'd be lying if I said that was all she got from me. I've been thinking about her every single time I've been out for a run since this happened. Much love to you and the rest of the Arnold family. I hope they find her soon.
ReplyDeleteAnd I've spread the word. There will be at least a few of us Billings, Montana folk out pounding the pavement in her honour on the 11th.
Just created an event on my FB page for New Hampshire locals to join me in a run/walk/waddle for that day. Here's hoping we get a great turn out. Thanks for organizing this, Beth!
ReplyDeleteHave my bib printed off and will be running in honor of her memory. It is so sad, thoughts and prayers for all of her family and friends.
ReplyDeleteI'm in. Shared on FB as well. Hope to meet up with you at the Resevoir.
ReplyDeleteI'm in even if it snows here...but at a brisk walk. We continue to pray for Sherry Arnold and her family.
ReplyDeleteI can't run anymore, but i will be walking to beat hell!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm in! I can't get the bib to print b.c my adobe reader is down! Will work on it and share!
ReplyDeleteI'm in. I will blog and FB about it. Thank you for allowing us to find a way to share our love and grief for someone we didn't "know".
ReplyDeleteI'm in. Not sure what I'm doing that day yet, racing or training... but Sherry will be remembered in Florida. I'll be blogging about it as well.
ReplyDeleteMyself and mine are all in!
ReplyDeletedefinitely in, happen to be running an 8k race that day. will wear Sherry's bib and bring a few extra for others.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to the Sidney Run!
I'm in. I will be doing the Virginia is for Lovers 14k and what better thing to do than run in memory of Sherry.
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad about what happend. This is a great idea and I will keep Sherry in my thoughts when I go out running that day!
ReplyDeleteI'm in! Will most likely have to run it on the treadmill bc of the little one... But I will totally run for Sherry! <3
ReplyDeleteI'll be running in London ON CANADA!
ReplyDeleteGonna be Running For Sherry in Lewistown, Montana! Shared this on FB and via emails to Friends and Family out of town and out of state! Sherry was a good friend, sister, daughter, wife, mom, teacher, mentor..... She will live on with Montana Folks & others from other States/Countries for years to come! Always in our thoughts and prayers... RIP Sherry You Are MISSED Whole heartedly!!!
ReplyDeleteI am in and will pass the word to all my friends.
ReplyDeleteI'm in as well and my sincerest condolences to all her family members.
ReplyDeleteI'm in, but on Feb 12 - I'm doing a half marathon that day. I've posted about the virtual run on my blog, and the donation drive for her children.
ReplyDeleteMuch love to you and your family, Beth. It reassures me to know that you know there is still good in this world and you are asking for the good to come together and honour Sherry.
To Sherry.
We will be running in Chinook, Montana for Sherry! We want her family to know how much we want to celebrate her life and "run" for her. I hope they can find some peace from folks running all over the world for Sherry.
ReplyDeleteI'm in and I will be sharing this on the blog and twitter tomorrow!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and Sherry's family.
ReplyDeleteHi SUAR!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for your family's loss and have thought of Sherry every day since reading about this tragedy. She sounds like an amazing person.
I am trying to get a group together here in Eldersburg, Maryland for the Virtual Run and have posted the link on my baby Facebook Page, Triathlon Mom (which links to my blog) https://www.facebook.com/triathlonmama
As well as spreading the word through the yoga classes I teach. I will keep you posted on our progress . . .
I live in Dodson, Mt and I have no running partners but I WILL be running with the bib pinned on me on Feb. 11! I am originally from Lambert which kind of gives me a link! Praying for the family! Mom of 12!
ReplyDeleteI'm there!