Monday, November 14, 2011

Breaking News: Bye, Bye Anna

Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. People Magazine announced today that Anna Kournikova will not be returning to the Biggest Loser next season. Apparently, this was her choice and she was not forced out. She issued the following statement:

“I enjoyed my time on the Biggest Loser ranch. Although I will not be returning as a full time trainer on season 13, I will always be a part of The Biggest Loser family and my commitment to bettering lives through health and fitness will continue."

Biggest Loser: Anna Kournikova Out as Trainer | Anna Kournikova

This hardly comes as a surprise. While some of the contestants did lose significant weight while training with Anna, her style left much to be desired. While watching her I always felt like TBL was trying to fit a square peg into a circle. It just didn’t work.

From the start I had questions about her qualifications and questioned whether TBL chose this gorgeous woman as eye candy to boost ratings. Sure, she may be a personal trainer, but her forte has not historically been in working with obese people.

What do you think of the decision? Spot on or premature?



  1. I always thought it was a weird fit. Hope they find someone great to fill the spot.

  2. I have to admit when I heard she was going to be a trainer I thought it was ridiculous, and I didn't love her at first. But I actually thought she was coming around as a trainer. I love me some Dolvett, but I feel like Anna gets just as good if not better results from her contestants (with the exception of that screeching hyenna Bonnie).

    What I really liked was the way she told her team that THEY were doing the work and the trainer didn't matter. I love Bob a lot, but he seems to kind of perpetuate the neediness the contestants have towards him. I think it's a little premature, IMO.

  3. Beth, you'd be a fabulous replacement.

  4. SPOT ON for sure. I thought it was odd when I heard it at first, and then I knew I was right from the first episode. Love all your recaps every week. You always hit the nail on the head :) Hope Bonnie leaves tomorrow. Or Ramon.

  5. As a Jillian fan, I don't think it would have mattered who they replaced her with. I would not have liked anyone. Maybe now that I have had some time to get over Jillian leaving I will have friendlier feelings toward the replacement.

  6. ya, i can't say i'm really surprised to see her go. she seemed more like a publicity draw for the show...but they gave it a whirl.

  7. She just never really had it. She wasn't tough enough to be the tough trainer or nice enough to be the nice trainer. She was just meh.

    I think she might be a good trainer for people that are already athletes, but trying to get people from obese to athlete? I don't think she was right for the job.

  8. I hit MUTE when she is on...
    She should have waited after the season is over to make that announcement..this is weird...anyway
    I like Bob. I dont get the whole drooling over Dolvett...

    they need to forget about finding a top model and just hire a trainer

  9. Certification (or lack there of) was always my hang up w/ her. I was happy to see her improve as a trainer...I think I would've been just as frustrated working with Bonnie!

  10. no comment since this is the first season in a long time i did not watch a single episode.
    i just don't buy into anna -

  11. Spot on for sure. she has always seemed awkward and out of place.

  12. I just don't like her so I'm glad she's leaving. Chow Chickee!!

  13. I find it ironic that TBL (which I never watch by the way) may have had an issue with her training style, since just about every Trainer on the planet abhors the methods and rate of weight loss on that show.

  14. I agree - i always wondered why they chose her out of everyone to be a trainer to basically replace Jillian. Hopefully next year they will find someone better to replace her.

  15. I'm not one bit surprised. I honestly don't think she really fit in for the shoe.. JMHO

  16. Not her decision???? I doubt that, unless she reads all the social media outlets of people not liking her on the show. I still dont know why they like Cara go, I liked her as a trainer. Bobs time has to be close to letting go, the show needs to have some stable trainers, the reason we liked it for years and years were Bob and Jillian. They have a winner in Dolvette

  17. Adios'll be missed......

  18. The thing I've had the hardest time with this season is that she seems unapproachable to her contestants. It's almost like she tries too hard, but then is awkward. For the contestants, who obviously struggle with self esteem, they need someone they feel like they can trust and that they want to work hard for. She is just not that person. I hope they find someone awesome to rival Bob and Dolvett.

  19. I kind of felt like they were going for eye candy; however, she is starting to show that she can get results. It just seems awkward with her - she doesn't come across as likeable.

  20. She's not a personal trainer, she's a professional athlete; she's never had to tell people what to do and this showed on the show. I hope Dolvett stays on, though :).

  21. I didn't like her being there from the beginning honestly. Sure, she's in shape. But she looks like the kind of personal trainer that would work with trophy housewives at the local country club trying to keep their figure. She doesn't strike me as the empathetic type that could both support and motivate obese contestants in the most effective way to get results.

  22. Jill, actually she is a personal trainer, but not sure how much experience has been involved. Yes, her top job is professional athlete.

  23. I do not like Anna. That being said, she got saddled with the oldest team (she doesn't relate, obviously) and she does reiterate that the trainer doesn't do the work, the contestant does. I didn't like Cara (from last season) either. Maybe I am sexist because I LOVE Dolvett and Bob.
    Anna is, however, a certified trainer. That may have just been something she did for the show, though.

    I hope Bonnie goes home tonight. Sorry, but one more week of her screeching and weeping and I am going to cry myself.

  24. I was hoping her team would lose (mid show) and she would have to leave early. I really can't stand her.

  25. She is hot but her personality is grating which makes her not as hot. She did have the deck stacked against her being the replacement for Jillian and her first assignment is to train the older people and the annoying Bonnie. A no win situation for her.

  26. I LOVE ANNA! Just not on TBL! I'm sure she made the ultimate decision before they had the chance to not invite her back. She wasn't made for this type of show.

    Bob's Bob...he'll be back.

    Dolvette is by far the best 'new' trainer the show has ever had.

    It'll be hard to really replace Jillian, but they definitely need a woman to balance things out.

  27. I am a huge fan of Jillian and at first i didn't get it but Anna did grow on me. She seems sincere but i think Bonnie started the negative stuff....Bonnie needs to go.
    I would love to see Jillian back because i do not think she fits into her new gig either. She's much better on TBL than The Dr's.
    HOWEVER, Dolvett is pretty hot and i hope he stays

  28. I can't explain why but I quit watching when she started. She would depress and not motivate me and I'm only 20 pounds overweight post baby. I can't imagine being obese and having someone who is obviously there only b/c they're beautiful and famous. :(

  29. I agree 100% with everything Kathy (Just Keep Running) said.

  30. I agree- another trainer was needed.

  31. I think it is great that she tried it. I bet it scared the crap out of her but she still gave it a go. She had big shoes to fill. Not sure there are others out that could fill those shoes either.

  32. No tears shed here. Didn't care for her. Bod and Dolvett all the way!

  33. Spot on. She may be a great athlete, but she just isn't a good TV-Weight-Loss-Coach personality.

  34. It may have been as much her personality as her training focus. She didn't seem to "gel" well with the majority of contestants. The contestants usually seem to nearly fall in love with their trainers and that helps them to work hard not only for themselves but for the trainer too. Anna just didn't have the ability to make those people "love" her that way.
    Spot on!

  35. so glad she is not coming back!!! she was horrible! I hope they keep Dolvett!! ;)

  36. But you are on "Team Dolvett" - Can you even be objective ? LOL
    I agree...think she needs to earn her "stripes" first before going on a series like that. However, why did you like Dolvett over her ? Are we biased ? =)

  37. See ya later Anna! Sorry I'm not her biggest fan either! Love Bob, miss Jillian and totally hooked to Dolvett!

  38. we are hosting a "BUHBYEANNABANANA" party. Want to come! Much laughter will be had!!

  39. Agree! She was always an odd fit... actually made for "uncomfortable" viewing, I felt so bad for her at times. Bonnie was so mean to her?!

  40. Thank YOU!! Bye Bye Aw-nuh. So tired of her annoying voice, her wimpy looking (for the most part) workouts and just her lack of personality. I really like Dolvett's style. A chick along those lines would kick some serious tail. Someone like Jillian but more real. I like Jillian for years, but the last few seasons she was on, I thought she played up to the camera and came off as fake. Gag.

    Go on Beth, audition. Ratings would go through the ceiling. I could see you making them do a 10% incline at a 10mph while you gassed them w/ your farts!! hhaaa.
