This will be quick. I’ve only got a minute because I have spent the morning dicking around and now I need to make up for lost time. The kids are still asleep, it snowed a few inches last night and I can’t seem to get out of my PJs. But, in a half an hour I have a boot camp class I have to go to or else I will be in a bad mood all day. Something about this winter weather has really sucked my motivation.
Please tell me it is not just me.
The only reason I was going to drag myself to class was because a friend was joining me as my “guest” today. Secretly I hoped she would cancel because then I wouldn’t have to go. Do you ever do that? Well, she did cancel (sick dog, I hope he’s okay), and for just a moment I thought I was off the hook. It was the moment of truth. I need to go. Going to this class is my lifeline for the rest of the day. I need to move and to sweat in order to deal with the gray skies, bitter cold and doldrums of winter. I need this class to bump up my attitude a notch.
Here is my brilliant thought for the day - I am sure no one has ever come up with it before.
At exactly the moment when you are feeling too tired, lazy, hung-over, uncoordinated to work out – this is the exact moment when you need to do it. Because you will be very hard pressed to find anything else that will kick your unmotivated self and bad attitude to the curb and give you a new outlook then an all out sweat fest.
Or, you could screw the workout and get your kicks by cutting the heel off of your running shoes like Ken did. No more heel to toe drop for this guy!
“Here,” he says. “These are the poor-man’s-Newtons.” He is very creative and frugal. I appreciate he tries to save the family a buck or two, leaving more money for my Starbuck and chardonnay habits. I just hope he doesn’t mess up his gait for the rest of his life.
Okay, here I go. Here is proof. I swear I am going after I post this:
{Remind me to tell you about how I removed the top I am wearing from a mannequins at the store yesterday, because it was the only one left. I left the manikin half naked (those things actually have nipples), got in trouble from the store person and humiliated my daughter. All in a day’s work.}
Are the winter blahs affecting your workouts? If not, you are much better than me.
Ever stripped a mannequins and made love to it?
(Previous comment was posted under my husband's name...WHOOPS) I've stripped many mannequins...because I worked in retail ;-) But yes, the size I wear (2-4) is usually the size on display. NYC usual winter blues seem to be on hold due to unusually warm weather; I've worn shorts more and gloves and hats less and less. There's still time; March is a long unpredictable month! Set rewards for yourself! (AKA that starbucks/chard fund!) Good luck!
ReplyDeleteLoL my size is never on a mannequin. It always in the top rack in the back and I have to get a clerk with a long pole (twss)
ReplyDeleteI love a clerk with a long pole.
Deletebuhhaaa. Great TWSS!!!
DeleteMmm. I usually love winter running and looked forward to it this past summer when the blistering heat had women and men everywhere frolicking about in their little sports bras or and sans shirts altogether (hopefully in the correct order there) as they complained about how hot it was. But now that it is winter for some reason this time around I am at a dead stop. Cannot get my motivation. It's been rough. And I'm dreading summer for the heat so...what's a girl to do. Keep on runnin'.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post! and you are exactly right about what we need to do most when we think we least want to do it. I have had such a terrible time this winter and have packed on a hefty 15 lbs of 'unmotivation'! Boo! the top! ;)
I have always thought that when you want to go the least, you get the best workouts! It was true when I was a ballet dancer, and it is still true today.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been battling the winter blahs so much as the winter germs. My 3 yr old was throwing up sick 3 times in 4 weeks, and then last week I got a nasty sinus infection. I ran twelve miles on Saturday and hit the gym at 5:30 this morning though, hoping this is the end of the germy run in our house, and I can get back to the normal routine.
Not this winter, but last winter I was pathetic. Over the weekend I looked back at my workout logs from 2011 and had a good laugh.
ReplyDeleteI have been super dedicated this winter with working out....BUT now I am injured. Pool workouts are pretty much my only option, and I'm not going to lie...that ahppens about once a week. I'm right there with you.
ReplyDeletePJ days are good sometimes. :)
I have an injury so can't "run" this week. Getting the balls up to go and introduce myself to the pool posse this afternoon. I'm less than excited about this. But, I shall "slog" so I can be strong in Boston. Sound familiar?
ReplyDeleteDid you see the posse? Did they welcome you with open arms (not legs)?
DeleteB - THANK YOU for this. Priceless. My sons go to a store - which i shall not name that may or may not rhyme with Racy's and re-pose the manikins. i tried realy hard to be stern with them - but when one manikin has her hand on the other manikin's breast and she returns the favor with her hand on the other's butt... all the while holding a pair of granny panties - laughter quickly breaks into tears...and then we are all asked to leave.
ReplyDeleteok - to the gym today - i promise.
Didn't wanna run today... trainer told me to do a quick one... After 2k, didn't wanna stop and felt great all day, still do :). We even ran around the track because roads were too icy and I actually enjoyed it (always afraid I am going to drop dead from boredom running laps...). And beat trainer at the last lap... Ok ok, I ran the inner circle and didn't warn him I was going for a sprint :o)
ReplyDeleteI skipped my a.m. run this morning. I am blaming my sick little one but it was really a simple act of laziness. And tonight when I have to run longer, I'll have only myself to be pi##ed at. It won't happen again tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI'd have stripped that shirt off too. It looks great on you!
$10 at Kohls for that shirt. I am proud of myself!
DeleteI'm lovin' winter so far b/c it's the first winter I'm running and I love the challenges it throws at me: cold temps, freezing wind, snowy runs. But I find those group runs are even more important for my motivation. I need my running friends!
ReplyDeleteI have never personally stripped a mannequin but I have made MANY salespeople strip them (b/c it's the only size for me). The best ones are the ones in the display...coz I get to snicker as I watch people watching the salesperson strip a mannequin. Heh.
I have stripped mannequins for clothing. Not to be a complete snot but here on the central coast of CA, winter doldrums aren't really a factor... we'd have to have a real winter for that to happen.
ReplyDeleteYes I do get the winter blues. The weather here has been affecting me for the last two weeks. But todays workout I actually feel like I'm getting my mojo back. Thank goodness, as for taking a piece of clothing off a manquin yes I have done that. When you want something and it is on a dummy by all means take it off the dummy.
ReplyDeleteOh heck YES this winter crap gets me down... and we don't even have snow here in Savannah. Today we have beautiful blue skies, but the temps are in the 50's and I'm feeling whiney and wimpy b/c I prefer the 70's. I know I'll get out there, b/c I'll be an ogre if I don't. Man I can't wait til Spring!
I used to work at a clothing store (Express) and had to strip/dress many nippled mannequins... I once broke a thumb off one of those hoochies.
ReplyDeleteThe winter blahs suck. Coffee helps.
I get the winter blah's every year, and I don't even live in a cold climate like you.
ReplyDeleteGood lord Ken! WTF are you doing to your shoes?!
New reader to your blog - I'm really enjoying it.
ReplyDeleteThis winter is killer on my emotions which makes me want to stay in bed all day and cry. But i make myself get outside and run at least 3x a week because I know it's good for me and it really helps my mental health.
And yes, I've undressed probably three or four mannequins with permission from the store clerk. I'm not sure why they would get mad at you since it's their job to sell the product even if it means dealing with a naked mannequin once in a while. :)
You're hilarious! Hope the class was great!
ReplyDeleteOh you must tell about taking that top off!
ReplyDeleteI hope you went....and that you feel better now!
I absolutely needed to read this today. I've been mired in migraine madness lately. I want so desperately to get my ass out the door...but the fetal position in the dark with the covers over my head is sooooo much more appealing. I vow to get out there today. To. DAY. Thank you for kicking my butt into making it happen.
ReplyDeleteYou are not alone! I am sucking it up big time this winter. UGH. What's worse is everyone around me seems motivated and killing it with winter running.
ReplyDeleteI feel like the oddball.
I know, I keep reading those posts too about these 20 mile tempo runs where everyone feels amazing. WTH?
DeleteUgh. Your post couldn't have come at a better time. Trying to motivate to get on the TM when all I really want to do is take a nap in the sun coming through the window. BUT, there's a Cabury Creme Egg with my name on it, so here I go....
ReplyDeleteThe mannequin lady can suck it. Put another top on - this one's mine. Embarrassing daughter earns you extra bonus points. Geez, it's a man cave thing - my husband cannot see the cut shoe or it'll give him ideas not only on "fixing" his stuff but saving ME money by fixing mine. No thank you, Home Depot Dude. Winter is sucking the proverbial life right out of me. Usually I'm pretty good but I think it's because I lie to myself and everyone else. This year, not so much. I'm considering getting dual residency in Belize. You could join me??
ReplyDeleteI haven't run yet today...and now you're forcing me to reconsider being a bum, darn you!
ReplyDeleteI worked in retail and as a consequence have no qualms about stripping a mannequin if I need what she's got (and don't we all...). Sometimes I'm polite and request help. Most times, not. (Sidenote: Those suckers are expensive! Don't break one!)
This winter weather is zapping my motivation too...ugh!
ReplyDeleteI have definitely undressed manequins before..ha ha!
It's a wackily warm winter here in Boston and I STILL have a hard time motivating myself to move. But I remember most days when I feel like I least want to exercise are those days that I pull more out of myself. So days when I just want to pull the covers over my head make me more excited to get out and go!
ReplyDelete*waves pom poms*
*ducks tomatoes*
Winter has been killing my bike skills because I don't own a trainer and hate the stationary bikes at the Y. I have no idea how I'll get almost another 100 miles in over the next 3 weeks. Ugh. But I would have no issue defrocking a mannequin - though I usually am doing it for my kids than for myself. My daughter seems to wear the standard size for children's mannequins right now.
ReplyDeleteI totally feel you on the winter workouts right now. I just want to sit around and eat...and not carrots. I want to stay in my sweats, watch movies and eat super bowl food all day long. This is very bad for my saddlebags.
ReplyDeleteThis time of year absolutely drains me! I don't go outside for my workouts, so I don't really have a legitimate excuse.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason adults exist is to humiliate their children. Emma should be happy you didn't try it on for size right after stripping the mannequin.
ReplyDeleteNice top! It was worth embarrassing your daughter to get it.
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong with that! I took a top off a mannequin once and I think I remember the store lady getting annoyed. Ah well!
ReplyDeleteLuckily I am in Mexico this year so its not cold, but last year in New York I felt very blah about workouts. I am not a cold person!
Where are you in Mexico? We'll be in Playa del Carmen in a few weeks.
Deleteawww crap...I was thinking I did not want to go to yoga tonight, but you are so right! dang it............thank you!
ReplyDeleteI hate winter (said from the girl who's up in Keystone right now....freezing my butt off. Hey, free condo and all...all I can afford...just nice to get away!)
ReplyDeleteI was in a funk for a few weeks because first my toddler was sick, then my husband, then me. It was hard working while taking care of everyone and everything. By the time I got sick, I had already been off of my regular workout schedule for over a week so I kicked my butt into gear by taking a bunch of Sudafed and going to the gym regardless of what color goop was coming out of my nostrils. I think I am better off for having stayed active than giving up and laying in bed, that's for sure!
ReplyDeletea) I had a week like that last week. Just could. not. rally. Totally agree that sometimes it's seriously just a matter of being your own drill sergeant & making it happen & I seriously just failed at that (I don't even have snow/cold weather to blame for it.) Thankfully, I bounced back this week & all is well. Circle of Life, & all.
ReplyDeleteb) I have really, really wanted to strip a mannequin on multiple occasions but have always been too chicken & have always made a salesperson do it while I tastefully averted my eyes & pretended that I was totally not the person who just asked this poor person to expose a mannequin for me.
I started a training cycle in November, did great for 7 weeks, then got injured (Achillies). Started back up 3 weeks ago and I am struggling to get out the door for every run! Hopefully we'll all get our mojo back before spring arrives!
ReplyDeletei HAVE stripped a mannequin! Or at least I started to and the owners said let them do it. But do not try to stop this pregnant-at-the-time lady from a bargain! This was a used clothing store having their dollar sale where all of that season's clothes are just $1....and that prego mannequin was wearing a top AND skirt that were going to be perfect for me! Well spent $2, worth the 10 minute wait to get 'em off the dummy!
ReplyDeleteYes cold and winter gray really get to me. Love the story of the mannequin. Been there done that
ReplyDeleteOM to the G!! Yes this winter weather has been effecting my mood. All the cloudy cold rainy days are awful. And I say rainy because for whatever reason we have received very little snow this year here in Ohio. So glad I am not the only one and thanks so much for the post!!! I needed to hear all of it! Now....going out to squeeze in 20min on the elliptical before work!
ReplyDeleteThank goodness it's still hitting 60+ once or twice a week here in NC. I schedule workouts with friends (like many others) so I have to meet them. And on a totally different note, here's my post for today that I thought you might enjoy: Cleanse + Long Run = Terrible Idea (
ReplyDeleteUh oh. What happened?
DeleteLove your brilliant insight. So true!
ReplyDelete"At exactly the moment when you are feeling too tired, lazy, hung-over, uncoordinated to work out – this is the exact moment when you need to do it. "
You're damn right I strip the mannekin. If you're selling the item, and one isn't left on the rack in my size, and no one is around to help me, I'm taking it.
You are SO right about needing to workout when you are feeling too whatever to do it! This morning was one when it was soooo tempting to just crawl back under the covers and ditch strength training class. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your point of view), my husband goes as well and was already up and dressed, so I finally peeled myself off the bed, got dressed and went. Now my muscles are screaming and I can barely move, but I'm so glad I did it. Love the shirt; I haven't ever peeled a shirt off a mannikin, but I think I would have for that one! I'm just now small enough that I might need to do that sometime. :D
ReplyDeleteThank you! Exactly what I needed today. I am wiped out, my son is special needs and sick and not sleeping. I am so thankful for your reminder. When I feel this tired and worn out my run always makes me feel better, I just have to talk myself into starting it. Thank you for inspiring me this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteBTW I just discovered your blog recently and I think you're my new hero!
You are not alone with the winter motivation or lack-there-of!
ReplyDeleteand, I think you are completely right--that is moment of truth--do what you NEED to not what your PJ's are telling you! :)
I got in trouble at the National Archive with my daughter for using flash photography out in the waiting area. I was made an "example" in front of about 100 other people. My daughter still loves to tell the story.
ReplyDeleteI am always taking the clothes of mannequins because they always use smalls!! I do hate the stores that don't allow you to buy the clothes off the mannequins, it't so ridiculous!!!
ReplyDeleteWhenever I don't feel like working out, I make myself put on my workout clothes. And then, since I have those on, I might as well put on my running shoes. And then, since I have my shoes on, I might as well head out the door- just for a walk. And once I'm walking I realize I might as well be running. And then- success! It's the good kind of snowball effect.
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog and I can't get enough of your posts.
ReplyDeleteYou are hysterical.
This post exactly described what happened to me this morning.
But, I got up (5am) and had one of the most amazing (best times) run.
I'm writing from Israel and I don't remember ever having such a cold winter (9 celcius at 5am). It's freezing for us.
I can't imagine going out for a run in your cold.
Looking forward to more of your posts.
Take care
I have a Love/Hate relationship with Winter.. I've always loved Winter cause it meant we would be going to Colorado soon for vacay and one day I want to move to CO.. (I'm really praying it happens) but KS winters are just brutal.. I have a hard time making myself go outside and run when its either snowing or sleeting or raining and lately its been doing it alot.. or its just been to dang windy to go... I wish where I lived they had a YMCA cause I would be there Everyday!! I do alot of workout videos at home when it gets to nasty to go outside... They have seemed to help me get stronger and I've had more motivation to do strength instead of just strictly running like I was..
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