Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Creation

You knew I had to do it sooner or later. The first official SUAR video. My very own creation. I feel as if I’ve just given birth (minus the blood and screaming and placenta). Don’t say I never made anything for you. 3:01 of heaven.

Wishing I had nuts to scratch,


PS: Thanks, Sarah, for the idea!


  1. I've been waiting for you to create your own video, SUAR! So worth the wait! =D

  2. oh my gosh that is genius...pure genius. love every second of it.
    not sure if you recall george carlins' words you can't say but i have it memorized

  3. sorry that i just invited all the pervs to your blog

  4. I am crying laughing...cause that ShutUpandRun girl told me to.

  5. LOL LOL LOL Most amazing video EVER. I will probably watch this 20 more times tonight and then 20 more times tomorrow.

  6. can't...stop....watching...

    it gets better every time!

  7. ROFLMAO! Beth, lady, you have outdone yourself!

  8. waaaahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!
    too funny
    I am crying and now I have to explain that to my 4 yrs old...who now just said he wants to watch the "cartoon"!!! I said not PG 4!!!!

  9. I am peeing my pants!!! So funny.

  10. I didn't want it to end!! Maybe this can be a weekly installment :)

  11. ha ha ha ha!!! OMG that was sooo funny!!

  12. That was hilarious. I loved it!

  13. ...I can't wait to see what happens when she gets back from that 28 mile bikini run! ;-)

  14. Beth, I feel had I known you in high school ... I would have soiled myself in class laughing at your jokes.

    BTW how do you make him burp?

  15. Andrew - that was me burping and farting. No, really there is a sound element you can add. All sorts of good stuff from gagging to wind chimes.

  16. I can't believe anyone would tell someone to run with sore sympathy! ;)

  17. OMG - This just made my night! Thanks so much for making me laugh so hard water came out my nose!

  18. Ha ha ha...that was HILARIOUS!! Thanks for the laughs!

  19. Hi!
    LOVE the video. nice. Is this from the same site/video of " I want to be an IRONMAN'? must go search it out...;-)

  20. Too adorable! This is hysterical.

    For the record- I run in my bikini often (though not in the winter or on the rag...just sayin').

  21. I love this! Gosh 3 posts in one day...I have some catching up to do. I laughed the hardest at her farting.....farts always get me! every time...they are so funny. LOVE IT! Funny how at the end he says "Running is stupid anyways". I always told my brother (hard core running) as a kid that running was stupid and that it didn't take any talent.

    I just might have to run in a green bikini and get some pictures for you.

  22. "THAT WAS GREAT!" Those were my husband's words as he watched your video, "CLASSIC!" was his next comment. Everytime you mentioned "balls" he cried(from laughter). You really know how to make these guys howl, thanks, Beth!!!!! I just politely giggled, since I'm a "girl."

  23. tears, tears, tears. i'm going to watch it again right now and then again in the morning... and then again. you kill... :)

  24. I'm gonna stop following you. You're just not that funny.

  25. Well, now I'm going to bed with a big grin on my face. I'll have to watch it again tomorrow. oops, later today.

  26. fan-effing-tastic!!! btw, did you use my husband as the male character? im pretty sure he has put off a run because his balls hurt and he often choose football, beer, and cheetos over running.

  27. Hahahahaha! (pause for breath) Hahahahaha!

  28. OMG!! Amazing! that's so funny!

  29. hahaha. What kind of accent is that? :)

  30. Hilarious. Thanks for sharing!

  31. i seriously think you'll be famous one day.

    you need to find yourself a stage and a microphone. comedy is your calling in life.

  32. That was so epic, I had to de-lurk and give you a high five! I'd say you already have nuts, but you just can't feel 'em.

  33. Oscar buzz!!!
    The guy kind of looks like Kovas, no?
    Love it Beth, you have many talents, one being giving us all a lift everyday and a kick in the pants!

  34. It'll go viral for sure. Very classy.

  35. I felt like I was eavesdropping on a conversation between you and Adam! A good way to make friends indeed.

  36. hahahahahahahahaha!


    I can't stop!

    "You had me at" the white underwear shot. Now you complete me. Can't wait for the next post!

    From now on, shut up and run tells me to do it and I obey.

  37. Ahhhhaha, that's fantastic. Let's make it go viral ;)

  38. Totally amazing! That you for the morning giggles!

  39. @Chris K - Good riddance. Just keep running.

    @Beth - That was funny. Running in below freezing weather in a bikini is hard core!

    If you're taking suggestions for next time: Do one about how running brings couples closer together, so I can show my husband and get him to get out there with me! WOO-HOO!!!

  40. I love how the tone of voice doesn't change even during super sarcastic bits of conversation!

  41. Bahahahahaha! Change Coors light to Miller light, and viola! It's my world!

  42. Outstanding! Actually laughed out loud at that, when a laugh was sorely needed. Your writing translates well to the small screen. How long until the big-screen version of SUAR?

  43. Oh God! Seriously, priceless. You are WHACKED! I truly LOVE this blog. I am always secretly reading blogs at work and this one ALWAYS results in uncontrollable bursts of laughter. You may make me lose my job!! On the countdown to 8 minutes-YAY!!!

  44. You are my hero!!! I love it and now I want to make one too. hahahaha!

  45. OMG girl, you just ain't right!!! Haha! Is this what you and Ken fight about? You want him to go run to train for his marathon and he wants to nurse his sore balls and watch Nascar? JK.
    I was rolling when he said that about the vaseline, Nascar, and Coors light.

    Have a good weekend!

  46. Oh my crappers! That was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. I was laughing so hard my sides hurt, my kids kept looking at me from the other room. HILARIOUS!

  47. I may have to actually watch that more than once... does that make me odd?

  48. OMG I cannot stop laughing!

  49. Oh, great. My sudden loud burst of laughter (no, my guffaw) just woke up my baby from her nap. Shit. Well, it was totally worth it! Thanks for the AWESOME laugh!

  50. UN REAL- hahaha. We are dying over here in SF!! You rock Beth!

  51. oh Oh OH! This is simply fantastic! Best ever!

    (this morning my BF referred to you as "that skinny chick who blogs about shitting". Long may you prosper!)

  52. My fiance and I laughed so hard. Thanks, Beth!

  53. I had to come back and watch this again. I was trying to tell my husband about it and just kept laughing too hard to get anything out. Cheetos!
    You cover just about everything in this video! A truly inspired work!

  54. This is a classic! I laughed through the entire thing. Thanks for the laughs!

  55. Marjorie from XLMIC/Taking It On just forwarded your blog to me because she thought I would appreciate your humor. I absolutely LOVED this video! Ha! I was laughing so hard at the green bikini/period part of the video that my face was hidden in my hands.

  56. The 'have my period' and farting sound effect made me spit my oatmeal out ! I love stuff that makes me laugh till I spit my food/drink out!

  57. This is THE BEST!!! I watched it twice and laughed, then I had to have my husband come and watch it. So hilarious!!! Thanks for a really good belly laugh!!

  58. You have totally outdone yourself.

    Can't wait to see the next one!

  59. Oh! I feel so validated. I've pooh'd into a tree recently. Every time I run past it I think I failed somehow - but now I know ...I've actually succeeded! Thanks SUAR! (can't wait to share your site with my sis who has just begun a running regimen - she's going to have a great workout just laughing!)

  60. Air quotes for Dean and i have a life.....classic!

    And how the she refers to you as 'That Shut Up And Run Girl'.....LOL!!!!!

  61. Thanks for sending the email link! Just watched the video, snorted my coffee! Have you seen (heard) Iphone app called IFART??? You should try using it in a crowded restaurant!

  62. OMG that was totally hilarious!!

  63. OMG, this made me cry I laughed so hard!

  64. Who is that SUAR girl. She should be banned.

  65. fabulous. I've debated making one of these but never got past that point. Farts are always funny… always
