Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sports Bras vs. Speedos

Check out this graphic posted on Running MP3. The information comes from the 2011 National Runners Survey and Running USA. Aside from the male/female component, it’s fun to see where you fit along the averages.

You could also call this graphic “thongs vs. jock straps,” or something like that if you wanted to spice it up.

There are no big shockers here. What’s missing? How many runners shop at Whole Foods/REI and make in excess of $1 million per year.

Anything surprising to you? I was surprised only 13.8% of women began running for weight reasons. I thought it would have been higher than that. I was also surprised the average person does about 8 races/events per year. That’s HIGH unless you’re obsessed like most of us.

Do you fit in with the averages? For the most part although I’ve only been running for 3 years and my favorite distance is the marathon.

What’s your favorite race distance?



  1. I think that 8 races is high as well. That is once every 1.5 months and I just don't see that unless everybody the spoke to writes a blog and thus is always racing.

  2. I say this a few weeks ago and apparently I am "special."

    A better graphic would be "Sports Bars vs. Speedos" but that's just me.

  3. This is probably about right since the polled participates are dedicated runners. Takes the hobby joggers and bucket-listers out of the survey.

  4. 8 races????? They poll had to be done in the south, us Northerners have a 4-5 month window to race

  5. I wish I made a million a year! How sweet would that be!

  6. I ran more than 8 races last year especially if you count obstacle course races, and multi-sport races. Favorite distance if the half marathon, short enough that I'm not dead for a month afterwards but still challenging enough that I can't just decide to do one last minute with no training. I don't spend more than $80 on shoes but I currently have 5 pairs in rotation and have had as many as 8, what can I say I'm a shoe whore, I blame runners world with their constant shoe reviews. I got into running for weight lose, 90+ lbs dropped some on the roads and trails, if anyone finds them please feel free to keep or donate to Lindsey Lohan. I keep running because its what drives me, motivates me and keeps me sane.

  7. Ohhhh I LOVE surveys!! I fit about perfect with it, a little younger, but close on everything else.

  8. In the south we have a 4-5 month window we are not boiling. :) I think 8 races is about right. Most everyone I know runs at least 1/month except the most brutal months of May through August (some of us keep going then as well). None of them are in the upper 1/3, it's more the local philanthropies that we are supporting then the Competitor series and the high cost associated with them. Oct, Nov, March and April we make up for the rest of the year, and October is cutting it close to getting out of the 90's. I prefer it hot, the cold is not my friend :D If we were rich, we'd be running more races, LOL! Costa Rica anyone?

  9. My husband will never believe that men buy more running shoes than women.

  10. I ran 12 races this year...that was my goal for 2011 and again for 2012...I race each month, distance varies.

  11. Wow! Good info.

    This just fired me up to run a half and plan for more races.

    I'm gargantuan compared to the average female runner... but then again I'm gargantuan compared to the average female. ;-)

  12. This is cool - I love infographics! But they should have titled it something different. Speedos make no sense and refer to swimmers ;)

  13. Hmmm, I dont recall seeing any sort of survey floating around to complete..?

    Did anyone else notice the lack of mention of ultra-running? I know some folks who definitely prefer really long distances.

    I'm actually shocked at the length of time running. Averaging 9 years for women? I suppose that can be skewed by some folks running upwards of 20 or 30 (or 50!) years..

  14. Everyone lies on should know that!

    Glad I don't fit in with "normal"-normal is so boring.

  15. Fun stats! I run more, race more, spend more, weigh more. :p

  16. i totally began running for weight - i had a wedding dress to fit into. of course after youre married you stop caring and start wearing jogging pants and scrunchies all the time... and then i got into running more for mental health.

  17. I wasn't particularly surprised by any of this, but I thought it was interesting that more women enjoyed the half, and more men enjoyed the full. That's about it.

    I agree with Jason... 8 or so races a year? Would like to know where they got that information. lol

  18. LOL... I never fit the mold.

    Some interesting info here, though.

  19. I try to do at least one event per month, but not always the same distance. The half is definitely my fave as well! And shoes... well, let's just say I'm above average with that. ;) Interesting stats!!

  20. 8 races seems pretty high to me! But overall like you said not many surprises here.

    My favorite distance to run is the marathon as well!

  21. Favorite race distance? Any one that I can finish. :)

  22. It's interesting that runners are pretty educated folks. It's also nice to see the average weight is nice and healthy for runners, unlike much of America.

    I love stats. I just eat 'em up! I wish they did sexual orientation, just for me. :)

  23. It's interesting that runners are pretty educated folks. It's also nice to see the average weight is nice and healthy for runners, unlike much of America.

    I love stats. I just eat 'em up! I wish they did sexual orientation, just for me. :)

  24. Wow, very neat post.

    I think it amazing that men spend just as much money as women on running attire. I feel like women have to purchase additional pieces than men - for example - sports bras. (and if the girls are large - so are the price tags)...

  25. I'm so unbelievably average you could have just put my picture on there!!
    Every single item was me - even the weight and height.

  26. I see a lot of people saying that 8 events is a lot. If those events are 5K races then that's probably not a lot. We have 25 race events through-out the year on our club calendar. Most are 5K, but there are 10K, marathons, and half marathons also. We usually always have 1 or 2 people in the club compete in every event. I ran 15 of those races last year plus a half marathon that wasn't on the list. Does that make me crazy?

  27. favorite distance is the marathon.....I dont run to lose weight (according to the "average" I'm an inch short and about 20 pounds too light)I run to escape.

  28. I'd like to know if most runners have A type personalities.

  29. 5k right now, since the most I've ever run so far is about 6.5 km!

  30. Um, yeah, I'm so NOT a typical runner: started at age 55 (to lose weight), have been running just under two years, did 8 races the first year and this year will have done 18 races after my end of year race on the 31st. I do fit the profile for how much I've spent (easily more than $100), shoes, and preferred distance--I love half marathons. Oh, and I don't earn a million, shop at Whole Foods, or write professionally!

  31. 10 K is my favorite - its still s,etching u have to train for and tests your endurance / speed. I started serious running at age 37 and have never looked back! Triathalon is next on my
    Iist for 2012!

  32. So comfortable, there is no break-in period. The only drawback is that the strap adjusters don't stay in place well. Great barely there bra
