Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Finally, Women Are Equal

I so love it when you guys think of me when you: a) take a dump, pass gas or have any other humiliating or entertaining experience involving bodily fluids, b) see a product or item that has to do with a bodily fluid (porto potty, portable toilet, ad for Depends on TV, whoopee cushion, you name it).

That’s why I loved getting an email from Jill yesterday saying, “This just reminded me of you.”


Don’t know what it is? Neither did I. At first I thought it was funnel for beer bongs. Or, perhaps a miniature vase in which one could deliver flowers. A fancy wine glass?

Heck no!! It’s a device to help women pee while standing up. Anywhere. Anytime. Discreetly.

“Simply put, GoGirl is the way to stand up to crowded, disgusting, distant or non-existent bathrooms.  It’s a female urination device (sometimes called a FUD) that allows you to urinate while standing up. It’s neat. It’s discreet. It’s hygienic.
GoGirl is easy to use.  Just lower your panties, and put GoGirl against your body, forming a seal.  Aim and, well, pee.  Pretty simple, huh?

GoGirl fits easily in your purse, pocket, or glove compartment. It’s a must for travel and sports. And it’s great for everyday––no more crouching over or trying to cover up an unsanitary public toilet.”

This opens up so many doors for us women. How many times have you been on a long car ride where the men in the vehicle pull out an empty soda bottle and relieve themselves, yet when you try to do the same, you are taunted. And, you make a mess. How many times have you been on a run and your male running partner barely has to slow his stride to whip it out and take a leak? Meanwhile, you are scouring the landscape for any bush or rock that will hide your bare ass when you drop trou and squat? Don’t even get me started on camping trips.

Heather from Minnesota was even able to avoid waiting in the long lines for the girl’s bathroom at a concert. She simply used her GoGirl in the men’s urinal!

“I was recently at a concert and of course having to use the restroom NEVER comes at a convenient time. I left my friends to use the restroom and arrived just in time to be number 463 in line to use the ladies room. As I was standing in line I realized that while there was a HUGE line for the ladies room, there was no wait for the men's room. Two girls were coming out of the men's room and joined me in line. I over heard them talking about how they cleverly tried using the men’s room but there were NO stalls only urinals. It suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks... I had a GoGirl my aunt had given me in my purse! I headed into the men’s room and used the go girl to go in the urinals!! I have never been SO excited and empowered.”


Finally, we are equal in the urinating department. I cannot believe it’s taken this long.

1920: Women earned the right to vote
2009: Women earned the right to pee standing up

I emailed GoGirl to see if they would send me a product to try and review. Waiting to hear back…

Now, if they could just come up with one that helps you crap while standing/running. That would really be something.

Can’t wait to try the urinal,



  1. Now that would be an interesting video....

  2. I've seen those! Not that brand, but a different one. I almost got one for this year's Great Lakes Relay, a 3-day, 270 mile relay race across northern Michigan, where the restrooms are very few and far between.

  3. It fits in your fuel box on your bike, too ;-)

  4. I've been thinking about these for my backpacking/hiking trips. Mostly, because I only seem to have to pee above treeline. Looking forward to your review!

  5. Haha - awesome! I can't wait to see if they let you review it!

  6. OMG - I can't wait for you to review this product! ha!

  7. BAHAHA!! I will be getting that for my next camping trips. I think of you when I see products like that too and every time I get in my car...because of the SUAR sticker.

  8. OMG - LOL - You are amazing at making me laugh!

  9. You know, I have to say that being a woman has never stopped me. I've been known to squat in quite a few places...hey, when you have to go, you have to go. But I have to say that this thing would make it so much easier...maybe...if only we didn't have to carry it around. :) And yes, I have many a memory of my cross country trips where the boys just pissed in a bottle. This would make that easier....maybe a bit awkward but easier. Thanks Beth...hoping they send you one to try could even run with it on one of your comeback runs...find a way to strap it to your running belt with your water. You might start something.

  10. If you get a free sample, I want demonstration pictures.

    The thing that I couldn't quite figure out was WHY it was on the top gift list for runners. Like are we suppose to carry it in a little Ziplock during a marathon?

  11. Adding this to my Christmas list NOW.

  12. THAT IS HILARIOUS! Is it disposable? What do you do with it when you are out on a run and have to use it right away? Does it have a carrying bag?

    SOOOOO MANY questions for this thing. Amazing that it took THIS long for someone to finally design a one size fits all, cure-all.

  13. OK Matty, here's what I found out. It's not meant to be disposible but to last a lifetime!! Wash with soap and water. Until you can clean it, you can store it in a little bag that is provided. They ask that you don't pee in the bag. I think it folds up pretty small. Maybe someone should invent a gogirl fuel belt. Great stocking stuffer for sure.

  14. They say it's hygienic? Not if you use it and then put it in your purse! Yuck!

    I knew a girl who could write her name in the snow like the boys, including crossing the "t" and dotting the "i" in Christine. It wasn't as cool as it sounds, though, as her footprints messed it up as she did it.

  15. I will look forward to seeing you ladies in the urinal stalls next to me.

  16. I saw a booth at a marathon expo for one of those! My very mature sister and I were rolling!! These people are super passionate about their product too. I was quite certain they would demonstrate if asked! I am REALLY hoping you get to review this!! I can't wait for that post (with pics?)

  17. is there

    a wiping device?

  18. With that and Depends, you'd be ready for any length run! Do you wear it aquajogging?

  19. Honestly this doesn't happen often but I'm at a loss for words.

    I need my brain to function in a way that I can create these types of things.

    The best I have so far is instead of stringed popcorn for the tree they make stringed GU chomps.

  20. I'm sure all the guys were freaking out when the "chick" came in and peed at the urinal with them. Nothing like everyone thinking you are a cross dresser at a concert haha

  21. They have these (albeit not a pretty version) at our local outdoors store. My husband's always thought that I should get one since I have the smallest bladder in the world...

  22. This is hilarious. I can just imagine some poor innocent bystander looking over and seeing you using this.

    Makes me giggle.

  23. Hey, I told you to google this when you posted a review of the Go Girl Sport skirt review! I knew this was right up your alley.

  24. We do allot of some of the women int he group have something similar (different company, same idea). We loving refer to them as the "urinators." :-)

  25. I have always been a bit envious of male design when we are camping. To me this and a lack of a third hand is a sure proof that god is a man not a woman.

  26. My office mates and I have been laughing at this all day! Thanks!

  27. you sure know how to make a man smile, now all I have to do is wait to see some-one use one...

  28. Wow that's pretty creative lol

  29. wait what??! you mean you dont actually have one of these? i thought they were created specifically for you and your long runs. weird.

  30. hahahaha! oh dear! any video demo from the makers? LOL!

  31. I think I just used one of those to top up a quart of oil this morning!

  32. What are you talking about?? Women have had the RIGHT to pee all over their legs forever :)

  33. What do you do with it when you've used it? Pack it up neatly in your purse or dispose of it?

  34. Char, you're supposed to put it back in its little bag until you get home. Or I guess you could throw it out.

  35. wow, that's right up their with the female condom! I wonder what sadistic man came up with the idea-lol.

  36. OH MY...that is all I have to say!

  37. this device really fit inside that container? i find the logo picture of the crossed legs and arms ironic. it says the opposite of go girl to me - it says no girl.

  38. OMG- I LOVE this! hahah TOOO funny. Can't wait to read the review!

  39. You've come a long way Baby!!!!!!!!!! HA

  40. I'm sure the guys in the bathroom were wondering what the hell was going on. Her's a girl in here and she's peeing standing up!

  41. I just love your blog. You say everything I am too inhibited to say! Can you just publish all of your posts in a book? That would really save me some time surfing to read all the past posts!

  42. bahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha!

    ive always wanted to pee standing up...... lol

  43. Everyone says "hahahahah"... I say, where can I buy one?

    I think this is genius! Another brilliant idea I let get away. Damn.

  44. Are you kidding me? It sounds really unsanitary. Carrying this thing around after use.

    And what happened to just squatting over the seat? Come on. Let's work those quads, for real. Folks are too lazy these days.

  45. That would have come in handy so many times this summer! And I love the pic of you in the bathing suit! that's great!

  46. I so want to see you whip this baby out of your race belt and pee on a bush mid-race.

  47. Hilarious! I'm looking forward to the review if you get GoGirl!

    They talked about this on the UK show Top Gear. Apparently their verison was supposed to be able pee standing up without anyone around you knowing. The ads mentioned peeing while standing in line to get into the club, while hiking, etc. The comments were so funny!

  48. Let us know how this actually works out. A girl gotta know!

  49. Hi there!
    woo hoo! our own vaginal funnel for urine!;-)

    now you just need to put the SUAR stamp on it and sell it on HSN!

  50. What is it made out of? My curiosity is definitely piqued.

    And as far as a device for shitting while standing or running... they call it a diaper! (I think a previous commenter already mentioned that... lol)

    Your write up is awesome... can't wait for the review!

  51. That is awesome. I can't wait to hear what they have to say. Even more interested in the review :)

  52. They've been using them across here in Europe for years, especially at music festivals. They are generally used in conjunction with these portable urinals. My daughter has one; I think the brand name is SheePee.

  53. This is sumpthin’ special.

    I love that even though 'Heather' had to go SO bad…she still took the time to count ALL 462 people in front of her in the line at that concert for accuracy.

    You just don’t find dedication like that anymore.

  54. Wow now I've seen everything!!

  55. Good for poorly endowed guys too.... Just sayin
