Thursday, May 26, 2011

Winner & Online Shoes/Saucony Giveaway

The winner of the Girl Girl Sport Toga Tank is #161 Stacie from Impossible Is Nothing. Shoot me an email with your address at Congrats!

Now for something exciting. Shoes - an essential component or running (well, with the minimalist/barefoot movement, maybe not essential for some, but you know what I mean).

When you start running, one of the first things that you hear or read is that you need a good pair of running shoes that fits your foot type, gait and any pronation issues you may have. Usually your local running store will have a specialist to help you determine the best shoe for you. If they don’t, they have problems and should go into the bagel business.

When it comes to running, bargain shopping or choosing based on how intriguing a style or color is, is not the way to go. I ran my first 10K in $30 trail running shoes off the rack at Kohl’s (this was not a trail race). I could hardly walk for three days after. They were such a pretty color of blue, though! 

The shoe for you may be the ugliest shoe on the rack, but if it will take you hundreds of miles and decrease your chance for injury, it is actually the most gorgeous shoe on the rack. Haven’t you ever heard “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover?” Well, don’t judge a shoe by it’s…whatever. I got nothing clever.

One problem. A decent pair of running shoes costs at least $80-$120. Yes, the investment is worth it, but that’s still a chunk of change. I usually get analyzed at the running store to find out which shoe is best, give them my business the first time around, then order my specific shoe online after that. With coupon codes, free shipping, etc., you can always find better deals online.

Today, Online Shoes wants to help you out. They are offering one reader a pair of Saucony running shoes, up to $100Online Shoes has a huge variety of running shoes which can be viewed on their running homepage. More specifically, they offer a wide range of shoes from Saucony for men, women and kids. Keep in mind that through Memorial Day, you can get an extra 20% off at checkout by using the code 1SUN (for orders over $80).


The lovely Saucony Grid Excusion now on sale for $59.99

Want a $100 to go towards a pair of Sauconys? To enter:

  • Tell me what running shoes you wear now and why + 1 entry
  • Go to the Saucony brand page at Online Shoes and tell me which shoes you would get if you won + 1 entry
  • “Like” Online Shoes on Facebook and tell them I sent you + 1 entry
  • Blog, twat, Facebook about this giveaway + 1 entry
  • Become a follower of my blog + 1 entry

Giveaway ends Tuesday, May 31.

Good luck!


Fine Print

  • Online Shoes provided the giveaway prize. SUAR paid nothing for it.
  • Winner will be chosen by on May 31, 2011.


  1. I wear Asics Kayano 17 .... because my brother (track coach/marathoner) told me they were "good".

  2. Progrid Echelon2 ... under the $100 limit, and more neutral than my current shoe.

  3. I follow your blog ... and I am giggling at the twat reference.

  4. I wear Brooks Ghost and Asics Gel Cumulus (retired). I was fitted at a running store and tried a bunch of pairs on the treadmill there, liked these the best. :)

  5. Currently wearing Nikes, but not extremely thrilled with them. Got them at the Dillon, CO outlet when we were visiting last year for the Leadville 100 MTB. Seriously only got them for the deal. (my previous worn out shoes were Asics)
    I would probably get the Saucony ProGrid Triumph 8 in black/pink:)

  6. I have been wanting the Kinvara's for awhile now.

  7. Twatted about the giveaway (love that I can use that term here lol).


  8. Follow your blog via Google Reader

  9. I currently am on my second pair of Brooks. So far I've had no issues so I'm sticking with them.
    Thanks for another awesome giveaway! :)

  10. I rotate between a pair of Saucony Kinvara's (trying to ease into minimalism) and a pair of Brooks Adrenaline (for long runs I still need the support).

  11. I'd really like to try a pair of Shadows!

  12. I would get the Kinvara's, I'm really curious and interested in this whole minimalist craze.

  13. Tennille WilliamsMay 26, 2011 at 7:27 AM

    I wear Saucony's now, I have the progrid omni 8 for the road and I have the Exodus for the trails, If I won I would probably get a new pair of the Progrid omni 9's :)

  14. Sauconys are the only brand I'll run in, right now I've got the ProGrid Triumph 7. They are TEH AWESOME, totally help keep my high arches in place, no more rolling in.

  15. "like", twat'd, FB'd, blogged....done.

  16. I already own a pair Saucony running but I've had them for over a year now and desperately need a new pair!

  17. I current wear both Brooks Adrenaline and Saucony Mirage - started rotating the Mirage in a couple of months ago to get use to a lower heal/toe ratio.

  18. I wear Asics now but mostly because I like the feel. Just what I've always worn!

  19. P.S. I would love to try the ProGrid Triumph 8!

  20. I would get the Kinvara without a doubt!

  21. I wear Mizuno Wave-Rider because I read they were good shoes for people who supinate.
    I like them a lot!

  22. I would get the Hattori's! Been waiting for them to come out!!

  23. I wear Nike Free 3.0. I did buy some Adidas Climacools recently. They aren't bad.

  24. Just posted a link on my blog.

  25. I really, really want to try the Saucony Hattoris. They look super light and fast

  26. I wear Asics Gel-Galaxy 4, because they were cheap :)

  27. I wear Sauconys Pro Grid Guide 3. Love them.

  28. I would choose my current shoe to buy with the gift card, Pro Grid Guide 3.

  29. I follow you on Google Reader

  30. I would defiantly get the progrid mirage.

  31. Linking your giveaway on my blog, under imaginary giveaways.

  32. I liked online shoes on Facebook! Told them that you're the bomb!

  33. I liked Online Shoes on FB - thanks for the great giveaway!

  34. I wear Saucony ProGrid Guide 4. I wear them bc the awesome employee at my local running store picked them out based on me being really flat footed and overpronating!

  35. I currently do most of my running in a pair of Saucony ProGrid Hurricanes.

  36. I'm wearing Nike Lunarglides (the original and the 2s but I don't like the 2s) also, Pearl iZumi Streak and Puma nightfox trail shoes and I picked them all because they are so pretty, I didn't even try them on. Ha ha, just kidding... they are pretty awesome looking shoes but they also work well for me (also we had a sweet hookup with Nike for a while).

  37. If I won, I'd go for the Kinvaras, I've been itching to try those out for a while!

  38. I would like to try the ProGrid Mirage..or any other minimilist shoe!

  39. I would get Saucony ProGrid™ Stabil CS 2 White/Grey/Blue.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I would get these in black!


  42. I would love to try either the ProGrid Mirage or Kinvara 2. I've never run in Saucony but have heard good things.

  43. I just woke up and did you just say twat? well, I don't twit or twat or twitter but I will fb this.

  44. I alternate between Saucony Guide 4s and Brooks Trance 10s. I wear them because that's what the running store people told me to wear.

  45. I currently wear Brooks Launch. and love them. I also wear Saucony Kinvaras but I worked my way into them a little fast so I was getting knee pain.

  46. Like Online Shoes and tod them you sent me.

  47. Saucony progrid ride 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. I already like them on facebook but I told them you sent me.

  49. I would either get the Guide 4s or try out some Kinvaras.

  50. I might get another pair of Kinvaras to try or a shoe that has less stability but more like the Launch. I also like the Nice shoe as a shoe to wear with it!!

  51. what I wear now . . . . saucony progrid ride 4.
    Creature of habit. and there's a "4" in it. sold.

  52. Liked ONShoes & told them SUAR sent me!

  53. I wear Nike Vomero 5. I used to wear mizino wave runner 6 but I got shin splints. Would like to try Saucony because it may help with my plantar faciatis.

  54. I FB'd the giveaway - yes that is legal.

  55. I linked your giveaway on my sidebar.

  56. oh, and told them you sent me. Gosh I hope I win!

  57. I already follow your blog and would follow you too... everywhere... well except maybe into a port-a-potty. :)

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  58. I currently wear Asics Gel-Speedstars, but Im dying to try the Saucony Hattori or ProGrid Kinvara!

  59. I would want to try the ProGrid Hurricane.

  60. I wear Mizuno Wave Creation 11s. They are the only ones I've found that don't destroy my feet.

    I have a pair of Sauconys that I really like too but they are a size too small.

  61. Already a follower - except I always spell it folloer!

  62. I currently wear Saucony Triumph 7s to replace my old Saucony's that they stopped making too making years ago to name. My current shows are okay, not great - the fit isn't perfect and I'm not sure what to do about it.

  63. I already wear Sauconys Triumph 6s and am due for a new pair which is why I really need to win this!

  64. I run in New Balance 759's as I run roads and trail

  65. I'm probably go for the ProGrid Kinvara's - I'm DYING to try a mimimalist shoe and see what all the crazies are talking about.

  66. If I won, I would get another pair of Triumphs since they are awesome and it's what I've been fitted for!

  67. I'm already a follower of your blog!

  68. I now stalk Online shoes on Facebook as well.

  69. I wear Saucony omni 8! Love them and how they allow me to run longer.

  70. I wear Saucony Kinvaras. Just bought a new pair, but they fit so perfectly they may not work for long runs when my feet swell... a new pair in a larger size would be perfect!

  71. I'm pretty sure I would get the Saucony ProGrid™ Stabil CS 2. The reviews look good.

  72. and I'm already one of your followers!

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. I added this to my sidebar

  75. I wear Brooks Adrenaline now because it's the shoe that both local running stores recommended for me. I'm on my second pair because I was happy with the first pair, but I've recently started getting blisters on my toes with long runs. One running store employee recommended going up another half size with my next pair because my foot probably swells more in the heat. I just hate to spend $100 on another pair only to find out that it doesn't fix the problem!

  76. I would get the Kinvara again, but in a half size larger than the pair I just bought.

  77. I need another pair of ProGrid Xodus 2.0. Love that black and pink!

  78. I have been wearing Saucony running shoes for 20 years- thru college, marriage, pregnancies, and now pushing 40 and getting stronger than ever (I hope!). Thank you, Beth for the laughs and inspiration!

  79. I like Online Shoes in Fb and told them you already chose me to win. ;-)

  80. I wear Nike Pegusus because when I went to the running store they fit well and felt good ;)

  81. Brooks fitted at local running store for my first pair. Bought my second and third pairs from online shoes!

  82. Oops some how I deleted my comment. I want Kinvara, and I now wear Asics, follower!

  83. I went to Online Shoes first but there are so many choices and I don't already wear Saucony so I don't know what to choose. So, I went to the Saucony website and used their shoe advisor, which put me in the ProGrid Hurricane 12 or ProGrid Omni 9. If I won I'd probably choose the ProGrid Omni 9 because it's a little lighter. I like that Online Shoes does free shipping and returns because it's a little scary to buy running shoes without trying them on at the running store!

  84. oh boo.. wish I liked them!

  85. I like the ProGrid trail shoes. I want to do more trail running.

  86. I would try the Saucony Grid Fastwitch 5 White/Black/Slime

    (well, I would love to try the women's Kinvara but I wear an 11.5 and it looks like Saucony does not make and 11.5, so I have to go with a men's shoe)

  87. I'd probably try Mizuno Wave® Alchemy™

  88. Brooks Adrenaline - they fit my feet really well - def need some more exciting colors, however....

  89. I like ONlineshoes on facebook

  90. I already and have (almost) always wore Sauconys. Currently my "everyday" pair are the Excusion, in fact the pair you pictured. Because I run everyday and need to keep the cost down and can often find that style on sale so I buy 2 pair. I use the ProGrid trail version for my long trail races. Why Saucony? I have tried others only to be disappointed in how much the shoe "felt" on my foot. When I am in my Sauconys I don't notice them. that's what I want. Something that protects my foot, makes up for my less than amazingly strong ankles and holds up long enough to get my money out of them. After running for over 20 years no other brand has done that for me.

  91. I currently wear Asics GEL-Kayanos because they are wide enough in the toe box

  92. Linked on you on FB in real life! shelly cable

  93. I facebooked

  94. I've been dying to try a pair on Kinvaras

  95. I like online shoes on facebook

  96. For some reason I am drawn to the Saucony Cambridge Charcoal/Red. Darn cute designs always draw me in.

  97. I'm a follower :)

  98. I shared this giveaway on facebook

  99. I tweeted about this giveaway

  100. I currently wear Mizuno Wave's because that was what the running store folks outfitted me in last time after a couple of test runs.

  101. I shared a link to this giveaway on my blog

  102. I wear the Saucony Ride 3 and the Asics Gel Pulse right now! I love Saucony Rides because they just are super comfortable and I feel like they give me a lot of support.

  103. I wear Asics GT-2160 because my local running store recommended them based on my stride

  104. I follow your blog because I'm cool like that.

  105. I'm a follower!

  106. I would either get the same pair I have now or I would really like to try a pair of the new kinvaras!

  107. I would get the Saucony Grid Excursion TR 5...I've been wanting some trail shoes and those look good!

  108. liked and commented on facebook!

  109. I've been wearing the Saucony Kinvaras, I love them. :) Previously I had been wearing spikeless nike XCs but wanted something a little thicker for marathon training.

  110. Were I to get another pair of Sauconys, I'd probably try out the new hattori, I wore my vibrams obsessively for shorter distances and I think I'd really love the hattori for 10k distances and trips to the gym.

  111. I wear 3 pairs of shoes in rotation, seems to help stave off injuries: Newton, Brooks Ravenna, Nike Free but I'm not particularly impressed with any of them.

  112. I wear Saucony Omni 9s, because that is what the running store guy said I should wear. At least they come in green!

  113. I currently use Brook Ravenna because my boyfriend broke up with me right before his birthday and Christmas so I returned his presents and used the money to buy new shoes. These were the ones I could afford that looked cool. I didn't know at the time I would use them to start running but I'm so glad I have them instead of the boy.

  114. I'd like to try the Saucony Kinvara.

  115. I would like to try out the new Ravenna 2s. They are supposed to be lighter than the Omnis, which are like wearing bricks. They got a really good review on Runner's World. I don't know what colors they come in, though.

  116. I wear the Nike Structure 14. I love them bc i pronate something fierce, and they offer great stability and breathe-ability!

  117. I was recently fitted in Boston and a Saucony Progrid Ride 3 is the shoe I would choose if I win :)

  118. I like on Facebook!

  119. I would probably get the Saucony ProGrid Omni 9 or Stabil CS 2 if i won!

  120. I blogged about the giveaway at

  121. Currently wear Asics GT 2060's. Have used the same kind for 11 years now. Would love to try out Saucony to see which ones would fit me in person- no idea by looking at their website! I already follow your blog and it's motivating and hilarious at the same time!

  122. I would get the Saucony ProGrid™ Peregrine Black/Aqua.

  123. I follow!

    And I currently wear New Balance 1225. I have been told from many sources that they are one of the best running shoes New Balance makes. Bonus: I live about 2mi from a New Balance outlet store so I got them for 50% off.

  124. I wear Saucony shoes right now! LOVE them!

  125. Tweeted about the giveaway as well.


  126. And I would get the Saucony ProGrid™ Ride 3 White/Navy/Light Blue

  127. I originally wore Brooks Defyance 4s because it was a perfect fit when I got fitted but now Im thinking about moving to the minimalist shoe, so I switched to Asics.

  128. If I won, I would want one of the Pro-Glides in black because even though I know you're not supposed to go on color, black running shoes just look badass in my opinion.

  129. I wear the Saucony Pro Grid Guide now - they were pink, and felt "right".

  130. ...and I would get them again if I won.

  131. I currently run in the Mizuno Rider. Its really light and springy and the old movel fit my food PERFECTLY. The new model.... not as much.

  132. woooot i am wearing my saucony kinvara's!!! I love them because my ITB stopped hurting with them

  133. this time I woudl get the kinvara progrid in bright orange!!

  134. I follow your wonderful blog.

  135. I sport Mizuno Wave Rider 13s. I need cush and these shoes have them. :)

  136. I would get the saucony Guide.

  137. Right now I'm mostly wearing a pair of Asics Gel-Phoenix 3... because I am poor and they were on sale at Nordstrom Rack. Plus, they are delightfully cushiony.

    Aaaand... if I won, I'd go with the Saucony Pro Grid Guide 4 because when I stalked Saucony on the running shoe finder on Runner's World (not that I read running shoe reviews as my primary entertainment or anything), they said that the Guide 4 has "a smooth, steady ride that our testers couldn't get enough of." It's perfect for me since I heel strike and feel the need to purchase more things and shoes to correct this than actually deal with correcting my form. Laziness perfected.

  138. I'm a follower. I Love Saucony ProGrid.. besides one of the few companies that allow me.. a woman who wheres a size 12 to have a PINK shoe! (Tired of having to buy mens in grey or black...) I would absolutely get another pair.. in baby blue this time...

  139. I wear saucony progrid 3's right now. I like them a lot, I go through shoes so fast! I def want more saucony's

  140. Like Online Shoes on Facebook

  141. I would get the Saucony ProGrid™ Kinvara 2. It would be awesome if I won because I really need some new shoes.

  142. I posted your giveaway on my blog

  143. I currently have a pair of Brooks Defyance (not sure on the number, 2?). I got these because I went to Fleet Feet and these were the pair that felt the best from the styles they recommended for me.

  144. I am wearing Asics gel 2160 because they have a wide toe box but they are wearing out. I have worn Saucony omni Pro grid in the past.

  145. I wear Brooks Ghost 3s for my long runs because so far, they are the ones that I notice "least" when I run. I wear Pearl iZUMi Streak for my shorter runs...because I think they make me faster :)

  146. Currently wearing the Nike Pegasus! They are a lightweight, neutral shoe that are helping me come back from injury! And, they look really badass.

  147. I think I'd pick the Saucony Hattori

    because umm they are cute

  148. Not sure which Saucony I would get- either Triumph, Kinvara or Mirage. I would demo them first at FleetFeet.
