Friday, November 26, 2010

It Got Messy in the Back Seat

I drove by this sign in front of  local church several times last week on my way to the pool. Each time I thought, “What is wrong with these church going folk? Can’t they spell?”


Sometimes I’m kind of dense that way.

Then there was the sweet potato casserole that slid all over the seat as we went over the river and through the woods to Aunt Jen’s house:




I might have said a few choice words beginning with F and ending with K.  You know – fartlek and Frank.

No, I did not scoop it up and put it back in the dish. But, Ken told everyone I did, so when I asked Emma to eat her sweet potatoes at dinner, she said, “OK. I’ll take one more bite of the car seat, mom.

Overall – great day of appletinis, brie en croute, spanikopita, grilled turkey, mashed potatoes with smoked gouda and Grandma Ball’s stuffing (which does not have balls in it). And car seat casserole.

That said, I’m going to throw that thankful shit out the window for a minute. Bear with me.

My hip hurts. Again. Sharp pain at the site of the fracture when I walk. I have been walking pain-free for weeks now, so no clue what is up with that. The only thing I have done differently: today my water running was 47 minutes of steady running vs. my usual 40 minutes of intervals. Maybe that stressed the already stressed stress fracture.

Let me say something about steady water running  for 47 minutes. This is by far the hardest mental workout I've done to date in the pool. Even when I was a baby and my mom threw me in the deep end to sink or swim.

47 minutes of running circles in the deep end.  So much tougher than intervals, because you have nothing to break up the time. I had to close my eyes and visualize some of my favorite running routes try to block out the smell of chlorine and the echoey walls of the pool. Dissociation was my friend. And, it actually worked. Again, the mind is a very powerful thing.

I’m pissed about the pain. I have been following the rules. I have been a good girl. Yet, this is a setback. I suppose those are to be expected. My thinking tends to be very all or nothing. When I get discouraged it’s hard for me to see it as temporary. I go to the worst case scenario. Being able to work out every day has saved my sanity. I hate that I might have to pull back.

I have gone back to the dreaded one-crutch. At least for today. Maybe staying off of it and not working out for a couple of days will be the ticket.

To top it off, my inbox has been filled with junk emails selling hip replacements. Not funny. Guess it’s better than penile dysfunction or something.

Going to see Michael Franti tomorrow. That makes me happy. Maybe he will see the crutch and single me out to dance with him on the stage, crutch style.

A cyber friend, David, sent me this video. It’s a good reminder that we usually have setbacks and failures and challenges before we have successes. It contains one of the best quotes ever: “If you’ve never failed, you’ve never lived.” Take 1:17 to watch it. And take some inspiration from it. I did.


PS: If you emailed me for a sticker and have not yet gotten it, let me know. I sent them all out, or so I thought, but might have missed someone.


  1. I hope it's nothing as well, keep your spirits up if you can.

  2. I love my sweet potatoes with a slight taste of carseat!

    FINGERS CROSSED that the pain is nothing to worry about. FXFXFXFXFXFX

  3. I think the carseat casserole should become a SUAR tradition...definitely beats ball-less stuffing.

    Boo to the pain! give it a rest and see if it helps. Continued healing vibes coming your way!

  4. Carseat Casserole...has a nice ring to it. Sorry to hear about the hip! Maybe it's just reacting to the extra pool time and will hopefully rebuild and heal up even stronger than before.

  5. Thinking of you Beth! I've been dealing with an all-too-familiar shin pain that has meant stress fracture in the past. Hugs to you and your pool running and hoping your healing continues!

  6. Very sorry about your hip. I can say that the Michael Franti show will be awesome! Saw him last year and loooved it. So at least that will be something fun!

  7. Bummer about the hip, but on the positive side, it is not penile dysfunction

  8. I am sorry to hear about your hip, I will pray for your recovery!! Even though your casserole got all over your car it looks delicious.

    I absolutely love your blog!

  9. Hope it's absolutely nothing. I had a tibial stress fracture years ago and I can remember a bit of phantom pain towards the end of the healing process. I hope this is the case with yours. Sending you positive vibes!

    Love Michael Franti.

  10. Fabulous Video! Thank you. Funny you used the word fartlek today...that is what my post today is about. My husband hates that word. I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling more pain in your hip. Keep on keepin''re an inpiration to all of us Beth.

  11. sending MUCHO positive thoughts your way lady! and i haven't gotten my sticker yet but with the holiday i might not get it for another day or two

  12. Ahh bummer about the hip. I'm sure it will be all good.
    And what is with all the spam on my junk. I don't need any help quit asking and sending your crap. I'm 45 going on 19 in that department, thanks for caring.

  13. Reading the title of this post, I really thought you were going a whole different direction - imagine my surprise when there really was a mess in the back seat of your car... :P
    SO sorry to hear about the hip. *fingers crossed* it's a phantom pain.

  14. Dang about the hip, hope it's just a blip. I'm overly interested in the car seat casserole. I think I need to get OUT of the house.

  15. Sorry to hear about the reoccuring hip pain. Something to cheer you up: I got my suar sticker! It's awesome. I will prolly post about it it's that awesome. Feel better!

  16. Sorry to hear you're still injured, sending you get well wishes!

    Thanks for the sticker, it arrived yesterday! :-)

  17. Can't blame you for being pissed off. I think I'd want to take that crutch and break something with it.

  18. I seem to remember this (pain you're describing) as being a part of the healing process. Only your doc knows for sure (well, more likely his radiologist) but from what I remember, that is a very typical pain from pelvic stress fractures about a month or so into the healing process. And, from what I remember, it won't be the last time. Pelvic fractures are really a different animal. CHeck with your doc, but this sounds pretty much par for the course. Hoping for good news for you.

  19. THat would happen to me too... atleast the seats are leather and easy to clean??? :)

  20. I didn't know about the pain returning. We'll talk tomorrow. I got my bumper sticker, now I want some cassarole. Please smear it on a piece of paper, fold it in half and mail it across the country. I'll lick it and think of you.

  21. excellent video...

    lovin' the carseat casserole... that's some tasty stuff!

    prayin' that the hip pain is temporary and only a very minor setback.

  22. Thank God for leather seats! Your posts never disappoint. I always start bellering when I read them.

    OK-I wouldn't fret too much over the hip just yet. Mid August after I had been off crutches for awhile I all of a sudden got pain right back in the fracture site. In fact, we were on vacation and it was bad enough that I wanted to rent crutches. I was having trouble even walking but I took it easy for a week, it went away and 2 weeks later I began running. I think you do often experience a pain sensation during the healing process. It happened to me more than once and led to EXTREME panic but turned out to be nothing major. You will notice it when you start running again too but I think you will have an intuition that helps you determine how to deal with it. Really, give it a couple of of days! I know how hard that is...You can do it Beth! 20 weeks till Boston....

  23. Oh...I'm so sorry you're having hip pain again! I know it's hard, but try not to worry about it too much. I'm sure it will all be fine.

  24. Starts with F, ends with K. If the hip really is more of a problem, or not at all, it sucks to have to worry about it in the first place. Those roads will be so sweet once you get back on em. Good thoughts your way! Keep on, keepin on.

  25. Praying that your hip pain is temporary. I have my SUAR sticker on my car and LOVE it!!!!

  26. Sorry about your pain! Hopefully, a rest and temporary use of the crutch will help! All of the good thoughts directed to you from your followers must help too. Hang in there!!

  27. Michale Franti will take away all your pain! He opened for John Mayer in Toronto on Valentine's Day and I fell in love. I was dancing and singing along in the aisles and couldn't believe he was just the opener! Your hips will love it. Have an amazing time!

  28. Sorry to hear about your hip. Here's hoping it is only a temporary thing. But I think that is normal. When I had my hip stress fracture..I "felt" it for about a year, although mine was in a different spot. Hang in there, you will be back on the road in no time.

  29. Considering how often poop makes it into your stories, I have a feeling someday there's going to be a post here where someone looking at the back seat of your car says "I sure hope that's sweet potatoes."

    I have 4 different versions of Franti singing "Sound of Sunshine." The one with Spearhead's the best. Should be a great concert.

  30. Great job in the pool, sucks about the set back. Video link was awesome, thanks!

  31. What Jen said. I've had that a lot. In fact, for a while after I was healed I would get random pain twinges that would go away. Really, pain sometimes is random and it means healing. Don't fret:)

  32. Sorry about your hip pain. Hopefully the one crutch will work.

    Great video! Thanks for sharing. I've got to show it to my kids.

    Winks & Smiles,

  33. When I was injured this May, I kept telling myself, "Beth recovered from her foot injury and is doing awesome! I will get through this." I know you will get there and kick Boston's butt. It's just a frustrating ride. :(

  34. Thank you so much Beth for the sticker! I LOVE it! :D I put it right up on my running/achievements board :)

  35. Bleh - that really sucks. A lot. Hopefully it is just a blip on the radar.

  36. Ohh noooo the hip! But you've been so good about it?! I hope it's feeling better this week, I really really do. I can't make a flash mob in Boston without you. Nope, I won't do it.

  37. This is embarrassing, but in the interest of full disclosure and potentially amusing you through your hip pain, i just spend an EMBARRASSING amount of time contemplating that sign and trying to figure out why you felt "dense". Oh dear...

    (Don't worry, I get it now!)
