Friday, July 29, 2011

Dead Camels

A day of perfection was kicked off with a “delicious” (I love how people use that adjective not to describe food so I thought I’d try it, feels weird) 7 mile, 60 minute run.  It got me in the best possible mind space for the day. Cool air, quick turnover, feeling strong.

Emma and I set off for Denver.  I couldn’t resist taking this picture because by this time next year she will hate me and that doll and we’ll be fighting about how much make-up she is not allowed to wear. I’ll hold onto these moments:


First stop, the zoo. We saw some dead camels. or maybe they were just laying down, but I’ve never seen a camel lie down before so I alerted the zoo officials that they were dead, just because it was my civic duty. I also screamed “DEAD CAMELS!” in front of the crowd of little kids at the exhibit. I did not, however, see even one camel toe on  a human. Just the one on the dead animal’s foot.


In the Lorakeet (kind of like a Parakeet) feeding area, a reader, Malisa, recognized me and said, “Hey Shut Up and Run!” That was pretty cool. I don’t know how she knew it was me, I was not wearing a SUAR shirt and my shorts were clean. Maybe it was the temporary SUAR tattoo I had on my forehead. Hello fine reader!

Meanwhile, Ken and Sam were off on their own little adventure climbing two, yes two, 14,000 foot mountains, Grays and Torreys. It was a five hour pretty strenuous trip. Here is Sam taking a piss. I love this picture for obvious reasons. No, he did not crap his pants, he slid down some dirt, but I like to think it is my role model status as a pants crapper that came into play here.



My boys at the top of one of the peaks. It was a tough ass climb. I am proud of Sam. He is showing some real endurance and perseverance at the ripe age of 13. Ken does pretty well at the ripe age of 45, too.


Meanwhile, Emma and I headed to the American Girl Store. She’s not big into these dolls and doesn’t own any, but we wanted to see what all the hoopla was about. We both found it a bit creepy. Cute, but creepy. You can bring in your dolls to a hair salon there. It freaked me out. The dolls sit in little chairs and get hair styles. It costs like $15 per doll. Imagine going on a date and being asked what you do for a living – “Oh I am a hair stylist for dolls.”


And who knew a doll could ride a contraption like this?


We stopped at Yogurtland, which has just become my new all time favorite place. I mean what’s not to like about a squirt of yogurt topped with 5 pounds of candy and brownies? I know, Janae has been telling me this forever and now I get it!

Our last errand was to “TriBella” the coolest tri store in Denver. I talked to James, the bike mechanic about fueling on the bike. His suggestion was two Honey Stinger Waffles glued together with a fine schmear of peanut butter. I am ALL OVER THAT.

Now it is time for some Chipotle and wine (Cupcake Chardonnay anyone?)

Any plans this weekend? We are going to the parade that kicks off the Boulder County Fair tomorrow. Nothing like a small town parade to get your juices flowing. Sunday we have our last brick – probably 2:15 hour bike ride and 45 minute run. Stingers and PB here I come!

Happy weekend!



  1. I could totally have that job! The last time I played with my 5 year old niece I turned into the My Little Pony hairdresser. I'm wicked awesome at braids and stuff. :)

    This weekend? Work. And it's a long weekend. Yeah, money! (insert sarcasm here). At least I get to watch the fireworks Saturday night. Next weekend though? Warrior Dash in Whistler with 16 of my running friends! No kids! Yay!

    1. All is great but I also suggest try to go with hair transplant in dubai was really amazing treatment and stuff :)

  2. just checked out Cupcake Vineyards and they make a Moscato (our all time favorite wine)!! I'm so excited - gunna order me some!! And we're testing our stinger waffles in the morning on our "delectable" 8 mile run.

  3. My 9-year old has a couple of those dolls who could use a trip to that hair salon :P

    Sounds like a really nice day for mom and daughter :)

    This weekend I hope to get out of the house early enough to cheer on the runners at the SF Marathon and then after, go to the local Kite Festival.

  4. I hope you loved your trip to the zoo and the creepy doll store. My favorite wine is Cupcakes Riesling (YUM!)

    Hoping to get out on a 60 mile bike ride this weekend if I can kick this stupid summer cold.

  5. Stinger Waffles & PB - now that is genius!

    OHHHH you are tormenting me with the Yogurtland pic. We don't have places like that around here and I WANT WANT WANT!

    Glad you had a great girls' day with Emma!

  6. I am going to have to try those Honey Stinger Waffles soon. They sound so good!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Plans? Volunteer at 70.3 T2.
    Mow the lawn-jungle.
    Ride and run.
    Drink wine.

  9. Seriously -- hair stylists for dolls? How do you put that on your resume let alone your date to describe what you do? Odd!

    Did LBS dude mention any issues with that HSW sandwich in terms of melting b/c of heat or is it only in Texas that we deal with 1,000,000,000* temps?

  10. You are seriously the funniest! And if I were going to crap my pants then I would want to do it as cool as you as well!

  11. I love everything about this day: I ache to climb a few 14ers. In college I spent my summers in buena vista guiding on the Arkansas, and loved the collegiates on my off days. And I still have my AG doll. My 4 yo tried to steal it, but ended up breaking a few of her accessories, and I reverted back to my 7 yo self and took them all away. Then I remembered that I am a mom now, and bought my 4 yo and AG baby for Christmas. In the past 7 mos my girl has decoded she's ready for a "doll like mommy's" and is hoping for an AG doll "with hair" for next Christmas. (I'm sure all that info was vital to you getting through the day.)

  12. Ok. That doll on the scooter is CREEPY looking!!

    I'm actually heading up for some 14ers this weekend myself! Bierstadt and Evans although I've done those before--we're attacking the Sawtooth ridge in between. So excited! :)

  13. Your idea of girl bonding sounds like so much fun. What's not to like about zoos, shopping yoghurt and dolls?!

  14. Honey stinger waffles with PB? You just blew my mind. Thanks.

  15. Uh no I've never seen a camel on the ground like that! LOL! $15 to do the dolls hair? Sounds like you had an awesome day. What a great mom you are! Esp to take a butt shot of your son. :) 1 week to go!

  16. Honey Stinger Waffles with PB????

    I think I just had an orgasm...

  17. This is a very good look for me, is to admit that you are one of the most powerful blogger I've ever saw.Thanks publication of this informative article.

  18. there used to be some old dude on PBS who would talk about child development...super creepy. Anyway, when a viewer called in with a question about potty training her two year old and described some quirky poop event where the kid pooped in a trash can or something like that, that creeper old man actually said, "Oh my, that's just delicious!" Needless to say, my hubby and I never forgot that one, and use the expression often to describe particularly noteworthy poo poos.

  19. I am said reader who saw you at the zoo. I would guess that 98% of your posts include a photo of you, duh?! Recovering from a hip injury!!! Almost pee'd myself when I saw you in the bathroom later in the day!

  20. When you title a post like this, you need to include much more information about camel toes. Please.

  21. Hey Malisa - so great to see/meet you!! Yes, I guess I do post a lot of self photos, but I never think people will know it's me out of the context of the blog. Perfect that you saw me in the bathroom!

  22. RTP: I don't think you wanted me to talk about "Dead Camel Toes" that would be gross. I wish I had more to offer. There just weren't that many ladies in spandex or tight jeans at the zoo.

  23. Just laughed out loud...I'm actually kinda disappointed I didn't go into the American Girl store in NYC a month ago...passed right by it. Apparently there is a restaurant inside it!

  24. I'm all over Yogurtland... amazing stuff! :-)

  25. oooh, i want a doll hairstylist job! I'm no good with my own or daughter's hair, but dolls would be so much more cooperative! Too bad we don't have a store like that near here... ;-)

  26. My 13 year old asked for American Doll clothes (for her doll) for her 11th birthday. although i knew she'd hardly use them anymore, i figured we should encourage caring about dolls for as long as possible. Now at 13 she refuses to give away her Polly Pockets "yet". Someone even offered to buy them!
    This weekend was dedicated to Sat: school supply shopping and Sun" take kids to airport to fly to camp Grandma! The party starts at 4:30pm. :)

  27. Shit, that doll place is creepy to the max. Cree. Pee.
    Great shot of Sam. I guess white shorts were a bad choice. I would have thought he'd learned that from you by now.

  28. Your blog needs some kind of warning!

    I just spit coffee all over my mac..."DEAD CAMELS"

    I'm just saying...

    thanks for the laugh

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  31. I am going to have to try those Honey Stinger Waffles soon. They sound so good!

  32. In any event I get the chance to watch the firecrackers Saturday night. One weekend from now however? Warrior Dash in Whistler with 16 of my running companions! No children! Great..

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