Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Only Way to Live

Today could NOT have been a more perfect day for a long bike ride. It more than made up for my shitty (literally) long run of last week. You know those workouts where everything just falls into place? That was today.


Me, post-bike ride. I know. I need to have a bacon cheeseburger or something.

Ken and I set out at about 6:30 a.m. to get in a 2.5 hour ride. We’ve got the in-laws in town, so wanted to get it done early to leave time for some hearty sightseeing.

We rode the Boulder 70.3 loop then headed north to Lyons and up part of the St. Vrain Canyon.


I saw a deer antler on the side of the road, those fuzzy kind. Wanted to pick it up and put it in my bike scrotum (saddle bag), but it wouldn’t fit.

I wish I could express how gorgeous it was with clear skies, snow capped mountains and rushing white water. Sometimes I have to pinch myself that I live here. I am so glad that 18 years ago Ken and I took a risk, packed up our cars and drove west from Virginia for Colorado. No jobs, no place to live, no friends, no family. But, we made it ours and created a life here. Glad I did something that scared me back then – and glad I keep doing things that scare me now. It’s the only way to live beyotches!


This is actually the view from our back deck. Please come over anytime for a glass of wine and some mountains.

All in all it was 45 miles in 2:40. I’ll take it.

Do you live out of your comfort zone?

Hope you’re having a good Sunday too.



  1. Wow, that was the stuff they did in the Sixties! Just get up and go..... Looks like a gorgeous place to be without money, job and friends.... HA

  2. Having a good Sunday on today, my birthday! Post-run, there was bacon and toast, and more treats to come.

    Made a leap out of my comfort zone just this past week by submitting the final piece (writing samples) completing my application to grad school for writing, for a career that would likely be a step "back" in the terms of the world (money, prestige, etc.) but that speaks to my soul in a way my current techie career no longer does (it did, but that was a long time ago). Time to seek the joy!

    And of course my running takes me outside of my comfort zone - continuing to aim high (eventual BQ) and work hard, reminding myself to enjoy the journey and celebrate what I accomplish along the way.

    I'm really very lucky, and I know it, some days I even deeply feel it - and I am grateful.

  3. I had a day like that yesterday. Took a hike in Rocky Mountain National Park, and I kept thinking, "Holy crap! How did I ever get lucky enough to live here?" It completely made up for the sloppy trails.

    Now off to ride. Thanks for reminding me.

  4. Do you have a good set of hammer and nails? 'Cause I'm telling you now that I know I will not want to go back to Md. after coming out there. Please start building an addition for my family now.

  5. Oh my gosh! I'm contemplating doing that exact same thing right now! And I'm scared, I won't lie. You see, my boyfriend and I have finished up with school and we're trying to decide where we want to end up. Neither of us has a job nailed down and our lease ends in we are thinking we might just pick a place and go! Aaah! It's encouraging to know that you have done it and it worked out so wonderfully for you.

  6. Maybe a bacon DOUBLE cheeseburger ;-) I know it's hard to hold on to weight when you're training soooo hard, though. You look pretty dang lean AND strong!
    So wonderful when you have a 'click' workout…glad this ride was one :)

    As for scaring myself… I do that a lot :P but I am planning a contest entry that scares me…both the entry and the prize! Wish me luck :)

  7. Wow - incredible view! I packed up and moved from Detroit to Boston and then to our nation's capitol (where I am now) but the view out of my window is of someone else's brick wall (yay DC!). You are seriously tempting me to peace out and head West. Jealous!!

  8. I feel that way about Oregon too. I love getting out on the trails and running through the forest.

    As for doing scary stuff... I suck at it. I'm trying though. First scary thing? My first marathon in 1 week. Actually, this time next week I will hopefully be in the finishers area :)

  9. Shit, nice view. I'll be over once the in-laws live. French or California? White or Red? I don't drink so the whole bottle is yours.

    Living out of the comfort zone? I suppose so when it comes to the "sports". I think you have too. Maybe not in that Red-Bull-made-for-Fuel-TV-Evil-Kenevil-was-a-hack sort of way, but in a more measured "lets see what I'm ultimately made of" way. As cheesy as this sounds, life is too short, you need to live it.

  10. Just wanted to give you a big thank you today. I was (majorly?)lacking motivation today after I couldn't run due to breathing problems on Thursday. Yes, call me a pussy for my damn breathing problems on an 'air quality alert' day. I sulked yesterday (my supposed to be run day) and didn't go out. Then I reminded myself of the half marathon slowly approaching in August. My first half. But I just had a hard time lacing my shoes. It was one of those days. Muggy, gross outside when there are millions of things to do around the house that could give you a good excuse to stay in. 'Hey, relax it's Sunday! You have the next five days to work yourself into the ground building decks in the hot heat.' (Yes, a straight female contractor I am!!)But I dragged. I opened your blog and read a few old and new posts. Your kick-in-the-ass attitude and humor, including your tough mentality and run-at-all-costs motto slapped me straight. I saw you sitting in the chair watching the 10Kers go by and said, Oh, I love those days off when I feel... and then I trailed off instead of saying 'so accomplished and relaxed.' So I laced up my shoes and drove to the park.
    And I ran the fastest 5K I've ever ran in my life.
    Thank you for the heart to get me out and help me get a PR. By 30 seconds.

    -SMESS in Jersey

  11. Wow how beautiful. So happy you had such a great ride ;)

  12. SMESS - LOVE that story and that you got out there. Sometimes the toughest part is just lacing up the shoes and starting to run, one foot in front of the other. Ten times out of ten once you start running you keep going and you're glad you did when it's all over.

  13. That is a seriously nice view. Together with wine and your sassy outlook, you've created a very tempting destination. Alas, Boulder is an awfully long way to go for a glass of wine. My mountain view isn't quite that good, at least not right off, but I don't have far to go.

  14. Beautifulride! I recently moved from a smaller city that was close to the mountains and water to Seattle, where the mountains and water are still close, yet feel far away sometimes. The only thing at risk was my happiness and I have to say, I'm happy!

  15. I'm pretty sure I'll never look at my bike's saddle bag the same way ever again.....

  16. Can you send over some of that good mojo over here? Thanks.

  17. Doesn't get much better than Colorado!

    Great bike ride!

  18. Living out of my comfort zone:
    (1) running with scissors
    (2) unprotected sex (with myself)
    (3) jumping out of planes without a parachute (had a burlap bag in the main ... was a joke ... not very funny at the time)
    (4) started running without consulting my doctor
    (5) got married without a prenup (20 years on I'm still trying to find the marriage certificate - I thought there was as a save-5% coupon attached for something)

    I know ... i'm friggin right out of the safety zone

    Keep on Rockin Beth!

  19. Andrew: unprotected sex with self. Wow you do live on the edge. You should try that while running with scissors and licking a knife.

    You kill me.

  20. Awesome! I went on a long bike ride today too and it was amazing! Just an absolutely beautiful day for a ride!!

  21. bike scrotum

    I cannot stop laughing.

  22. Gorgeous views. I'd almost be prepared to take up cycling if we had views like that around here. But, alas, the closest I'll get to snow capped mountains here is the fungi covered dog turds in my back yard.

  23. Recently did a 3 hour zipline in Mass- totally out of my comfort zone- I completed it and my fear of heights.
    Lived in Lyons, CO for 20 years- that's an awesome canyon to ride..

  24. Congratulations on a STELLAR long ride! Nothing beats a GREAT workout where things fall perfectly into place!

  25. Very nice job on the ride. That is some excellent mileage and speed. Do you wear a HR monitor on these rides?

    By the way that view is ridiculous. I need to remind myself to stop and take pictures of what I see which is always farms with cow and horses and they are so peaceful. Although yesterday I scared one but luckily he did not chase me.

  26. You must have not had many pit stops- 45 miles in 2:40 is moving pretty good! Glad you took the chance in Colorado. We've wondered about Hawaii.... Now that would be a jump!

  27. WOW! My husband and I talk about packing up and moving out west all the time - taking that huge risk! I am so inspired that you did - it is gorgeous where you are!!!!!!!!! I am going to show him this post. We just need to do it and make a life for ourselves too. I am so scared to, but you've got me thinking about getting out there and making our dreams come true. Thanks!! :)

  28. Awesome, love days like that! Your pictures are wonderful and oh-so inspiring to me right now - I'm heading out to visit my sister in Denver this week and am excited to get out for a run or two while I'm there :)

  29. PS - still cracking up about the bike scrotum. Hysterical. AND, we live in baby sister did the big move to Colorado on her own last year and loves it there. Hubby and I talk about it sometimes, too, it's great to read about your leap (move?) of faith and how great it's been!!

  30. Looks like an awesome day for a long ride!

  31. I wish our roads were that nice for cycling. I am generally dodging potholes. LOVE the view from your back deck. Now I'm totally jealous.

  32. Love it! Sounds like your weekend was similar to ours, but you ride faster ;) And your crotch is stronger.

    Considering D & I basically did the EXACT same move (from the same place - no jobs, no place to live, no friends) - I can say YUP, I've lived outside of many comfort zones. But the scenery and Colorado morning you just described makes it all worth it.

  33. Beautiful... CO looks a lot like Utah.:)

  34. Great post, I do worry that I'm gettin' old and scared about taking new risks.....change is growth.
