**Please check the bottom of yesterday's post to see if you won my giveaway (5 winners), then email me. If I don’t hear from you by Monday, I’m going to pick someone else!
I am in a piss poor mood about tomorrow’s half marathon. I am trying to focus on the cone, not the crap, but it is difficult.
My left ass cheek (LAC) has been giving me fits lately when I run. It started after the Half Ironman followed by a half marathon the next weekend (mid-August). I should have known better.
The LAC has been holding its own, but was made very angry yesterday when I tripped on an uneven sidewalk and stretched my glute like taffy. And not Laffy Taffy. Mean, angry, hostile taffy. Probably chipotle pepper flavor.
I will go and try to run tomorrow and see what happens. DNF? DNFF? (I like to add an “f” bomb in there for good measure). Before you tell me to go see someone, I have an appointment with Dr. Jeremy Rodgers for Tuesday. He’s a sport’s med and chiropractor doc and currently the medical staff director for Rocky Mountain based Ironman. He has also served on the Boston Marathon medical staff. I hope I’m in good hands.
Another reason I’m in a piss poor mood is the weather.
It is 35 degrees and pouring rain. A good day to cuddle up in here:
Yes, Emma made a fort this morning. I used to love to do that when I was her age and pretend it was in the inside of Jeannie’s bottle from I Dream of Jeannie.
Hmmm…might need to do some academics this weekend:
It’s not all crappy. A bright spot was that we headed to the expo in Denver this morning and I got to hang out with these two cool cats. Remember the mother/son duo from the Biggest Loser, Jackie and Dan? They both look amazing in person.
(Try not to stare at my exposed midriff)
Jackie and Dan have taken up a great cause, Kids Fit Foundation, which raises funds and awareness for quality youth programs that incorporate health, fitness and wellness. How cool is that? I love it when people who have a fan base and/or celebrity status us their exposure to bring awareness to important and crucial issues.
Have you ever tripped while running and pulled the crap out of some muscle?
Ever run a race with pain? Did you finish?
Have you read Mile Markers yet? What did you think?
What’s your favorite way to spend a rainy day?
I got up in this craptastic weather and watched/cheered Tara, and my son, run the Band on the Run 2-miler today (both did AWESOME). Because I was a total wimp and didn't want to "overdo" my soon to be pathetic 1/2 miler tomorrow, I chose not to run this so I wasn't "tired". Hahah. So I got roped into helping keep score, and I froze my toes off. Even a scolding hot shower didn't help. I then wimped out even more and chose not to go to the freezing cold pool, for fear I'd certainly reach hyperthermia after standing in the SNOW.
ReplyDeleteI have a knief with a sharp blade, want me to go and check out that glute for you?
Very cool you met TBL dudes. I rushed through the expo yesterday so that I wasn't tempted to buy anything, I bought a Honey Stinger Bar from Runners Roost. WOOHOO!
I am in a fit over what to wear tomorrow. I know you're wearing the long sleeved milk shirt...anything warm under? Shorts? Skirt? Fleece pants? Parka? ugh.
Trying to curl up with Kona Live, but my connection keeps dropping. And it is only windy here - kind of hot and sunny actually. Should go for a bike ride.
ReplyDeleteJill: that's the big question. Long sleeve running shirt, capri tights, gloves to throw and ear warmer. I'll bring a throw away hoodie too.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree that this weather is putting a huge damper on my feelings towards the Denver rock n roll half tomorrow...waking up to 3-4 inches of snow on my car here in the Springs was not very fun....hopefully the wind will at least be nonexistent tomorrow...
ReplyDeleteGood luck tomorrow!!!
I have spent this rainy/snowy day running around town looking for a disposable poncho!! I am hoping for both of us that it stops raining soon. Stay dry tomorrow and hope I don't see you on the sag wagon due to your LAC.
ReplyDeleteMy fave way of spending a rainy afternoon, if I can't be out running, is to curl up with a good book. Or the inter-tubes.
ReplyDeleteToday is not the day in a life. Too many unusual things happening today. Like watching the Big Dance streaming live. And buying stuff. Come back tomorrow.
When I did the Prefontaine Memorial 10k I ran with pain, mucho pain, lol. I was only on Week 4 of Couch to 5k but didn't want to miss out on a race in my hometown which is very rare. It's also Pre's hometown. Anyway, I was okay til mile 5 and then I hit the wall and think my body began to shut down. I even told my friend to ditch me I was toast. Need to dig deeper next time I suppose!
ReplyDeleteLoved Mile Markers, found it funny and sweet and inspirational. If Kristen would have expounded on her pooping habits it would be the perfect book!
ReplyDeleteI've never tripped AND did in a muscle, but I've done plenty of tripping. I trip on completely EVEN sidewalks/roads!
ReplyDeleteI did a half last year with severe shin splints. I did my recent 20 mile training run with decent knee and foot pain. I ran the last two legs of the New England Relay with massive cramps in my calves. I've always pushed it out of my mind and finished. Definitely listen to what the Doc says, but if he thinks you're good to go, you'll pull through no problem.
If it's a WARM rainy day, I'll go for a nice long, slow run. I love rainy runs. Then I'll come back, relax with a good book sitting right next to the balcony screen and read.
Love Jackie and Dan! Very cool what they are doing, and that you were able to meet them.
ReplyDeleteI haven't tripped while running, but I've been known to be an IDIOT and maybe twist and ankle/tweak my knee while playing with the dog. The dog. ... who does that?!
My favorite way to spend a rainy day is to keep on truckin' like it's not even sunny. I'm not trying to blow rainbows out my butt, but when you live in Washington state, you cannot let it put a damper on your plans. Even if you just want to curl up with a good book and have soup all day.
Good luck tomorrow, go get 'em.
I hope someone doesn't claim your Marathon bars so I can have them. Ever since you mentioned them I've wanted one. Or just a regular Snickers. Or maybe just chocolate would do, I should try that.
ReplyDeleteHope you LAC behaves, that's a bummer. Maybe you'll be so cold you'll be numb, hehe.
I can't say I've tripped really while running. I did hyper-extended my knee walking down stairs during college. That sucked. Super klutzy of me. Think it's why I get some knee pain now during running, or maybe it was the rugby injury... Anywho. Ran my second half marathon (PR'd the poo out of that one)with leg pain/shin splints/knee and quad soreness. Probably due to my worn-out shoes. Homey doesn't play that game anymore. Had my focus on PR'ing so kept going...
ReplyDeleteMy fave way to spend rainy days is to bake, make yummy food for dinner, and relax. Actually heading out to the tree stand for some bow hunting with my husband. Evening hunt after rain is usually pretty active. I'm going to tag a big one because that's what I do. :-)
I HAVE tripped while running, on a sidewalk AND in grass. Thankfully, BOTH times , I managed to, in slow-motion, recall all of the hours I spent watching my kids in karate class, and was able execute a perfect karate roll on one shoulder!! Then, I got up, checked for injuries and then looked around to see if anyone saw me!...NOPE! and continued my run without missing a beat! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteUgh this weather is awful! I went running this morning with no gloves like an idiot, and halfway out, it started POURING. I came back and had to sit in the shower for half an hour.
ReplyDeleteEnd result? Cuddling up with books and movies for the rest of the day!
I'll be thinking of you guys tomorrow! I hope the weather is much, much better!
ReplyDeleteOUCH on the pain in the A$$! I've been having some pain in my cheeks too. Seems ok if I stretch and roll on regular basis..but I know I'm in need of a trip to the chiro.
I wish you a good day tomorrow. I'm sorry you aren't feeling awesome about it. Jeremy is wonderful...you will really benefit from him. And I love Kristin Armstrong! Good reading for sure. Take care tomorrow...will be thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteHow cool that you met Jackie and Dan! They look amazing!
ReplyDeleteThe weather has been so nutty this way! Try and not let it effect your race just run like the winnnd!!
ReplyDeleteGOOD LUCK tomorrow morning! Focus on that ice cream cone!
ReplyDeleteI spent my rainy/snowy day racing in Highland Ranch. Trail races in a snow "storm"...not really that much fun. BUT I did get my 10 mile training run in! Hope you end up with much better weather tomorrow... :)
I missed all of the good stuff at the expo! This weather has me a little more than nervous. It will probably be colder when we start in the morning than it is right now and I am freezing!!! Best of luck to you and your friend!!!
ReplyDeleteI have run with pain a lot. I had a great physical therapist back in MI who was an athlete, and she did a good job of helping me determine when running was going to either "make it worse" or "make it heal slower". I had a lot of overuse type injuries where she knew I wasn't going to stop completely, but it would just take longer to get better from continuing. She actually said that just adding an extra rest day to my week would help a lot, because it allowed more time for healing, but still let me keep up some level of training at the same time, and I could even build as long as the pain wasn't increasing, but just holding steady (and tolerable). It took several months to overcome an ankle sprain this way, and it is still sketchy (and being iced as I type). Whatever you do, don't take advil before your race, it can jack up your kidneys and give you even more crapping problems.
ReplyDeleteyou met celebrities!!!
ReplyDeleteso thats not the right way to spell 'casle'?? what?!
good luck this weekend, listen to your body and if that fails, just flash your abs.
I have to totally agree with you on the crappy weather days--crawl up in a fort with a good book! I hope you have a great race!
ReplyDeleteI tend to step off of curbs awkwardly and jar my lower back. If its raining outside, I prefer to be curled up inside on the couch. GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!
ReplyDeleteI would pay for rain these days, but usually I like to open the windows to get that fresh rain smell, light a fire (well turn it on since its gas), have a cup of team, pull a blanket up and watch football while Karen does the laundry.
ReplyDeleteI did trip... last winter. Fell on my left hip and hit hard. Oh, well... life goes on. Except the trauma precipitated the degeneration of the cartiledge and now I'm bone on bone. I will have my hip resurfaced in December. Sometimes a "fall" isn't what it seems.
ReplyDeleteYes to the trip question and broke my right ankle... ruined my summer.
ReplyDeleteYour weather ie typical NY weather.. we embrace it ( because we have to). That's why I'm moving back to CO at the end of the month. Good luck with the race.
Very cool that you got to meet them! I remember when I met Patrick from last season I was awestruck and inspired by him.
ReplyDeleteThat a good book? I'm always looking for good reads :)
Thinking of you today and hoping you had a good run this morning! I've just started reading Mile Markers. I'm hoping for an inspirational read.....I need that right now. :)
ReplyDeleteI trip so many times running (usually on trails) that I look like an 8 year old with skinned knees most of the time!
ReplyDeleteRainy days=baking or watching movies under a warm blanket.....
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