Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Boston Marathon in 8 Minutes

I’m not a numbers person. I’ve never had a lucky number or been particularly superstitious about numbers. But when a number continues to kick you in the crotch to get your attention, you stand up and notice. Here I am taking notice in a very ugly and sweaty way:


The number 8.

Way back in October I went for an 8 mile taper run and came home with a hip stress fracture. It took me out of the running game for more than three months. Enter the pussy posse, my sisters who surrounded me as I ran in the water every stinking day.

The first post-injury run was on January 10. I ran for 8 minutes. I called it my “8 Minutes to Boston” training plan. At the time I really didn’t believe I could run for only 8 minutes and then 16 weeks later run a marathon, but I didn’t tell you all that. You can’t indulge self doubt. You just have to ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist.

The first “real” distance run I had post injury was on January 13 . I ran for 8 miles. It was the a victorious run because it was the first time I felt pain free and actually believed in my heart of hearts I was healing and might be able to go to Boston.

Last week I got my bib number. It is 16835. Notice how the “8” is magically sandwiched in the middle like me at a dirty dancing dance-a-thon. I go to them all the time.

This week son Sam sent me a cool You Tube video he found called “The Boston Marathon in 8 Minutes.”  Basically, someone drove a car from Hopinkton to the finish line really fast, covering all 26.2 miles.  This is the first time I have looked at the course whatsoever. It seemed very long and intimidating. I can’t wait.

What does all this mean? Obviously it is a foreshadow that it will take me 8 hours to finish the marathon. Either that or it will be 8 degrees for the entire race. Or maybe I will have the runs and need the potty 8 times. I like to look on the bright side of things.

Clearly my new vanity plate needs to be GR8 SUAR.

Do you have a lucky number? Why?

What would your vanity plate say? (besides SUAR IZ GR8)

Have a GR-8 day!



  1. Lucky number 13 here!!! This number always seems to follow me - very very strange. My house numbers have always added up to 13. My bib numbers for my first two 10 milers as well as 1/2 marathon add up to the number 13. My daughter turned 13 days old on Friday the 13th. This number is like my own showdow.

  2. My attention span is pretty short but did he mark where heartbreak hill was on that video?

    No lucky number but unlucky number yes. 488.

  3. My lucky # is 22!

    My mom was 22 when she birthed me...
    I was born on 6/22
    My dad was born on 3/22
    My brother's due date was 8/22
    My sister's bday is 10/22
    All throughout high school, my # for sports was 22!

    So I guess you could say it's a family lucky #

  4. No lucky number for me! a lot of my race bibs tend to have a "6" somewhere in them. But I'm not sure that's notable, or just the odds of random number organizing.

    I think it means that you will END boston with an 8 minute mile...yup, that's my bet. ;)

  5. Lucky #3

    third time is always a charm....

  6. My prediction? You'll be running in 8" of snow. My lucky number is 157. I don't know why...

  7. No lucky numnbers but I like the even numbers better, don't know why. Like I don't like that right now I am the level of running half marathon and it is 13.1...that is what's on my hat, the sticker on my car and I prefer the 26.2 number..maybe that will be enough to make me sign up for one of these one day?

  8. 12 is my lucky # ... for no other reason that I liked it as a kid and it stuck with me.

  9. hahaha, it will not take you 8 hours, but that made me LOL at work! and it better not be 8* or 80 for that matter. Maybe it means you will eat that course for breakfast. SUAR8BAA and felt G8...

  10. Hopefully you won't have to deal with the 888 busses in that video!

  11. In Chinese culture (this is all according to wikipedia...I have no knowledge of Chinese culture), the number 8 is lucky and brings good fortune. Let's just believe you're in good hands and the 8 is paving the way to a pain free Boston experience. :)

  12. Lucky number is 6. Birthday is 6/6/67 (No comment on the 3 6's please, myhusband does that all the time) and when learing my ultiplication tables, 6's were the easiest. So I always like to have a six in my racing number, if I can.

  13. I watched that video in 2008 before I ran Boston as well.

    No lucky number.

    My plate would read:
    Run Far... not just because it's tattoo'd on my foot, but because I can... I did- this past Sat. I ran FAR... 50 miles. My first Ultra, It was a stinking loooong way and I loved it.

  14. I caught that video at the expo when I went a couple years ago - awesome!

    8 is a great number!

    Mine is 13 b/c of my Birthday and I LOVE when my Birthday lands on Friday the 13th.

  15. 8 does seem to be stalking you a bit. I think it means you'll PR by 8 minutes. ;-)

    The # 13 has been stalking me. I was 13th in my age group for the last 50k. So was a good friend in his age group. This morning I was 13th in the wait list for the Bull Run Run 50 miler. I think it's a sign to book my hotel room.

  16. 11 , I like it for some reason. Hasn't been lucky though :(

    I HATE VANITY PLATES! I saw an old fart with one that said LUV PUG ... imagine that... he had a dog with a more wrinkly face than him!!! LOL.

  17. To add to caosh dion's comment which was
    ..."16 8 35

    16 is 2 x 8... "

    And 35 is 3+5 = 8.

  18. This is getting exciting. I can't wait to see how that 8 plays into your Boston experience. Maybe it will have something to do with 8 bloggers you meet in Boston :)

  19. oh... and are you farting in that picture? Looks like a smelly one at that!

  20. Matty, no I'm not farting. My farts smell heavenly. I would never make that face smelling one of my farts.

  21. I'm thinking you'll hit an 8 minute mile pace and rock the whole damn hilly thing!

  22. Maybe you will beat your PR by 8 minutes ;)

  23. This could be a movie - like that Jim Carrey one "23"!

  24. My lucky # would be none other than 420...that always gets me a laugh...

  25. you'd probably be NOT surprised to know I have my vanity plate.............because I thought that song was about me "I'm so vain".

  26. When I was a kid, I apparently only wanted numbers divisible by 3 on any team jerseys....3, 6, 9, 12 were all acceptable. Others, just lame.

  27. I like prime numbers. Caroline had a prime number on her last half-marathon bib. Not sure why I like primes... and sequential numbers. Fibonacci numbers. Heck, I am a geek who likes numbers :P

    8 is a good one... I sat out the running game for 8 years.

    I think the 8 will figure into your Boston somehow but just how remains to be seen :)

  28. A great video. The course will have the cars replaced by thousands of bobbing heads. A sea of bobble heads is never intimidating. The sides of the road will be filled with encouraging fans. The gently undulating road will lull you into your journey and the point to point course will give you a destination to travel to. The run and experience will be over way before you've had enough. It won't be long before you think about doing it again. Enjoy it to the fullest.


  29. Good night..8 hrs would be one ding-danged long run. I don't have a lucky number and vanity plates are horrific..

  30. Or maybe you will be running 8-minute miles. Duh!

  31. SLUG BUG RED! Sorry, had to do it! I like runningmind's answer - 8 minute miles! My number "lucky number" usually is 13. I had to have that number swimming (they put numbers on our gear) and playing soccer. Now I don't care so much. You know, I think I on that top!

  32. That video made me dread Newton. I want my lucky number to be 5, as in a 5 hour marathon PR for the race and the number of fabulous people I look forward to seeing when I get to Boston.

  33. 8 is my lucky number!! I'll let you use it. Unless I need it more. I might. Hmm.

  34. 12 is my number. I was born on the 12th day in the 12th month and so it stuck. Simple and easy.

    My license plate would say:

    What? Too long? It's a stretch hummer.

    Or better yet just 262 PRS or 1406 PRS

  35. #2, because my birthday is 2-2. I saw a mary kay vanity plate that read xfole8.

  36. I LOVE the number 3.. not sure why. My license plate?? UH MOMCAB!

  37. i don't have a lucky number yet. but, i believe good things will happen for you during your boston. eight is going to be your magical number.

  38. That course looks a llot different without 20,000 of your best friends dropping their water cups all over it. :)

    8 hours, eh, so what! You'll still be there!!!!

  39. my lucky number is 4. i even have a tattoo of it!

    please please PLEASE do not let it be 8* for the marathon. i think i'll stay home if that happens

  40. 8 - time to buy a lottery ticket, I think.

  41. No lucky numbers. The vanity plate is BIFROST. I don't expect anyone to get it. If enough of you come to my blog and ask nice I'll tell the story.

  42. 8 = infinity symbol too! So glad you are running--you always have the best facial expressions!

    #5 was my softball jersey--my fav player with George Brett (Kansas City Royals).

  43. You crack me up every single day! Thank you :) My number(s) are 7 and 3. Any race number with one or both is always a good sign.

  44. Slug a Bug! Sorry its a rule in our house I had to.

  45. I think XLMIC and I must be kindred spirits (and that's Roman numerals for 40,1001,100) My lucky number's 32, but I forget why.

    The video doesn't capture the hills very well (the first 9 miles are downhill) and I remember everyone telling me Heartbreak was the fourth hill in the series - I counted seven. But the video does show the bare trees and parking lots (just add rain for full effect).

  46. oooh, gotta watch that video. thanks for sharing!!

  47. It could mean that you'll run 8 minute miles. Or, that the last 8 miles will be kick ass for a strong finish. Or, maybe there will be a surprise waiting for you at miles 8 and 18?

    I'm superstitious about a lot of things, but not numbers. If I had to pick a favorite though, it would be 13.

  48. Loved the video! And you get to see it live in 19 days!!

    Lucky number... none. But I like numbers, was a math nut in school.

    Another 8 for you = you are 44, 4 + 4 = 8, so being 44 in Boston is a good number for you.

  49. Maybe you will only have to walk 8 times.

  50. In Hebrew, every letter has a numerical equivalent. So I looked up the number/letter 8 and got: As a participle it means "one who abounds in strength".

    Because (Biblically) the world was created in 6 days, and then rest took up the 7th day, EIGHT represents the closing of one door and the opening of another.
    Kind of like an injured person starting to run and kick butt again!

  51. My uniform number for soccer was 11. I always liked 4 as well.

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