Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dreadlocks and Butt Cracks

I loved the Michael Franti and Spearhead show. They have great energy, not to mention a feel-good mission of spreading hope, peace and equality.

Boulder embraces this sort of positivity. Everyone should love one another and recycle and eat organic and all would be well with the world. While I’m a fan of all of it, I find it ironic that these are the very same people who will run your ass over or call you a douche if you get in their way. Some woman nearly took me out trying to get her son closer to the stage. Where’s the peace, love and harmony then?

Shopping at Whole Foods is always this way for me too. Shoppers flock to the store to buy healthy food and to love the planet and their fellow man.  Yet, I can’t tell you how many times people have stolen my cart right out from under me or cut in front of me in line just to buy their wheatgrass first.

Back to Michael Franti, or “MF” as I like to call him. Pre-show he was lingering around the event center floor, saying “hi” to all the breast feeding mamas and their babies (when the teat was out of their mouths). This was a matinee show and therefore very family friendly. The slings and Baby Bjorns were out in full force. MF strutted around much like he was taking a leisurely walk on the beach – barefooted with dreadlocks gracefully flowing behind him. I managed to get pretty close to MF, even though he didn’t realize it. Yes, I’m wearing my “I run for wine” shirt. Because I do (water) run for wine. Here I am pinching MF’s ass:


You can tell he likes it:


Here’s where I’m copping a feel from behind. He had to take a moment to pause for that one:


Being so close to MF, I realized that the dreadlocks smelled kind of like dirt. Emma said, “I saw his butt crack!” And she did. He had been sitting on the floor talking to a baby and got up. His little sweat pants got tugged down a bit, thereby revealing the crack. No shoes, no underwear. No deodorant too. Au naturel the whole way.

If you haven’t seen MF in concert, you should. As Ken commented, “He really likes jumping!” Every song required the audience to jump up and down and wave hands in the air. I tried not to jump on the bad hip. At one point I was holding Emma on my good hip (c’mon she’s only 9 and weighs a mere 70 lbs.) and trying to jump. I don’t think my doctor would have approved.

I went to the concert knowing MF’s bigger hits (“Sound of Sunshine” and “Say Hey”), but I left loving several more of his songs, including “Hey, Hey, Hey” and “I Got Love For You”.

I am a total sucker for tunes with upbeat, positive and loving lyrics. The dude puts on a great show and you pretty much smile the whole time. And, they didn’t even sell alcohol, so you can’t blame my smiling face on the beer.

Despite yesterday’s jumping, the hip is feeling pretty good today. I took another day off from water running, but will resume tomorrow to see how it feels. I got a bit discouraged with this slight setback, but am keeping my eye on the prize.

Running: January 1st, 2011
Boston Marathon: April 18, 2011

"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." ~Michael Jordan~

Climbing that wall,



  1. Ha ha...those pics of you and MF are hilarious!! It sounds like you had an awesome time! Yay!
    I'm glad your hip is feeling a little better. I think taking some days off was probably for the better!

  2. He liked it:) Glad your hip is feeling a little better! Loved the quote at the end, so true.

  3. Au natural...that's just gross, uch and unacceptable. I sweat like a pig and cannot stand my own BO much less anyone else's!!!

    Gotta admit though, pretty funny photo's and comments. Have a great week...maybe get some of those nose squeeze/plug things and shake up that water a little porpoise stuff once in awhile to shake up the posse!!

  4. You are hilarious. And I think clean dreads don't smell. Just the nasty ones.

  5. hahahah I love the MF photos! Too funny!
    So glad you loved the show and became a bigger fan. I definitely had a perma smile on my face when I saw him- alcohol may have been involved.(only a little bit!)

  6. Cool photos! I'm surprised that security didn't stop you with all of the inappropriate touching going on :)

    Only a couple more weeks of water running for you! Yay to starting new on Jan. 1!!

  7. ha! Love the pics! Au Nat-u-ral smells too ripe for me! Mix in some suds with those dreads!

  8. he clearly wanted it in those pics. love it. totally sounds like you had an absolute blast at the show. totally worth the doctor not approving of the jumping. however, since the game plan is for ME to be a doctor someday, i can give you a thumbs up :)

  9. Once again, well worth my quick visit to Blog Land today! Too funny. I got my SUAR sticker today! Glad your hip is feeling a bit better!

  10. Glad to hear that your hip is feeling better!! I love Michael Franti. He's all over my running playlists. Funny pics, thanks for sharing!

  11. I love Michael franti!! His music rocks!!!!!

  12. Those pictures are hilarious! Hope you are healing well!

  13. Fun times with the family. Yes I love the Boulderites as well (I use to live in Erie). I just have to remember not to drive my SUV there or be ready to dodge the Bricks through the window. Glad you had fun at the show, more glad you are healing. Back to running in no time.

  14. Awesome photos.

    Glad to hear you are mentally bouncing back from the setback. I just watched the video again, and it speaks so many truths and gives me goose bumps.

  15. haha, nice stalker moves. I love MF too! His music is so upbeat, great for running (water or dryland). ;)

  16. So to sum up, it may sound like sunshine but it smells like dirt.
    Sounds like fun!

  17. You're on a first name basis with so many famous people! MF AND DK! I feel like I kind-of brush elbows with them through your blog ;O
    Glad the hip is feeling better!

  18. I finished reading Meb's "Run to Overcome" yesterday and thought of you - he talks about how boring aqua jogging is, and how he keeps in touch with some of the senior ladies from his days of water running. :)

  19. If you ever get a chance and it's still being held, Sunsplash on Catalina Island is a reggae festival not to be missed. No one pushing there, just good vibes.

  20. Are you sure you had no beer? That looked like a fun time.

  21. cute pics...and butt cracks and BO, sounds lovely!

  22. I'm either too old or too young to know who the crap this guy is. Or, maybe I like giving mother earth a kidney punch too much when I throw my trash out the car window.

  23. Upbeat, positive, and smiling is always good! Glad you enjoyed your feelskie. Keep your chin up and hope the dreaded water class goes well! :-)

  24. His music always gets me moving! Glad you enjoyed the concert, buttcrack n' all!

  25. You like positive upbeat and loving lyrics, but you also like the Housemartins ("Don't shoot someone tomorrow you can shoot today") and the Ramones ("Beat on the brat...")!

    I think if you'd groped Spearhead, the photos would be different.

  26. Just got my SUAR bumper sticker.Love it! Thank you!

  27. hahaha! Those pictures are hilarious!! He's completely oblivious!! lol

  28. I want my SUAR sticker. Where and when can we buy them? :)

  29. ha! Love the pics! Au Nat-u-ral smells too ripe for me! Mix in some suds with those dreads!
