Monday, November 22, 2010

$5 Cold Showers

I was thinking about Haikus today. Those 17 syllable forms of Asian poetry. I had 100 miles to drive for work (no, I’m not a long haul trucker, but that would be cool. I’ve always wanted to sleep in the cab and have those sexy girl mud flaps), so I came up with some ditties while on the road.  

Caressing my breast
   She did it oh so quickly
           I’m in airport security again

It felt like a fart
    No porta potty needed
          Time to change my shorts

Long haul truck drivers
     Starved for sleep and affection
              $5 buck cold showers

What’s your best haiku? The structure is 5 syllables – 7 syllables – 5 syllables. No subject is off limits.       

Getting creative due to boredom,



  1. Off the cuff while on my lunch break and running related.

    Ran the trails again
    Left me wanting more now
    Just need to find time

    Prefer runs to work
    Shame I don't get paid to run
    But running is rich

  2. Ouch, my tummy hurts
    Gastrointestinal glum
    Why did I eat that?

    Blisters dot my feet
    Mountains of liquid until...
    they burst, then craters.

  3. Not to challenge your creative juices... but how is " $5 cold showers at Citgo" 5 syllables? I hope I am not giving you bad flashbacks to 4th grade.

    I don't like to write
    in the format provided
    This is all I've got.


  4. i did a haiku a few weeks ago as an ode to my long run hahah!

    yours are way better than mine butttttt

    my muscles hurt lots
    need to search for a hot boy
    to soothe aches and pains

    i am so boy crazy right now hahahha

  5. Shut Up and Run Beth
    You've got to be kidding me
    Poem about farts?

  6. Marlene, ack you are so right. Had to change it up.

    Kovas - told you I was bored

  7. waiting patiently
    registration opens up
    here I come IMAZ!

    He he..if you understand my haiku, you're the first one to know! Watch for a blog post soon! :)

  8. So when is Vegas,
    This trip you keep promising,
    I want to go NOW.

  9. Running in Water,
    Crapping in Hollowed-out Trees,
    Boston Glory Bound.

  10. This is fun:

    Training Can Be Fun
    When You Reach The Finish Line
    And Look Back At It

    The Acid Creeps Up
    The Sweat Pours Down Your Forehead
    Get Across The Line

    Can I Go Further
    Is My Body Shutting Down
    Am I Finished Yet

  11. We're off on the go,
    Nerves, sweat, doubts, pain, persevere
    Into the finish.

  12. LOL! I started following your blog! I can tell it will be entertaining! :)

  13. I talk to myself
    Alter Ego is his name
    That Guy drives me nuts

    Thanx for the sticker
    Shut Up and Run your blog rocks
    Hope the right postage

  14. Sticker came today
    Perfect timing after half
    I shut up and ran!

    Thank you so much!

  15. Sit at computer
    Reading far too many blogs
    Should probably run.

  16. Thank you for the gift
    Sticker for my Subaru
    Outback on the run

  17. My house is a mess
    all 4 kids want to be fed
    but yet here I sit.

    Oh wait, don't you work for child services? Maybe I shouldn't have written that one.

  18. Playing Barbie Dolls
    Just put up my first bloggy
    Giveaway last night!

  19. Bloody cold outside
    Slippery sidewalks out there
    Wanting summer now.

  20. Your blog is funny.
    Sometimes I pee my panties.
    I wish I wouldn't.


  21. talk through all my runs
    not the ones on the toilet
    helps me get it done

    three digits now black
    two thirteens in seven days
    wish my nails were white

  22. this is a cute idea but i'm still stupid from the marathon yesterday!!!

  23. The first two I wrote were 7-5-7 cause I'm awesome.. lol

  24. Not long enough to come up with a haiku (waiting for printer to finish at work) but dude, I used think it would be cool to be a long haul trucker too when I was little. I wanted to have husbands and families at each end of the line!

  25. Week of giving thanks
    To you I also give Praise
    Your sticker is great

    Haikus aside, I just received your sweet sticker in the mail and wanted to say thank you so much! I now have to decide where I want to put it... I'm thinking on a gym/running water bottle. So happy I was one of the 150 to get it.
    Also, I was just out at a family brunch yesterday and my mom was talking/making fun of the Victoria's Secret Miracle bra and I immediately pulled out my phone to read her your post on it! She definitely got a kick out of it and the F Cup Cookies.
    Always Appropriate,

  26. Just got your sticker in the mail. Made my day! Putting it on my car.
    Too tired to write a Haiku but thoroughly enjoyed reading yours and everyone else's.

  27. Both of these are copyrighted by me and published elsewhere (hey, I wrote for a living):

    A haiku is more
    Than seventeen syllables
    written in three lines.

    [And a serious one]

    Haralson apples
    Windfalls ruddy-cheeked and raw
    Glazed with autumn rain.

  28. frozen to the core
    crunchy snow under my feet
    still beats the treadmill

    Love this post... comments are great too!

  29. Cold dark snowy night
    dreaming of shut up and run
    in my arms I wish
