Tuesday, September 11, 2012

10 Personal Running Questions

First of all, I have to apologize about the number of pictures of me in this post. It’s gross, over-indulgent and narcissistic. So, here’s a picture of someone else to balance it out:

Oh my God, do not even get me started on this Honey Boo Boo thing. Who is she and why is she on TV? The only redeeming thing about that show is that they all fart and farts are funny.

I was tagged by Dimity and Sarah at Another Mother Runner to answer the following questions. I love posts like this. Not so much writing them, but reading other people’s answers. We bloggers are all so fascinating and humble. We also hate talking about ourselves!

1. Best run ever - when I lost my marathon virginity on January 18, 2009, in Phoenix, Arizona. I was timid and scared and embarrassed to do it in front of so many people. Yes, it did hurt – much more than people told me it would. But, in the end I was just a little bit sore and felt much more grown up.


2. Three words that describe my running  gassy, consistent, purposeful.

3. My go-to running outfit is tight fitting stuff that shows off my A cups. Usually a running skirt and tank.IMAG0414

4. Quirky habit while running  - giving people the finger.


5. Morning, midday, evening – always morning unless I’m running a 30 hour relay or the Rock ‘n Roll Vegas.


At the end of RnR Las Vegas last year with HRG and Aron. If I look sick and depleted, I was.

6. I won’t run outside when it’s – dark. I will and have run in all sorts of weather, but I don’t run in the dark for safety reasons.

7.  Worst injury—and how I got over it: Stress fracture in my left hip in 2010. I got over it by running in the damn pool for 2 months. Bad memories, but it worked and I made friends with the ladies doing water aerobics (pussy posse).


8. I felt most like a badass mother runner when –I ran with Dean Karnazes as my partner for the first stage of the Trans Rockies Run (21 miles). Yes, this was three years ago and yes I am going to bring it up forever. Is there a statute of limitations on this type of thing? I’m sure he answers this question the same way because he fell in love with me that day and even though he never calls or writes, I know he is feeling it every moment.


Here is Dean admiring the vein in his arm.


Here is Dean cheering because I am running beside him and he has  a crush on me.

9. Next race is - The Denver Rock and Roll Half on September 22 with Team Refuel.

10. Potential running goal for 2013 – No clue. I have all sorts of crap swirling around in my brain.  Everything from another marathon, to an ultra to an Ironman to laying on the couch and eating pixie sticks. I don’t plan ahead that far.

Consider yourself tagged and steal these questions for your own post.

Or, answer one or more of the question in the comments section of this post.

Best run ever?
Three words that describe your running?
Your go-to running outfit?
Quirky habit while running?
Morning, midday, evening?
I won’t run outside when it’s ____________
Worst injury—and how you got over it.
I felt most like a badass mother runner when _________
Next race is __________
Potential running goal for 2013?



  1. You crack me up! If I were Dean, I'd be in love with you too!

  2. You lost your virginity in my city?! Freaking love it.

  3. Wow, I must have started following your blog after your run with Dean! I looked through some old posts but couldn't find out how you ever hooked up with him to do that run, I would love to know!

    1. I was asked by the PR Company for Gor-Tex (who sponsors the race) if I wanted to do it. No brainer!

  4. Best run--went out and ran 14 miles (longest run to date) just because I felt like it. Had done mostly 10 milers and one 13 mile run up to that point. Signed up for a half marathon two days later.
    Fave outfit--Brooks running shorts and REI singlet. And my dorky looking compression socks, which really did help with shin splints.
    Worst injury--currently have worst injury. Entrapped sciatic nerve in piriformis. Can't run at all right now. My butt hurts pretty much all the time. Doing a lot of cycling and hating everyone who can run because I can't. :) BTW, anyone have any good advice on how to get over this injury? PT is doing ART, which seems to help some, but not entirely convinced this is going to make it go away.
    Next race--was supposed to be a half marathon in Oct. Right now, who knows? Hoping to be injury-free by then but if not, maybe an 8k for Thanksgiving. Ran a 2 mile race last week and undid all my physical therapy. Yes, I know. It was really stupid to run that race injured. Won't be repeating that mistake.
    Won't run in the dark, either. Freaks me out. Much rather run early morning, as long as the sun is up!

    1. Sciatica is the worst thing ever. I had it for 5 months! and could barely walk let alone run and yes I hated all runners too at the time. Deep tissue massage worked for me (it really hurt, I had bruises all over my butt)but I started to get relief after the 2nd treatment. I'd had 10 sessions of acupuncture which did nothing, chiropractic also didn't work for me, but the thing with sciatica is everyone is different and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for someone else. Best advice I can give is try everything and see what works for you. Best of luck and hope it heals soon.

    2. Thanks, I am hopefull that ART will take care of it. My next session is in two days. You're right...it hurts to even walk. Ironically, though, cycling is fine as long as I stay seated. How long did it take from the time you started deep tissue massage until you were able to run again?

    3. 2 sessions of massage started to turn it around, so probably about a couple of weeks before I started to run/walk. (It was a few years ago and luckily have not had it since).

  5. I didn't know you were at the TransRockies in 2010. That was my 2nd year doing it! Fun, fun fun! I did the TransRockies MTB ride 2 weeks earlier and tried to be the first person to do both in one year. Cracked on day 5 though :-(

    Best run ever? The one when I didn't poop my pants.
    Three words that describe your running? very very very
    Your go-to running outfit? Birthday suit
    Quirky habit while running? counting my steps. Too bad I can only count to 21 with my shoes off and my pants down
    Morning, midday, evening? Yes that is the correct order of the day
    I won’t run outside when it’s zombie infested. On second though, yes I will. That's great motivation to run like hell!
    Worst injury—and how you got over it. Fell and bruised my ego. To get over it, I took some cement pills and hardened the f%#k up.
    I felt most like a badass mother runner when I run in my pink dress and white compression socks (you know what I'm talking about Beth - Skirt chaser 2011)
    Next race is gonna hurt, but then again, which one doesn't?!?
    Potential running goal for 2013? Run fast, turn left

  6. Best run ever? The next one.
    Three words that describe your running? T Rex tarpit.
    Your go-to running outfit? Shorts, SUAR shirt.
    Quirky habit while running? Ignoring everybody else.
    Morning, midday, evening? Morning.
    I won’t run outside when it’s icy or colder than about -35 C.
    Worst injury—and how you got over it. Cracked elbow, didn't swim for a while.
    I felt most like a badass mother runner when I started running again after special needs bag during IMC.
    Next race is hmmmmmm.
    Potential running goal for 2013? Terry Fox marathon.

  7. I really like running in the dark and do it often. I'm a Clydesdale kind of guy who runs on trails so I don't really worry about any thing while I'm out there (except for maybe a bear).

    My next race is the Canary in the Cave 25K. Can't wait!

  8. Lovin your blog! I just ran five miles on the treadmill for the first time evah I my life a few Saturdays ago. I'm doing it each Saturday now, but anyways love your blog!


  9. I love a running skirt! And pair it with an old race t or a tank. I dont run in the dark either or when it's too cold... Kind of wimpy, I know. I run in the early morning, so it's nearly treadmill month already. I'm still recovering from my worst injury - Achilles tendonitis. It started while I trained for a half marathon in May and I pushed through two sprint and one Olympic triathlon before admitting I needed time to heal. Now it's lots of pool time and cycling :)

  10. Great post... I'd keep talking about that run with Dean too if I was you...that's awesome. Honey Boo Boo is a mystery to me....truly there are no words.

  11. Awesome post. What is this Honey Boo Boo thing? Someone's pet? Its annoying.

  12. Fun Read!!! I think I will have to play the Tag game!!

  13. I love that you ran with Dean. I would love it more if you ran with Lance. But heck, I'm just happy that I ran a marathon! I keep talking about it, and I'd keep talking about Dean too, if I were you.

    I can't describe my running in 3 words, because it depends on the day! Best run ever is Madison Half Marathon--start was delayed by 2 hours because of weather, totally messed me up because I plan my fueling around my running and I was hungry when I started. We started in a the pouring rain and finished in the 85 degree sunshine along Lake Mendota. I was happy to break 2 hours. Hardest, bestest race I have run. I always run in the morning. I will never not run outside. I live in Chicago. Freezing rain, ice, 90 degrees, thunder...I'll make it happen. I hate my treadmill. Worst injury is my stress fracture in my foot--taking 6 weeks off of everything? Ugh. Quirky habit while running--I realized after looking at my race fotos that I tilt my head to the left when I run. I don't know why. Guess my brain is too heavy. I don't have a go to outfit...whatever is clean and weather appropriate. Race for 2013...IDK, I'm hoping for a comeback half marathon--I'd love to do Big Sur in the fall. I want to run along the pacific coast. Would also love a half in Florida in the spring. Guess I need a sugar daddy to make all my dreams come true!

    I felt like a badass mother runner when I finished Chicago. I cramped at mile 14, called my husband in tears at mile 18, walked quite a bit after that, but crossed the finish line running. Not happy with my time, but I didn't have a DNF. Bucket list, check.

  14. I'll be in a cheer tent at around mile 17 of Denver RnR--I will look for you! You're my heart rate training model. :^)

  15. Way to go! I want to hate Honey Boo boo and I really have no idea why she is on TV but dangit if the show doesn't make me laugh. But enough about her...You are incredible! Some day I'll make that leap to a marathon. For now I'm nursing my second stint with plantar fasciitis. Hate it. Makes me limp, cry, feel sorry for myself. The worst is when I sit down to ice and elevate and I'm stuck watching Honey Boo boo..

  16. Dean's vein... dear lord. I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out. lol

  17. ...it makes me wonder how veiny other things... nevermind. =P haha

  18. I love it that you are going to bring it up forever. Ha! And you look sooo cute in that photo, I think he is slightly resentful.

  19. Farts are funny unless window locking is involved. #carfartambush
    Dean is only wearing those shades so that people don't get embarrassed by the intense gaze of love that he is laying down on you.
    Possible Running Goal for 2013: Run a Half. Possibly with my Hubs or Brother.

  20. I love reading responses from others too. Yours is no exception. :)
    I posted mine this morning, if you want to check it out.


  21. love this post!
    you crack me up!!
    and agree that dean is totally in love with you!!!!

    oh and about honey booboo..gah!i am addicted to that show!its like a bad train wreck-i want to turn away.but.i.just.cant!

  22. I can't believe that I've been reading your blog long enough to know/remember all the things about you except #1. And now I sound like a stalker, which I promise I'm not. Thanks for all the laughs.


  23. Best run ever? My mud runs just because they're fun and I like fun
    Three words that describe your running? slow, labored, accomplished
    Your go-to running outfit? a supportive bra, and equally supportive tank, and Nike capris
    Quirky habit while running? I tend to run at the hottest point of the day in Phoenix - also not the brightest habit
    Morning, midday, evening? Mornings & afternoons
    I won’t run outside when it’s cold, rainy, any type of weather but sunny and clear - good thing I live in Phoenix AZ!
    Worst injury—and how you got over it. major shin splints in both legs after my first 10k after never running a race or training or running in general - yea pretty stupid - I've learned since then lol
    I felt most like a badass mother runner when _________ when I run a race - it only counts when you are timed right?
    Next race is __________ Nov 4th, 2012 - going back to the race that started it all (refer to worst injury) but only doing the 5k - I'm def not a distance runner 3.1 miles is far enough for me (for now)
    Potential running goal for 2013? Increasing my distance, stamina, endurance, patience, and not getting bored as quickly as I do when I run

  24. Ha ha ha ha...awesome post. I LOVE those pics of you and Dean. That was obviously a very cool experience. I'm actually not sure what is more amazing, running with him or that fantastic vein in his arm. Oh my. And it's so blatantly obvious he's in love with you.

    Anyway, I've answered all those questions here: http://blistersandblacktoenails.blogspot.ca/2012/09/10-personal-running-questions.html

  25. YES. Running w/ Dean can FOREVER be talked about. Love the photos and laughed a lot...

  26. Awesome! Love these type of posts. Happy to learn more about you. Will definitely be stealing it ;)

  27. That was fun. I posted my answers at 482gr8.wordpress.com

  28. Fun post! And I wouldn't stop talking about running with Dean either!

  29. I like to belt out sad country songs while I'm running.

  30. Can I just say, you are HILARIOUS! I just discovered your blog and it is now on my MUST READ! Thanks for the laughs! You are a gifted writer (and obvs runner!)

  31. Fun answers to the quiz - I'm on crutches at the moment too due to a stress fracture in the knee. I've been thinking about going to the pool - did you take your crutches right to the waters edge? It must look really weird to see someone walk into the pool on crutches and then walk or swim around - wonder if people would think you are faking the leg injury ;-)

  32. http://runacerun.blogspot.com/2012/09/10-personal-running-questions.html

    Just added mine. I also had my first crap on the side of the trail yesterday and I thought about you. Not that you are a piece of crap, just that you talk about pooping and farting more than I do, so it was my shout out to you. Also blogged about it. I have 1 follower to your 2500. Maybe it's because I didn't warm them up before going into the shitty details (pun intended).

  33. I just found your blog, like, an hour ago. So I've been reading everything and I'm late to the party but still gonna answer.

    Best run ever? My first half, at 4 months pp (c-section). Walt Disney World. It hurt. I cried. I wore a tiara. Best.Run.Ever.
    Three words that describe your running? focused, clumsy, improving
    Your go-to running outfit? Skirt and tank
    Quirky habit while running? Pretending I'm trying out for the Secret Service. No, yeah... seriously. I can't stop and walk because I won't get to guard the President.
    Morning, midday, evening? Morning
    I won’t run outside when it’s dark, below freezing, raining men.
    Worst injury—and how you got over it. Stress fracture 5th metatarsal left foot, nursing it now, pretty much no running.
    I felt most like a badass mother runner when... my son, who is 3, saw me crying (because of the foot) after a 5k ran to me, grabbed my hand and threw it in the air and said YAY MOMMY! MOMMY WINS! Who knows if he did it to make me feel better or he was just being his silly awesome self, but my heart grew three sizes that day. True story.
    Next race is undetermined. *debbie downer face*
    Potential running goal for 2013? Marathon, don't hurt myself, convince my husband to race with me.

    Thanks, if you read this, for reading it even though I'm about a month late. I really like your blog! P.S., I saw Dean and ran with him for an event a while back and he didn't say anything like, out loud, but I could like, totally tell that he was still thinking about you.


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