Friday, October 29, 2010

My Interview with Jared from Subway and Gift Card Giveaway

His real name is Jared Fogle, but most people call him “Jared from Subway.” We all know Jared  jaredfromsubwaylost an astonishing 245 pounds by eating Subway twice a day for one year back in 1999. What  you may not know is that Jared, age 33, will be running the New York City Marathon on November 7 – his first marathon ever! I caught up with Jared today for a telephone interview about his upcoming race.

SUAR: It’s one thing to lose all that weight, it’s another thing to decide to run your first marathon. What motivated you to make that choice?

Jared: Running a marathon has been on my bucket list for years. I started to really think about it last year, just to shake up my fitness routine a bit. I knew it would be hard, and I was concerned how being heavy in the past would affect my training. I worried about my knees. I started with a great trainer, Ryan Harbor (of St. Vincent Sport Performance). I saw a podiatrist and my family physician and was cleared to train. I jumped in head on. I had some IT band issues a few months ago, but that’s it.

SUAR: What advice do you have for people who are intimidated by running?

Jared: I don’t know if it went back to my childhood, but I had a mental block when it came to running. The perception of runners is that you have to be extreme with it and you can’t do it for fun. I’m trying to get the message out that it doesn’t have to be like that. You have to believe in yourself. If I can run a marathon, anyone can. The key is starting slow and pacing yourself properly.

SUAR: How much of running is mental for you?

Jared: I think most of it is mental. The vast majority of people would be fine running and training once they got into it. You just have to get over those mental humps. There are days you don’t feel great and don’t want to run. On one of my 18 milers I had a head cold but I gutted through it. I tell myself, “It will be over soon” when it gets tough.

SUAR: How did you train for this race?

Jared: I trained for about five months. I had goals along the way like doing a 5K, a 10K and a half marathon (in June). Given my travel schedule, I ran three days per week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I would do my long runs on Mondays. After the half marathon, my long runs started at 12 miles. Each week I would add a mile or two, then scale back on the fourth week. My Wednesday and Friday runs would be tempo runs. On my long runs I do about an 11 minute mile pace. For my tempo runs I would do between a 9:30 and 10 minute mile pace.

SUAR: How was it training with some famous athletes like Meb (Meb Keflezighi, winner of themebandjared 2009 NYC Marathon)? Was he able to keep up with you?

Jared: (laughing) Yeah, I left Meb in the dust. I really didn’t know what to expect from Meb. I was in awe because the guy ran a marathon in 2 hours and 9 minutes. Last year that number meant nothing to me, but now I know what an incredible feat that is. He was such a humble and nice guy. One thing he told me was to make sure that I did not get so focused on my pace during the marathon that I forgot to enjoy the race – to take in the scenery and the sites.

SUAR: What do you eat before along run?

I do my long runs in the mornings. I get up two hours beforehand and have a big bagel with some reduced fat peanut butter. I also have some yogurt and coffee for the caffeine and energy. While running, I take GU every three miles. I love those things (his favorite flavor is espresso). One thing I love after a long run is Rockin Refuel, a post-run sport’s drink from Shamrock Dairy.

SUAR: Ever have stomach problems when you run?

Jared: No. I try to cleanse out first.

SUAR: How has your view of food changed with your training?

Jared: I now view food as fuel. I also realize that every lost pound helps you run faster and more easily. I lost about six or seven pounds while training and I think I’ve gained muscle.

SUAR: What is your goal for the marathon?

Jared: Completion! If I could get in under five hours, that would be awesome.

SUAR: Do you think you’ll do more marathons?

Jared: I love to run but I don’t see myself doing more marathons. I will continue doing 5 or 6 mile runs because they don’t leave me so exhausted {as the long training runs} where the day is shot. Before this year, I had never run a mile in my life. I am excited to do this once, but I’m not sure if I like the long distance.

Thanks, Jared. We’ll be stalking you on November 7th.

As a thanks for participating in all the Commit to Fit stuff and reading this interview, Subway would like to give away a $25 Subway gift card to one reader.  Here’s how to enter (comment for each):

  1. Have you been successful at losing weight and keeping it off? How?
  2. Tell me something you learned from this interview.
  3. What is your best tip for someone training for their first marathon?
  4. Write about this giveaway on your blog, FB, Twitter, etc. +1 entry
  5. Follow this blog or let me know if you do already + 1 entry
  6. Enter Subway’s FB sweepstakes HERE and let me know + 1 entry

Giveaway ends November 5.

The fine print:

  • Per FTC guidelines: Subway provided the Subway gift card. They also gave me a second gift card for my personal use. I did not pay anything for it.
  • Contest only open to US residents. Sorry! 
  • The winner will be chosen at random by
  • Check back November 5  to see if you won!
  • If I don’t hear back from the winner within 2 days after posting that they’ve won, I’ll another name

For more information about the Commit to Fit program and for a chance to win up to $26,200 please visit the Subway Facebook page at

Here’s to getting and staying fit,



  1. Very cool!! Go Jared Go!! I'll start training for my first marathon in spring 2011 and better get y mental game on too!

  2. so awesome you get to chat & meet up with these fabulous people. so very cool.

    I wanna be you, you, you minus the coscto stroller.

  3. successful at losing weight . . . I just run.

  4. I learned that I'd like to do commericals for subway because then I could be running NYC!! ok, and that he has no plans for another marathon. HA! That's what we all said.

  5. best tip. when you feel tired tell yourself to go for 15 more minutes then see how you are feeling then. Never just stop without tryiing to push yourself over the hump first.

  6. I didn't know Jared had never run before!

  7. I've lost about 40 pounds by taking it one day at a time and getting sweaty all the time! Mixing up training and always trying new stuff

  8. I've never done a marathon before but my advice would be to realize how amazing you are! I think people can just bust out an 18 mile run and not think about it, but it was 18 MILES! Goodness!

  9. i guess i'm successful at losing weight but unintentionally! whenever i train it's really hard for me to keep enough weight on to stay strong

  10. i learned that jared got to run with meb! how cool!

  11. my best tip for someone in their first marathon is "it's better to get to the starting line underprepared and uninjured than overprepared and injured" hell i'd tell myself that!

  12. i've already entered the sweepstakes

  13. I've lost 120 pounds through diet exercise, the last 70 with the help of Weight Watchers and running. I've been maintaining about four months now so I still have a lot to learn!

  14. I learned Jared's pace. I've been curious with all of the Subway commercials!

  15. I've already entered the Subway contest.

  16. I linked to the giveaway on my blog.

  17. so cool you got to catch up with jared! :)

  18. I have been successful at losing weight and so far, it's stayed off. Running is great, but the main thing is respecting the temple God gave me and fueling it properly.

  19. I've done 2 Half Marathons withing 30 days, but a full marathon intimidates me!!! I learned that I may just be able to train up to one next year..... But don't tell anyone I said that! I'm still scared!

  20. My best tip for someone training for their first marathon is to find a mentor and take whatever advice they'll give. Then just get started.

  21. I have this giveaway on my FaceBook page and Twitter!!!

  22. I absolutely follow SUAR!!! All the cool kids do!

  23. I lost 110-130 EACH time with the pregnancy of my 3 boys. I know, gross right? I think running helps and the memory of the fatigue and embarassment of being so large. Snacks and moderation (duh) are also key.

  24. In thus article I learned that even Jaren fuels during runs. I never have. Call me weird but I snack right before and after. Perhaps the rest of the world is on to something..

  25. My first race ever since high school is on the 6th so I have no advice, Just 'worried oh crap what did I get myself into' looks (<;

  26. I had no idea he hadn't ran before this year

  27. I haven't ran a marathon, but I guess I would tell them, 'don't give up!'

  28. Successful at losing weight...yes! Running does the trick!

  29. Best tip for the first marathon: focus on one mile at a time instead of seeing the whole thing at once.

  30. Very cool. I was impressed with his candor and a little humor to boot. And, he didn't schill Subway.

  31. I have lost 30 pounds in the past 6 months.I lost it on slim fast and now keep it off with exercise and not pigging out.

  32. I like what Jared said about viewing food as fuel now,I see food that way as well these days and that way of thinking is what keeps me at my goal.

  33. Training for a marathon? Well,I am no expert in marathon training but I can say that you must have a great pair of shoes for running.It's the one thing you have to spend a pretty penny on when you are a runner.

  34. As always I follow you Kiddo

  35. I already entered the sweeps too

  36. I'm successful at maintaining my weight by watching my portions.

    CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog

  37. I have lost 120 lbs and kept if off for 3 years now. How? No secret weapon, just overhauling my life completely, eating less, eating healthy, and working out 4 days a week, and running 4-5 days a week. Finding running was huge for my hubby and i, we have finished 4 full marathons in the past year.

  38. From this interview, I learned that Jared is like every other marathon virgin, we said never again....and most of us have done more than 1!

  39. Best training tip...probably poop related...try to get your business done pre run. Coffee works for me!
    Seriously, though, don't up your mileage too quickly, take the time to do it right or you will end up injured.

  40. Have you been successful at losing weight and keeping it off? How?

    I have lost just a bit over 100lbs and yes, I have kept it off. I lost weight by exercising and eating clean foods.
    I discovered running simply as a way to burn calories and fell in love. From running I discovered triathlon and got hooked there too!

    I am very passionate about fitness-it has become such an integral part of my life. There is no looking back for me.

  41. Tell me something you learned from this interview.

    Jared got to run with Meb?? TOO COOL! :)
    **glad to see he can respect 2:09 now

  42. What is your best tip for someone training for their first marathon?

    to be consistant and get out there even on those days when you don't feel like it. Not only is it physical training, it's mental as well.

  43. Linking your giveaway on my blog

  44. I've lost 30 pounds and kept it off by running and just eating well - choosing veggies and fruits over crap. :)

  45. I learned instead of telling people "I'm waiting to crap before I leave the house for my run" I can say "I'm trying to cleanse out."

  46. Trust your training. Don't get so crazy intense that you freak out if you miss one run, but enjoy the experience and trust your body and its training.

  47. I lost a stubborn 5 pounds that I'd been trying to lose for years after reading the book "Eat to Live." While I didn't follow the Eat to Live diet exactly, learning so much science behind nutrition and reading about all the great ways veggies make me healthy finally gave me the extra push I needed to clean up my diet.

  48. My tip for a first time marathoner?
    Sometimes, training is gonna hurt. You need to build mileage slowly and follow a training plan to reduce the likelihood of injury, of course, but after that first 16 miler, it's gonna hurt. And again after the first 18 miler... Don't get discouraged by a little pain and soreness - it's normal!

  49. Yes, successful at losing weight only when I became vegetarian and stopped over eating for "fuel". When I started to track my calories, then limited myself to the appropriate portions, the fat finally melted off and I feel GREAT!

  50. Jared eats a lot of GU! Every 3 miles?! Espresso is the best flavor for sure!

  51. First timer advice ... don't over think it, just have fun!

  52. Yes, I already follow this blog

  53. Entered the sweepstakes - check

  54. From this interview, I learned to check out Rockin Refuel....never heard of it and would like to try it now

  55. Best advice is to make sure you get in your long runs, definitely don't skip those!

  56. Keeping weight off is all about getting into habits. I 'train' a new habit each week until it becomes a regular part of my life. I wouldn't recommend to anyone to dive into a weight loss commitment full trottle, it takes a bit of training to develop new habits and get them to stick.

  57. I didn't know about cleansing before events, I wondered if this was common practice and I guess it is in some cases (not all, but common enough)

  58. Since I'm a newbie, I can't offer the best training tips. But I can advise that "knowledge is power". Seek advise from tried and true sources. I want to learn to run so I read and learn from the experiences of others (like SUAR).

  59. I've been able to keep my weight off best by trying to keep my calories to around 1500 a day. Once I added running it really came off!

  60. I learned that I need to remember that running is fun! I really want to keep that in my mind for my first half (possibly the longest distance i'll ever do!)

  61. My advice is if you skip a training run make sure that you make the long run count. There are days when the last thing you want to do is run, make a run date and stick to it.

  62. I've dropped about 50 lbs, mostly from running and staying active. Now if only I can get that eating thing under control...

  63. I like Jared's long run schedule, which includes scaling back every 4th week. I've been trying to figure out how to maintain my run fitness over the winter, and am going to add that bit in.

  64. I have successfully lost weight and it is still off! Given that I work for Weight Watchers, I'd have to say their support and education about portion control.

  65. I learned that Meb is a humble guy.

  66. I started my "weight loss journey" in the fall of 2007. I lost 25 lbs and kept it off by restricting my calories and trying to stick to a lower fat diet. In the winter of 2009, I decided to finally go for my goal weight and I started running. Through diet and running, I've lost an additional 25 lbs (and still going!)

  67. I'm currently training for my first marathon. The biggest lesson I've learned is not to overtrain. I ended up with runner's knee because I tried to do too much too fast! :(

  68. I posted a link to the giveaway in the sidebar of my blog.

  69. I learned that Jared hadn't run before. I didn't realize that!

  70. I've been successful at losing some weight, best tip is keep it simple. Simply run and keep up with daily diet
    tcarolinep at gmail dot ocm

  71. I learned and like how Jared make it a simple rule, just for completion, nothing fancy.

  72. Best tip for someone training for their first marathon- Keep it simple and do your best.

  73. Shared the giveaway on FB@tcarolinep JessieKatie S
    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  74. I'm a follower
    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  75. Entered Subway’s FB sweepstakes
    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  76. i've been successful keeping weight off through eating smart (not dieting) and exercising.

    for someone running their 1st marathon...find a plan for beginners and don't go out with goals too steep. you don't want to crash and burn on your first one and then never go back for more.

    i'm already a follower!

  77. Have lost weight and kept it off the old fashioned way, move more, eat less. Running is helping the move more part.

  78. Jared would be a perfect training partner for me, we run identical paces. Go Jared!

  79. Just began training for my 1st marathon, so have no advice other than if you have ever thought about it, give it a try!

  80. I lost 50lbs and have kept it off by running for 1.5 years.

  81. I am training for my first full marathon, but I'd think it is the same as with any other race, if you think you can, you can.

  82. I learned his pace, I am always curious what peoples are.

  83. I've never ran a marathon, so i can' give any useful advice. Maybe just keep focused and you'll do great!

  84. A few years back, I lost about 20 poubs and keeping it off. Diet and working out.

  85. I love following your blog....keeps me intertained.

  86. tip for new marathoners; listen to your body. Even if a plan says run X miles, or Xtrain X minutes, if your body is feeling wonky, respect it. Dont risk injury!

  87. Running and eating a balanced diet have helped me keep off weight.

  88. I think it's cool that Jared got to run with Meb. That would be awesome!

  89. My best tip for marathon training is not to overdo it. I have known so many people that put in a lot of time and effort, only to get hurt/injured a week or so out from the marathon.

  90. #1 Tell me something you learned from this interview.
    He isnt planning on doing anymore marathons

  91. #2 What is your best tip for someone training for their first marathon?
    I wouldn't know I haven't been able to "run" a half marathon yet. Patience!

  92. Have you been successful at losing weight and keeping it off? How?

    the only major weight issue I had was after each pregnancy when the last few pounds wouldn't drop. A balanced diet was part of routine to get it off

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

  93. Tell me something you learned from this interview.

    He trained for about 5 months for this marathon.

  94. What is your best tip for someone training for their first marathon?

    definitely check in with your physician to give you thumbs up

  95. I lost 60 pounds by starting to run/walk, cutting portions size, and by limiting sweets. Unless I'm really bad I have had no issues in maintaining my weight.

  96. I posted a link to the giveaway on my blog.

  97. I'm back!! Did you miss me? You totally missed me.

    I lost 45 lbs eating a ton of subway. I even did it without running with Meb. Want to interview me?
